Dis Breast Cancer Survivors Part III - GAGWTA!

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I also frequently remind both of my kids of my #1 rule of driving - always expect the other drivers to do the wrong thing, that way nothing surprises you. ;)
Good afternoon sistas

Lisa - so glad to hear that you are getting off the cancer coaster for a while. Wonderful that you are getting a little holiday break.

Laurie - so happy that your dd passed her driving test, I am sure you are still nervous though. Her test sounded so easy. Its a lot harder here. You have to parallel park and then do a K turn in that space too etc.

I looked up the requirements around here as they just changed the law not that long ago. You need a lot of experience, only 1 other in the car not related, no driving after 9 pm etc.

Candy - hope your ds gets the internship. It sounds like something he would really enjoy.

Well ds is back and miserable. He just took a painkiller but needs to do the antibiotic., got him an ice pack. Hopefully he will sleep later. Dh took him.

They confirmed my infusion for Mon. Now dh might not be going to china next friday. We shall see. I would be happy if he was here anyway.

Busy week end planned, possibly celebrating ds19 to 20th b day if ds21 feels well if not we will wait, shopping for a suitcase if the trip is back on, blood test etc.

GTAGWTA. Blessings to you all.
Well, I have survived my first week back at work after vacation. It was rough but worth it! The hard part about my job is that no one covers for me much when I am gone so I end up with piles of e-mail and phone calls to return. But we had a nice trip. It was so nice to meet Sha and Nancy (Olalla Mom). I missed Cheryl, but maybe we can get together another time.

Food and Wine was nice. Don't go on Saturday! That is my only advice. The best part of the first day was meeting Sha. It was really crowded with several groups that were dedicated to eating and drinking around the world. We ended up returning to Saratoga for some pool time and a quiet evening. The rest of our Epcot days were wonderful.

The shrimp cake in Singapore was good. The shrimp on the barbie in Australia was so-so. The best I had was the coq au vin in France. And of course margaritas in Mexico!

We had a good time at the Halloween party. Saw the Villians Mix and Mingle and was almost in the right spot to have a picture taken with the Evil Queen, my favorite character. Short lines for attractions. Trick or treat lines were longer but they moved right along. We got some extra treat bags and divided up our "loot" among several neighborhood kids when we got home.

On our return trip Saturday, we were almost on the plane when Southwest cancelled our flight into Manchester because the airport in Manchester was closing due to snow. My husband does not deal well with any variation from plans when travelling! I had to threaten to make his children orphans to settle him down, especially when Southwest said that the earliest they could get us into Manchester was Tuesday. They offered to look at alternate airports. I knew I didn't want to go to Bradley in Hartford because that would mean I would have to stay with my sister and she and her husband smoke in their house so I avoid visiting. So I asked about Boston. On Sunday they were able to get us to Boston via St. Louis.

We arrived at Boston around 8 on Sunday. No one in our family wanted to come get us that late! So we took a bus that runs every hour to Dover NH and my brother took us to my mother's (about 5 miles away). Stayed there on Sunday night and my sister in law was able to drive us to Manchester NH to get our car after she dropped her daughter at school. So we made it home and only extended my vacation by a day. Bosses weren't real happy with me but had to concede that there really wasn't much I could do.

Whenever we go through the Orlando airport I used to say "someday I am going to stay at this hotel". Now I don't have to say it! We were able to get a room at the Hyatt, I wanted to call around for something cheaper but my husband would have had fits worrying about shuttles and getting to the airport on time. So I just paid the bucks to stay at the Hyatt. After we got home and read about the Jet Blue people stuck on the runway for 7 hours, I felt better about it! If you have to be stranded, better at the Hyatt than on the plane.

