Countdown test

and using original code (40 character input) without table

<Script language='Javascript'>
//Countdown Timer v2.0
//Written by: James M. Venglarik, II
//Created on: March 28, 2002
var rndNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000);
eval("var CDTDate" + rndNum + " = 'april 30,2004 1:00:00 AM EST';");
document.writeln("<form name='CDTform" + rndNum + "' action='Javascript:void(0);'>");
document.writeln('<font size=2 color=darkblue>dddd</font><br>');
document.writeln("<input type=text value='' size=40 name='countdown'>");
if (theFunction) 
theFunction += "var d = new Date();";
var theFunction = "var d = new Date();";
theFunction += "var c = new Date('" + eval("CDTDate" + rndNum) + "');";
theFunction += "var tzo = (c.getTimezoneOffset() - d.getTimezoneOffset()) * 60;";
theFunction += "var diff = ((c - d)/1000) + tzo;";
theFunction += "var days = Math.floor(diff / 86400);";
theFunction += "var rem = diff - (days * 86400);";
theFunction += "var hours = Math.floor(rem / 3600);";
theFunction += "rem = rem - (hours * 3600);";
theFunction += "var minutes = Math.floor(rem / 60);";
theFunction += "rem = rem - (minutes * 60);";
theFunction += "var seconds = Math.floor(rem);";
theFunction += "if ((days < 0) | (hours < 0) | (minutes < 0) | (seconds < 0)) ";
theFunction += "var out = 'ffffff';";
theFunction += "else ";
theFunction += "var out = ' ' + days + ' days ' + hours + ' hrs. ' + minutes + ' mins. ' + seconds + ' secs.';";
theFunction += "document.forms.CDTform" + rndNum + ".elements.countdown.value = out;";
setInterval(theFunction, 1000);
and using original code (40 character input) with table at 80%

<table width='80%'><TR><TD>
<Script language='Javascript'>
//Countdown Timer v2.0
//Written by: James M. Venglarik, II
//Created on: March 28, 2002
var rndNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000);
eval("var CDTDate" + rndNum + " = 'april 30,2004 1:00:00 AM EST';");
document.writeln("<form name='CDTform" + rndNum + "' action='Javascript:void(0);'>");
document.writeln('<font size=2 color=darkblue>dddd</font><br>');
document.writeln("<input type=text value='' size=40 name='countdown'>");
if (theFunction) 
theFunction += "var d = new Date();";
var theFunction = "var d = new Date();";
theFunction += "var c = new Date('" + eval("CDTDate" + rndNum) + "');";
theFunction += "var tzo = (c.getTimezoneOffset() - d.getTimezoneOffset()) * 60;";
theFunction += "var diff = ((c - d)/1000) + tzo;";
theFunction += "var days = Math.floor(diff / 86400);";
theFunction += "var rem = diff - (days * 86400);";
theFunction += "var hours = Math.floor(rem / 3600);";
theFunction += "rem = rem - (hours * 3600);";
theFunction += "var minutes = Math.floor(rem / 60);";
theFunction += "rem = rem - (minutes * 60);";
theFunction += "var seconds = Math.floor(rem);";
theFunction += "if ((days < 0) | (hours < 0) | (minutes < 0) | (seconds < 0)) ";
theFunction += "var out = 'ffffff';";
theFunction += "else ";
theFunction += "var out = ' ' + days + ' days ' + hours + ' hrs. ' + minutes + ' mins. ' + seconds + ' secs.';";
theFunction += "document.forms.CDTform" + rndNum + ".elements.countdown.value = out;";
setInterval(theFunction, 1000);
and using original code (40 character input) with table at 100%

Any more variations you need to see?

<table width='100%'><TR><TD>
<Script language='Javascript'>
//Countdown Timer v2.0
//Written by: James M. Venglarik, II
//Created on: March 28, 2002
var rndNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000);
eval("var CDTDate" + rndNum + " = 'april 30,2004 1:00:00 AM EST';");
document.writeln("<form name='CDTform" + rndNum + "' action='Javascript:void(0);'>");
document.writeln('<font size=2 color=darkblue>dddd</font><br>');
document.writeln("<input type=text value='' size=40 name='countdown'>");
if (theFunction) 
theFunction += "var d = new Date();";
var theFunction = "var d = new Date();";
theFunction += "var c = new Date('" + eval("CDTDate" + rndNum) + "');";
theFunction += "var tzo = (c.getTimezoneOffset() - d.getTimezoneOffset()) * 60;";
theFunction += "var diff = ((c - d)/1000) + tzo;";
theFunction += "var days = Math.floor(diff / 86400);";
theFunction += "var rem = diff - (days * 86400);";
theFunction += "var hours = Math.floor(rem / 3600);";
theFunction += "rem = rem - (hours * 3600);";
theFunction += "var minutes = Math.floor(rem / 60);";
theFunction += "rem = rem - (minutes * 60);";
theFunction += "var seconds = Math.floor(rem);";
theFunction += "if ((days < 0) | (hours < 0) | (minutes < 0) | (seconds < 0)) ";
theFunction += "var out = 'ffffff';";
theFunction += "else ";
theFunction += "var out = ' ' + days + ' days ' + hours + ' hrs. ' + minutes + ' mins. ' + seconds + ' secs.';";
theFunction += "document.forms.CDTform" + rndNum + ".elements.countdown.value = out;";
setInterval(theFunction, 1000);

Going smaller tends to have me horizontally scroll more on countdown threads.

