cheapest or weirdest thing you have ever seen in disney restaurant or food court.

I think the really tacky one that I have seen so often I no longer agree to a group check with certain friends and co-workers......they order the most expensive meal, usually involving lobster, lol....and/or the big fancy drinks (40 oz margarita anyone, lol)....and then when the bill comes they lay down the total divided by the number of people. No extra for their more expensive food/drink...and no tip. I've learned to suggest separate checks at the time we order, though some restuarant's won't do that anymore, so in that case I ask the waitress to give ME the bill....I plop my portion for my food, and tip on my food (both amounts rounded up) and then pass it around. Some other poor slob is gonna have to ante up the difference for the cheapskates (and I have one co-worker that we always stick with this job as he's got the balls to tell people " had lobster, fork over some more money").

I was the one in our group of friends at hs & college age that figured out the bill, pretty good at calculating that stuff in my head. Still get that job at family dinners out.

Okay, opening myself up for this one, please be advised that this is only my opinion, and no animals were harmed in the forming of it. I know that when we do go out with grandparents. A lot of times I end up chipping in a little extra for tip. They still look at 10% as an excellent tip for top notch service.
Although I've never pulled a calculator out, I can sympathize with them....and maybe you're actually not seeing it from their point of view. Perhaps this young couple were on a very tight budget....they were at WDW because that's where the extended family was going on vacation and they didn't want to be left out, so they scrimped and saved to be able to join in....and then the "family" wants to go to an expensive meal.....and rather than put a damper on the "family", this young couple decides "we'll find a way to do it". granted I would have been a bit more discreet with the keeping it in my lap (heck, actually I'd have counted on my fingers instead of calculator, but that's my math).

I think the really tacky one that I have seen so often I no longer agree to a group check with certain friends and co-workers......they order the most expensive meal, usually involving lobster, lol....and/or the big fancy drinks (40 oz margarita anyone, lol)....and then when the bill comes they lay down the total divided by the number of people. No extra for their more expensive food/drink...and no tip. I've learned to suggest separate checks at the time we order, though some restuarant's won't do that anymore, so in that case I ask the waitress to give ME the bill....I plop my portion for my food, and tip on my food (both amounts rounded up) and then pass it around. Some other poor slob is gonna have to ante up the difference for the cheapskates (and I have one co-worker that we always stick with this job as he's got the balls to tell people " had lobster, fork over some more money").

Anyway...back to the young couple who maybe broke the budget so as to not disappoint the family by saying they couldn't attend an expensive meal.....a little more subtlity would be nice, but let's give them some credit for being willing to think of other's happiness before their budget. And let's hope that with age will come discretion, lol.

My friends and I always spilt the bills, most of us are poor college students. :headache: Anyhow, I was going to suggest that if you all ever need to spilt a bill with tax/tip check your cell phones for "tip calculator". My phone allows me to insert how many people on the check, how much the meal was, and what % of tip I'd like to leave. It's very conveinent.

As far as bringing own food to parks, I've been guilty of bringing snacks and my own water. Firstly, I hate Dasani water, I think it tastes like aluminum (that's all Disneyland carries/Coca Cola owns it) and I'd rather not have to shell out $5 for a pretzel when all I need is a small snack pack of crackers. I really have no problem with others' bringing their own food to parks. As long as they aren't raiding the toppings bar or abusing the system (the buffet swapper) I really don't see the problem with it. Some of us really can't afford to splurge on all the tasty treats Disney has to offer, corners need to be cut somewhere and I think some of us need to lighten up on that end. Just my two cents because I know I'm bringing my own breakfast foods for my upcoming trip and a waterbottle to refill. I had no idea this bothered some people. :scared:
We bring our own breakfast food and sometimes eat it at the table at the food court. We buy milk for the cereal and sometimes some fruit so I feel justified in taking up a table. We also bring our own water because like the poster above me, we can't stand Dasani and we don't do juice or soda. We split lunches and snacks. I'm not sure which level of Dis hell that puts me in...

Though I am not envious of those people with their lunches in their backpacks, I don't begrudge them either. Some of them could probably well afford to buy food, they just don't like to spend money on food. My MIL is like that --lugged around a hunk of Gouda in her purse in 90 + weather and could not understand why we would not eat it.

We are not big daytime eaters, we prefer to splurge money-wise and calorie wise on dinner.

