Couch to 5K running plan...has any tried it?

Hey guys!

I was talking to my dad this morning and he pointed me in the direction of another "slow guy" runner, Dr. George Sheehan. I think his ideas for winter running gear are a little old fashioned (no one actually recommends cotton in winter these days, do they?) but he's got this great little stretch and exercise program designed to help the muscles that need it from running. He says, "When you run, three things happen to your muscles. Two are bad. The prime movers-the calf, hamstring, and low back muscles-become tight and inflexible. The Antagonists-the shin, quadricep, gluteal, and abdominal muscles-become relatively weak. This creates a strength/flexibility imbalance that must be corrected."

I tried some of these this morning and they felt soooo good, I wanted to share them.

marshallandcartersmo - hello! You ask a good question about level of fitness upon starting C25K. I can understand your concerns - everyone starts from a different place, of course. When I started, I had previously been trying to get regular with walking on the treadmill, but was seriously struggling to keep any kind of regularity about it. The clear plan of C25K was intensely helpful to me.

Depending on the person, C25K can be too much right out of the gate, I think. It wasn't right for my DH, for instance. The longer someone's been sedentary, the more excess weight a person carries, etc. can definitely lead to a minute of running being too much to start with. Some other beginning running programs suggest that if you are starting from zero, you may want to pursue a walking program before you begin to run. You could start by walking 10-15 minutes and work your way up from there, or use the week 1 podcast and walk slowly for the "Walk" portion and try to pick up the pace a little for the "run" portion. Then when that doesn't seem to bad, do week 1 again and do every other run. Before you know it, you'll be cruising along! The beauty of C25K is building slowly on what you have.

It sounds like you will probably be fine, but there are options if it just seems like too much, too soon.

Have a great day!
Did anyone that start this really, truly have NO previous exercise experience?? I honestly don't excercise at all, haven't ever really. It's a wonder I don't weigh 2000 pounds, I'm lucky and just have about 15 to lose.


You are not alone :) I was always the one in school to make every excuse not to play sports. I hate the idea of sweating and running to say the very least. However, my girlfriend asked me to start walking with her every morning and the feeling I had afterwards was great. That walking stint only lasted 6 months. Then two years later another friend asked me to do a 5K with her, she was crazy but I accepted the offer.

I started the C25K program and never got past week 4, but I still managed to complete the 5k's we entered monthly. I was not the fastest or the slowest, but I did it each time. I have never been able to run the whole thing, but I did the walk/run thing.

I am a mom of 4 in grad school, so for the past 8 months things have been on hold. I restarted this program (at week3) since I knew I could do it. Like you I only have 15 pds to lose, but I like the challenge too. For the first time I will do week 5 day 1 tonight, and I will finish it this time around.

It is OK to take your time and start with baby steps, just remember the key to start is to BELIEVE ENOUGH IN YOURSELF THAT YOU CAN DO IT!!! and the rest will follow :)

Good luck, and if the weather is cold start out with just 10 minutes 3 days a week. The weather is not going to go away, so your best bet is to do small periods until the weather is warmer.
Hey guys!

I was talking to my dad this morning and he pointed me in the direction of another "slow guy" runner, Dr. George Sheehan. I think his ideas for winter running gear are a little old fashioned (no one actually recommends cotton in winter these days, do they?) but he's got this great little stretch and exercise program designed to help the muscles that need it from running. He says, "When you run, three things happen to your muscles. Two are bad. The prime movers-the calf, hamstring, and low back muscles-become tight and inflexible. The Antagonists-the shin, quadricep, gluteal, and abdominal muscles-become relatively weak. This creates a strength/flexibility imbalance that must be corrected."

I tried some of these this morning and they felt soooo good, I wanted to share them.

marshallandcartersmo - hello! You ask a good question about level of fitness upon starting C25K. I can understand your concerns - everyone starts from a different place, of course. When I started, I had previously been trying to get regular with walking on the treadmill, but was seriously struggling to keep any kind of regularity about it. The clear plan of C25K was intensely helpful to me.

Depending on the person, C25K can be too much right out of the gate, I think. It wasn't right for my DH, for instance. The longer someone's been sedentary, the more excess weight a person carries, etc. can definitely lead to a minute of running being too much to start with. Some other beginning running programs suggest that if you are starting from zero, you may want to pursue a walking program before you begin to run. You could start by walking 10-15 minutes and work your way up from there, or use the week 1 podcast and walk slowly for the "Walk" portion and try to pick up the pace a little for the "run" portion. Then when that doesn't seem to bad, do week 1 again and do every other run. Before you know it, you'll be cruising along! The beauty of C25K is building slowly on what you have.

Have a great day!

That is a great idea!!

You are not alone :) I was always the one in school to make every excuse not to play sports. I hate the idea of sweating and running to say the very least. However, my girlfriend asked me to start walking with her every morning and the feeling I had afterwards was great. That walking stint only lasted 6 months. Then two years later another friend asked me to do a 5K with her, she was crazy but I accepted the offer.

