DISappearing Peeps...A fastpass to THIN!

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We will miss you! Have a wonderful time!! So sorry we are keeping you busy with the thread.:rolleyes1 :rolleyes1

Wish I could go too!!

mousehouselover---- ditto message to you!!
okay my hungries set in and I am having the Best Snack! diced fresh Strawberries covered in skinny Choc syrup and Lite Cool Whip OMG is like a gourmet treat!!
okay my hungries set in and I am having the Best Snack! diced fresh Strawberries covered in skinny Choc syrup and Lite Cool Whip OMG is like a gourmet treat!!

Enjoy! Grumpy and Bee out!!! Nightie night!
Wow Ladies one night in HObken and I come home to 6 new pages.!!! Ok Now lets exercise... situps before bed do 50!!
Thanks for welcoming me everybody! Feels like I'm really late to a great party :(

Anyway, I think I'll have to take 2 vacation days from work, just to catch up! HA! So since I'm sooooo behind, I'll be lurking a bit before I post again. But just know, I'm watching you . . .
okay i am now caught up but if ya notice the time i am off to bed. Post tommorow take care all and good night or good morning :goodvibes

I am a very slow reader but I think I'm caught up.

Bee & Grumpy.......:yay: :banana: :yay: Need I say more?
aldisneygirl.....getting the carmen electra striptease workout and then
UM....imaginary demostration of the carmen electra striptease workout
Harley.....bending over and trying to prevent the phf. Maybe you could create a new exercise and tease the DHs in the process....Fiber Bend & Snap!
Twinkie....suggestion that if you ask if the cookies are made from real girl scouts, the sellers will leave you alone.

Tomorrow I will work on quoting these hilarious moments to get my facts straight.

Water.....just :)


I am a very slow reader but I think I'm caught up.

Bee & Grumpy.......:yay: :banana: :yay: Need I say more?
aldisneygirl.....getting the carmen electra striptease workout and then
UM....imaginary demostration of the carmen electra striptease workout
Harley.....bending over and trying to prevent the phf. Maybe you could create a new exercise and tease the DHs in the process....Fiber Bend & Snap!
Twinkie....suggestion that if you ask if the cookies are made from real girl scouts, the sellers will leave you alone.

Tomorrow I will work on quoting these hilarious moments to get my facts straight.

Water.....just :)


Good morning Peeps! Thanks for the recap Lex...it sure helped me put it all together!

I must confess...after I logged off last night (and after working my butt off in dance arobics), I ate three - count them THREE cheesy garlic bread sticks! And to make matters worse, I followed it up with a bowl of Penne and Vodka sauce...it was so good, but I am so ashamed... :sad2: I could just kick myself when I do that kind of stuff...especially when I see a gain on the scale the next morning... Is it possible to sew your lips shut?

Well I am off to work! Will try to check in shortly (before I have 20 pages to catch up on!)
I must confess...after I logged off last night (and after working my butt off in dance arobics), I ate three - count them THREE cheesy garlic bread sticks! And to make matters worse, I followed it up with a bowl of Penne and Vodka sauce...it was so good, but I am so ashamed... :sad2: I could just kick myself when I do that kind of stuff...especially when I see a gain on the scale the next morning... Is it possible to sew your lips shut?

Man you just made me hungry!popcorn::
I could just kick myself when I do that kind of stuff...especially when I see a gain on the scale the next morning... Is it possible to sew your lips shut?
Exercise makes me HUNGRY too, Shawna. Today is a new day.....that's why we say "Good Morning". ;)
Good morning....I did 25 on th eliptical last night and yes, I was hungry afterwards too! INight time seems to be my worst time of day. I just want to munch...munch..munch
Thanks for welcoming me everybody! Feels like I'm really late to a great party :(

Anyway, I think I'll have to take 2 vacation days from work, just to catch up! HA! So since I'm sooooo behind, I'll be lurking a bit before I post again. But just know, I'm watching you . . .

