Conservative Thread: The New American Tea Party

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What I find completely and totally ironic is that this man who was suppose to be a great uniter, healer and unifier has caused more division among Americans, an increase in racism, and now with the government trying to confiscate Catholic diocese owned lands in Connecticut in a bill brought forth by two gay politicians, I also foresee an increase in anti-gay sentiments. BO is on his way to running our country into the ground, and with the way he is treating our allies, no one will be there to help pick it up. He is an idiot, and that is the nicest thing I can say about him.
You are right. I know this but I am having difficulty tamping down my resentment towards the U.S. right now. I have to remember that it is just some people, not all. Certainly not you guys.

Remember, I was raised to believe ( not by my parents for sure but by my culture) that all Americans were snooty and dismissive of other countries opinions. And now I see it in action, calling the British press all tabloid garbage.... and...... this is nothing, why are they upset, they have no right to be. I find this very offensive on the surface and I find that if Obama REALLY did do this beyond offensive. Sorry, I just do and I have a right to feel that way. And believe me I am not the only one of my family and friends that feel this way, not by a long shot.

I never once complained about GB being lambasted in the British press because I also felt they had a right to do so. They (GB) put their "dogs" in our "hunt" for no other reason that they had excellent relations with us and wanted to be of assistance. Some British citizens were resentful and believe me, I understood that. They were asked to sacrifice their loved ones for someone else's war. That is hard to swallow so yeah, I felt they had earned their right to complain.

After that huge sacrifice, they then perceive that the new administration dismisses them outright and treats them shoddily all whilst reaching out to the "enemy" at the same time? Then telling us that we have a bias, that it is a tabloid rags reporting it, they have no integrity and are just making things up to discredit him. FOR WHAT REASON? They wanted Obama elected.

The hypocracy and arrogance is too much for me right now. Again just venting, no offense meant to any of you.

No offense taken, I think most, if not all, of us agree with you. I lived in London for a couple of semesters of school, attended classes with Europeans and had the British news as my daily news source. But it will be hard to get the lib’s to admit what a mistake Obama is because if they have to admit that then they have to admit that they made a mistake with electing the man in the first place. And they won’t do that.

He really is turning into a joke and he will cost this country dearly. He’s having Wed night cocktail parties yet is “too tired” to treat our greatest ally with the respect that he deserves; he’s not showing up at the Oval Office until 9:00 am each morning – if even that because it has gotten out that he’s not always showing up at all… he’s “working from home” some days. :sad2:

Hate Bush for the Iraq war; but the man was in the Oval Office at 7:00am each morning; he treated our allies with respect and he didn’t treat our enemies –that wish us harm – better than our allies as this current President is doing.
Ford Family - yeah me too...... Then I got really angry when they started to insult the Telegraph as trash. They got my dander up and I felt I had to stand up for the "Homeland".

Just out of curiosity are you feeling similarly to me or is it something else that has you irked.

The attack on the Telegraph really annoyed me especially when posters have no idea what they are talking about. The whole protocol business is indicative of an administration that is out of its depth which was expected but, nevertheless, has emerged remarkably quickly.
I think it was Simon Heffer in the Telegraph the other day that started calling him President Obarmy!

ford family
Hi everyone! Just checking in and trying to catch up as usual;) .

I've been reading the news today and I have to admit I'm beginning to get really concerned! BO continues his rude behavior towards Britain which I think is a huge mistake, China is threatening Navy ships, North Korea is threatening war, and BO is concerning himself with stem cell research:confused3 . It becomes more apparent each day that this guy really is trying to destroy this country. Now I definately didn't agree with everything Bush did but at least when other countries were threatening us he would have held a press conference or something to let the American people know what's going on. All this guy does is attempt to distract with stem cell research and continue his disgusting behavior toward our allies:sad2: .


Oh, he holds plenty of press conferences - his ego won't allow him to miss a single day of being on CNN, ect...

