Completed! 1/3 - MNSSHP, Star Wars Land, and a LOT of SotMK - Aug 2019 Trip Report

Saturday, August 17, 2019 (part 2):
Storybook Dining, Hollywood Studios, and Trader Sams

So, in the vein of things I should have done, we probably should have slept more and not rushed over to our 4 pm ADR. But I/we wanted to make the most use of Trevor's limited park time, and I also really really wanted Trevor to meet Grumpy at Storybook Dining at Wilderness Lodge, so...there we were. We grabbed an Uber a little before 3:40 pm, and arrived at Wilderness Lodge at 3:59 pm. I'd been stalking Storybook Dining for ADRs for the entire time (the whole 2/3 weeks lol) that I'd been planning this trip and finally managed to get us a 4 pm ADR a few days before. Huzzah!

It was Trevor's first time at Wilderness Lodge, but we didn't have a lot of time to take in the lobby, as we quickly headed over to Artist Point and got checked in. We were seated immediately, and had a great spot, right near the center of the room.

(see, poor tired Trevor!)

We had a fantastic server though--super nice and very much on top of things. We told her that Trevor had an after-5 ticket and so our goal was to get out of there by about 5 so we could head over to Hollywood Studios and she did all the right things to make that happen for us, but in such a way that we never felt like she was rushing us. It was fantastic.

They'd changed up the menu since I'd eaten here in February with my mom. First off, the appetizers!

Mushroom Bisque (ok, but not amazing); Hunter's Terrine: chicken, clack truffle, stone fruit preserve, house-made pickles (different, but not bad); and Wicked Shrimp Cocktail (Trevor liked it; I don't eat shrimp).

Overall I liked the appetizers they had before, not so much this time around. They weren't bad, but more interesting/odd than delicious. Oh well.

For our main course, I got the "Stroll through Nature: Asparagus, Leeks, Arugula, Gnocchi, Sage, Parmesan". I'd gotten this dish in February when it was butternut squash, and it was AMAZING. This time wasn't as good, but still delicious.

Trevor got the Prime Rib. He liked it, but it was too much food. And while it was good, it wasn't like amazing or anything. Oh well.

Then dessert! This was basically the same as before.

Gooseberry pies, the apple mousse with a sour center, and the cake with mouse and cream in the little glass. All good. :)

And the final dessert is the "Hunter's Gift to the Queen", with the popcorn and the chocolate hearts. The dry ice makes this dessert, cause otherwise it's a bit odd--just a few bits of popcorn and a couple chocolate hearts.

But, as is always the case with character meals, you're not usually there for the food. And this was no different. We were here for the characters, specifically Grumpy! Grumpy is one of Trevor's favorite characters, so I wanted him to meet Grumpy. But all the characters were fun.

We also got a great video of Dopey and Grumpy's entrance.

And of course the interaction with Grumpy was the best. Grumpy loved Trevor's "harumph" button.

And was also a big fan of Trevor's beard:

Then they took a grumpy picture together.

I then asked them to take a smiling picture. Trevor started to smile, and Grumpy did not like that! He covered Trevor's smile with his hand. Cracked me up.


After we met Grumpy, Grumpy and Dopey ran into each other in the table right behind ours, and ended up having this hilarious "fight" where Dopey kept calling Grumpy old and imitating an old man. It was hilariously funny. The characters at this meal completely make it.

See, this is Dopey pretending to use a walker, and Grumpy with his hands on his hips, all indignant.

So, in February you used to just go up and meet the Queen whenever you wanted, but now they give you a laminated "invitation" to meet the Queen. Our waiter, on point again, brought us out the 'invitation" super early, so we got in line and were the very first group waiting to meet the Queen when she came out.

It was a good thing we'd gotten in line, 'cause about 30 seconds after we sat down in the line in her waiting area, this huge family came and got in line right after us, and we heard them discussing the various permutations of pictures and poses that they wanted. Phew!

We had a fun meet with the Queen--she's a really fun character to meet. She called Trevor my huntsman, and then we talked about the "little men" since Trevor had the Grumpy shirt on. I don't remember this interaction as well as I should....oops! And dang, I really should have fixed the tag on my ears--why are the tags on Disney ears SO huge?


Also, the Queen is making the most bizarre face in this picture. I think she's trying to be scary but it mostly looks deranged. Which I guess works, for the evil Queen? Anyways.

The time stamp on that last photo is 5:10. We did a quick pit stop and then the buses were being odd so we decided to grab an uber over to Hollywood Studios. Per my receipt, we arrived at 5:35 pm at Hollywood Studios. We first rode Star Tours, and then headed over to Toy Story Land where we rode Toy Story Midway Mania. I was ahead the whole ride and then right there at the end Trevor pulled ahead. BOOO. I mean, good job Trevor!

After Toy Story, we headed over to ride Slinky Dog Dash. Yay! We were having all sorts of fun trying to take selfies (my selfie skills are still as bad as ever) and a kind guest took pity on us and took our picture.


You know, I think the camera on Slinky is slightly better calibrated than it was before? The pictures are semi-decent some of the time, as opposed to horrible almost all the time. And i didn't get any pictures this time of Slinky's head all by itself.

At that point I started looking for more fastpasses, and Toy Story Mania was plentiful. My pride not having recovered from it's recent defeat, we tried that again. I won! :) But not by much.

From there, we went back to Star Tours, since it's one of Trevor's favorites and the only Star Wars ride he'd get this trip.

After Star Tours, it was a bit past 8 pm, and with the park closing at 9, I'd been trying to get us another Slinky fastpass on the app. But no luck. What I did have luck with (oddly enough) was Tower of Terror! So we meandered down to Tower of Terror, doing some shopping and taking some pictures along the way.

Trevor is really not a huge fan of heights or drops, but he tries Tower of Terror once every few years or so. Despite the look of absolute terror on his face and his closed eyes, he said he had fun. I had fun. :)

When we got off Tower of Terror, it was 8:57. The park closed at 9. Trevor and I really wanted to ride Slinky again, so we decided to try running from Tower of Terror all the way to Slinky to see if we could get in line before the park closed. We're nuts. But as soon as we got off the ride, we took off running. We discovered that we are out of shape! I told Trevor to leave me behind, 'cause if he could make it into the line, at least he could ride again. So we're running and running and then stopping and walking 'cause tired, and then running again...we made it back to Slinky at like 9:04 or so. But they were still letting people get in line! According to the CMs, they were staying open a little bit later that night--I think they closed the line at like 9:10 or a little bit after. We were one of the last people in line, and we ended up waiting 15/20 minutes. Which was good 'cause we needed that time to recover and catch our breath! We were so sweaty and gross...oh well! It was a great ride though, and a great memory. :)

As we were on the ride, the fireworks started going off! That was really neat. And we got some fun pictures of the fireworks from Toy Story land as we slowly walked out of the park.

