Disboutiquers Part 25 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

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OK I just about spit my coffee all over my computer with that mental image! The truth is I would LOL at you and then I would help you!

This whole thing is hysterical and I thank you both, your going to have me smiling all day at work over this!


DO NOT (repeat NOT) tell anyone why you are smiling! I thought hubby was going to cart me off! He told me he had already started looking at assisted homes for me...now he was going to have to ramp up the search!

(hmm...wonder if I can take my machines with me?)
thanks for the laughes this morning....loving Ginger and Mr Pibb AG models...maybe if you added some hair to them:lmao:

I didn't know about the personal shopper at AG...will be calling them to set it up for Megan when we are in NYC in a couple of weeks!!!

DO NOT (repeat NOT) tell anyone why you are smiling! I thought hubby was going to cart me off! He told me he had already started looking at assisted homes for me...now he was going to have to ramp up the search!

(hmm...wonder if I can take my machines with me?)


yes....I learned a long time ago DH does not get some of my girl/ craft/ mommy humor.:thumbsup2
I said the other day I was planning on making something. Well I pulled out the Duvet Cover we got from Goodwill and this is what came of it.

My youngest DD almost 7

Look Momma Nemo is looking at me.

We found Dory, Just Keep on Swimming.

My DD8
She was trying so hard not to squint.

Helloooooooooooo Whaaaaaaaaaaallllleee!!!!!! Did you Know Dory Spoke Whale?

Thanks For looking.

DO NOT (repeat NOT) tell anyone why you are smiling! I thought hubby was going to cart me off! He told me he had already started looking at assisted homes for me...now he was going to have to ramp up the search!

(hmm...wonder if I can take my machines with me?)

Seriously, you should ask him if they'd have an extra bed for your bottle... Nini - you really need to get one - they are so rewarding. :rolleyes1

I said the other day I was planning on making something. Well I pulled out the Duvet Cover we got from Goodwill and this is what came of it.

My youngest DD almost 7

Look Momma Nemo is looking at me.

We found Dory, Just Keep on Swimming.

My DD8
She was trying so hard not to squint.

Helloooooooooooo Whaaaaaaaaaaallllleee!!!!!! Did you Know Dory Spoke Whale?

Thanks For looking.

This turned out so cute... I love the big print! :) Great job repurposing. :)

I said the other day I was planning on making something. Well I pulled out the Duvet Cover we got from Goodwill and this is what came of it.

My youngest DD almost 7

Look Momma Nemo is looking at me.

We found Dory, Just Keep on Swimming.

My DD8
She was trying so hard not to squint.

Helloooooooooooo Whaaaaaaaaaaallllleee!!!!!! Did you Know Dory Spoke Whale?

Thanks For looking.

These are just adorable.

Decided I needed to be creative at work so I brought some fabric to cut out at work. Hoping to cut out 3 pairs of easy fits for the boy and one for the girl.

Love that I can get them done in about 20 minutes after they are cut.
I have to leave in a few minutes to go play good daughter with my mother, but I'll try to comment as much as I can.

Got to preface this by saying after reading through from last night I kept saying to myself, you've got to get a hobby, then I remembered, I do have a hobby -- sewing.

Love the shirts. When I saw Heather's design it made me want to take a cruise just so I could put that on something.

And Ginger's dress is too cute. She is the best dress bottle around.

I know what you mean about the design. We took a Disney cruise for our 25th anniversary and I'm trying to decide if I can retro make myself a t-shirt.

The shirts are great and Ginger's dress is very pretty.

Thanks. It's a labor of love.

First... I love the shirts! :)

Second.... I just love that AG dress it is adorable!

Third.... ROFLMAO!!!!!! :rotfl2: OMG I love Ginger! :worship:

Well, I will try to answer your questions... Yes, they probably would think it was strange... but only if you were pushing her in a stroller - if you carry her, I think you'd be fine.

I would seriously go with you and act normal... I would even talk to Ginger and ask her which outfit is her favorite.