But he'll never hold a press conference over anything with substance. Whenever he's "supposed" to; we still don't get the substance; we get all of the hallow campaign promises from the past two years.
The attack on the Telegraph really annoyed me especially when posters have no idea what they are talking about. The whole protocol business is indicative of an administration that is out of its depth which was expected but, nevertheless, has emerged remarkably quickly.
I think it was Simon Heffer in the Telegraph the other day that started calling him President Obarmy!

ford family

You will find out very quickly that Obarmy's supporters will defend him no matter what, even when it can be proven time and again that they are wrong and that they do not know what they are talking about. It's quite entertaining to read their nonsense. I wonder if they realize what a fool they are making of themselves. I doubt it. It's a shame really, as the rest of the world is starting to see what a fool Obarmy is.

Jack Welch: Obama’s Lack of Focus ‘Crazy’ But Criticism Makes You ‘Pariah’

Good thing Jack Welch criticized Barack Obama on national TV and not at a toney New York party: he might never have been invited to sip Cosmos with the cocktail set again . . .

Appearing on Morning Joe today, the former GE CEO lambasted Pres. Obama’s lack of focus, calling it “crazy.” But he observed that people who broach even the slightest criticism of Obama do so at peril of becoming pariahs in the New York set. Even his own “trust-fund daughters” will hear no evil when it comes to the prez.

JACK WELCH: This guy is locked in another world. And he’s throwing all these initiatives into this game in the middle of a crisis. Focus on the crisis! Focus on the economy!

When Mika Brzezinski tried to stick up for the prez, she got a surprising earful . . .

MIKA BRZEZINSKI: You could argue all these initiatives are inter-related–energy, health care –

WELCH: Get out of here! They’re not related at all!

BRZEZINSKI: Did he just say that?

WELCH: Right now they’re not related. Right now it’s the economy, Mika. It’s the economy. It’s getting the banks going. It’s a clear message to everybody: all hands on deck. We have a crisis: let’s deal with this. Not one day, carbon tax. One day, take the kids out of the Washington schools. I mean it’s, it’s crazy!

A bit later, CNBC’s Maria Bartiromo emphatically seconded Welch’s point.

MARIA BARTIROMO: I agree with Jack 100%. I think that the market would actually begin to stabilize if Barack Obama came out and said: “look, this is the last time you’re going to see me at a podium talking about energy, talking about health care. We’ve got some teams on that. But right now, all hands on deck. We’re going to fix this economy, we’re going to get jobs going again. And, most importantly, we’re going to recapitalize the banks, and here’s how we’re going to do it.” People want a plan. They’re confused by all these things. Energy, health care, budget, higher taxes. All they want to know is: is my money safe? Where’s my money?

A bit later, Welch gave that insight into PC New York society . . .

WELCH: I had cocktail parties this weekend; I stayed in New York. If you even bring up the name Barack Obama and start to go down this [road to criticism] — I love the guy. I think he’s great. I think he has a beautiful family. I think he’s a good man. But these–you bring up a comment about him, and all of a sudden you’re a pariah! You’re not American! You’re a bad guy. If you even bring his name up. My two trust-fund daughters, if I bring his name up in anything other than a glori[fying way]–they don’t have any critical thinking about it: at all!

BRZEZINSKI: Oh my God! Jack!

We are not the only people seeing this. And these people have the media with which to get out their message.:worship:

To believe that ANYONE is perfect and can do no wrong is just well, wrong.
I heard a snippet that Obama wants to have discussions with the Taliban. He's trying to compare it to how we had talks with the Sunni in Iraq. Nope, not the same at all. Besides, if it didn't work for Karzai, what makes him think that he's so special to get their attention, and why would he trust those people??:headache:
I heard a snippet that Obama wants to have discussions with the Taliban. He's trying to compare it to how we had talks with the Sunni in Iraq. Nope, not the same at all. Besides, if it didn't work for Karzai, what makes him think that he's so special to get their attention, and why would he trust those people??:headache:

He'll have to be really, really careful with his choices of dvds.
Those guys hate everything.

ford family
I just passed that on to nearly everyone in my address book. Beautiful. I always loved Tiger Woods and greatly admired him.