You'd think that with us being tired (especially after that run) and the early early morning flight out Trevor had, that we'd head back to the hotel and go to bed. You'd be wrong. Where were we going? The Polynesian! We really really really wanted to try getting in to Trader Sams. But when we got there at 10:15 (we took an Uber...might not have been faster but at least we had a dedicated seat), they were full and the CM said we could put our name on the list but she wouldn't guarantee we'd get in, since they do last seating at 11:15 and she thought the wait would be longer than an hour. So we looked around the gift shop in the Polynesian and then decided to crash on one of the couches in the lobby to wait for the text.

The cups are complimentary water. Party animals, aren't we? :)

Well, 11:15 came and went and no text. But we decided to just pop back by Trader Sams and ask about any space, since it closed at midnight. When we asked, the CM let us in! We got a seat at the surfboard and were able to order a drink before last call. Unfortunately since we don't drink, our drinks didn't trigger any of the fun effects. We did get to see one of the effects though, from someone else's drink order. It was fun! Though I feel like we've just had a tiny taste of the Trader Sams experience and we now need to go and make sure we get in earlier to have the full experience. Here's hoping we can get in at Disneyland next year!

We sprung for the souvenir tiki cups for the non-alcoholic drinks, which were pretty fun. Our drinks were also good, though I liked Trevor's more than mine. I got the Skipper Sipper: Tropical Juices, Organic Agave Nectar, Falernum, Mint, and fresh Lime Juice topped with Soda Water. It tasted really heavily of mint and pineapple--I liked it, but Trevor gave me a sip of his, and I liked that better. He got the Schweitzer Falls: Tropical Juices and Sam’s Gorilla Grog topped with Sprite. We wanted to order food too, but we were too late. Oh well :)

Finally it was closing time and the birds sang at us to leave. A good end to the night, and next time we'll definitely come earlier! As we walked out of the Polynesian to catch our uber, Trevor got all excited about the torches and the fire.

My pyromaniac. :)

We took an Uber back to All Star Movies and were back in the room by about 12;25 am. Then it was time for Trevor pack up and such. Poor guy had to be on the Magical Express at about 3:00am, since his flight took off at 6:20 am. It was the cheapest flight by far, otherwise we would have gotten him a later flight, but for $150/$200, he can deal with being up a bit early. But first we had to pack him up. He was flying home Southwest, and I was flying home Delta, so we wanted to take advantage of the 2 free checked bags on Southwest. Trevor was taking all the candy home, and a bunch of our dirty clothes and such, and several of the souvenirs. But that took a bit of time, so we didn't actually go to sleep until about 1 am, and then woke up at 2:40. I kissed Trevor goodbye and then went back to sleep as he headed off on the Tragical Express and back to DC. Too early!

Fun with Metrics:
Steps walked: 21552 (9.3 miles)
Ride count: 7 (Star Tours x2, Toy Story Mania x2, Slinky Dog x2, and Tower of Terror)

Next up: my first entirely solo day! What will I do?
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Wow! So many great pictures of the parade! I've seen many pictures of the headless horseman in reports but not as many as the rest of the parade. Thank you for including them!

It sounds like you had a great end to your evening, between the parade, the fireworks (great single picture!), and your rides and candy haul. (Holy cow, that's a TON of candy!)

I'm impressed you were able to stay at the party as long as you did - it really is difficult to stay awake for so many hours the older you get! If only I had been as big of a Disney nut when I was in my early twenties - imagine how many more rides I could've gone on and things I could've seen as I wouldn't have needed to sleep! :laughing:
Oh I'm glad you enjoyed them! I enjoyed taking them--Boo to You is such a good parade. :)

It was such a good party, even though I was scared of the crowds. (Also the candy is long gone--I thought with a huge haul it would last a while...maybe 10 days. oh well!)

If it makes you feel better, we totally paid for that late night! Too bad we all get older...its 2019, shouldn't we have fixes for aging, or pills (that don't have bad side effects) to let us stay up late and do Disney? :)

I agree, I really liked it too, but I do like cakes that have more chocolate than fruitness.

I love this! We didn't get to the Gravediggers, but wanted to.

Aw, I'm glad that you got to meet them. I met Tim in Magic Kingdom a couple years ago, and he was so nice!
Sounds like we have similar taste with regards to cakes! I do wonder if they'll keep it for next year and if so, if they might add more chocolate--you and I are not the only ones I heard talking about how they wanted more chocolate with it.

You'll just have to go next year! The Gravediggers are such a fun meet.

They are SO nice--I was shocked. I mean, I shouldn't be, they're nice in their videos too, but there was literally a line to meet them and yet they were super sweet and taking time to talk to everyone. It was really nice of them to do so, I thought. And it really made my husband's night. :)

Following along. Looking forward to reading more. Nice candy haul. How cool you got to meet the Trackers . I would love to see them or any Dis unplugged member in the parks .
Welcome! So glad you're enjoying it. :) Right? We thought it was awesome that we got to meet them. We watch them and a couple other vloggers and we knew they other vloggers were there that night, but we only ran into the Trackers. It's really fun when you run into these kinds of "celebrities". Hopefully you get to meet them some time--they're really nice.

Joining in
Welcome! I hope you enjoy it. :)
Sounds like we have similar taste with regards to cakes! I do wonder if they'll keep it for next year and if so, if they might add more chocolate--you and I are not the only ones I heard talking about how they wanted more chocolate with it.

You'll just have to go next year! The Gravediggers are such a fun meet.

They are SO nice--I was shocked. I mean, I shouldn't be, they're nice in their videos too, but there was literally a line to meet them and yet they were super sweet and taking time to talk to everyone. It was really nice of them to do so, I thought. And it really made my husband's night. :)

I do hope they keep doing unique little cakes like that one next year! A chocolate one would be good, I loved that the cake tasted good and looked good even though it was just a small cake so I hope they keep that quality up.

I’m not sure yet if we’ll go next year, but if we do I’d definitely try to meet them!

Aw that is really nice!
You two are such a fun Disney couple! Loving this report. You make me consider the Halloween party. Remember, I'm super cheap and don't spend much money I don't have to, so that's quite a compliment!
How long did it take Trevor to recuperate after that whirlwind trip and early morning flights? What a trooper.
Can't wait to see how you spend your solo time. Love your report.
Sunday, August 18, 2019 (part 1):
Hollywood Studios Morning -- All the Fastpasses!