I would also call ahead and order Ginger a special menu... And please ask the waiter to avoid serving any sort of ginger ale beverage - it makes Ginger a bit uneasy. :banana:

I would be happy to send you matching outfits - with LOTS of ruffles. :rolleyes1

And I would not think you were odd... :banana:

Oh and I measured Mr. Pibb and he is needing to lose a bit of weight to fit into Kanani's dress... so, all kidding aside, the 2 liter bottles are slightly too big. :confused3


Thank you for all of your well thought out replies. I have passed them along to my friend who was asking about it.

Good point about not taking a stroller. That would probably embarass Ginger anyway.

My friend has a lot of natural ruffles so I'm not sure she would want a dress accentuating them.

I like Kanani's dress. I have one more stripwork jumper in mind, then I'll have to move on to the next pattern.

You do make me :lmao:!

Love the t-shirts and looked like the family loved them too, great job!

And Ginger is looking quite lovely, love the dress!

Why thank you.

No, I did measure a 2 liter (oooh-la-la) curvy Coke bottle - and she was a wee bit too busty - but I didn't have any 1.5 liters in stock to try. :confused3 I might get to the grocery store tomorrow...

Opinions needed:
Would you all think I was strange if I just brought an AG dress with me to the grocery store and tried it on various bottles, in an attempt to find the perfect fit? <----Insert Cinderella music here. :rolleyes1


The girls next door have AG dolls. I know because Mom had a package sent to our house at Christmas time so the girls wouldn't see it, and they've been to the NYC AG store. I may eventually ask if they'd be willing to model. I just don't want Ginger to find out and start saying she's too fat, yadda yadda, starve herself, and turn into a 1 liter bottle.

I agree with the comment below. Have your trip uploaded to youtube and then we'll better be able to decide if it comes across as strange.

The shirts for Madison's family came out great. How sweet that she wore it to school on Friday:lovestruc
You are getting to be a doll clothing expert. The fabrics on that dress are wonderful
I'm picturing you at the AG cafe with your dressed up soda bottle. I have a feeling they would think there was more then Ginger Ale in that bottle. :lmao:

Just make sure no one gets out their camera phone and starts taking pictures. If there is a YouTube video of a lady dressing soda bottles in the grocery store then we will know it is you. By the way, I've seen stranger things at the grocery store so go for it. Let us know which one is a perfect fit.

Thanks for the comment about Madison's t-shrit. I really am touched that she wore it to school.

Good point about what else could be inside Ginger.

I don't know that my Ginger line will ever expand. I don't like soda (gasp). Ginger was the result of "youthful indiscretion" when we had friends over for dinner.

:rotfl2: OMG I would love to see someone do that at the grocery store:rotfl:


OK... I often say LOL, but rarely do I actually laugh out loud when reading something on here...

HOWEVER.... the thought of you two going to the grocery store to try dresses on soda bottles was just too much for me! My husband actually came running into the living room to see what was going on!

Thanks for making my day! (now, back to sewing for me!)


Isn't it amazing how much fun we can have with people we don't know?

Well Shoot! I'm waaaaaaaay behind! There have been so many awesome things posted! I know I will miss some and they were all wonderful but here are some things off the top of my head.... Loved the sewing machine cover, the rainbow hair pretties, the beautiful wedding photos, the fourth of July outfits, but most of all Ginger! I am so so jealous! She is such a gorgeous model! :worship: I know I left things out and I'm soo sorry! I really did love it all!

Our trip to Chicago was fun but rushed! Our train ended up being delayed and instead of getting 4 hours there we ended up with just 2 1/2 short hours to do what we needed to do. :sad2: Needless to say we skipped lunch and headed strait to the AG store! The girls were in their glory! Awww who am I kidding I was in my glory! My poor DH? yeah, not so much! :rotfl2: But he was a trooper none the less.:lovestruc D, thanks so much for the tip on the personal shopper, it was fantastic and my girls felt like VIP sitting on the couch in there sorting through the things they wanted to buy!

I won't bore you will many pictures but here is one of the girls with their goods just as we were leaving the store.

And when we got home the girls insisted on getting all their dolls dressed in their original clothes for a photo shoot! I'm kind of excited! Look at all these cuties I get to start sewing for....

Sigh, I do have to say though I am still totally jealous over Ginger! :rotfl:


Great photos and thanks about the comment about Ginger.

