DDC XXXIV: The Original Home Of The DISDads!!!

Morning, folks.

Not a great one, this morning. Was up half the night with stomach aches. My own dang fault as I ate a fair amount of junk food yesterday. Live and learn (or poop... as the case may be.)

Had a good weekend and good day at work yesterday, being my first actual day as a permanent employee of Cape Cod Healthcare. That's right, yesterday was my first full day as an actual employee. WWwwwwweeeeeee! (heavy sigh) It felt so good clocking in yesterday.
Glad you're finally where you want to be. Permanently employed. Now you can start counting the days until retirement!
Battleship Cove is actually one of, if not the largest, museum of WWII ships.
Oh, really! I think I need to pay this a visit some day.
East German Navy Ship Hiddensee,
Now that was an interesting reference. You said WWII, so assumed all the ships were. But there was no East Germany until after the war. A quick Google tells me she was originally Soviet and built in 1984. She wasn't East German for long as she was acquired by East Germany in 1990, whereas the wall came down in '89. She was decommissioned in April 1991 and transferred to the US in November the same year.
a Tarantul Class Corvette
Had to look that one up too. Soviet.

Interesting collection for sure.
Work, sleep, repeat...
Oh well, it pays the bills.
(for the most part at least)
It's that "most part" that keeps us going back for the next paycheck.
We finally watched that there new fangled Muppet Mansion thingy.
Still haven't, but hope to soon.
May drink heavily for no particular reason.
(life has gotten to be like that as of late :rolleyes:)
That's right, yesterday was my first full day as an actual employee. WWwwwwweeeeeee! (heavy sigh) It felt so good clocking in yesterday.

I'm sure that feels like a huge weight off your shoulders!

I decided to get the daughter out of the house and headed down to Battleship cove in Fall River on Saturday to crawl around the USS Massachusetts BB-59, amongst other ships that are there. Battleship Cove is actually one of, if not the largest, museum of WWII ships. There's the USS Massachuetts BB-59, Joseph P. Kennedy DD-850, USS Lion Fish SS-298, East German Navy Ship Hiddensee, a Tarantul Class Corvette, 2 PT boats, PT-796, and PT-617. It's a great museum, and highly recommend it if anyone of you are ever in the area.

Huh. I didn't know about that. Certainly sounds like a worthy visit. And I know for sure Rob would be interested.

Work, sleep, repeat...
Oh well, it pays the bills.
(for the most part at least)

My version of that is: work, drive the kids to way too many commitments, sleep, repeat.

We finally watched that there new fangled Muppet Mansion thingy.
I do miss Kermit's voice, but 45 min of dad jokes does make for a decent escape.
May watch it again.
May drink heavily while doing so.

May drink heavily for no particular reason.
(life has gotten to be like that as of late :rolleyes:)

If you're going to drink heavily and watch Disney+, you might as well put on The Black Hole or something colorful.

Not a great one, this morning. Was up half the night with stomach aches. My own dang fault as I ate a fair amount of junk food yesterday. Live and learn (or poop... as the case may be.)

The Taco Bell stop strikes again...
Not a great one, this morning. Was up half the night with stomach aches. My own dang fault as I ate a fair amount of junk food yesterday. Live and learn (or poop... as the case may be.)
Hate it when that happens.
And the end-of-year holidays are notorious for enabling those poor choices.

It's that "most part" that keeps us going back for the next paycheck.
It also keeps us up at night...

Well, that and too much junk food apparently.

Huh. I didn't know about that. Certainly sounds like a worthy visit. And I know for sure Rob would be interested.
Mamie and her entourage are most certainly no my list of destinations along with several other stops up that way.
Just haven't been able to get that far northeast yet.

My version of that is: work, drive the kids to way too many commitments, sleep, repeat.
Times 4 as well.
Remember those days too.
But now instead of driving young'ens around...
we're in the mode of wondering just what the young'en is up to and when and if we might hear from him at some point in the near.

If you're going to drink heavily and watch Disney+, you might as well put on The Black Hole or something colorful.
The classics.
Morning, Gents! Had a good weekend and good day at work yesterday, being my first actual day as a permanent employee of Cape Cod Healthcare. That's right, yesterday was my first full day as an actual employee. WWwwwwweeeeeee! (heavy sigh) It felt so good clocking in yesterday.
Congrats again. Happy for ya!

to Battleship cove in Fall River on Saturday to crawl around the USS Massachusetts BB-59, amongst other ships that are there. Battleship Cove is actually one of, if not the largest, museum of WWII ships.
Oooh. Sounds like a good(not in the winter) road trip
Hello Everyone,

Got back from the World on Sunday evening and I'm finally getting caught up at work. The jet lag is lasting a little longer though. Southwest got us across the country and back successfully though it was a bumpy ride home on Sunday. The decent into Midway was especially rough.

