Cinderella's castle suite


Earning My Ears
Oct 27, 2002
I would like to know about the suite in Cinderella's castle, can you show me some pictures tell me about the pay and other information so I can talk my parents into staying there for once.:D

I hate to disappoint you but there is no "suite" in Cinderella's castle. There was originally to be a Disney family suite placed there but it is not used and no one can stay there. Sorry.
Thank you for writting back but I know thereis because my friend stayed there before . Unless she lied. I will try to get more info . THANK YOU FOR REPIYING THOUGH!!!:)
RNMom is right - your friend is telling you stories!
RN I am sorry to say that your friend is telling you stories. There is an appartment in the Castle in Disney land, but it is never ever used by anybody. Nobody has ever stayed in the castle in Florida. I am sorry.

Have a great day.

Scott, Peg and Tyler
I just watched a Travel Channel special about the parks and they stated that there was going to be a "Private" suite built for Walt's family in Cinderella's Castle, but Walt Died before it would ever have been finished so they used it for telephone operators for some years then used it for storage. The others are correct.
If there was a suite there the waiting list to stay in it would probably be 10+ years. I know I would be in line :D .
Sorry to tell you that your friend is fibbing a tad bit. I would get more details from her. The suite at Disneyland is only for "Family" of the Disney's from my understanding. From what I read Roy and other family members stay there, but most of the time they stay in Resort Suites. Must be nice that sleeping the "Castle" is boring after you have done it so many times. ;) Well, I will be there in 2 days and can't wait.

Along time ago there was a suite in the Contemporary Resort that they called the "Cinderella Suite". It was decorated like the story book and guest could stay in it. I think now it is just another suite and no longer labeled. This was a piece of info that I received in an old employee handbook of commonly asked questions.
That would be pretty cool if they had a suite in the castle (which they don't by the way)... but if they did how the heck would you get in and out of the park after hours?? Maybe you'd get to use the secret underground tunnel system!! LOL ;)

Believe me, your friend is not telling you the truth. ;) Unless maybe she was talking about a castle VIEW suite at the Grand Floridian Resort???
If they DID have a suite in the castle who wants to take a guess at how much Disney would charge to stay there?? I can't even imagine.
I used to tell my younger brother, and then when I had my daughter, that Mrs. Walt Disney lived in the top floor of the castle. I started to believe it myself after telling them that a few times. LOL

WHAT??! No suite in Cinderella Castle??!! Then where does Cinderella live?;) :)
Originally posted by Mom2Em
WHAT??! No suite in Cinderella Castle??!! Then where does Cinderella live?;) :)
IN THE CASTLE! I've actually SEEN HER once/twice when we've dined in her dining room!! (LOL):p
Originally posted by Mom2Em
WHAT??! No suite in Cinderella Castle??!! Then where does Cinderella live?;) :)
IN THE CASTLE! I've actually SEEN HER once/twice when we've dined in her dining room!! (LOL):p
I thought I had posted this, but I don't see it. There is an unfinished apartment inside the castle at WDW that had been intended for the Disney family. It was never finished and was used for phone operations at one time - now it is the storage/dressing room area for Tinkerbell prior to her flight (my mother used to work part time in costuming at WDW and got to go up there to help Tink get ready).

In DL - ther original family apartment was above the firehouse on Main Street. One the French Quarter area was built a larger apartment was put in over Pirates where the family did stay and the firehouse apartment was turned into offices. The apartment over Pirates now serves as the Disney Gallery and is open to guests (although nothing from the apartment is there anymore). Its still pretty cool to go up there though.

There was a segment on the Travel Channel about this in the beginning of Dec. It said that an apartment was made for Walt Disney to have at his disposal, but he died before it was finished. So there is indeed an apartment in Cinderella's Castle. Too bad Walt wasn't able to enjoy it.
Originally posted by dg39
There was a segment on the Travel Channel about this in the beginning of Dec. It said that an apartment was made for Walt Disney to have at his disposal, but he died before it was finished. So there is indeed an apartment in Cinderella's Castle. Too bad Walt wasn't able to enjoy it.

As others have already stated the apartment was never finished and was at one time the phone center. It has been a storage room for years now.


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