DDC XXXIV: The Original Home Of The DISDads!!!

Today's list of top WDW things is your 5 top attraction songs - yes went to top 5 to spice things up :-)

1. Splash Mountain

2. Soarin'

3. Spaceship Earth Instrumental (yes, I'm an EPCOT fan boy)

4. Living with the Land (original song)

5. Any attraction in Galaxy's Edge - because John Williams rocks

Honorable mention - Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular (because John Williams rocks)
I've said it before, I didn't realise "ten" was a 2 syllable word until I met a southerner.

:rotfl2: :rotfl: :lmao:

Today's list of top WDW things is your 5 top attraction songs

Oh boy. I would struggle to come up with 3.

Let me see...

Maybe I'll expand this to "best music at WDW".

1. Soundtrack for the Fountain of Nations shows
2. Soarin' (California edition)
3. Background music walking around DHS
4. Background music in the Wilderness Lodge lobby
5. Illuminations score

10,345,298. It's a Small World

So this is the Joystick and button box that is preloaded with something like 2000 games. I'll buy about 40 quid of ply, a Computer screen, a Perspex sheet and some LED strips, so all in about 125-150 quid. To buy one off the shelf made up they are about 1000gbp. I just need a couple of mates to come good on some graphics, as they owe me a couple of favours.

Sounds like a fun quarantine setup!

There are interruptions in the food supply there? Hadn't heard about that. Sure doesn't sound good!

There are several meat-processing or packing plants that have suffered outbreaks, and are severely understaffed. A few of them closed. So now we have suppliers throwing out meat because they have nowhere to send it. And stores are struggling to get meat for the shelves. Couple that with panic buying and it's harder to find meat in general. A restaurant near us just posted a message that they can't serve burgers for now because they can't get ground beef.

Umm... none of them, really.

Today's list of top WDW things is your 5 top attraction songs

Boo to you
Haunted Mansion

If we are allowing general, the Main St music. That makes me feel warm and fuzzy.

Sounds like a fun quarantine setup!
It will be mate, if I can get the ply without queuing for 2 hours. And I need to borrow my mates router.

10,345,298. It's a Small World
That high, eh? Each to his own. Someone should make a little skit about that ;)
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Summer sports? Everything here's been shut down, so there's no organized sports here. In fact, the Cape Cod Baseball League (the premier summer college baseball league) cancelled their season as did the College Light Opera Association (one of the top summer stock theater companies). And I just read yesterday that the county fair has been cancelled, too. So things are going to be a lot different here on Cape Cod this summer. I hope you guys can manage to have some kind of sports this summer.

Not sure how it works where you live, but the towns here on Cape Cod don't provide for trash pick, so many people have to take their trash to the dump/transfer station. So it's kind of imperative that the dumps remain open. Now, the recycling has been stopped, so all you can do is dump trash. Not sure if I'm going to like the treadmill at first, but I'll love getting back into shape.

We are talking about all sports but summer sports would be a priority. We are looking for ways to "tier" sports if you will that would allow some to start back up if they can find ways to minimize the risks. This is my area of work, amateur sports within our province.

We do have weekly trash pickup and since I am not in the city, monthly recycling pick up. Any returnable bottles though we take ourselves to a bottle return center.

Today's list of top WDW things is your 5 top attraction songs - yes went to top 5 to spice things up :-)

Splash Mtn
Indiana Jones
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We are talking about all sports but summer sports would be a priority. We are looking for ways to "tier" sports if you will that would allow some to start back up if they can find ways to minimize the risks. This is my area of work, amateur sports within our province.
Well that sounds awfully encouraging....
And it's Wednesday and I survived one more round of layoffs. An hour phone zoom meeting to say that I'm safe to June 30. New contract negotiations are ongoing for July contract. It's good to know I can retire, but I'd rather keep my plan thru December and not try to push thru all the paperwork that quickly.

You spelled "in tigers" wrong.

::yes:: I watched the Honest Trailer of Tiger King. It was funny. Never saw an episode though.

Ugh. I'm sorry. This must be agonizing.


Good luck buddy. All the best to your friend who got laid off.