Where was I heading this fine morning? Hollywood Studios! I needed to get my thrill rides in, since last night with Trevor I didn't really get to. But I didn't really have an itinerary--the goal was to sleep in. Spoiler alert: I did not sleep in. According to the time stamp on my texts with Trevor, I was up by 6:30am. Hollywood Studios was having Extra Magic Hours from 8 to 9, so I figured "hey, if I'm awake anyways, might as well be at the front of the line for rope drop".

It was a gorgeous morning. The skyliner looked so pretty!

I got to the security line right around 7:30--lines weren't too bad.

And pretty soon after this picture they started letting us in through the tapstiles. Most people headed towards the Chinese Theatre but I was heading for Rockin Roller Coaster, so I went down Sunset Boulevard. I must say, it was really nice not to be ropedropping the headliners! The crowd wasn't bad at all--I was right at the rope. It did eventually get a bit more crowded as it got closer to 8 am, but still nothing like the crowd waiting to head to Toy Story land!

They actually started walking us down a bit early (like maybe 7:50?). I followed the cast members to Rockin Roller Coaster and ended up being #2 in line. I would have been first, but the guy in the blue shirt in front of me really wanted it. :)

They weren't even running the pre-show, so we just got to walk right on through, where our limo was waiting. Huzzah!

I got my pick of seats, so for this first ride I went with the very back row. Awesome way to start the morning, especially 'cause the picture is time-stamped 7:59--1 ride down and EMH technically hadn't even started yet!

When I got back outside the line was getting longer but single rider was super short, so I went back around. Who's up for round two!
Image result for who's up for round 2 gif


That picture is time-stamped exactly 10 minutes after the first one. :) I had taken off my "Up" ears and strapped them to my bag so I wouldn't lose them, and I noticed they glowed in the black lights! We were waiting a minute or so to unload at the end of the ride, so I took a picture.

Once out, I totally went back for round three. I did single rider and got totally lucky--front row!

That one took a bit longer--they'd started running the pre-show and the single rider was a bit backed up--took about 25 minutes to get through the line. But what an awesome run! 3 rides on RNRC in 40 minutes. Boom! :)

I was starting to get a bit hungry at that point, and the lines were starting to build, so I decided to go get breakfast. I had a fastpass for Tower of Terror later on in the morning (as well as one for the Little Mermaid at 9am and one for the DIsney Jr dance party to tap out of so I could go through my fastpasses quicker and try and get more Tower of Terror ones. :) ), so I was heading to Woody's Lunchbox for breakfast! Along the way I looked in the Pixar gift shop and found these adorable Up pins (which I did not buy, lookit me showing restraint :) )

I also saw a photographer with no line, so you know, had to get a picture.

I started coming up on Toy Story Land about 8:50 am, and was SHOCKED at how long the Slinky line was. This is the end--it's not even in Toy Story Land! It's past that DVC kiosk at the entrance! Isn't that insane?! Pro tip--if you're not at the front of the rope drop crowd for the headliners, go ride something else, cause you'll wait just as long as you will at any other point in the day (if not longer) and the rides in the rest of the park will never be as short.

There's the entrance to the land, way off there in the distance. 150 minutes for Slinky, at 9 am. Wow. Glad I wasn't in that line.

Breakfast instead! Mobile order is still your friend here at Woody's Lunchbox--there was a definite line but by mobile ordering you don't have to wait in that line to order and then wait again for your food, you just have to wait for your food. I got the kid's meal with the Smoked Turkey Breakfast sandwich. Kid's meals are awesome when you're doing counterservice on your own--the portions are just the right size and it comes with a drink. Also quite a lot of tater tots, which I admittedly didn't eat more than one or two of. It definitely hit the spot.

After breakfast, I leisurely wandered back to the Animation Courtyard and tapped out of my Little Mermaid fastpass and my Disney Jr Dance party fastpass (since they're shows, they have a much shorter FP window so it was easy to line them up like that), and then wandered down to Tower of Terror for my fastpass there. The line wasn't horrible, maybe 40 minutes or so? Long enough I was glad of my fastpass. :)

Tower of Terror ride photos are the best. People have the best expressions. :)

Once I'd tapped in with my fastpass, as I waited in line, I dove into MDE to see what fastpass I could get next. At that point, I really felt like a genius: an immediate use Tower of Terror fastpass popped up, and since I'd already tapped out of the other two fastpasses, I was able to get it without MDE saying that I had to use all three of my fastpasses before I could get another one for the same ride. Yay! Solo trip fastpasses are the best.

You can't see me as well in this picture (i'm in the back right corner) but the little girl in pink in front is my favorite. Also I lover her Dad's shirt.

As will become a common theme in this report, I spent a lot of time in MDE looking for new fastpasses. And as a single rider, I had amazing luck--Slinky popped up for only half an hour in the future. YAY!! Over to Toy Story land I went. :)

The fastpass line for Slinky was a bit long, so I was back in my phone looking for more fastpasses when another Slinky one popped up! I was definitely having much better luck than I'd had the night before with two of us, so my pro-tip is to 1. go in low crowd times and 2. be a single rider and you'll have great fastpass luck. :rotfl2:

We were all having a great time in this picture. :)

There were tons of Toy Story Mania fastpasses available so I went there next. I did about the same as I did the night before, but still didn't get best in car. One day, Toy Story Mania, one day...

I grabbed some water in a cup from Woody's Lunch Box at that point and saw an awesome photo op with no line, so I had to get it.

Forky! On a trash can, no less. The picture didn't turn out great, but still--super cute! I do appreciate how Disney leans in to all these fun photo ops and such.

And then, since I was over there, I jumped in line to ride Alien Swirling Saucers. The wait wasn't too bad--maybe 20 minutes or so? I do hate how slow this ride loads though.

Once off the AS2, it was a little past 11:30. I was a bit done with Toy Story land so I headed back into the park but I'd only gotten as far as the Incredibles Celebration area (back where Pixar Place used to be) when a delicious smell came upon me: Jack Jack's cookie num nums! Cookies are a good lunch, right? Right. I also got a Frozone slushie 'cause it was getting hot. Definitely living my best life. :) Also, that cookie is amazing. Highly recommend it (if it's still there? I hope so. It's awesome).

I wandered around the Incredibles Celebration a bit. It's super cute: I loved seeing all the Jack Jack signs, and the dance celebration was also really fun.