The only posts that bothered me here, though it is none of my business, is the ones where the wife/mother is not allowed to eat, but Dad gets a meal. Someone posted on another thread about saving money about how she buys her kids meals and her husband a meal and she eats their leftovers. What kind of man would scarf down a meal letting his wife go hungry hoping for a few leftover fries?
And sit far - far away from me... :crazy2:

Riku’s Sanctuary;19144236 said:
The oddest food related thing I have seen was while waiting in the fastpass return line for Rockin’ Rollercoaster. A Father and his two teenagers were waiting in front of my Mom and I. The line was a bit backed up so I guess they thought it was an ideal time to whip out some turkey, cheese and rolls from their backpack and make some sandwiches. I think what made this odd was the fact that this was in the middle of July and it was HOT! Keeping cheese and turkey in your backpack to eat is not a good idea bacteria grows fast and nobody wants food poisoning at WDW. Also it seemed strange that they decided to make the sandwiches right there and then, couldn’t they have waited a bit? Trying to make sandwiches in a moving line and eating right before you getting on Rockin’ Roller coaster seemed odd to my Mom and I, but whatever.

*This was no intended to upset or pass judgement on anyone. If you happen to like making and eating turkey sandwiches from your backpack on hot days while waiting in line for fast whipping rollercoasters, it is fine with me and I hope you continue to do what works for you.*[/QUOTE]
I remember the old thread about eating canned corn on Main Street MK.

I actually saw people eating the canned corn at MK.

It looked like a group of people having a grand time doing it. I turned to DH to tell him about the DIS thread, well he thought everyone was just nuts.

I chalked it up to DISers just having a good time.
I can't remember which buffet it was, but in August 2005. The man who was at the table next to us{who was alone} came back to the table with a large plate of watermelon chucks he then poured water over the plate and ate it all. He did this three times, and then left. The kids still laugh about the Watermelon Man . It wasn't just what he was eating it was his behavior it was really strange, he'd grin and giggle with each bite. To each his own
I can't remember which buffet it was, but in August 2005. The Man at the table next to us{who was alone} came back to the table with a large plate of watermelon chucks he then poured water over the plate and ate it all. He did this three times, and then left. The kids still laugh about the Watermelon Man . It wasn't just what he was eating it was his behavior it was really strange, he'd grin and giggle with each bite. To each his own

Sorry i already posted, I'm still new at this
When spliting a check doesn't work:
My dh and I went out to dinner with his grandfather, his uncle and his wife. Her 3 teenaged children were there too. Dh's uncle suggested we split the bill to "treat" grandpa. We paid for 4 out of 8 meals. It would have been cheaper for us to just pay for our meals and dh grandfathers (3 meals). Dh's uncle got a great deal!

One more story: While in college, I worked full time and took classes in the evenings. For Bosses Day our department decided to take our boss out to lunch. I really couldn't afford to go out to lunch but I wasn't going to skip this and look bad. There were 10 of us so I figured $10 for my share ($100 for the group should cover his meal). I had a cup of soup and glass of water, telling everyone I wasn't very hungry. Everyone else had full meals; appetizers, meal, dessert, and drinks. Lots of drinks! When the bill arrived they decided to split it to make it easier. Well, there was nothing easier about that for me. I could very easily tell you how much I spent. The $25 in my purse wasn't enough, and I had to borrow money from a coworker to pay for "my share". She even commented to our co-workers that it wasn't fair to me because I only had a cup of soup. They didn't seem to mind me paying for their drinks......
Family of 3, and we share food ALL the time, we call it "Community Food.":lmao: I don't like feeling full at Disney, I would have to walk MORE to keep it off.;)
First....I feel fortunate that our personal circumstances are now such that we can visit WDW very frequently as DVC members. However, when our kids were little (mid 80's) we also did one or two budget visits, that's really all we could afford......first, we stayed offsite (I believe Comfort Inn on Palm Parkway when it was brand was quite nice and very clean) at a place that offered full buffet breakfast with your room cost (at that time I think the room may have been about $40 per night......not sure, maybe a bit less, actually). We made sure the kids really ate a good breakfast about 8:30 or 9:00 right before we hit the parks and took things like granola bars, poptarts, etc. with us to the parks in the family backpack. I don't remember taking many drinks in, so I think we must have purchased those and I'm sure that accounted for more than we would have liked in our daily budget. Then, we would have our main meal of the day in the late afternoon, sometimes in the parks or maybe right along Apopka Vineland Road (don't even remember what used to be there......I do know Olive Garden has been there a long time) and then just some cereal or something in the evening before bed (I know I always packed a collapsible cooler in the bottom of a suitcase and then filled with ice at the hotel for keeping milk and juice cold.) So, when I see a family with several small children trying to do their best to economize on costs.......I remember when..........and feel glad that we now can eat out every meal if we choose (which we usually don't since it's great having a full kitchen available for quick meals).
I'm really shocked that there are so many overly sensitive people on this thread.
Everyone's weird in their own ways--I was not offended by that at all. And cheap? Eh, who cares if someone implies that someone else is "cheap"?
I don't think one person made fun of someone who was sharing food--about the Dole Whip--I believe it was the father's comment, "that hit the spot!" that was more amusing to the poster than anything else.
Relax people!
I'm really shocked that there are so many overly sensitive people on this thread.
Everyone's weird in their own ways--I was not offended by that at all. And cheap? Eh, who cares if someone implies that someone else is "cheap"?
I don't think one person made fun of someone who was sharing food--about the Dole Whip--I believe it was the father's comment, "that hit the spot!" that was more amusing to the poster than anything else.
Relax people!