Since I was at Disney last week, I got to experience what it was like both before Genie and after and, boy, was there a world of difference. Anecdotally, the standby lines went up considerably after Genie debuted and I found that Cast Members were more reluctant to give out fastpasses, or lightning lane passes, or whatever, as a guest satisfaction recovery. After all, they don't want to slow down the paying Genie+ customers. The Lightning Lanes were so backed up that I saw several people complain that they paid extra for them but still had to wait in the long lines. In addition to the problems Genie caused, it seemed there was a bigger issue with their systems last Tuesday as well. When we tried to tap into Studios, all of us were denied and we were sent to Guest Relations. Turns out our annual passes somehow became unlinked to each of us as admission. The CM at guest relations could see our AP's, could see that they were active, but did not know why we weren't being allowed in. It took her about 30 minutes on the phone with the IT department to get everything straightened out. With as massive as Disney's database is, I am surprised it works as well as it does.

The Genie software itself it typical Disney bloated mess; It is slow and some of the menu placements are weird. I played with Genie the first couple of days it was available, but gave up after that. I did not pay for Genie+ and my family has a policy that we won't wait more than 30 minutes for our favorite rides, much less other rides. I didn't have any intentions to follow the Genie recommendations, I just wanted to see what it would recommend. The Kid and I stood next to each other, input the same preferences, and Genie gave two vastly different recommendations. While standing next to Muppets, Genie said I should go to to the Disney Junior Dance Party. Keep in mind that the youngest person I was with is 16. Genie told The Kid that we should go wait in the 60 minute line for Slinky Dog. Every other step included stopping at some sort of food cart or restaurant. While chatting with a wonderful couple at MK when waiting for Enchanted to begin, they said they experienced the same thing. Disney noticed we hadn't spent any money in the last 5 minutes and wanted us to stop doing free things.

Speaking of Enchanted, it is a good show. The story is a bit difficult to follow but it is visually impressive. No one in my family thinks it is a worthy replacement for Happily Ever After. Watch it from centered on the castle from the entrance to the hub from Main Street. The first time we saw it, we were on the curb on the Adventureland side of the hub and all the fireworks were off to the side of the castle. The second time we saw it, were were centered in Main Street and the fireworks made more sense.

Finally, what can I say about Epcot? Epcot has always been my favorite park. For me, Epcot is all about the ambiance and atmosphere. After thinking for a long time about it, I think the best way I can describe it is that the "flavor" of Epcot is changing. Whereas Epcot used to be a bit understated, it is now more upbeat and in your face than it used to be. The music is faster and more "pop-y", the lights are brighter, and everything seems faster, if that makes sense. Spaceship Earth is defiantly in your face now. The points of light are impressive and bright, they can be seen from almost anywhere on property. I was not a fan at first but they are growing on me. I loved the floodlights on Spaceship Earth because they accented the shapes and the way the lights blended together. The points of light aren't that.

HarmoniUS, on the other hand, not only am I not a fan of, but I hate. I would be a happy man if the barges caught fire and sank. In my opinion, Illuminations is the best show but I would take Epcot Forever over HarmoniUS. The show itself is choppy with no story and a very thin, tenuous thread running through it to tie all the pieces together. The thread is that every county has music. When it was over, The Kid and I looked at each other and both said, "Is it over?" There is no real ending or conclusion. The clue that it was over is the lights came back on. Add in the fact that the show is only complete when viewed head on, and there are just too many things wrong with it for me. I also can't stand that the stargate and tacos are a blight in the lagoon. The sightlines are completely destroyed and the show does not make up for that. Disney has given up on hiding the barges during the day. Instead they show the 50th logo all day. Don't get me wrong, the technology for the show is impressive, I just think Disney had a solution and went looking for a problem. Unfortunately, this is what they came up with.
Got back from the World on Sunday evening and I'm finally getting caught up at work.
Welcome back.
Thanks for the insightful and detailed reviews. I'll make up my own mind on the new shows if/when I get back there, but it doesn't sound like I'll have much to look forward to. Not at all surprised that Genie+ is a mess. Hoping they can start ironing out kinks now that it's "up" and running.
Happy Friday eve.

Although, I don't expect much happy today...more so wailing and gnashing of teeth. We have a 2 hoir meeting today to discuss how well our daily 30 minute meetings went. Micro management and idiocy have never been on the top of my happy list.