They also had a fun photo op where you could pose in front of a wall to look like you're a superhero, but mine didn't turn out great. Off center and weirdly zoomed in? *shrugs* Oh well. I present them here for your amusement. :D

Cute idea, not great execution.

At that point, I felt like I'd had a pretty amazing run in Hollywood Studios, and was ready to head over to a new park. Animal Kingdom, here I come!

Next post: I discover my new favorite place in Disney World! Will my fastpass luck continue?
I do hope they keep doing unique little cakes like that one next year! A chocolate one would be good, I loved that the cake tasted good and looked good even though it was just a small cake so I hope they keep that quality up.

I’m not sure yet if we’ll go next year, but if we do I’d definitely try to meet them!

Aw that is really nice!
Me too! I love the special treats for the parties, and this year's I liked better than last year.

Now that was a jam packed day ! You got so much done .
We did! Probably too much, but it was fun. :)

You two are such a fun Disney couple! Loving this report. You make me consider the Halloween party. Remember, I'm super cheap and don't spend much money I don't have to, so that's quite a compliment!
How long did it take Trevor to recuperate after that whirlwind trip and early morning flights? What a trooper.
Can't wait to see how you spend your solo time. Love your report.
Aw, thank you! You're so sweet! And I hope you do get to do the Halloween party at some point--it is expensive but I think it's worth it. :)

Well he did say that once he got home he basically slept the entire day. So at least all of Sunday! Poor guy. :)
What fantastic FP luck . I rode RNC 5 times a row at DAH and it was awesome so yeah for multiple rides . It’s one of my favorites.
I finally just figured out when solo and not super hungry - kids meal at counter service is the way to go . It only took me 15+ trips to try that . I guess I thought I had to order an adult meal ???
Oh my goodness, you had an AWESOME morning! So many great Fastpasses!!! I had great luck with Fastpass when I was solo in 2016, so I'm glad to hear you can still have great luck today as a solo traveler! (I don't know when I'll be a solo traveler again, but it's still good to know!)

I love your breakfast and lunch choices and my, does that cookie look delicious!
Sunday, August 18, 2019 (part 2):
Nomad Lounge is Amazing

So I was happily walking to the bus stop, eating my cookie and drinking my Frozone slushy, and managed to finish it all off by the time the bus came, which was nice, considering you're not supposed to eat on the bus. On the bus I was focused on MDE and trying to get a fastpass, and it paid off! I got a Flight of Passage fastpass for 2 hours later! Huzzah!

Soon enough, I was at Animal Kingdom. And despite having had a lunch of essentially pure sugar, I was heading to a roller coaster! Really, Everest is my favorite ride in AK. And it's just so pretty!

Also those people in the bleachers...someone should tell them it's gonna be a LONG wait for Rivers of Light.

I literally just noticed that my ears are way way forward on my head in this picture. Huh. Oh well.


Also, that guy in white in the back--"I'll ride it, but I won't have fun."

After Everest, I didn't really have any plans. The long days and the weird sleep the night before were kind of catching up to me, I think. So I just kind of wandered from Asia around the park.

Wandered and took pictures, that's all I did. :) I finally ended up back on Discovery Island and remembered that I'd been meaning to try Nomad's Lounge and that it had been recommended by several friends as a great place to sit and relax, and sitting and relaxing sounded amazing, so I decided to make Nomad's Lounge acquaintance.

It was AMAZING! Admittedly I was tired and hot and sleepy so my judgement may be a bit suspect, but it was awesome. I got a spot outside in the shade, and the seat was so very very comfy. And I got a Shirley Temple 'cause it sounded good and it was just SO NICE.

Like, it was amazing. I sat and rested and drank my soda and took a nap...amazing. Nomad Lounge is officially my new favorite place (and don't worry, I tipped really well in exchange for the seat and only ordering a soda).

So after my great enjoyment of Nomad Lounge, I headed into Pandora, and saw that...thing at the entrance spewing water. Never seen that before!

The line for Navi River Journey wasn't too bad, and I had some time before my Flight of Passage fastpass expired, so I hopped in. I decided my goal was to get a good picture of the Shaman. I'll let you decide if I fulfilled that goal.

Then it was time for Flight of Passage! The fastpass line was a little bit long, but not too horrible. And the air conditioning was lovely. :) It's the only redeeming part of the pre-show--where they hit you with the cool air to "clean" you of the microparasites or whathaveyou.

The ride was wonderful, of course, though I was at the far end which isn't my favorite. It's not nearly as bad distortion as on Soarin', but still a little bit. Oh well! I'm not going to complain (well, not going to complain too much) about a day of fastpass for Flight of Passage.

And I even got the exit path with the handprints!

I love all the little details in the ride and the queue:

Afterwards, I enjoyed watching the mech suit guy a little bit. He's funny!

I was mostly just enjoying Pandora and trying my luck for another Flight of Passage fastpass, and my luck continued! I got one for immediate use. Huzzah! The only downside was having to go through the pre-show again. And when you're a single-rider, they tend to slot you in at the end of the group, so I was on the end again. Still definitely worth it!

Afterwards, I got back on my phone to see what fastpasses were available, and I got one for Kilimanjaro Safaris for about half an hour or so in the future. So I headed towards Africa. I did notice a fun little hidden figure of Pumbaa behind a gate on the pathway. Not sure why it's there, since this is really zoomed in and it'd be hard for anyone to see unless they were looking for it. I wasn't looking for it, but was just looking around at all the things. :)

The safari was really fun. Got to see the giraffe baby relaxing near the path.

And the cheetahs were up and about! I hardly ever see them, so that was exciting.

Lions! They were kind of awake. :)

After the safari, I went back to ride Everest. Found myself endorsing tinned meats in the queue. :)

I was brave this time and had my phone out to take pictures, since I was in the front row.

Afterwards, the single rider line was really short so I went back around.

Not sure what the people behind me are doing--looks like they're taking some kind of oath? *shrugs*

After Everest, I was getting a little bit hungry, and tired, so I was thinking about heading back to Nomad Lounge (don't judge. :) ), but on the way I passed "it's Tough to Be a Bug", and I'd never done it, and there was essentially no wait, so I decided why not. So I jumped in line. There was no one in line 'cause they had just started a show, but that meant there was a little bit of a wait. I did like seeing all the carved animals in the Tree of Life really close up though. Also, all the Broadway show posters with bug puns--awesome! I'm a huge huge Broadway fan, so the posters cracked me up.