I couldn't have said it better myself.:cool1:
I'm really shocked that there are so many overly sensitive people on this thread.
Everyone's weird in their own ways--I was not offended by that at all. And cheap? Eh, who cares if someone implies that someone else is "cheap"?
I don't think one person made fun of someone who was sharing food--about the Dole Whip--I believe it was the father's comment, "that hit the spot!" that was more amusing to the poster than anything else.
Relax people!

Of course the flip side of that is why are so many people watching what, and how, people eat at WDW? The dole whip watcher kept their eyes and ears on that family the whole time they ate.

Maybe its the idea that people are watching every bite you take that it offensive?

People should lighten up on all sides.
My family might have been the dole whip sharers you saw. We eat plenty -- believe me -- and we are not that frugal when we are on vacation but we like to try different things and getting 4 dole whips seems like a waste. I think we got 1 dole whip float and one vanilla soft serve for the picky eater. We shared the 2 things amounst the 4 of us.

You should have seen us the year we did the Food and wine festival. We ate tons but we did it one food booth at a time -- sharing all the way.

Can't think of anything really cheap or weird that I've witnessed unless it was the family refilling their Dasani water bottle at the water fountain. Oh wait -- that was us.
My family might have been the dole whip sharers you saw. We eat plenty -- believe me -- and we are not that frugal when we are on vacation but we like to try different things and getting 4 dole whips seems like a waste. I think we got 1 dole whip float and one vanilla soft serve for the picky eater. We shared the 2 things amounst the 4 of us.

You should have seen us the year we did the Food and wine festival. We ate tons but we did it one food booth at a time -- sharing all the way.

Can't think of anything really cheap or weird that I've witnessed unless it was the family refilling their Dasani water bottle at the water fountain. Oh wait -- that was us.

Which water foutains!!:lmao:
Of course the flip side of that is why are so many people watching what, and how, people eat at WDW? The dole whip watcher kept their eyes and ears on that family the whole time they ate.

Maybe its the idea that people are watching every bite you take that it offensive?

People should lighten up on all sides.

We've been to WDW so many times & still love it & half the fun that we have is people watching. We regularly play the "Count The Fighting Families" game. I even have a whole folder of pics that I've taken through the years of "What Not To Wear At WDW".

Maybe it's time to start taking pics of "Weird People At WDW" :rotfl:
We've been to WDW so many times & still love it & half the fun that we have is people watching. We regularly play the "Count The Fighting Families" game. I even have a whole folder of pics that I've taken through the years of "What Not To Wear At WDW".

Maybe it's time to start taking pics of "Weird People At WDW" :rotfl:

I would love to see a thread on "What Not To Wear At WDW...The last time I was there I couldn't BELIEVE what people were wearing!
We love people watching, too.

Since people from so many different cultures visit The World, it is a great place to learn about people. :sunny:

My husband is the type to make a (very very quiet) comment to me about some of the unusual things we have seen, but I am sure he has never been overheard.
I would love to see a thread on "What Not To Wear At WDW...The last time I was there I couldn't BELIEVE what people were wearing!

I'd post some of the doozies that I have, but I'd probably get booted off the Dis :scared1:

OT, but you'd be amazed at how many people at WDW wear new clothes and forget to take the tags and stickers off. :thumbsup2


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