Now the bad news - my primary care doctor has become increasingly concerned about my persistent anemia. At first, it was attributed to the bleeding of the bladder tumor, which was quite severe at the end. And any cancer can cause anemia. Afterwards, she tended to blame it on my treatments. On my last visit I told her I had been doing some research and the type of treatment I am doing is not known for causing anemia. She conferred with the urologist and a medical oncologist and they agreed that it would be a very rare side effect. So now I am scheduled to visit the medical oncologist/hematologist on the 18th to try to determine why. I am staying hopeful that my bone marrow just needs a swift kick in the butt and a few shots of Procrit will fix things up. But the worst case would be that the cancer has metastasized. Not much I can do except try not to worry about it.

A few prayers wouldn't hurt. The survival rate for stage 4 bladder cancer is not good at all. The statistics are scary. That is why I am focusing on other potential causes for having anemia despite taking 400% of the daily allowance for over a year!

Hope everyone is doing well.
Good afternoon sistas

Lisa - is this your first official day off. I hope so. Enjoy it. Maybe take out that beautiful car of yours for a spin:)

PatsMom - sounds like you had a wonderful time on the trip. Sorry about all your weather hassles. I am like your dh I guess, I dont like to deviate from the plan, dont like problems etc. But it seems like it all worked out for you in the end in the round about way though. That was a smart idea to stay right at the Hyatt. My dh did that once too and he got the last room one time! Sorry about all your anemia issues. I am sure it is a cause of concern to you. I actually had all the anemia before the cancer dx and that is when I had the 3 transfusions and they said my bone marrow just shut down for no explainable reason. I hear you loud and clear about the stage 4 thing too. My path said stage 3, but the onc. said, no its def. a stage 4 for me. I dont know who to believe. I just take it one day at a time and see what happens. Will say some prayers for you for sure. Hang in there!!

Ds21 is doing ok. Liking his pain meds. No more ice for him today they called from the oral surgeon. Good thing because now our lovely new refrig. has stopped making ice!! Yup, 2 months old!!:headache::headache:. So dh will look at it tomm and do some trouble shooting, if not I guess its time for the repair man since that is still under the warranty etc. What is that old saying..they just dont make them like they used to??

Ds21 also tells me he might be getting a job. yeah, I ask where?? He says a pizza delivery man:scared1:. I say, no how, no way, if you get in an accident that is not covered with our policy of using your car for business etc. I will have to have dh talk to him. He said its just 1 day a week. I dont know how he could do that as he doesnt even know what his spring schedule will be at college yet.

GTAGWTA. Have a great week end everyone.
That was a great blog entry, Sha. Thanks for posting. Wise words for all of us.:thumbsup2

Two kittens! What color are they? Wish we were not allergic to cat fur/dander.

For some reason, we don't have the same issue with dog fur, although forget about pollen and grasses. Highly, highly allergic, and some of that stuff does come in with the dog.

I spent the better part of yesterday cleaning. I was distracted from cleaning last weekend with the multiple trips to and from New Orleans.

DD16 is unmercifully bugging us to drive. She drove for the first time yesterday afternoon. It was kind of comical because before she left to go to her friend's house, she came to me and asked it was ok for her to drive around a bit in our neighborhood before her first solo ride, because she wanted to make sure she would not freak out. She drove for quite a while before she got her "sea legs."

She was compliant and called us when she arrived at her destination, and several other times.

The whole experience did "freak me out" however, and I resorted to cutting the lawn to distract me. She called several times while I was outside and left messages. It was pretty funny in retrospect.

Hope you had fun on your cruise, Barbara!

I decided against returning to WDW yesterday. Too much happening on the home front.

Now DD16's youth group has a trip planned during Mardi Gras which coincides with a trip I had planned as well, staying at the BWV and a couple nights at BLT. DD wants to do stuff with me, stay with me, but fly rather than take the dreaded charter bus to Orlando.

I don't blame her.

Hope everyone has a good weekend. I need to get my Halloween stuff down and packed away. ARRGGHH, why did I pull this stuff out in the first place???
Just a quick hello to you ladies. How are you all doing??
Good afternoon sistas

Dan - loved the video. Made me smile alot!! Thanks:). Dh and I will miss you we will be there 11/28-12/4.