Are you a secret Focker???:rotfl2: :rotfl2:
OMG, you all were so flippin' funny last night!! Many thanks for the morning laughs :rotfl:

Accountabillity time:
Yesterday - 25 minutes on the TM and I actually got up to a jog!! Only 1 minute at a time for a total of 5, but without using my inhaler, I'm quite proud! Just think what I could do if I medicate first :rotfl: AND, I followed it with 80 crunches :cool1:
Food: Cereal w/skim milk, BIG chef salad, 15 peanuts, Lean Cuisine Veg. Eggroll, 1 whole wheat waffle, loads of hot lemon water and decaf green tea.

And yet... I seem to have GAINED a pound overnight. :sad2: So frustrating. But I'm going to start with measurements this Fri. and see if that's decreasing any.

Oh, and I figured out I'm currently at a 16 minute mile, so I think I'll shoot for shaving 30 seconds off each week and see how far I can get.

Have a skinnie Wednesday Peeps! :yay:
Good Morning!!

I'm off to work today!! (what a concept - eh?) So no chatty Kathy from me today!!

I have to tell y'all I'm sore!! That personal trainer kicked my arms!! Yep, my arms, right around the bra line, esp in between the shoulder blade - I've never worked those muscles before!! My abs I'm aware of, which I've been doin some ab crunches... but a trainer will help you "kick it up a notch"... not horribly sore, except that bra line!!

Okay Dragonfly and I were going through and making copies(well she is) of everyone's bios but we are missing some.These are the ones we need:Eeyore,Fidge,DisneyFreak,LindsayDunn,MHL,Mumbler,Pixie,S.Poppins,Twinkie,Minnie Moo,Glenda,Aldisney,Backstage Gal,NSALZ,and Shula.If you have done one just let me know and I will find it.:surfweb: Oh yeah DRAGONFLY needs to do her own.Thanks!!

BTW,If i did not list your name and you haven't done one PLEASE do.:goodvibes
Dismom, my bio is at the top of page 97. Thanks!!
AND I think the TIVO is the greatest invention EVER! I have so many “can’t miss” shows each week that I would never get anything done if I couldn’t record them. Loves me some Heroes, House, Lost, Smallville, Las Vegas, Two & a Half Men, My Name is Earl, The Office, How I Met Your Mother, and The War At Home…told ya there were lots of them! It really is a wonder I get anything done…

Dragonfly: :cool1: Yay, another Tivo fan!! It is the greatest isn't it?? I tivo too many shows a week to list them all . . . but a few of my favorites are Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, Heroes, Bones, NCIS, CSI New York and the View!! My DH doesn't love tv quite as much as I do, so it's great to save some of my shows for when he's not home. When I still lived with my parents we had a treadmill, so I'd do that every night while we tivo'd :yay: !!
StaceyPoppins~ We get there next Tues and are staying at POFQ. Our current plans are: Tues in Epcot, Wed in AK, Thurs we're doing the Backstage Magic tour, finishing in MGM with a F! dinner package, Fri back in Epcot, Sat in MK and Sun our last day we're having breakfast with Cindy!

What are your plans? Will you still be there when I get there? I'd love to do a DISappearing peeps mini meet. I'm actually trying to see if there's any interest in a mini meet for Sat 1/20 but haven't gotten too many responses yet.

These are the tentative plans. I am not going to be as anal this trip. Last year I had a plan and there was no room for deviation! This year only the adrs are set in stone. I will pm you my phone number. Call if you get the chance.

1/13 - We are going to AK. 6:30 adr for O'Hana

1/14 - MK 11:30 lunch adr at LTT.

1/15 - Blizzard Beach 8:10 dinner adr at Kona Cafe

1/16 - Epcot - 7:00 dinner adr at Boma

1/17 - Not sure about morning - Epcot in afternoon. Dinner adr at Le Cellier 5:50

1/18 - MGM. Dinner adr 5:05 at Primetime cafe.

1/19 - Checkout. Breakfast adr at Crystal Palace at 9:10. Spend time at MK. before leaving that afternoon.
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