I always knew Tiger was great, I just never knew how great.

Thank you so much for sharing that. I am forwarding it on to others since none of us had heard about his salute to our military from the mainstream media.


You're welcome. :flower3: I wish they had heard about it on the MSM. It was beautiful.

**Standing Ovation**

I would have given him a standing O too. He deserved it.
Anyone else like Huckabee?

My DH has seen him speak a bunch of times on the news shows in recent months and is really impressed. I've been checking out the interviews and he comes across smart & logical, he seems to have a level of common sense many politicians lack today. I'd like to see him him run again in 2012.
Anyone else like Huckabee?

My DH has seen him speak a bunch of times on the news shows in recent months and is really impressed. I've been checking out the interviews and he comes across smart & logical, he seems to have a level of common sense many politicians lack today. I'd like to see him him run again in 2012.

Fair or not, I think his history as an evangelical minister would hold him back.
The attack on the Telegraph really annoyed me especially when posters have no idea what they are talking about. The whole protocol business is indicative of an administration that is out of its depth which was expected but, nevertheless, has emerged remarkably quickly.
I think it was Simon Heffer in the Telegraph the other day that started calling him President Obarmy!

Thank you Ford Family for that. I totally agree. I guess they just don't see how everyone can't fall lockstep in with them.

Now they are calling me an anglophile as if I am blinded to the truth by my affinity for England, little do they know:sad2: that I am offended because I AM English and that the Telegraph was my fav newspaper to read. I still peruse it on line nearly every day.

I always knew Tiger was great, I just never knew how great

Tiger is a class act, always has been.

Oh and just to add fuel to the fire check out this one, Ol' Joe might very well have been right.

Lets see what happens when the REAL pressure is on.
Anyone else like Huckabee?

My DH has seen him speak a bunch of times on the news shows in recent months and is really impressed. I've been checking out the interviews and he comes across smart & logical, he seems to have a level of common sense many politicians lack today. I'd like to see him him run again in 2012.

I don't have an ape in this race.

ford family
Another reason to admire the person who could quite possibly be the greatest golfer in history.

I just got this in an email a little while ago...

Subject: Way to go Tiger!


Tiger Woods received a special invitation to speak at the inauguration. His

inviters were stunned, when he did not deliver the message they expected.

You will see why the media swept it under the rug with no further ado, who &

why of a certain element is pissed off at Tiger.

Below is the text of his speech, entitled:

"You'll Never Walk Alone," as posted on his Web site:

"I grew up in a military family - and my role models in life were my Mom and

Dad, Lt. Colonel Earl Woods. My dad was a Special Forces operator and many

nights friends would visit our home. They represented every branch of the

service, and every rank.

"In my Dad, and in those guests, I saw first hand the dedication and

commitment of those who serve. They come from every walk of life. From every

part of our country. Time and again, across generations, they have defended

our safety in the dark of night and far from home.

"Each day -- and particularly on this historic day -- we honor the men and

women in uniform who serve our country and protect our freedom. They travel

to the dangerous corners of the world, and we must remember that for every

person who is in uniform, there are families who wait for them to come home


"I am honored that the military is such an important part, not just of my

personal life, but of my professional one as well. The golf tournament we do

each year here in Washington is a testament to those unsung heroes.

"I am the son of a man who dedicated his life to his country, family and the

military, and I am a better person for it.

"In the summer of 1864, Abraham Lincoln, the man at whose memorial we stand,

spoke to the 164th Ohio Regiment and said: 'I am greatly obliged to you, and

to all who have come forward at the call of their country.'

"Just as they have stood tall for our country - we must always stand by and

support the men and women in uniform and their families.

