Confessions Thread

I confess that I am watching Enchanted for the millionth time.
I confess that Amy Adams is wonderful and Patrick Dempsey is to die for!
I confess that I might like him, just a little.
I confess that I am kinda jealous.
I confess that I really WOULD like a compliment once in a while, even if he [or any of my other SMS friends, for that matter :(] don't want to give one; their reasons? I have no idea.
I confess that I really need a happy show right now, like Friends.
I confess I'm going to go watch it :D
I confess I'm a wee bit nervous for the 2 hour drive tomorrow.
I confess it'll be totally worth it when I see him in person again and get to hug and kiss him again.
I confess I couldn't be happier!
I confess I'm really hungry right now, but I don't feel like eating anything.
I confess I have 2 pimples on my face..urgh
I confess work was lovely tonight, and I got out a whole hour and a half early!
I confess I have a busy, busy, BUSY couple of days ahead of me.
I confess I'm going to my DBF's house for the weekend, driving home on Sunday, then going straight to my brother's and spending the night there, then going to the zoo with him and my sis in law on Monday, then working 4-10 Monday night..wowzaz.
I confess that in my opinion this thread has gotten ridiculously long and someone should start a new one *wink wink* ;)

i confess my obbsession with disney has gotten unhealthy and out of hand :)
i confess i have a pimple on the inside of my nose
i confess IT HURTS SOOO BAD!!!


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