I started the C25K program and never got past week 4, but I still managed to complete the 5k's we entered monthly. I was not the fastest or the slowest, but I did it each time. I have never been able to run the whole thing, but I did the walk/run thing.

I am a mom of 4 in grad school, so for the past 8 months things have been on hold. I restarted this program (at week3) since I knew I could do it. Like you I only have 15 pds to lose, but I like the challenge too. For the first time I will do week 5 day 1 tonight, and I will finish it this time around.

It is OK to take your time and start with baby steps, just remember the key to start is to BELIEVE ENOUGH IN YOURSELF THAT YOU CAN DO IT!!! and the rest will follow :)

Good luck, and if the weather is cold start out with just 10 minutes 3 days a week. The weather is not going to go away, so your best bet is to do small periods until the weather is warmer.

Your post I bolded above cracked me up!! I remember DH (back when he was a boyfriend and not a husband) used to take me to play tennis, and if the ball wasn't within my arms reach, I'd just watch them sail on by. :rotfl: And sweating for fun----oh please. I'd rather clean a bathroom.

But I saw my OBGYN the other day and he asked me what exercise I did. I told him "I chase after my 2 young DS's" and he looked at me and said "that doesn't cut it for exercise anymore". :rolleyes:
So I guess I better start something.

We're looking into finding a place for a treadmill, right now it looks like it would be in the garage. Yucky scenery but better than 14 degrees I guess.

thanks to all, you've been so helpful!
I DID IT!!!!!!!! I DID IT!!!!!!!

and it was not that bad :)

Week5 day 1 is now done, as many times as I have started this I have never completed or started week5!! I am so happy to have made it :)

Only 4 more weeks to go!

Good luck everyone!
Copied from my blog because I'm lazy, lol

Looks like I'm going to have to revise my program.

Apparently it's not normal to spend the entire week in pain, popping 4 ibuprofens every 4 hours, varying ice and heat, and still unable to walk very well just because I'm running.

Sounds counter-intuitive, but I'm going to the gym 4 times next week.

But first, a quick run-down of today:

Kids didn't have school, so I got over to the gym a little before 7:00. I'd popped the pain killers, stretched, icy-hotted, and wrapped the screaming left knee. I guess I should admit I've taking to holding on to furniture when trying to get around, especially after I've been still for awhile.

I walked a couple of laps, stretched again, and tightened my laces, then started the podcast. You know the stereophonic effect where you hear something in one earphone and then it migrates to the other ear? That's how the pain was going. From the left knee to the right calf to the left knee to the right foot (which is swelling against the, I realize too late, too tight laces.

First run coming up, and, amazingly, the pain lessens in the run. Then, as soon as it's time to drop back to walk, it comes racing back. By the end, I'm limping around the walk. I finish the whole workout, though. MWF, check.

But, again, just getting out of the car and into the house after that is a monumental task.

Something has to give. I can't spend everyday in pain. Or run through a bottle of pain killers every week. That can't be good.

So, with the help of cjo (my inspiration and long distance coach), I've got a new plan starting Monday. I'll alternate weights and stretching days with days of 30 minutes on the elliptical, and run only once a week. I need to strengthen my quads and hamstrings while stretching those tight calf muscles that are bearing all the burden right now.

I'm trying to look at this positively. It's a process of figuring out what's going to work best without injury.

Part of me wants to scream and cry and pout because my body isn't listening to my mind, but that's not going to get me anywhere except further behind because of injury, so it is what it is. Onward and upward.
On Sat 1-19-07, I did week5day2..........................I was scared to do it, which is why Fri I did not even attempt it :(

BUT last night, at 11pm I finally worked up enough courage and did it :) Now I only have to do w5d3, and if I can do that I can do anything!!!!!!!!

I did take two motrin, due to my knee, but that was due to my lack of stretching before:confused3 :confused3

Best of luck to everyone to a swim meet way to early this am!!
Where is everyone??????

Tonight (last night LOL) I did wk5day3, which is 5 min walk and then 2 mile run NO WALKING..........I DID IT :)

Up next is week 6 and I am scared to death, but hey I just did this.....................SO ONE DAY AT A TIME :)))))

Good luck everyone :)

Tomorrow is a REST day, which my knees are crying for :rotfl:
Has anyone tried this on a treadmill? I leave for work before the sun comes up and by the time I get home it is dark. I am not fond of running at night by myself so the only way I can run is on a treadmill. Any advise would be great.
swim-mom! You just did the scary one - :cheer2: Hooray! Not that the 30 minutes isn't intimidating as well, but somehow, the w5d3 is the turning point where you realize that if you can do that, the rest is going to fall into place. Great work!

DISNEYDUET - Hello - many people do this program on a treadmill. It works out pretty well. I didn't actually head out and try running outside until a few weeks before my first 5K. Some people find that transition to be difficult, but I had no problems and would hate to transition the other way. My best tips for the treadmill:

1. Get appropriate running shoes - they are just as important on the TM as they are on the road. Plus, they stay cleaner on the treadmill!

2. Don't keep the elevation at 0 - some people talk a lot about the wind resistance etc and say you need to compensate for that. Well, not at the speeds I am going, BUT I do find that varying the elevation between 0 and 2 is a good thing for my legs and feet, and if you transition to running outside at some point, having some elevation training is very helpful.