The show itself was...interesting. Definitely old CGI, but the animatronics were really cool! That bit at the end with the bugs in the seats though...that was weird. I would never wait for this ride, but it was fun to do. :)

After that, I did indeed go back to Nomad Lounge. I sat outside again (though in a different seat :D) and this time I sampled the food. I got a Balinese Breeze drink (Mountain Berry Tea, Simple Syrup, Lemon Juice) which was...ok. Not my favorite, but not horrible.

For food though I got Wagyu Beef Sliders and the Nomad Lounge Bread Service. Those were fantastic.

The Wagyu Beef sliders came with yucca fries, and fried yucca is one of my favorite things, so I really enjoyed that. The bread service was also delicious, though I'll be honest, I didn't really care for the Pomegranate focaccia bread. The crispy bread and the naan looking bread were delicious, but that focaccia bread was just...not good. Dry and very odd flavor combo. Maybe I got a bad batch? The dips were delicious though.

I also called Trevor and we chatted a bit while I was eating. He made it home safely and had taken a fairly long nap, so he was also having a good day (thought not as good as mine since I was still in Disney... :) ).

So, full disclosure: the real reason I was at Animal Kingdom was because I wanted to make sure I saw Tree of Life: Awakenings. I've wanted to see it for the past couple of trips, but never made it for whatever reason. So I planned to spend the afternoon and evening at Animal Kingdom expressly to make sure I saw the show. So after dinner, I headed to the space in front of the Tree of Life and just kind of camped out. It was about 8 pm, and as you can see in the photo, it wasn't at all dark yet, so I had a bit of a wait. I didn't mind though; I really enjoy people watching, especially at Disney.


You can see the people starting to camp out in the picture I took later, once it had gotten dark. It did get more crowded, but it was never really super crowded or anything.

As for the show, I liked it, but I completely misunderstood what it was. Because they were promoting the Lion King, the show was a projection show (with gorgeous artwork) basically telling the story of the Lion King. I thought the show was going to be individual animals carved on the tree waking up and "coming to life" with the lights, not a real projection show. And I had no idea that they had multiple different shows! So I had a spot right up front for the Lion King show (which, while the artwork and music were lovely, Lion King isn't one of my favorite shows), and then I left. As I was leaving, the second show started happening, and that one had songs/depictions from Bambi, Tarzan, a bunch of the Disney movies.

I liked that one better! In between the two shows they had the animals "wake up" once every 30/45 seconds or so, which was more what I thought it would be.

Essentially, I liked the show, and I'm glad I saw it, just had to recalibrate what I thought it was going to be. Disney is amazing with the projection mapping, that's for sure. Next time I go, I'll plan to see several of the showings.

After the show, I was definitely ready for bed, so I headed out to the bus stops. It took about 15 minutes for a bus to come, and when it did come, it was a charter/tour bus, rather than a regular Disney bus. That was different; I'd never seen a charter bus used at the end of the night before. At least it had lots of seats! Though I was at the front of the line so I got a seat anyways.

The bus left at 9:45, and so I was back in my room by probably 10:15, and in bed by 11 pm. It was a really good day, despite being a bit more tired than usual. I couldn't believe my fastpass luck! And Nomad Lounge--amazing. :). I was still a bit sad that Trevor had to go back home, but my first solo day was really fun.

Fun with Metrics:
Steps walked: 24485 (10.3 miles)
Ride count: 17 (RnRCx3, Tower of Terrorx2, Slinky Dog Dashx2, Toy Story Mania, Alien Swirling Saucers, Everestx3, Navi River Journey, Flight of Passagex2, Kilimanjaro Safaris, It's Tough to Be a Bug)

Up Next: Magic Kingdom and Star Wars!
What fantastic FP luck . I rode RNC 5 times a row at DAH and it was awesome so yeah for multiple rides . It’s one of my favorites.
I finally just figured out when solo and not super hungry - kids meal at counter service is the way to go . It only took me 15+ trips to try that . I guess I thought I had to order an adult meal ???
Wow, 5 times in a row? After Hours is amazing. Too bad you can really only get that experience with After Hours any more--after my third ride the standby line was up to nearly an hour, and even my second two rides I could only do that fast as a single rider.

Right?! Kids meals at counter service is amazing. I think I only tried it 'cause Trevor and I did it in order to try some of the stuff at Woodys Lunchbox on our trip last year, so it was in my head that I could try it. I ended up ordering kids meals at several counter service restaurants throughout this trip.

Oh my goodness, you had an AWESOME morning! So many great Fastpasses!!! I had great luck with Fastpass when I was solo in 2016, so I'm glad to hear you can still have great luck today as a solo traveler! (I don't know when I'll be a solo traveler again, but it's still good to know!)

I love your breakfast and lunch choices and my, does that cookie look delicious!
Definitely keep it in mind when you're a single traveler again! The fastpass system makes very little sense but it does seem that availability for one person is way better, even than availabiltiy for two people.

Jack Jack's cookie numnums =
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Loving your TR! Your trip has sounded amazing so far! I love how much you’ve been able to do, it reminds me of how many different things there are to enjoy. Loved all the MNSSHP shots. Looking forward to hearing about the rest of the trip.
I really want to try a solo trip one day! Not sure how many days I could handle before I got lonely, but a few would be lovely. I can't believe your FOP FP luck!
I’m loving your trip report and am hardcore crushing on those UP ears! So cute! I’m like Trevor and am a bit of a wuss when it comes to thrill rides but your trip report makes me want to give some of them a go! Can’t wait to read more! Xx
Someone I missed your Saturday updates about Disney Springs, Artist Point, HS, and Trader Sam's... I must have clicked directly on your response via the alerts? Who know? I just wanted to say I really appreciated confirming that Trader Sam's has non-alcoholic drinks! I'd LOVE to go to Trader Sam's (and we're staying at the Poly in May), and I wasn't sure how I would convince my non-drinking husband that a visit to a bar was necessary. :laughing: Knowing that there are fun options for him too should help! Back to your current update...

Wow, your great Fastpass luck continued! TWO rides on FOP? Amazing!

I keep hearing so many great things about Nomad Lounge! I don't know when I'll be able to get there, but it's great to know that it exists if I have a chance to try it.

I've never been in Animal Kingdom at night (I'm not sure if they even had night hours when I was last there?), so I really look forward to seeing it in the dark! One of my favorite things is seeing the parks at night so it will be great to finally see Animal Kingdom at night. I'll have to remember to try and catch Awakenings!
Monday, August 19, 2019 (part 1):
Magic Kingdom Morning

I actually did sleep in a bit this Monday morning! Guess Monday mornings are Monday mornings, even in Disney. Though more honestly, it was probably mostly just exhaustion and trying to recover a bit! I woke up around 8:30 or so? My first picture of the day, timestamped at 9:17am, is my breakfast.