Lisa and smilie - how are you both feeling?

Laurie - how is your mom

Sha - have the other 2 cats joined the family? What are their names?

Linda - thoguht of you as one of my ds nursing school applicatin essay questions is about nursing. "How can nursing address and improve global healthcare needs? Any insight, would really appreciate it. I have some ideas I know it should be ds answer, but I think if he has a limited amount of background and information, it might be hard to answer in detail etc.

Candy - hope you had a good week end too

Cheryl - thought of you when I was getting the reclast today

We went out for ds b day at a new hibatchi restraunt. Wow, was it crowded. He had such a good time. Ds20 really couldnt eat much post surgery and boy was it expensive. Nice place for a celebration through. Seems there were alot of b parties. Someone even brought their own cake too.

I survived the infusion today. Now just waiting for the side effects to kick in.
The nurse said, oh this is expensive medicine - $1,000 a bottle, but dont worry, your medicare is paying for it:scared1:. Gheesh, do I really look that old??? Dh looked at me. One good thing was that my endo was there and spent a lot of time with me, not planning on that. She is changing my bp med so we will see how that works out. I ran my gyn symptoms by her and she said its not normal and that she would not be surprised if the dr. did a biopsy etc. I said, you know I really dont want to hear the word cancer again, She just looked at me.

Just wanted to check in with everyone.

I'm happy to not be facing chemo this week, although I still have very little energy. I'm still able to drive, but haven't been doing much else. I get worn out after standing or walking for a short time. I am going out to lunch today with one of my friends from my support group. We are planning a short WDW trip. Meg got her Christmas bonus package the other day and she gets discounted tickets to Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party. We went for 10 consecutive years, but stopped going after 2005 because of the price increase. So, we are planning on attending the party on November 30th, which will mean that DS Chase will be missing a day of school (which I usually don't allow) but I think we need this trip. I will also be needing a wheelchair unless my energy level increases significantly before then. Meg has volunteered to wheel me around. We will be staying at OKW, which I'm looking forward to as I haven't stayed there in several years. It's always been my favorite DVC resort. We haven't figured out what we're doing on Thursday before we return home - so many choices that I wish we could stay a few more days.

I hope that everyone is doing well with their treatments and not getting overwhelmed with the thought of the upcoming holidays. :)
Am reading if not posting. I'm sorry to all those who are experiencing difficulties. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers daily. :grouphug:

In retrospect, the thing with my aunt's illness and passing this fall took the wind out of my sails a bit. It's still not over - the hospital still calls re the bills - the dude that hit her never filed an accident report and so his insurance company knows nothing about it (they claim). They will have to hash it out themselves, it has nothing to do with me! There are some legal proceedings based on the medical examiner's report that triggered an inquiry by the district attorney, etc. The poor thing would be mortified if she knew all this was happening...

I think I mentioned DS had a concussion as well as bronchitis at the same time a few weeks ago? Well he was doing better breathing-wise, then he had a relapse last week. Missed days of school, doctor's visits, XRays, junky lungs, etc, but not really sick. Finally started wheezing toward the weekend. Saw a great doc that figured it all out (basically because she has the same thing!). Reactive airway that started when he played ball in a field of ragweed two weekends in a row (other kids had problems, too). He did recover but going out into the unseasonably cold air on Halloween night triggered another reaction :guilty: and this one's been even harder to deal with. He is on home nebs now and inhaled steroids, etc. ** Was just about to say he's finally doing better but I literally just got a call from the school nurse saying he's wheezy and to come get him. :guilty: I will finish the story later.

lmp, I have some thoughts to your question about global healthcare needs but I will have to post them later.