It took her about 30 minutes on the phone with the IT department to get everything straightened out. With as massive as Disney's database is, I am surprised it works as well as it does.
I've worked with massive databases (over 5 petaBytes). I've also seen IT and DBs done well....Disney ain't it.

The Genie software itself it typical Disney bloated mess; It is slow and some of the menu placements are weird. I played with Genie the first couple of days it was available, but gave up after that. I did not pay for Genie+ and my family has a policy that we won't wait more than 30 minutes for our favorite rides, much less other rides.
Sad, but can't say unexpected. The more they've made people glued to the phone with their app, the worse the park experience has gotten.

The Kid and I stood next to each other, input the same preferences, and Genie gave two vastly different recommendations. While standing next to Muppets, Genie said I should go to to the Disney Junior Dance Party. Keep in mind that the youngest person I was with is 16.

Disney noticed we hadn't spent any money in the last 5 minutes and wanted us to stop doing free things.
There it is

HarmoniUS, on the other hand, not only am I not a fan of, but I hate. I would be a happy man if the barges caught fire and sank.
So, what you're saying is it might grow on you?

Kinda like a big fat hairy wart?
Southwest got us across the country and back successfully though it was a bumpy ride home on Sunday. The decent into Midway was especially rough.

I know Midway has some of the shortest runways at a major airport in the country. Every time we land there the pilot is jamming on the brakes and hitting full flaps as soon as the wheels touch the pavement. I remember walking off the plane and overhearing the flight attendant and pilot talking:
"Kind of a rough landing, huh?"
"I hate landing here."

Since I was at Disney last week, I got to experience what it was like both before Genie and after and, boy, was there a world of difference.

Ugh. Sounds like a whole mess of kinks to work out. I think I'll give it some time...

Disney noticed we hadn't spent any money in the last 5 minutes and wanted us to stop doing free things.

I really, really hate that the bean counters are making all the decisions.

Epcot has always been my favorite park. For me, Epcot is all about the ambiance and atmosphere. After thinking for a long time about it, I think the best way I can describe it is that the "flavor" of Epcot is changing.

It's always been my favorite park as well, because I loved the idea of trying to peek into the future and imagine what it looked like. But I can also see where that idea is hard to keep relevant year after year because technology changes so quickly now. The last time I visited (2018) Epcot was feeling a little tired. I do think the newer versions of Soarin and Mission: Space made both rides worse than they used to be, so that didn't help.

Speaking of Enchanted, it is a good show. The story is a bit difficult to follow but it is visually impressive.

HarmoniUS, on the other hand, not only am I not a fan of, but I hate. I would be a happy man if the barges caught fire and sank. In my opinion, Illuminations is the best show but I would take Epcot Forever over HarmoniUS. The show itself is choppy with no story and a very thin, tenuous thread running through it to tie all the pieces together. The thread is that every county has music.

This is my biggest complaint with all of the Disney nighttime shows now. They aren't original or telling any stories. They're just Disney clip shows.
Hello Everyone,

Got back from the World on Sunday evening and I'm finally getting caught up at work. The jet lag is lasting a little longer though. Southwest got us across the country and back successfully though it was a bumpy ride home on Sunday. The decent into Midway was especially rough.

Since I was at Disney last week, I got to experience what it was like both before Genie and after and, boy, was there a world of difference. Anecdotally, the standby lines went up considerably after Genie debuted and I found that Cast Members were more reluctant to give out fastpasses, or lightning lane passes, or whatever, as a guest satisfaction recovery. After all, they don't want to slow down the paying Genie+ customers. The Lightning Lanes were so backed up that I saw several people complain that they paid extra for them but still had to wait in the long lines. In addition to the problems Genie caused, it seemed there was a bigger issue with their systems last Tuesday as well. When we tried to tap into Studios, all of us were denied and we were sent to Guest Relations. Turns out our annual passes somehow became unlinked to each of us as admission. The CM at guest relations could see our AP's, could see that they were active, but did not know why we weren't being allowed in. It took her about 30 minutes on the phone with the IT department to get everything straightened out. With as massive as Disney's database is, I am surprised it works as well as it does.

