Did anyone else catch the plague after our cruise?

Today is the first day I feel "human" again.

Don't feel great, but feel better.

I'm so weak that walking from one end of the hall to the other is reason for a nap.

This has knocked me out.

Smarty Pants (assume that's not my chosen term) John asked me I wanted to go to the MK today.

Glad you are starting to feel better. I am going to assume "genius" wasn't your chosen term,either. See you in 19 days.

I am concerned this may be a ploy to bring forth the "poop" discussions common in past podcast episodes.... :scared: I learned of this horrifying phenomenon whilst listening to the "Best of Bob" show today.... :joker:
Oh, poor Kevin. Glad to see you're starting to recover from the plague. I'm sure you'll be showering, eating and feeling strong again soon! Feel better!
I don't know what this is.

My stomach is pretty much empty. Everything that wasn't forced out one way came out another.

We have washed the sheets twice because I had sweat through them.

I have that headache that feels like your brain is banging inside your head and there is the cough...which makes it worse.

Running a steady temp and taking an antibiotic.

I've had food poisoning....but this doesn't seem like that.

I'll stop whining now. I just wanted

This was an episode of "House" I think. It did not end well. But I hope you do.
Been there, done that, not wanna do that again. I'm in complete empathy and hope you rest up and recover the strength soon.
All if us got something !! 2 got throat coughs colds days after. The rest icky stomachs when we got home. The only death was my cell phone!! Darn water damage from letting a sweaty person use it in wdw lol. I felt bad because she lost her phone and her husband... She had a baby carriage so I let her use my phone. Then I gagged my way to the restroom to douse it with soap and clean it! I guess I went too far because it got water damage ! The screen doesn't work well now its like a ghost took over in does what it wants. We had to order me a new galaxy s3 at full price of 690.00!!! That was a very expensive favor for a stranger! And the price is enough to make my stomach hurt for months !! Haaaa
We had (have) bad cough. I am over it. Lakyn had to go to Doc today. I was getting worried. Doc said she has been seeing a lot of this yuck and they usually only see this in winter... Go figure. Sending healthy vibes your way.
Carla, Gilchrist, and Lakyn
I hope everyone that got ill on the cruise is better now. Sorry I couldn't make it, BUT am glad I didn't gp to get sick from it. I'm on vacation in South West Fl, spending time with my friend Kathy. She's the one I asked for prayers for a while back due to recurrence of her Kidney cancer. She's, also, the person who I asked about Bob when he first asked me out. She's the reason I said yes to the date. Without her assuring me he was a good guy, I might not have had the 30 years with him! Anyway, rest & recouperate all of you who were sick. Kevin, glad you're feeling better.
I hope everyone that got ill on the cruise is better now. Sorry I couldn't make it, BUT am glad I didn't get from it. I'm on vacation in South West Fl, spending time with my friend Kathy. She's the one I asked for prayers for a while back due to recurrence of her Kidney cancer. She's, also, the person who I asked about Bob when he first asked me out. She's the reason I said yes to the date. Without her assuring me he was a good guy, I might not have had the 30 years with him! Anyway, rest & recouperate all of you who were sick. Kevin, glad you're feeling better.

Enjoy your time with your friend and it sounds like you owe her a big hug and thanks for giving you the o.k. on your dear Bob. Although, I'm sure you have already done so. Special friends are so wonderful to have.
BLAH! Is it just me, or do a lot people get sick right after a cruise?
Hope you're feeling better Kevin! pixiedust:

Can I just ask a favor. Don't bring the plague with you to our cruise next month. Thanks. ;)
I am sorry to hear of all the illness after the cruise, but this time it is not my fault!! I took responsibility for the PCC 2.0 crud, but I didn't get sick this time!

I hope everyone feels better very soon!
I wasn't on the cruise and am alll the way across the country from Florida, but NoroVirus has been hitting my area hard. Lots of people with horrible GI symptoms that come on suddenly and violently. The GI stuff lasts for about 3-4 days, but people are contagious (and feel horrible) for 7-10 days.

Glad to hear you are feeling slightly more human and hope everyone else gets or stays healthy too!


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