Thanks. He is allowed to use 1 week of vacation pay, and the company is trying to work out another week for everyone. So, 1/2 pay for a month is better than none.

I'm really torn between resting it until it's all better... and setting back my progress, or continuing and fighting through the pain.

What did you do to it? I didn't repair my torn meniscus in either knee, but still play tennis. When I overdo it, then I just rest it and I'm ok.

WDW top 3 for today.............. Top 3 current (as of March 15 this year) shows excluding HEA and EPCOT forever as figuring those would be on most lists. Looking to see what stage shows, parades or other nighttime shows everything thinks are tops.
Hang in there Norm, thinking of you

Thanks. 3 top stage show, parade, or nighttime shows. HEA or Epcot wouldn't be considered.

Halloween parade (headless horseman)
Star Wars Fireworks

Our idiot governor has decided that come the middle of May everyone is going to have to start wearing masks in public. Guess I have a couple of weeks still to go around spreading germs. :sad2:

Yup. None of it makes any sense.
Don't wear a mask for 43 days.
Don't wear a mask for 11 more days.
Then start wearing a mask.
Cloth mask is fine, even though it's effectiveness is questionable.
Ohio (adjacent state) not requiring mask

Mornin' Gents! Long time since I've said hello....almost two weeks now, I think. I've tried to keep up by reading everyone's posts, but it was difficult. Let's see, what's been happening. Well, last week was one of those perfect storm weeks with people being out. Bill, the lead in the stockroom, took the first half of last week off, and Steve, the lead in the warehouse, called out sick thinking he had covid-19 (great! I work closely with this guy). With Bill out, that left me in charge of the stockroom, but I'm also the backup for the warehouse. I'm supposed to be in the warehouse if one of those guys are out, or if they get extremely busy. Because Bill was out, they pretty much left me alone...though my supervisor irritated me to no end by insisting on trying to tell me how to do my job. I really hate that. I know how to do my job, so shut up and let me do it. As nice as he is, he's annoying. And he hasn't been with the company but a few months, just shy of how long I've been there, so he knows just enough to get into trouble. Anyways, with Steve out I wound up in the warehouse after Bill got back, and since it's the end of the month, things have been crazy busy. The good news is that Steve doesn't have the covid-19 virus.

I had mentioned earlier that my hot water heater was leaking. In order to clean up the water that had leaked, I had to clean part of the basement. This led me to wanting to organize it instead of just shoving stuff around. So, I've been cleaning and organizing the basement on weekends. This past weekend I took 4 large 40 gallon trash bags full of stuff to the dump, which made a huge difference. There's stuff I tossed out that I should have tossed a long time ago, but for reasons that escape me, I held off. I still have a long way to go, but I'm making progress. Because Pkondz got into running and has told us about his progress, I've been inspired to get back into shape...well, to reshape myself from a round shaphe to something slimmer. 😆 In this whole process of cleaning the basement, I have dug out our treadmill. I haven't plugged it in yet as I still have things on it that I'm not sure where I'm going to put them, but I have dug it out and can now access it. So my goal for this weekend is to get that going again and to start using that.

Well, that's all for now. I haven't had time to re-read this for errors, so if there are any I do apologize. Gotta get going to work. Have fun gents, and I'll chat with ya later.


Yes, all this extra work makes me want DW to go back to work. That, and when she cooks, she thinks the smoke alarms are the timers.

Summer sports? Everything here's been shut down, so there's no organized sports here. In fact, the Cape Cod Baseball League (the premier summer college baseball league) cancelled their season as did the College Light Opera Association (one of the top summer stock theater companies). And I just read yesterday that the county fair has been cancelled, too. So things are going to be a lot different here on Cape Cod this summer. I hope you guys can manage to have some kind of sports this summer.

Not sure how it works where you live, but the towns here on Cape Cod don't provide for trash pick, so many people have to take their trash to the dump/transfer station. So it's kind of imperative that the dumps remain open. Now, the recycling has been stopped, so all you can do is dump trash. Not sure if I'm going to like the treadmill at first, but I'll love getting back into shape.

Youth Spring Soccer cancelled here. No word yet on summer tennis programs.