"Thank you, and it is now my pleasure to introduce the US Naval Glee Club."


I have never been more proud of Tiger Woods than when I heard his 2-minute

tribute to the military at the Inaugural Celebration in Washington DC. You

know he was greatly pressured to be there. Liberals have been mad at him for

a decade for not joining their ranks. You know he didn't want to be there.

So instead of paying homage to Obama, he paid tribute to our soldiers. Not

one time did tiger mention Obama, the inauguration or the new administration.

He knew beforehand that his love for America, and appreciation for our

military men & women would anger them further. But Tiger is his own man;

his father taught him to be his own man.

Somewhere over that cold, gray Washington sky, old Earl Woods was smiling

down on his beloved son. And there will be one more crying hug waiting for

Tiger when he passes through the Pearly Gates into God's arms.

This just made my day! I was so disappointed when I heard Tiger was going to speak at the inauguration, then never heard any more about I know why!


Oh, and agreed.....*standing O* :cool1:

Hiy'all!!! :wave:
Ok, so I'm listening on the news about those Chinese boats surrounding and harassing a US Navy ship. At one point the Chinese were trying to snag their sonar device trailing behind the ship, and the US aimed some sort of hose at them. So the Chinese stripped down to their underwear and kept harassing the navy men.:lmao: :rotfl2: I know it's serious stuff, but the image of a bunch of Chinese running around a boat in their underwear, in an attempt to rile up the shipmen, is hilarious in my mind.:laughing:
He'll have to be really, really careful with his choices of dvds.
Those guys hate everything.

ford family

:rotfl: Ok, now that was funny. :laughing:

Anyone else like Huckabee?

My DH has seen him speak a bunch of times on the news shows in recent months and is really impressed. I've been checking out the interviews and he comes across smart & logical, he seems to have a level of common sense many politicians lack today. I'd like to see him him run again in 2012.

I like Huckabee, just not necessarily for a presidential candidate. I love to hear the rumors that Newt may run. If only to draw negative focus away from any other good candidates. Although I'd love, love, love Newt as POTUS, I don't think he'd win....but after LTEC - we may be able to put one of those spotted owls up against him and have a shot at winning. ;)
Hi everyone! Just checking in and trying to catch up as usual;) .

I've been reading the news today and I have to admit I'm beginning to get really concerned! BO continues his rude behavior towards Britain which I think is a huge mistake, China is threatening Navy ships, North Korea is threatening war, and BO is concerning himself with stem cell research:confused3 . It becomes more apparent each day that this guy really is trying to destroy this country. Now I definately didn't agree with everything Bush did but at least when other countries were threatening us he would have held a press conference or something to let the American people know what's going on. All this guy does is attempt to distract with stem cell research and continue his disgusting behavior toward our allies:sad2: .


I kind of had a :scared1: moment this morning when I perused the news -- then I really had a :scared1: moment when I see that the POTUS is more concerned with (1) people calling him a socialist and (2) continuing to deflect and cry not my fault.

Fair or not, I think his history as an evangelical minister would hold him back.

I totally agree. I'm not counting Romney out -- especially if he ends up being spot on about the economy.
This just made my day! I was so disappointed when I heard Tiger was going to speak at the inauguration, then never heard any more about I know why!


Oh, and agreed.....*standing O* :cool1:

Hiy'all!!! :wave:

Hi there!

It made my day when I saw it too. :woohoo: If I ever get a chance to see him play, you better believe I'll give him the standing O then. :thumbsup2
Ok, so I'm listening on the news about those Chinese boats surrounding and harassing a US Navy ship. At one point the Chinese were trying to snag their sonar device trailing behind the ship, and the US aimed some sort of hose at them. So the Chinese stripped down to their underwear and kept harassing the navy men.:lmao: :rotfl2: I know it's serious stuff, but the image of a bunch of Chinese running around a boat in their underwear, in an attempt to rile up the shipmen, is hilarious in my mind.:laughing:

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