The Genie software itself it typical Disney bloated mess; It is slow and some of the menu placements are weird. I played with Genie the first couple of days it was available, but gave up after that. I did not pay for Genie+ and my family has a policy that we won't wait more than 30 minutes for our favorite rides, much less other rides. I didn't have any intentions to follow the Genie recommendations, I just wanted to see what it would recommend. The Kid and I stood next to each other, input the same preferences, and Genie gave two vastly different recommendations. While standing next to Muppets, Genie said I should go to to the Disney Junior Dance Party. Keep in mind that the youngest person I was with is 16. Genie told The Kid that we should go wait in the 60 minute line for Slinky Dog. Every other step included stopping at some sort of food cart or restaurant. While chatting with a wonderful couple at MK when waiting for Enchanted to begin, they said they experienced the same thing. Disney noticed we hadn't spent any money in the last 5 minutes and wanted us to stop doing free things.

Speaking of Enchanted, it is a good show. The story is a bit difficult to follow but it is visually impressive. No one in my family thinks it is a worthy replacement for Happily Ever After. Watch it from centered on the castle from the entrance to the hub from Main Street. The first time we saw it, we were on the curb on the Adventureland side of the hub and all the fireworks were off to the side of the castle. The second time we saw it, were were centered in Main Street and the fireworks made more sense.

Finally, what can I say about Epcot? Epcot has always been my favorite park. For me, Epcot is all about the ambiance and atmosphere. After thinking for a long time about it, I think the best way I can describe it is that the "flavor" of Epcot is changing. Whereas Epcot used to be a bit understated, it is now more upbeat and in your face than it used to be. The music is faster and more "pop-y", the lights are brighter, and everything seems faster, if that makes sense. Spaceship Earth is defiantly in your face now. The points of light are impressive and bright, they can be seen from almost anywhere on property. I was not a fan at first but they are growing on me. I loved the floodlights on Spaceship Earth because they accented the shapes and the way the lights blended together. The points of light aren't that.

HarmoniUS, on the other hand, not only am I not a fan of, but I hate. I would be a happy man if the barges caught fire and sank. In my opinion, Illuminations is the best show but I would take Epcot Forever over HarmoniUS. The show itself is choppy with no story and a very thin, tenuous thread running through it to tie all the pieces together. The thread is that every county has music. When it was over, The Kid and I looked at each other and both said, "Is it over?" There is no real ending or conclusion. The clue that it was over is the lights came back on. Add in the fact that the show is only complete when viewed head on, and there are just too many things wrong with it for me. I also can't stand that the stargate and tacos are a blight in the lagoon. The sightlines are completely destroyed and the show does not make up for that. Disney has given up on hiding the barges during the day. Instead they show the 50th logo all day. Don't get me wrong, the technology for the show is impressive, I just think Disney had a solution and went looking for a problem. Unfortunately, this is what they came up with.
Thanks for the review!
We are going in December to MK and Epcot in June, so I am curious to see as well.
We do no plan on paying for our wishes to be granted...
Morning, gents.

Not sure it's possible, but does smoking camels smell worse than smoking cigars?

Or do you mean smoking camel like you smoke brisket?
We have a 2 hoir meeting today to discuss how well our daily 30 minute meetings went. Micro management and idiocy have never been on the top of my happy list.
Ugh. What a joyous occasion... not.

I'm so glad that our stupid stuff has been converted into CBTs (Computer Based Training)
I figure if it's really important, they'll tell me in person (live). Otherwise... it runs in the background with the sound muted while I do something else, like... anything else.
Hello guys! Hey, look at me, two posts in a week! I'm on fire!
Had to stop by today since it's my birthday (yeah, shameless plug, I know) and I wanted to say hello to you guys.
Typical of the ways things have gone for me lately, I won't get much time to celebrate and it really just feels like a Thursday of no major significance.
DW and I are both working until this evening, DDs are both in school/university, youngest has dance an hour after work is finished. So maybe time for a quick supper before driving her there. Perhaps a slice of cake and drink of rum before bed. Work again in the morning so it wont be much of a party.
I think I'll watch Muppets Haunted Mansion tonight. Most of the reviews I've heard have been positive. Something to look forward to all day anyway.

Got back from the World on Sunday evening and I'm finally getting caught up at work. The jet lag is lasting a little longer though. Southwest got us across the country and back successfully though it was a bumpy ride home on Sunday. The decent into Midway was especially rough.
Thanks for the report.
I really hate the idea of being glued to my phone all day on vacation. I'm a grumpy old man. I barely like to look at my phone at home, much less on vacation. I really think whenever I go to the World again, I will pretty much kick Genie to the curb and unplug, for better or worse.
I was thinking the other day that after several nearly annual trips, I have now only been to WDW once in the last 7 years, with no immediate plans to go again. I hate to admit it, but the shine is wearing off the pixie dust.


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