Such a cute little breakfast! It's awfully fun to have cake for breakfast. This has kind of become a tradition, getting a cake from Amorette's and eating it for breakfast in the morning, while watching the channel on the TV that tells the park hours, etc. I just love having that playing, with the music...I now everyone loves Stacey but give me the hours channel any day!

All ready, and breakfast eaten, and fully bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, I headed to the bus stop to catch a bus to the Magic Kingdom. I was wearing my "Give Me Your Dole Whip" button - appropriate for the Magic Kingdom, right?

I got to the Magic Kingdom a little after 10 am, and was walking under the train station at 10:15. I saw a poster that caught my eye, so I took a picture to send to Trevor to show what my plan for the day.

Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom! I love the little cards--I think they're such fun souvenirs. And the game itself isn't half bad--a fun way to enjoy the atmosphere and ambiance of the Magic Kingdom. So since I was on my own, I wanted to play and see if I couldn't beat the game on the medium level (at that level some of the strategy actually comes into play--you start on easy where your card always defeats the villain, and since I'd beat the game on the easy level last trip, I wanted to see how different it would be playing and trying to beat it on the medium level). That was pretty much the plan for the morning and early afternoon. Sounded good to me!

I stopped by the Fire House to get my pack of cards and figure out which portal I was starting at. Once done with that, I was walking past the Emporium and noticed this fun little crest or something? I'd never noticed it before, but I thought it was really nice. Very swanky. :)

As I started to head up Main Street, I realized the Move It, Shake It, Mouse-ke-Dance It parade was coming down the street, and I'd never seen it before, so I figured I might as well stay and catch it. I was able to get a spot right on the curb, so that was nice.

It's a cute parade! Goofy liked my ears. :) It was a good, energetic start to my Magic Kingdom day--I was ready to party!

I ducked into the Art store on Main Street and found this fun painting referencing the Haunted Mansion. I found a print of it and bought it--I thought it was so fun with some of the ladies from the Haunted Mansion.

I kept wandering through the shops there on Main Street and ended up in that little alleyway there on Main Street. It was empty enough and quiet enough that I got to hear the voice lessons going on! I'd read about that fun little easter egg in several blogs and things, but this was the first time I actually got to hear it! So neat--makes you feel like its a real street, not just a theming in a park.

I then wandered back onto Main Street and took some pictures. Even got a photographer to take a picture of me with the Mickey Halloween pumpkins. :)

I then wandered up to the wishing well--it was closed off when I was there in February, and I always like visiting it, so off I went.

It's so pretty! I tried taking a selfie with it but it didn't work very well.

But then, in a great fit of luck, a Photopass photographer passed by and was willing to take a couple pictures of me!

That was so nice of him. My face is a little bit washed out, but still, I love these pictures. I just love the Wishing Well and was so glad I got some nice pictures there. Yay Disney!

After the Wishing Well, I continued on to Fantasyland, as that's where my Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom game was beginning. I played the portals and defeated the villain there, and then decided I was hungry, so I headed over to Gaston's Tavern for a giant cinnamon roll. Had to get a picture with the Beast's castle, considering my ears and shirt... :)

As I got over to the Tavern though, it was just too hot for me to feel like eating a cinnamon roll, so I nixed that plan but then realized Gaston was meeting, so I decided to get in line to meet him.

He left right after I got there, so I ended up being first in line for his next set, but had to wait the 15 minutes for him to come back out. It actually wasn't too bad; I chilled on the stones there in the shade. It was still hot, but not unbearable in the shade. I remember looking at the treat cart right near there and thinking I should have bought a frozen lemonade, but I didn't. Oh well. :)

He was a great meet though. We talked about how I'd left my husband at home so that I could come and spend time with Gaston. It was great. :)


I had a fastpass for Big Thunder Mountain at 11:45, and so I played a round of Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom in Liberty Square on my way over to Big Thunder. On my way over there though, I saw Michael--the tour guide we had for "Marceline to the Magic Kingdom" last September, whom we really loved. It was kind of cool to see him out giving a tour, but I didn't want to interrupt or say hi or anything. Instead I just was a creeper.

If you book a tour and he's your tour guide, you're in for a treat! He's fantastic.

Anyways, Big Thunder! I tried taking some pictures on the ride, and got some that were halfway decent, I think.

After Big Thunder, I scored a fastpass for Splash Mountain--I needed to cool down!

After Splash Mountain, I was hungry! I didn't have any ADRs or anything booked, so I decided to (finally!) try Pecos Bills! I did mobile ordering to avoid the lines, which only kind of worked. With mobile ordering, you still have to wait in line kind of, it's just less organized and not as long? But I ordered a kid's meal of the beef nachos, so it came with a drink, an apple sauce, and a mandarin orange. With the topping bar especially, it was a perfect size meal. Yum. :)

I may have gone a bit overboard on the sour cream. And the onions. And the cheese. Oops... :)

Before lunch, I was really flagging. But sitting and eating had given me a bit of a second wind, so I went out and continued playing Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom.

But after one or two rounds, it was about 1:30 and I was flagging again. My Star Wars preview slot started at 5 pm, and I'd heard that they were letting people in an hour early, so I wanted to be at Hollywood Studios by no later than 4 pm. That gave me a little bit of time for a nap, so I decided to call it and head back to the hotel for a nap before the preview. Gotta be all fresh for Star Wars land!

I had fairly good bus luck, and was back in the room by a little bit after 2 pm. I fell into bed for my nap and was asleep almost immediately.

Up next: Star Wars land!!
Loving your TR! Your trip has sounded amazing so far! I love how much you’ve been able to do, it reminds me of how many different things there are to enjoy. Loved all the MNSSHP shots. Looking forward to hearing about the rest of the trip.
Aw, thank you! Yea, that's one of the things I love about Disney--so many different things to enjoy and do :) Hope you enjoy the rest!

