Dancing With the Stars - Spring 2017

I think it will be Nancy or Bonner next week. :scratchin

Nick is this season's "Ginger." ABC's little darling, whose going to stay around whether we like it or not. Whether (s)he really got a lot of votes each week or was the worst. Because ABC needs to promote their own shows. No way are they going to admit it if Nick/Ginger got the lowest combined score each week. They are going to stay around till ABC wants them off, or until the viewers catch on that him staying on is rigged and start calling ABC out on it again. :rolleyes:
I liked Nick tonight, especially in the team dance. He's certainly better than Ginger!
I liked Nick tonight, especially in the team dance. He's certainly better than Ginger!

Yeah, I just can get past how scummy he is. But, he was good in the team dance. And he does have a quality of, "Wow, you are still keeping me around. Okay. I'm in!" Whereas Ginger started getting smug when she knew she was untouchable. :snooty: :badpc:
You have to keep in mind a lot of people were very against Heather even being on the show to begin with so that didn't help

But, Normani turned out to be just as much of a professional dancer. Yet, Normani is likable. And she has Val as a partner. Most people like Val too, I think.
But, Normani turned out to be just as much of a professional dancer. Yet, Normani is likable. And she has Val as a partner. Most people like Val too, I think.
I think V-V-Val is starting to realize what kind of a partner he has. He's starting to channel his brother's surliness from a few years ago.
I wasn't expecting that, really thought Nancy was going home. She will go down in DWTS history with Sabrina Bryant. No Gleek fan base anymore, I guess. Really enjoyed that rhumba tonight, and she looked gorgeous.

Also in the court of preferring good dancing. Sigh. I guess Rashad is my best hope now. (Plus it's great seeing Emma so happy.) I don't like the way anyone else dances except Nancy sometimes. I adore Simone, but I keep having Aly Raisman flashbacks when she dances.
Absolutely annoying. The right person went home today.

If it was an actual dance competition and not a popularity contest, Heather never would have gone. I greatly dislike Nancy Kerrigan and have since she skated. I thought she looked awkward in both dances tonight. In the group dance, she seemed to look at the other women for her cues on what to do. Her facial expressions all seem to be grimaces.

I will miss Maks. I was so happy he was back.
I don't think Nick is scummy. I actuaully like to see Nick or someone like Nick win who has no dance background win who actually learns to dances each week unlike others who are dancers already.
I don't watch The Bachelor, is that why everyone dislikes Nick? I actually kind of like him. Whoops I said it. :rotfl::rotfl:
I do watch the Bachelor/ette and I also like him. He started out as a villain on the show and the producers tried to transition him into a hero. It worked for some people (like me) and not for others. I think he's handsome and charming and I think he can actually dance.
Yes, the right person went home.
Yes, this is a dancing competition, for amateur 'personalities'. Not trained professional performers.

I don not know, but I am not thinking Normani has anywhere near the training and experience as Heather?
I did not expect to like her at all, but I do... She is much more likeable.

And, the thing is, Heathers prior experience is not the only reason why she went home.
I called it, if you check my previous posts.
She is a total ******, and that showed.
Yes, that is going to count when you are talking about a reality, viewer voting, show.

Nick will go home soon enough!!!
I do think that Nancy is coming a long way with her confidence and dancing.
Hey, it is okay if you like Nick!
The Bachelor is known for trying to find somebody and set them up as the bad-guy/mean-girl.
Sometimes they actually have such a person, and sometimes they don't.
Which was the case with Nick, and Corinne as well.

The thing is, while he is not a 'villaiin', I really do NOT like Nick, for some of the other obvious reasons.
He is out to get all the 'action' he can, and stay on ABC's payroll for as long as he can.
He just doesn't have any redeeming qualities as a mature, productive, individual.
He is the perpetual 12 year old. Which is why last weeks dance worked out so well for him.
Corinne's well-to-do family had openly addressed this on her Home Town Date.
I had posted, about two-thirds thru his Bachelor season, Run, Vanessa, RUN!!!!!
I almost forgot to vote for Rossy!


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