DAS - advice needed, please!


DIS Veteran
Apr 11, 2005
every trip I think about requesting this, but then I don’t because my problem isn’t visible - ( I have ulcerative colitis with urgency) and every trip I regret not asking. I don’t go on a lot of rides because I can’t wait in long lines. Do I ask or not? I’m so torn - and I don’t want to feel like I am taking advantage of something. Any thoughts and advice welcome and appreciated.
yes if you think the DAS might help you then your need to explain why to the CM most do not care about DX just why you cannot wait in the stander line.
And remember that a "hidden" condition is still very real - you don't have to wear a sandwich board all day that proclaims to the world that you have a hidden health issue.

Many folks here look "normal" to the casual observer in our everyday lives. Disney World can magnify and/or amplify our conditions because of the heat, the physical stress, the dehydration, etc. Medical issues that are well controlled at home can (not necessarily for everyone, but for some folks) become more intense.

The DAS can be helpful for some people; as others have said, it's all about what happens when you try to stand in line, versus what your diagnosis is.
I had a long discussion with a hospitality CM about the issue of invisible disabilities and DAS a few years ago. She was very interested and concerned with how this affected guest experience and how so many guests suffered in silence because they thought there weren't any other options available to them. OP, please, at least ask about getting a DAS. CMs are very willing to work with you to find the best solution to help you.
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Also, keep in mind that every guest has 3 Fastpasses per day that they can preschedule (60 days ahead if staying on site and 30 days if not). After using the first 3, you can schedule more, one at a time. That is based on availability, but doesn’t hurt to check and even some of the hard to get ones may be available day of visit depending on if people cancel.
DAS is independent of the Fastpass system, so guests can use both; DAS actually works best combined with Fastpass. Fastpasses for rides have a one hour window that you can come back any time during. Shows have a shorter window of time because your Fastpass is for a specific show.
Also, keep in mind that every guest has 3 Fastpasses per day that they can preschedule (60 days ahead if staying on site and 30 days if not). After using the first 3, you can schedule more, one at a time. That is based on availability, but doesn’t hurt to check and even some of the hard to get ones may be available day of visit depending on if people cancel.
DAS is independent of the Fastpass system, so guests can use both; DAS actually works best combined with Fastpass. Fastpasses for rides have a one hour window that you can come back any time during. Shows have a shorter window of time because your Fastpass is for a specific show.
While FPs can be scheduled, if I read her needs correctly, they are similar to mine (different diagnosis, but similar issues), and while prescheduling FPs MAY work on occasion, they quite often will not if the condition hits, which can be very unpredictable.

To the OP, if I am indeed reading correctly, Disney doesn't want you in the standby queues, as if it hits and you can't get out of the queue quickly, it could pose a health hazard to other guests and could even force a shutdown of the attraction until the queue can be cleaned. If they ask me what my issue is, I am blunt and tell them that often when I have to use the restroom it hits with little to no notice and I have to get there quickly, so having the DAS helps to ensure I can leave the queue if this happens and reduces the chances of it hitting while in the queue because it reduces my time in the queue.

That being said, it can still be a challenge on the longer attractions if there is a backup at the FP return or special assistance queue, just as a heads up. And if I have returned and have to leave the queue before getting in the attraction, I usually have another member of my party say something to a CM and I have never had them not accommodate me when coming back from the bathroom. sometimes have to go through the entire FP queue again, sometimes not depending on attraction setup, but they accommodate at least.

But no matter what, get the DAS, it can be a safety issue, not just for you, but for other guests as well.
Thank you everyone. Your help is much appreciated. One last question - where do I go to ask about this?
Guest Relations is the most common, but some parks are setting up kiosks that can also help.
Thank you everyone. Your help is much appreciated. One last question - where do I go to ask about this?

Ask any Cast Member once you clear Security Bag Check and they will direct you to Guest Relations at each Park. It's also marked on the Parks maps (which you can find in advance online at https://disneyworld.disney.go.com/maps/ or in your My Disney Experience app for your phone. GR is always close to the front entrance, and the main GR location always kind of towards the left after Park entry.

Epcot has 2 locations: One to the left of Spaceship Earth as you enter from the main gate, and a window at the International Gateway. (on the left as well)
Your issue is something that you can get a DAS for. I have a "bathroom" issue and have used one in the past when I have had bad flair ups.
Thank you everyone. Your help is much appreciated. One last question - where do I go to ask about this?
MK and HS now have guest experience CM at then you can get your DAS set up and your return time there too I have been told the other two parks will have them too. There is at lest one CM that will walk around each land ( I put a picture of one ) this CM can also issue DAS return time and if they have the stroller as a wheelchair tag that too

Here is the thread I started while I was down this week about the guest exsprince CM


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So I have Crohn’s disease with the same issue (urgency) in 2011 I asked this same question on here and was told I didn’t need DAS and instead I needed to stop by the bathroom before rides or whenever I was near one and try to go. I was young so I didn’t even try for DAS and instead to Imodium everyday I was in Disney but it gave me terrible cramps.