I really want to try a solo trip one day! Not sure how many days I could handle before I got lonely, but a few would be lovely. I can't believe your FOP FP luck!
Do it! I'll admit I did get a little bit lonely by the end of the trip, but overall it was amazing. And I couldn't believe my FoP fastpass luck either! :)

I’m loving your trip report and am hardcore crushing on those UP ears! So cute! I’m like Trevor and am a bit of a wuss when it comes to thrill rides but your trip report makes me want to give some of them a go! Can’t wait to read more! Xx
Aw, thank you! I know what you mean about the Up ears--they were my very first pair! I hope you do try some of the more thrilling rides, but even if not, Disney has plenty else to enjoy :D

Someone I missed your Saturday updates about Disney Springs, Artist Point, HS, and Trader Sam's... I must have clicked directly on your response via the alerts? Who know? I just wanted to say I really appreciated confirming that Trader Sam's has non-alcoholic drinks! I'd LOVE to go to Trader Sam's (and we're staying at the Poly in May), and I wasn't sure how I would convince my non-drinking husband that a visit to a bar was necessary. :laughing: Knowing that there are fun options for him too should help! Back to your current update...

Wow, your great Fastpass luck continued! TWO rides on FOP? Amazing!

I keep hearing so many great things about Nomad Lounge! I don't know when I'll be able to get there, but it's great to know that it exists if I have a chance to try it.

I've never been in Animal Kingdom at night (I'm not sure if they even had night hours when I was last there?), so I really look forward to seeing it in the dark! One of my favorite things is seeing the parks at night so it will be great to finally see Animal Kingdom at night. I'll have to remember to try and catch Awakenings!
No worries! There's so much to catch up on on the Dis. You're welcome! I hope you and your husband get to go to Trader Sam's--they had 3 listed non-alcoholic mocktails, but I'm sure they have sodas and there's also a food menu (we just arrived too late). And honestly, even if he just got a water it's SO MUCH FUN just being in there with all the shenanigans they do. I hope you get a chance to stop by!

Nomad Lounge is amazing--I feel like now that I've finally gone I'm going to make it a stop every trip, but it definitely took me a while to make time. But if you're ever in AK and just want a place to sit down, do Nomad :)

AK at night is absolutely gorgeous! Hope you get to see it all. I'm actually kind of jealous, getting to experience it all at night for the first time. :) Pandora is breathtaking at night too :)
I got behind!!!!

Why Jock Lindsay's? Well, partially 'cause I love Indy, but because I'd seen a new dish on DisneyFoodBlog that looked super fun. What was it? Here, I'll show you, rather than tell you:
I hope they are still doing this! Gwen wants to do this again next week. it is fun!

So we also got the "Lomo Saltado - Peruvian Flank Steak". This was delicious. Really really good. Highly recommend.
And I might have to try that! It looks delish!

Everything you guys did looked so fun! You def made the best of the time you had with Trevor there!
Monday, August 19, 2019 (part 2):
Riding the Millenium Falcon

(Fair warning: I have enough pictures that this evening is going to be about 3 posts...Galaxy's Edge is just too photogenic!)

So I'd (wisely) headed back to the resort for a nap. I slept for about an hour, maybe a little bit more, and was up by about 3:15. Partially just from excitement, and partially from wanting to be sure that I was at Star Wars land by 4 pm, so that I could get the maximum amount of time in the land. I took the bus over to Hollywood Studios at 3:35 and arrived ten minutes later. I was taking my first picture inside the park at 3:50 pm

I got to the entrance of Galaxy's Edge on Grand Avenue about 5 minutes or so before 4 pm. There were actual several of us waiting to get in at 4 pm, and we were joking with the 5 or 6 cast members there that they should let us in right then (at 3:55 vs 4 pm). They were joking with us back, but one guy was really being a stickler, and when it turned 4 pm, he wasn't going to let us in there. But the three or four of us waiting noticed that one CM off to the side was letting people in, so we all went over there and got let in (even though the stickler guy in the front still wasn't letting people in). Huzzah! When they checked me in, they scanned my magic band and gave me a map, and saw that I had an Oga's reservation, so they sent me to another CM under an umbrella who gave me a ticket for Oga's with a time on it, and then, I was finally entering Batuu!

I was overwhelmed, and honestly started tearing up just a little bit. It really felt like you were entering a Star Wars planet, something totally different from Hollywood Studios. I was amazed at the theming. Just amazing. And right at that point is where the pervasive feeling of "so much to see, so little time" hit and didn't let up at all the whole time I was in there. I just wanted to see everything and there was so much I knew I wouldn't be able to. But I was definitely going to try!

So it was 4 pm, and my Oga's reservation was for 4:15.

I remember thinking that that was really soon, but I took the 15 minutes before to just explore the Resistance area. I took pictures with some of the theming, and then saw a soda cart! I had to stop and get one of those coke bottles that were so instagrammable--though I got a Sprite 'cause I don't like Coke. :)

Also I was really thirsty, so that helped. I also didn't think about how if I bought it at this point I'd have to carry it the rest of the night but oh well. :D

Then I was just taking pictures everywhere. Partially 'cause it was cool but also because I wanted to be able to show Trevor as much of the land as possible once I was back home.

There was a little bit of a line for the A-wing photopass photographer, but not too bad.

My first porg!

Then I saw Rey and Chewie and the rebel spy (the lady with the blue hair?) over at the X-wing so of COURSE I ran right over there. They were leaving as I came up, but Rey walked right past me. Magic!

I then waited in the slightly longer line for pictures in front of the X-wing. an X-WING!!!! And look at that smoke coming from underneath the X-Wing--I was amazed at just all the details that made it seem real.

I know, they're awkward, but mostly I'm just so keyed up to actually be in the land.

And then Chewie and his handler and the spy were back!

After seeing them and chatting a little bit with the resistance spy, I headed over to the merch cart (there behind Chewie) to look at what they had. Trevor told me he wanted a water bottle, if I found a cool one that didn't explicitly say "Star Wars" or any text. So I headed over there and was again, knocked over by the cool stuff they had. They had this awesome General Leia magnet, and I saw a really cool water bottle. I was still getting my bearings so I asked the CM if they sold the stuff at the cart anywhere else in the land (which of course, I should have known the answer) but she said "no", so I decided to buy the stuff then (despite knowing I'd have to carry it around all night) and to get my Star Wars reusable bag! My FOMO hit hard.

At that point, I was a little bit late for my Oga's reservation, so I scurried on over to Oga's (my receipt was time-stamped at 4:16, so...there you go). I will say the land feels very organic, like the paths grew or were organically created rather than put in place by creators for optimal movement within the park. Essentially, I found it easy to get lost and had to consult the map very closely to make it to Oga's. But I did make it, not too late. :)

THere was a line to get in to Oga's, even with having a reservation, but I only ended up waiting about a minute or so. As a single person they brought me to a spot at the bar. It was definitely crowded and hopping! I did appreciate that the bar had foot rests and hooks for your bags, but man, I wish there were more seats! I didn't love standing for an hour. But, it is what it is. :)

I was down at the far end of one side, and Oga's is (as is the rest of the land) amazing for theming.