LISA- I am glad you are getting a break from chemo. Wonderful you got tickets and will be with WDW and Family in Nov. Sounds like you will enjoy your break and I hope you continue to get more energy. BTW My DD's name is Chayce! My DS is still trying to drive. The driving test here is very hard. They have to log hours. They just passed a law about texting and driving. 1st offense is a $50 fine. They are looking into passing a law about the number of young ones in a car. OH and he did get the internship!

Snappy- I know what you mean about being nervous. I am glad the laws are more stringent here.

Sha- Two kitten!!! AWWWW! I hope your other kitty adjusts.

LMP- I am glad your transfusion went well and your DS Extractions. Kids bounce back so fast.

PNM - I understand about the wind taken out of you. Give yourself time. You will start to feel the breeze again. I feel bad for your son. I hope he gets better.

Smilie Hope you are doing well.

I have been Sick for about a week. Missed 4 days of work. So I will catch up more later. :hug:
so so sick from infusion

prayers for your ds linda

feel better candy

hope we can meet up if even briefly lisa.
I dont have the kittens yet... and now, not sure if they are coming as someone took them from the facility even though I had said I was taking them. The staff knew I was going to take them, and said no one else was interested. We have asked her to return them. I am hoping she will. If not, there are other kittens there, but I wanted these as they were fluffy like George was. Sisters. I think I am going with Grace and Madeline (Maddy). The resident there had called them Tippy and Fluffy. We will see.

Cheryl, Smiley, Lisa and Maryann thinking about you all.

I think I am going to bed early tonight. I have to get up early and do some paper work but I am tired.
I want to wish you guys struggling with treatment well. Hoping you guys bounce back as soon as possible.

Glad you have answers on what is going on with your son, Linda.

Sha, good for you for rolling with it on the kitties. Hope you get the right outcome.

Candy, you dont have time to be sick. Hope you can knock it out.

Mom's gastro issues have resolved. The strong antibiotics took care of the eschemic colitis or whatever inflammation she had. The polyps turned out benign. Her back is still really bothering her so she is going to a orthopedic spine specialist. I think the gastro issues trumped the back and now those are solved so on to the next.

Made a big gumbo at her house that is all in the freezer. Aldo ordered a red velvet cake for DD 16 and my brother Tom since we are going to celebrate their birthdays jointly this weekend.

I have both Friday and Monday off so I am looking forward to Tom's visit very much. DD21 will be in town too with her boyfriend, so we will have a full house.

I am not sure how I will be able to make the house presentable ad I have not been keeping up very well with housework. I guess I need to accept that my limitations and enjoy being together. I will probably be the only one noticing except for my mom.
Laurie, what I wouldn't give for a steaming bowl of your gumbo! :goodvibes

So the wheezes were fairly mild and mostly cleared with a neb in the car on the way up (who knew you could do that? We just got the machine last weekend for the first time!). They were concerned enough to start him on a course of prednisone. We are going to have to learn the ebbs and flows of his airway issues as they relate to the seasons and allergens, and probably start him on some flovent during those times. I asked the doc about some of these fields he's playing in and, like the doc who I talked to about his concussion, this doc reiterated that, "Sports are good!" which was good to hear. Sheesh, the poor kid gets hit in the head with a ball, and can't breathe in the fields, yeah, they're great! :rotfl2:

The good thing was that DS and I got to go out to a little local breakfast place and had a nice few hours together. He is changing so much, he really looks like a teenager now. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers for him.
Now on to the healthcare question.

I actually googled it
"How can nursing address and improve global healthcare needs?
and was surprised to see it came up. It must be a common question on some of these applications these days. However, I didn't like the answers I saw :laughing: so I will answer it my own way from my own perspective. Your DS can think about it, maybe research it a bit, then answer in his own way.

Nursing speaks a universal language. Much of what nurses do can be done anywhere in the world. However, there needs to be respect given to cultural differences and other socioeconomic factors such as poverty, beliefs and family and health care systems, etc, which influence the particulars of how care is delivered in various places. For instance, in some countries, women's care is directed by the men in the family and a woman would rather die than go against the mens' wishes. Now I know that seems horrible to us, but this is something we need to understand and respect about that particular culture if we are to successfully work with them to improve their health care.