3. Don't worry so much about the speed. Even though you are on a machine, the first order of business is to listen to your body and make the machine's numbers match that. Lots of people ask what is a "good" walking speed and a "good" running speed. The main thing is to choose a
"walk" speed that keeps your blood moving, but still allows you to recover from a run and a "run" speed that allows you to run and still finish the interval - it's not meant to be a sprint! When I started, I'd set the TM to 3 for a walk and 4 for a run. My treadmill is unique and every person starts at a different place, so my numbers very, very likely will be completely useless to anyone else! The first week or two are great for figuring out what is a comfortable run speed for you and feel free to adjust your speed on the fly/ try out different speeds to see what feels best. AND, remember that it is time OR distance that you are running for. There is no need to run 3.1 miles in 30 minutes by the end of this.

4. Use the safety mechanism. And don't do that thing they do on The Biggest Loser where they run and then jump on the sides - just adjust the speed with the buttons and transition with the machine. :) I can't believe how many people are falling off the treadmill this season. Use the safety string!

5. This is a tip I got from someone that I haven't used, but maybe it will help - some people swear by setting up a fan next to the treadmill so you get that feeling of going forward through space. I just don't have a fan, so I haven't done it. But I bet that would feel great!

6. Finally, don't feel like running on a treadmill is any less valid a way to do this program than running on the roads. You have to do what works for you and the treadmill is a great tool for C25K.

Well, I think that's all I've got! You can do it!:thumbsup2
Has anyone tried this on a treadmill? I leave for work before the sun comes up and by the time I get home it is dark. I am not fond of running at night by myself so the only way I can run is on a treadmill. Any advise would be great.

I have been doing the program thus far on my TM (starting wk6 tomorrow). I have 4 children and I am in grad school so I do this late at night. If I did not have my TM it would not be possible.


Also decide if you are going to do the time or the distance aspect of the prg too. For example, it will say walk 1/4 or ? minutes. I do the distance, since that is my goal and with the TM I can. However, some people like the time since it is a gradual buildup to the program.

I do 2.25 miles in 37 minutes which was w5d3 time. Again I do the distance, because I can with the TM.

Oh I have my incline on 0, since it is better to build up in my opinion. Also start your speed out slow, otherwise you risk injury and burnout. Lastly, take a deep breath because just attempting this program will change your life :):goodvibes :goodvibes

If you have any questions, you can PM me.
I am also using the treadmill. I am redoing week 2 starting tonight. I only did Monday of last week. I had some pain so I decided to stop until I could get to a running store and get proper shoes. I got them this weekend so I am trying them out tonight.
Just wanted to post in here. I'm planning to start the Couch to 5K on 2/2. I've been spending the month of January just working on exercising regularly, and now I'm ready to start the 5K training in hopes of doing my first 5K in May. I hope we can use this thread to all support each other's efforts!
Just popping in here to join you! Believe it or not, I completed the WDW Goofy this year, on a walk-run schedule. I got so excited by the idea that it's just possible that I might have an inner runner that I'm trying to find her! (I don't think she goes very fast, so I think I can catch her.)

I've started on week 3 of C25K during this week, week 2 of my recovery. It feels pretty good, but it's the week that most closely matched my W/R intervals. I have a feeling it will get much more difficult next week!

Anyway, it's good to know that so many folks are doing this sorta with me--on a TM--and at the same time! :cool1:
Go everybody! :woohoo:

I am having to wait on the running thanks to the strained ligaments. Instead, I've got MWF on the elliptical (which I now love!) and weight training. Finding muscles I didn't know I had!!
Go everybody! :woohoo:

I am having to wait on the running thanks to the strained ligaments. Instead, I've got MWF on the elliptical (which I now love!) and weight training. Finding muscles I didn't know I had!!

Anything that is keeping you moving is a great thing :)

Once things heal, you will be able to resume the plan!!

Good luck


Any objections to starting a 2008 C25K program thread??????
Go everybody! :woohoo:

I am having to wait on the running thanks to the strained ligaments. Instead, I've got MWF on the elliptical (which I now love!) and weight training. Finding muscles I didn't know I had!!

You just take care of those ligaments--the TM & pavement will be waiting for you when you're ready. (I too love the elliptical.)

Any objections to starting a 2008 C25K program thread??????

I have no objections, but I'm new.

That said, I completed W3D2 of C25K today, and I'm feeling pretty good! :woohoo:
Hi everyone - since there are so many posts I have started a

2008 C25K program thread, this way we know who is doing it this year.

Keep going only 9 weeks, anyone can do it!!!
Hi everyone - since there are so many posts I have started a

2008 C25K program thread, this way we know who is doing it this year.

Keep going only 9 weeks, anyone can do it!!!
Hi, Everyone!

New to WISH :)

Planning on doing the WDW 5K next year at Marathon Weekend - hoping to find others here who are planning the same.

Also doing the Couch to 5K,so count me in too, please!

We can do this!! BELIEVE!!!


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