I spent a lot of time looking and watching DJ Rex (who was functioning, yay!). My waiter took a while to come over, so I had lots of time to take it in at first.


That's the foam for the Fuzzy Tauntaun drink, which I thought was neat.


And the hyperdrive!

I think this is when the Hyperdrive breaks down and DJ Rex freaks out a bit--sorry for the video in portrait mode!

And this is some kind of a drinking song? It was cool, but difficult to figure out what was going on with all the noise.

Once my waiter came over, I placed my order. I don't drink, and Trevor and I had talked and we weren't super interested in paying the ridiculous prices for the souvenir cups, so I got the Jabba Juice - Simply® Orange with Pineapple, Kiwi, Cantaloupe, and Blueberry Popping Pearl.

Fun coasters! I don't like Powerade, and pretty much all the other non-alcoholic drinks had Powerade in them, so this was basically it. (I was going to get the blue milk later). It was good, but tasted like orange juice with boba balls. Didn't get any of the other citrus flavors in it. Not bad though.

I also go the Oga's Obsession snack.

This was good, but basically jello with crunchy bits. They do need better bar food at Oga's.

As may have been surmised from the wait to get any attention from my server at first, he wasn't great. I didn't really like him at all. He pretty much ignored me most of the time, and after I ordered it took a really long time for what was essentially orange juice and a pre-made jello snack. I'm sure they were busy, and I get that it was a preview, but it's not so much the long wait that got me, but rather my server's attitude. I was watching the other bartenders and they were all smiling and interacting with the guests, whereas my server was just kind of sulky/rude. Very short with me when I did get his attention and making me feel like I was in the way or interrupting whatever he was doing. Then later I thought I could get another drink, since I'd been told there was a two drink maximum, not a two item maximum. Once I'd managed to flag him down and get his attention, I asked to get a drink and he was really rude about telling me that I couldn't get anything else 'cause I'd gotten the drink and the Oga's Obsession snack and that was my limit. Again, it was probably crazy busy for them all day, and maybe that was his character, but it really put me off. I didn't really enjoy my time there, in large portion because he just made me feel like I was a burden and so even when he was ignoring me or attending to other guests, I felt like I was in the way. *shrugs* Oh well. I did stay for my whole 45 minutes, and I took my coaster, and took a bunch of pictures/videos, and enjoyed watching the DJ. Essentially, I liked the cantina, but didn't really like my specific experience. When Trevor and I go to Disneyland next year, I hope we have more fun In Oga's.

When I came out of Oga's, it was clear it had rained. Yay for missing the rain! It cooled it down a little bit too. Not a lot, 'cause its steamy Florida, but a little bit. :) The crowds weren't bad either. Definitely people, but not oppressive or overwhelming. Lots of room to move. I'd come the long way around to Oga's (past the milk stand and the TIE fighter), so coming out of Oga's I turned the corner and got my first glimpse of the Millenium Falcon.



Just wow. It was the Falcon--it looked real! Amazing!

The line was posted at 50 minutes, and normally I don't do waits that long, but I couldn't not get in line for that ride. There were people outside in the wraparound the Falcon before it got into the building but they seemed to be moving pretty good, and honestly I wanted to see the queue for the Falcon anyways, so I hopped in line.

I took SO MANY PICTURES. All the pictures--I couldn't help it! It's so well themed. I won't inflict them all on you, but believe me, that queue is something else. Wrapping around the Falcon outside so you get some views of the underside was awesome.

Then you go into the engine room and that's also amazing. There's so much to look at in the engine room. I loved seeing the Sabacc game all set up.

Spoiler alert: you think this would have pinged in my brain that I wanted to buy a set of Sabacc cards, but it didn't. I completely forgot those were a souvenir/toy I could buy and I didn't end up getting them. :( oh well!

I also really loved how you kept getting different views/perspectives on the Falcon. So pretty!

Despite the 50 minute posted wait, I was in Hondo's room 27 minutes later. That's not bad at all. And actually it felt like a good amount of time, letting me see and take in the detailed theming of the queue. Didn't feel like 27 minutes, that's for sure!

Soon enough I was walking down the cramped hallway "in the Falcon" to get my assignment.

Gunner! I wanted pilot, but wasn't upset to be given gunner. And then I was IN THE FALCON. I know I'm being repetitive, but the theming. Guys, I was in the Falcon. It was amazing.

I don't know how hard it is now to get pictures here, but at the preview you definitely had to be watching and ready to immediately swoop in and get your picture taken. And they move you through this room fast! The one time you want to spend more time in line... :)

Very quickly my crew was called and we were taken down the hall to get into the Falcon's cockpit. Hondo gave us some last minute instructions:

And then we were off! I loved it. Our two pilots had clearly done it before and were aiming to get a really good score, so they piloted really well. I had great fun being the gunner. My one complaint (and I think it's a fairly common one) is that you want to look forward but your buttons are off to the side, so you're trying to look both forward and off to the side at the same time. Beyond that, I loved it. Just so much fun and so immersive.

We did pretty well; it showed the overall score was 9970, and then I guess my individual breakdown was 1150? I still haven't quite figured out how the scoring works, but I know I got over 9970 'cause I'd turned on my Disney Play app and it added the 9970 credits to my overall credit score on the Play App datapad.


Snuck a quick selfie in the cockpit :)

And another on the way out of the cockpit:

The exit queue felt just as long as the exit queue for Flight of Passage, but much better themed. Found an awesome sculpture, and a Porg nest!


Cute little droid door!

I got back outside at 5:45, so a total experience time of 41 minutes, and waiting in line for about 33 minutes. Not bad at all! I decided to get back in line immediately and try the single rider line. The line is just a boring hallway, and then a staircase. When I entered the hallway and saw this:

I knew I'd made a mistake! No quick re-ride for me. :)

So, I just hit the picture limit, and I've been in Galaxy's edge for less than 2 hours. Oops! Tune in next time for the next few hours in Galaxy's Edge. How long did the single rider line take me? :)
I got behind!!!!

I hope they are still doing this! Gwen wants to do this again next week. it is fun!

And I might have to try that! It looks delish!

Everything you guys did looked so fun! You def made the best of the time you had with Trevor there!

No worries! I hope you're having a fantastic Disney trip, and that you made it to Jock's and they had the bacon. And yes, the flank steak was DELICIOUS. :)


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