Cane or ECV


Earning My Ears
Feb 26, 2007
I have MS and sometimes have difficulty with my left leg going numb, feeling like it is burning, or just having the feeling of dead weight. When this happens, I usually use a cane for extra support. We are planning on going to Disney World (husband and I) the last of May and first of June for 7 days. Should I rely on my cane just in case my left leg acts up or should I rent an ECV to get around the parks? From what I have already read, it is better to rent an ECV than rely on the parks having one available for use. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! :goodvibes
Renting is an option, I've seen the company dropping them off at Boardwalk. But, they do have wheelchairs available if someone is able to push it, plus, you get to go to the head of the line. :woohoo:
My dad has a prosthetic leg and has trouble walking for an extended amount of time. He rented an ECV from a company in Orlando (Scooter rentals) until he got his own. There was too much walking getting to and into the parks for him. It's less expensive to rent them off property and you are assurred one. He can usually manage with a cane but Disney is A LOT of walking!
Renting is an option, I've seen the company dropping them off at Boardwalk. But, they do have wheelchairs available if someone is able to push it, plus, you get to go to the head of the line. :woohoo:

Actually, you do not get to go to the head of the line. Occassionally you go through the exit, but really you do not get anything special.
We love renting the ecvs offsite. We have used Walker's twice and you don't have to walk from transportation through the gates to rent the ecvs from the parks. I considered walking around the parks a marathon when I was younger and didn't have problems walking!! Why not make it easier on your self and enjoy your holiday without more pain.
I would second the renting of an ecv. We used Randy's and will use them again this July. It made all the difference for DH to be able to be independant and made our holiday last Christmas very enjoyable.
We called ours the mule as it tended to have coats, drinks etc on and DH bought the flashing lights so he could be seen in the dark:)
Actually, I think I'd use both!

I use a cane for my mobility probs everywhere but Disney, but with all the walking involved there, I usually rent an ECV. I then use my cane for assistance in boarding/deboarding on the rides like Maelstrom, IASW, POC, etc. where you have to step up or down. You do more of that than you think, and sometimes you have to stand awhile waiting to board, and you'll need it for support.
Actually, you do not get to go to the head of the line. Occassionally you go through the exit, but really you do not get anything special.
Perhaps that is true, now, but when we took DML we went to get in the regular line a CM would come and get us and move us to the handicap line and we were the first in.
I vote for the ECV. I also have MS. You are going during a hot time and you should conserve your energy and not risk a flare by pushing your limits. I would take the cane as well. You probably know to keep cool and hydrated.
Have a great trip.

I have MS, too. The past 2 trips I have been able to use just the cane but the weather has been cooler and I didn't go commando.

I have used both a wheelchair and an ECV on past trips. Using the wheelchair requires someone to push you and that can be exhausting in the heat and crowds.

If you are concerned about mobility I would get the ECV. It is probably easier and cheaper to rent off site and have them deliver. Take the cane along. You can always use it during boarding etc. Plus I have found that sitting for long periods wasn't for the best and would need to get up and move around a little.

Good luck and have fun :dance3: :dance3:
If you rent from off-site you can mention having a cane. They will attach a cane clip to the ECV so it will not interfere with the driving.


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