Nurses educate each other around the world. Groups of nurses often come to the U.S. for training in nursing systems and advanced techniques (and maybe even some basic stuff as well), and they then return to their homelands and become the teachers for others there. Physicans and other care team members do this as well. Additionally, many go to other countries to provide services and train others. We all work to improve healthcare globally together.

My hospital plays a big role in these types of ventures, I'm proud to say. Some of our staff are employed both here and in other countries at the same time and work cooperatively. It is not unusual to see large groups of nurses or physicans touring the hospital with an interpeter. We have had foreign nurses at some of our conferences and meetings, etc. Additionally, we service people from all over the globe so it's important for us to understand some of the cultural issues that may be different from ours.

So, the short answer would be through education and collaboration.

An example: http://www.boston.com/lifestyle/hea...als_see_the_upside_of_global_health_programs/
Linda, great post about nursing. Sure makes me wish I was in the noble profession of health care rather than accounting.

Hard to see what I contribute sometimes but there is no doubt if you work in health care.

I like your comment about the doctor saying sports are great. I bet you were doubting it a bit, love your humor in this situation. It is exactly what I would be thinking as well, but probably not expressing it as well.

I do have a question, has your son been to an allergist? DD16 does not appear to have asthma but I wondering seriously about allergies. DH, DS, and I all suffer from allergies. It did not look like DD16 had them but again this week she is congeste , coughing and sneezing in the morning. Rather than bring her to the pediatrician, I was thinking of going straight to the allergist.

What do you think of the wisdom of this? My insurance allows it but maybe we should be treating with meds first?

DH had the scratch test and did the shots in his 20's, mine was done in my teens, as was DS's.

The immunizations did help.

If anybody else cares to weigh in as well, I would appreciate it.

Definitely runs in the family.
I do have a question, has your son been to an allergist? DD16 does not appear to have asthma but I wondering seriously about allergies. DH, DS, and I all suffer from allergies. It did not look like DD16 had them but again this week she is congeste , coughing and sneezing in the morning. Rather than bring her to the pediatrician, I was thinking of going straight to the allergist.

What do you think of the wisdom of this? My insurance allows it but maybe we should be treating with meds first?
Funny you should mention this. (Great minds think alike! Ha!) I discussed this very thing with the doc yesterday. His reply? Well we already KNOW he has allgeries! :laughing: This is why he suggested learning the ebbs and flows of his particular issues and pretreating with flovent at those times. But he did leave the option of going to one of the clinics they offer for this if we wanted to. We left it as we will see how he does, continue with follow up, and take it from there.

In DH's family many of the men, especially, have the same issues, so it's not a surprise, really (it's like being with a housefull of Felix Ungers sometimes in the morning or during allergy season, lol). It's just that this time it's the worst it's ever been. Looking back to when I believe this first started, it was kind of a perfect storm of circumstances. There was a field of ragweed right next to where the games were being played; it was extremely windy; it was a doubleheader; and we wound up playing there two weekends in a row. :headache: This is what sent him (and others) over the edge into bronchitis. In retrospect, he had been feeling unwell after the first week, but his main complaint was a sore throat, and I was thinking it was some type of virus going around school. I didn't realize it was really as a result of allergies. So I have to learn, too. Somehow his allergies present as a sore throat. :confused3 I don't have allergies so it's sometimes hard for me to understand. I've lived with DH for 30 yrs but he's managed them himself for the most part - I've helped where I could. He uses a Neti Pot when he mows the lawn, for instance. That might be something DS needs to do as well, especially where he's now mowing lawns a lot, too. (That should be fun! :rolleyes1 ) We'll see how it goes. They say it will take a full season or two for him to heal.
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