Today's list of top WDW things is your 5 top attraction songs - yes went to top 5 to spice things up :-)

Frozen Maelstrom
Music for Hallowishes
Music for Boo to you Parade
Haunted Mansion

There are several meat-processing or packing plants that have suffered outbreaks, and are severely understaffed. A few of them closed. So now we have suppliers throwing out meat because they have nowhere to send it. And stores are struggling to get meat for the shelves. Couple that with panic buying and it's harder to find meat in general. A restaurant near us just posted a message that they can't serve burgers for now because they can't get ground beef.

Food supply and unemployment have me way more scared than the lethality of this virus.
It would be cockney, kinda what I speak.

Ay 'ad some 'andsome Chikin wiv taters and gravy.

And in my neck of the woods, Taters means cold. Very cold is "Proper Taters". As in "Ponzie and Darcy ain't got their summah gear on, it must be Proper taters out vair"
Two things

Gollum: What's taters precious?
Sam: Po-tat-os. Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew.

and #2
I'm watching Gold Rush, Parker's trail on discovery channel and the cameraman is from Great Britain. I swear he's saying "anyfing" instead of "anything". Cracks me up every time I hear him say it.

I've said it before, I didn't realise "ten" was a 2 syllable word until I met a southerner.
Same as four. It's fo-wah.

Funny story with that. When we first moved to GA, not long after, the man of the couple next to us (who essentially adopted us) died. To keep from having mom's (yeah, like I said they adopted us) voice on the answering machine, I recorded the message for her. Part of the number was four. I was told by her sister in law (my defacto aunt at that point) I was the sorriest sounding southerner...it's fo-wah not four.

So this is the Joystick and button box that is preloaded with something like 2000 games. I'll buy about 40 quid of ply, a Computer screen, a Perspex sheet and some LED strips, so all in about 125-150 quid. To buy one off the shelf made up they are about 1000gbp. I just need a couple of mates to come good on some graphics, as they owe me a couple of favours.
I'll have to take a picture of my rig. A buddy of mine back in GA built a gaming system with a raspberry pi and then made a box for the joystick and such. When I tried it at his house I liked it. Evidently, he thought I liked it a LOT more than I did and he made me one (well, I paid for the materials).

Oh and since we are discussing some rednecks........

You might be a redneck if you are wearing a surgical mask and are unable to look a doctor or patient in the eye?!

Not to get political here but could not pass that one up
My favorite is "If your family tree does not fork....you might be a redneck".
Others I really liked
If your house has wheels and your car doesn't, you might be a redneck.
If your porch collapses and kills more dogs than they have at the animal shelter, you might be a redneck.
(that last one might not be exact, but the concept).

And someone (might have been here, might have been in a TR) mentioned here's your sign (Bill Engvall).
Drove into a gas station with a flat.
Person there: Joo get a flat?
Bill: Nope, I was driving around and the other 3 swelled right up on me. Here's your sign.
::yes:: I watched the Honest Trailer of Tiger King. It was funny. Never saw an episode though.
Let's put it this way...

Those people put the B in bizarre.

And it's Wednesday and I survived one more round of layoffs. An hour phone zoom meeting to say that I'm safe to June 30. New contract negotiations are ongoing for July contract. It's good to know I can retire, but I'd rather keep my plan thru December and not try to push thru all the paperwork that quickly.
Good to hear. Dude, IMHO, retire while you can. Get that started before anyone else can try to take it away or lay you off or whatever. The ever wise Steve Miller said - Go on, take the money and run.
Gollum: What's taters precious?
Sam: Po-tat-os. Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew.
that accent is West Country, over by Wales.

. I swear he's saying "anyfing" instead of "anything". Cracks me up every time I hear him say it.
Yep, he's from either London or Essex. I say anyfing. It was funny when thr boy was about 3. My missus is quite posh, and hopes beyond belief as I do that they grow up talking like her rather than me. One morning he came bowling into our bedroom with an empty sippy cup and said:

Mahm! D'ares nuffink in dare!

The shock on her face was legendary.
That high, eh? Each to his own. Someone should make a little skit about that

:thumbsup2 I may or may not have watched that a few times.

