Dear you . . .

dear andre lauren benjamin

i love you. you really should run away with me. then i can be obsessed with my BOYFRIEND{or divine lover...which ever ;) } instead of some distant gorgeous hunk of...wonderfulness :rotfl: ;)

love forever and always

caroline ida *benjamin*
Dear house,

I know you love us, but it is time to let go. Please do your best to get sold this weekend and we promise to find people who will clean you more often than I did.

Hugs and kisses,
Dear Throat,
Will you react to the meds already and quit bothering me.
The Rest of your Body
Dear Dunkin Donuts:
Please be kind enough to send the Bagel truck over to my house so I can get my Onion and Chive Cream Cheese fix?

Megan :flower:
Dear germs,
Go away..

With hate,
Dear Yickle House,
You look so lonely on my driveway. I promise to wash you soon as it gets warm. And I will hitch you up to the Safari and take you camping in May. Please do not let the rain in no matter how much it tries. Be strong!
I will buy you a new set of nightlights this year. I agree, the old ones aren't tacky enough.

Keep your tires inflated!
Cathy--Chief Cook & Bottle-Washer
Dear back,
I have no idea why you insist on being a pain but I truly wish you would stop! If I did something to you, I am truly sorry but please accept the apology ( and the ibuprofen) and stop hurting!
Thank you
Dear Kidney, Liver, Brain & Stomach:

Sorry about last night it being St Paddy's day :shamrock: and all that....Green Beer, :drinking1 I know there were several :drinking1 :drinking1 :drinking1 :drinking1 :drinking1 but at least you have another year to recuperate. :sick:
Dear Mom,

The last time I was 12 was thirteen years ago.

Thank you,

Dear Holly-
While being nakie is super fun, it is frowned upon by most of society. It is also alot more fun for me when children are potty trained...please keep your clothes on and make mommy's day a little easier. Okay...please...
Love, Mommy
Dear Jinx kitten,

Please stop climbing to the top of the curtain and sitting on the curtain rail. You know full well you can't balance there, that I can't reach you and that we cannot afford new curtains right now. I do not want to have to drag a chair in from the dining room every ten minutes to get you when you look down and panic. One day you will fall and I will not be held responsible, actually, maybe it will teach you a lesson?

Love, Me
Dear boring job,

Why must you exist? While I'm with you I want to shoot myself in the foot. Please let me quit. Thanks...

Me :teeth:
Dear Co-workers:

You are all a bunch of know-it-all, self-important, petty, obnoxious, unprofessional bores and I can't wait to be out of here for the weekend. Please adjust your attitudes before Monday rolls around.

Thanks in advance,

Glad It's Friday

(can you tell I'm having a bad day at work?)
Dear Stress,

I know that we have a hard time tolerating each other, but it looks like we're going to spend lots of time together for the foreseeable future. Can't we find a way to get along without giving me a headache and a tummy ache?

Your reluctant partner,
Dear Doctors Office,

I realize that my daughter's doctor is entitled to a vacation every now and then but when you know he will be out of town DON'T let patients schedule appointments for that week and then call me up a few days before and let me know that we have to reschedule! Now I have a DD that was supposed to get her first shots before starting daycare and at a time when both DH and I could be there for the dreaded "shot visit" and now I will have to go alone. :( I hate shot visits and I need the emotional support from I won't have it!!!! GGGGRRRRRR!!! God forbid she has a reaction to the shots and NOW instead of having someone already off work to take care of her I might have to take off work just 2 days AFTER going back to work to take care of her. I am sure my boss will be VERY understanding!!!!

A Very Ticked Off ME
Dear Mother Nature,

I'm not sure who it was in the Northeast that upset you, but could you please take pitty on the rest of us? My feet are chaffing from the constant wearing of boots, I am so weary of wearing an extra 20 pounds of clothing to keep warm, and I won't even mention what the cost of the heating bill is doing to my finances.

Today is not so bad, but we know you are only teasing us as the weather man says it will snow again on Sunday.

Please, I implore of you, take pitty on us poor souls and let Spring arrive, without the fanfare and snow!

Best regards,

A very cold and tired Northeastener
Dear Wallet:

You're busted! I keep filling you, and then the next thing I know, you're empty again! Quit playing tricks on me!!!



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