Chew treats for dogs

Hello fellow greyhound owner! Our grey, Ella, is a pretty strong chewer when we give her something to chew like a bone but isn't interested in chewing things outside of that...though she is a collector. She steals shoes, belts, stuffed animals, purses etc and brings them into her "lair" (the living room) just to own them. She is our third grey.

He doesn't have much interest in chewing (I've only seen him chew a bone a handful of times and only for a minute or two), but he does love anything edible (raw vegetables and fruit are super exciting). So, I think I will have to try the turkey neck.

He is fairly tolerant of my attempts to brush his teeth, but I'm sure chewing a turkey neck would be preferable.

Totally off the original topic, but I have found adopting a greyhound to be a bit like joining a cult. People pull their cars over, come running over to talk to you, etc. because they are so excited to find people who are "one of them"
Our labs love bully sticks, especially the braided kind, but boy do they stink!! :scared: I also get them only American rawhides and raw, never cooked bones. They LOVE the raw bones. I freeze them first to kill off any lingering bacteria and to make them last longer. It is a happy day when the bones come out of the freezer! :tongue:

My dog loves the Himalayan cheese dog chews made from yak milk, lime juice and salt.

I always want to give my guy those but they had a recall with in the last 6 months so am a little hesitant at this point. Have you ever had any issues?
Deer antlers to chew on 24/7 and bully sticks in 30min increments every once and a while (maybe once every 2 weeks). We don't do any other treats or chews. Once I gave our dogs beef trachea chews and knee bones I think but they were way too messy. For "treats" they just get pieces of kibble or blueberries/raspberries/chicken. I forgot I also buy a Himalayan dog chew maybe once a year.

He doesn't have much interest in chewing (I've only seen him chew a bone a handful of times and only for a minute or two), but he does love anything edible (raw vegetables and fruit are super exciting). So, I think I will have to try the turkey neck.

He is fairly tolerant of my attempts to brush his teeth, but I'm sure chewing a turkey neck would be preferable.

Totally off the original topic, but I have found adopting a greyhound to be a bit like joining a cult. People pull their cars over, come running over to talk to you, etc. because they are so excited to find people who are "one of them"

No joke! It's like "boat" people or "horse" people lol. When you see a fellow person, you have to start talking. The greyhound folks are particularly culty. If we lived closer to the adoption group we'd be those crazy volunteers out at the kennel all the time.
Our lab loves Pork Chompz. They are rawhide alternatives and he likes the ribs, rolls, and pig ears. They last a decently long time (a day or 2) and we just toss them if they get too soft.

Friends of ours own a butcher shop so we stock up on marrow bones. He LOVES them and they last quite awhile. I've never had one splinter and we just fill them up with peanut butter, yogurt, treats, etc, when he finishes the actual marrow. Pretty cheap too!
We just had an in-home consultation with a dog trainer last night (we have a puppy mill rescues beagle mix who freaks out when we have visitors, so we're trying to work on that). She specifically recommended Bully sticks (she stressed to make sure the package says USA-made and processed) and said rawhide is really bad - she said they're basically leather that has been bleached a bunch of times. :crazy2:
Atlas is a pretty strong chewer (American bulldog/Am. Staffordshire terrier/Boxer) and he loves bully sticks, pig/cow ears, himalayan cheese sticks, hooves, and bones. He occasionally likes antlers, and for a while he was very attached to a water buffalo horn lol. He'll chew nylabones too, but they don't really hold his attention like the natural stuff.
My GSD is a strong chewer and has always loved his Kong balls. The vet was just commenting on how beautiful his teeth are (he's 10yo). I'm guessing it's from his constant Kong chewing.


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