I just don't know what the others are seeing here as I do not have NS installed at this time.
Without the CODE tag example

<Script language='Javascript'>var rndNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000);eval("var CDTDate" + rndNum + " = 'May 2, 2003 1:00:00 AM EST';");document.writeln("<form name='CDTform" + rndNum + "' action='Javascript:void(0);'>");document.writeln('<font size=2 color=darkblue>abcd</font><BR>');document.writeln("<input type=text value='' size=40 name='countdown'>");document.writeln("</form>");if (theFunction) theFunction += "var d = new Date();"; else var theFunction = "var d = new Date();";theFunction += "var c = new Date('" + eval("CDTDate" + rndNum) + "');";theFunction += "var tzo = (c.getTimezoneOffset() - d.getTimezoneOffset()) * 60;";theFunction += "var diff = ((c - d)/1000) + tzo;";theFunction += "var days = Math.floor(diff / 86400);";theFunction += "var rem = diff - (days * 86400);";theFunction += "var hours = Math.floor(rem / 3600);";theFunction += "rem = rem - (hours * 3600);";theFunction += "var minutes = Math.floor(rem / 60);";theFunction += "rem = rem - (minutes * 60);";theFunction += "var seconds = Math.floor(rem);";theFunction += "if ((days < 0) | (hours < 0) | (minutes < 0) | (seconds < 0))";theFunction += "var out = 'xyz';";theFunction += "else ";theFunction += "var out = ' ' + days + ' days ' + hours + ' hrs. ' + minutes + ' mins. ' + seconds + ' secs.';";theFunction += "document.forms.CDTform" + rndNum + ".elements.countdown.value = out;";setInterval(theFunction, 1000);</Script>
SAB: Good Job! I forgot that the only thing the board does to the script is insert the <br> tag at each line break (it also does funky things with the curly-brace character so that's why I couldn't use it). I'll check with JC about changing the Countdown Timer Generator to incorporate your solution.

- Jim
<Script language='Javascript'>var rndNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000);eval("var CDTDate" + rndNum + " = 'May 11, 2002 1:00:00 PM EDT';");document.writeln("<form name='CDTform" + rndNum + "' action='Javascript:void(0);'>");document.writeln('<font size=2 color=darkblue>I\'m Testing:</font><br>');document.writeln("<input type=text value='' size=40 name='countdown'>");document.writeln("</form>");if (theFunction) theFunction += "var d = new Date();";else var theFunction = "var d = new Date();";theFunction += "var c = new Date('" + eval("CDTDate" + rndNum) + "');";theFunction += "var tzo = (c.getTimezoneOffset() - d.getTimezoneOffset()) * 60;";theFunction += "var diff = ((c - d)/1000) + tzo;";theFunction += "var days = Math.floor(diff / 86400);";theFunction += "var rem = diff - (days * 86400);";theFunction += "var hours = Math.floor(rem / 3600);";theFunction += "rem = rem - (hours * 3600);";theFunction += "var minutes = Math.floor(rem / 60);";theFunction += "rem = rem - (minutes * 60);";theFunction += "var seconds = Math.floor(rem);";theFunction += "if ((days < 0) | (hours < 0) | (minutes < 0) | (seconds < 0)) ";theFunction += "var out = 'Havin\\\' fun in the sun!!!';";theFunction += "else ";theFunction += "var out = ' ' + days + ' days ' + hours + ' hrs. ' + minutes + ' mins. ' + seconds + ' secs.';";theFunction += "document.forms.CDTform" + rndNum + ".elements.countdown.value = out;";setInterval(theFunction, 1000);</Script>
Once more - from the generator directly:

<Script language='Javascript'>var rndNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000);eval("var CDTDate" + rndNum + " = 'March 11, 2002 1:00:00 PM EDT';");document.writeln("<form name='CDTform" + rndNum + "' action='Javascript:void(0);'>");document.writeln('<font size=2 color=darkblue>I\'m Testing :Pinkbounc :bounce:</font><br>');document.writeln("<input type=text value='' size=40 name='countdown'>");document.writeln("</form>");if (theFunction) theFunction += "var d = new Date();";else var theFunction = "var d = new Date();";theFunction += "var c = new Date('" + eval("CDTDate" + rndNum) + "');";theFunction += "var tzo = (c.getTimezoneOffset() - d.getTimezoneOffset()) * 60;";theFunction += "var diff = ((c - d)/1000) + tzo;";theFunction += "var days = Math.floor(diff / 86400);";theFunction += "var rem = diff - (days * 86400);";theFunction += "var hours = Math.floor(rem / 3600);";theFunction += "rem = rem - (hours * 3600);";theFunction += "var minutes = Math.floor(rem / 60);";theFunction += "rem = rem - (minutes * 60);";theFunction += "var seconds = Math.floor(rem);";theFunction += "if ((days < 0) | (hours < 0) | (minutes < 0) | (seconds < 0)) ";theFunction += "var out = 'I\\\'m Testing this, too!';";theFunction += "else ";theFunction += "var out = ' ' + days + ' days ' + hours + ' hrs. ' + minutes + ' mins. ' + seconds + ' secs.';";theFunction += "document.forms.CDTform" + rndNum + ".elements.countdown.value = out;";setInterval(theFunction, 1000);</Script>


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