Here is my advice. If your symptoms are like mine, I can’t force myself to go. Instead I get the feeling of broken glass moving through my colon and then it’s I have to run to the bathroom and hope I make it. Due to this waiting in a line (while it’s not impossible) it’s not ideal due to the fact that when I get that feeling if need to ask for people to move while I make my way back out the line and then mad dash to the toilet and once I’m done asking to make my way back to my family it’s difficult. SO...I suggest clearly stating that when requesting a DAS. To help the urgency otherwise take an Imodium to help slow down your colon so it gives you a little time to get to a bathroom (even when you’re walking around sometimes a bathroom is further than you expect). Also, if you know your food triggers avoid them while you’re there (for me every meal bought at Disney had grapes as a side, I ate them everyday until our 3rd day. Fatigue hit hard, I had that glass kind of feeling and we had to skip a ride we were planning and go to a bugs life show-which was for the best because there was AC and helped the fatigue).

Certainly try for a DAS. I’ve never gotten one but with my issues I feel those who deal with urgency issues like us certainly could benefit, just be clear that you can’t just stop by the bathroom before a ride and go and be fine, because that’s not possible. Also state that when the urge does hit how you have to go to the bathroom ASAP.
They originally tried to deny me back when they first switched to the DAS, so I tried without one, had an issue in the queue, the next time I came to the park, I explained what happened, never had an issue since (ok, once I had a CM question how I handled the rides themselves and that was a fair question, but as I pointed out, 5 minutes on a ride and 10 minutes or so Ina FP return queue that I can usually work my way back through if all else fails is a far cry different than an hour in a queue which I can't readily get of) and immodium doesn't work for me, so not an option there.

And the fact that I can't easily get out of the queue to reach a restroom can lead to panicked attacks, of course my wife ends up with panicked attacks in crowded queues anyway, but since we are always together, I just get the DAS. Sometimes, I do have to explain this part too, but not usually.

And yes, some queues I can get out of, but many are near impossible, especially on days that I need an ECV. This is one of the reasons I haven't done Indiana Jones at Disneyland very much, even with a DAS, because the queue is so physically long to get into and out of that it can be an issue, but I just recently found out that there is a bathroom by the elevators, you just have to ask the CM there to use it, so I might do so in the future.

And yes, you should tell them that it hits almost instantly and you have no warning or ability to go before it hits. If you have tried without a DAS and had issues, be sure to clearly tell them what said issues were.
I have a similar problem and have received a DAS. Since I find it embarrassing to discuss in public, I type a note that explains my embarrassment and symptoms. I have never had a problem and have received a DAS four times in this manner.
I have IBS-D that is triggered by anxiety of being unable to reach a bathroom in time, so queues are a literal nightmare. I've been granted the DAS at both WDW and Disneyland and it changed the scope of our trips dramatically. I wish I had known about the DAS during our Honeymoon where I missed about 50% of our Fast Passes simply because I was stuck in the bathroom.
I have IBS-D that is triggered by anxiety of being unable to reach a bathroom in time, so queues are a literal nightmare. I've been granted the DAS at both WDW and Disneyland and it changed the scope of our trips dramatically. I wish I had known about the DAS during our Honeymoon where I missed about 50% of our Fast Passes simply because I was stuck in the bathroom.
Yep, exactly why FP isn't a great solution for this issue.
I’m glad to see everyone being so understanding and supportive. I looked up this exact topic and as one person stated, in older threads people with mild IBS gave advice like chewing on an Altoid and going to the bathroom before a ride, avoiding triggers. It was disheartening seeing people assume IBS is the same or even similar for everyone. I get a lot of that in my daily life “why can’t you come? I have IBS too just take an Immodium!” and I’m so happy to see people finding a solution to make Disney doable for them.

GI conditions suck for everyone and are debilitating for many. I missed half of my own wedding reception, my husband’s graduation, and funerals of loved ones. For 10 years I barely strayed from one side of town much less went on vacation. I am now on Viberzi, the most intense IBS-D drug, highest dosage, twice a day. It’s incredibly expensive and difficult for insurance to cover. Anyway... in case someone finds this on their IBS search: if you have a legitimate fear of having diarrhea on yourself in public on a frequent basis, you have a disability. People get DAS for anxiety all of the time, but this is anxiety that among other things can cause you to have a horrible accident. If other kind hearted folks experienced it for even 5 minutes, they wouldn’t hesitate to agree you are eligible.


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