Looks good, P, but it needs Bacon.

What Randall said!

And it's Wednesday and I survived one more round of layoffs.

Excellent! Glad you made it this far.

Food supply and unemployment have me way more scared than the lethality of this virus.

I think it's ok to worry about all 3.
Today's list of top WDW things is your 5 top attraction songs - yes went to top 5 to spice things up :-)

TTA People Mover
Splash Mountain
Carousel of Progress
Spaceship Earth

10,345,298. It's a Small World

Hater's gonna hate

We are talking about all sports but summer sports would be a priority. We are looking for ways to "tier" sports if you will that would allow some to start back up if they can find ways to minimize the risks. This is my area of work, amateur sports within our province.

So no sports with potential contact? Luge, curling and rhythmic gymnastics are set to be the next big thing.

And it's Wednesday and I survived one more round of layoffs. An hour phone zoom meeting to say that I'm safe to June 30. New contract negotiations are ongoing for July contract. It's good to know I can retire, but I'd rather keep my plan thru December and not try to push thru all the paperwork that quickly.

Glad to hear you made out well. Day at a time.

Food supply and unemployment have me way more scared than the lethality of this virus.
👍Food prices are set to spike. KY is a direct marketing state so there is food production. It will be pricey. The days of food being a cheap commodity are numbered as we can't get cheap labor to produce it. Loss of jobs and small business will really hurt.

The ever wise Steve Miller said - Go on, take the money and run.


Do people call you Maurice?
10,345,298. It's a Small World
You rated it much higher than I would. I can think of well over 20 million other songs I would rather hear,

Hater's gonna hate
Have to give props to @pkondz Headset with AC/DC blaring is the only way to survive this ride.

Do people call you Maurice?
Nope, but I've been called Doc. Also been called many other things, but it's a family board. Don't think Maurice.

Yes, I do know the reference, just playing along.
This one is so hard for me...so many good songs/soundtracks/etc.

Boo to you would have to be my favorite.
There's a great big beautiful tomorrow would be near top.
WEDway (just cause I like it so much)
BLY (again, cause I like it)

It's kinda funny...there are so many I like and I tend to like them the most in the moment. For instance, I always find myself singing Hi Ho on 7DMT. Same with song in HM. Same with PotC. If we count the Frozen sing along as valid, then all the songs from that (especially with the other disdads). I think Scott mentioned John Williams for SWGE and Indiana Jones and I'd have to agree...he writes some amazing stuff. Unda da sea from the little mermaid. Way too many good ones. Sorry, I can't nail it down.
Welcome back mate, well done on the clean up. Like Darcy, our recycling centres are all closed. They are gearing to open them up next week. I never thought I'd be this excited to chuck out some rubbish.

Thanks! My guess is that many of the centers/businesses that take the recycling have shut down....but that's just a guess. I can't wait to start recycling again.

Glad to hear your co-worker (and by extension, you) are Covid free.
Nothing worse than a supervisor who can't figure out that his employees are capable of doing the job. Why'd they hire them, then?

Yeah, I was pretty excited to hear he was Covid free.

I understand my supervisor wants to make a good impression with the bosses, but seriously, he needs to lay off and let those of us in the trenches do our job.

Remember the water heater. Been slowly (S L O W L Y) reorganizing our basement, too.

Sometimes it takes another problem to jump start another one.

Good luck!


Ours is open, but they're doing the social distancing and only letting in a few at a time. Apparently last weekend there was a lineup to get in.

There was a line to get into ours, too.

We had an experience like that with Hurricane Sandy a few years ago. We had an inch of water in the basement and ended up having to pitch a lot of stuff. I remember thinking it was liberating--if it had been sitting down there for years, we really didn't need it. Amazing how much crap you accumulate over time.

Sometimes it takes a major problem to get stuff like that done. Sorry you have to go through Sandy, though.

1. Splash Mountain

2. Soarin'

3. Spaceship Earth Instrumental (yes, I'm an EPCOT fan boy)

4. Living with the Land (original song)

5. Any attraction in Galaxy's Edge - because John Williams rocks

Honorable mention - Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular (because John Williams rocks)

Love me some John Williams.


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