I live 2 1/2 hours by train from NYC. Unless I'm going to see my son I usually just go to a Broadway show, walk around, eat, and leave. Now I'm curious to go to the AG store, but I don't know that I would have time for tea or lunch in addition to a Broadway show 'cuz I HAVE to see the refurbished Disney store in Times Square. Such a dilemma. Your photos of the AG store pique my curiosity.

Just popping in to say how incredible all your work is ladies (and man). I'm awestruck. :worship: All the fabric too is just beautiful, you have such a great range in the US and I'm very jealous.

I've never sewed more than overnight toilet training sheets, cloth wipes and my patchwork quilts, never real clothes for real people. I love pathwork by machine but I'm on a break since I made the twins their quilts. They went from cot sized to king bed sized and took two years...:rolleyes1 I'm going to stick to spinning and knitting for a bit - the language is better according to my hubby. Although I did think of making mini-Mickey quilts the size of a pillowcase for the kids to get signed next year on our DCL cruise.

Quilts are a lot of work! I've made one and it still isn't completely quilted.

I like the idea of the mini-Mickey quilt to get signed -- and yeah DCL cruise!

I love those wish shirts and as I stated on the BG, I really like how you did the off center for mom and dad's shirt -- so much so that I made dh a t-shirt for Father's Day for fishing trips and did the little fish on the *lapel* like that in a 4x4. He even wore it fishing last night! And it's awesome that Madison already wore hers. I will have to pop over to her ptr and see the photos. I bought the girls fitted tanks for the outfits I made them so hopefully they won't swim in mine -- boxy t's are like that sometimes and truth be told, I always buy ds a large when he in reality is a medium. I figure if I'm putting all that work into these t's I want him to wear them for a long time!

Ginger's party dress is just that! It's lovely and she looks great in it -- very figure flattering for her.

I personally think it would be a bad idea to take her to tea at the store. EVERYONE there will be jealous b/c her hair (or lack there of) is too easy to style in comparison to an AG doll's hair. Everyone will toss their dolls out the window and head to the nearest grocery store to get their own Ginger's. You would put AG out of business. It wouldn't be good for our already struggling ecomony. Likewise, they may then raise prices of sodas due to the massive increase in demand and I already complain that my diet pepsi wild cherry is no longer 99cents a bottle.

The problem D is you are dressing a "Mr." in a girl's outfit. No wonder it's tight. Please get the gender of your soda bottle in order next time.

Get your store back in business so you save up for an embroidery machine!!! Actually, I was thinking about it, and you have the perfect store as you can premake all your items. I am actually good enough to sell now, and I keep thinking about it, but I hate the thought of having to make something in a particular size. I would love to just have things made in a particular size already. I aways worry I'd get an order and mess up the fabric and not have enough or have a machine break on me delaying the project. And I can't embroider on small t's either (I'm too scared to cut them!).

And I would love to be at the grocery store when you do your shopping for the perfect fit. I would love to see the strange looks people give you!

Thanks for the comment about the shirts and Ginger.

You have made some very valid points about the economic stablity of the northern hemisphere. Down in the basement sometimes I can't see beyond the water heater, but I would be remiss if I didn't take into account the ramifications of the selfishness of wanting to save $99 dollars by designing for bottles instead of dolls. You have given me somethng to think about today.


DO NOT (repeat NOT) tell anyone why you are smiling! I thought hubby was going to cart me off! He told me he had already started looking at assisted homes for me...now he was going to have to ramp up the search!

(hmm...wonder if I can take my machines with me?)

Yeah, who'd want to go to a home where they serve you three meals a day, comb you hair, take care of the laundry, give you prizes if you win BINGO, clean your bathroom once a week, and praise you for taking your pills.
I'm waiting in line to register Rebecca for the youth program and I wanted to post a pic of the girls but I can't make photobucket and my phone work together. My sister was nice enough to post a pic for me on facebook, so look there if you want to see. Lol

Opinions needed:
Would you all think I was strange if I just brought an AG dress with me to the grocery store and tried it on various bottles, in an attempt to find the perfect fit? <----Insert Cinderella music here. :rolleyes1


just be careful not to do it at Walmart or you might end up on the "people of walmart" website! :lmao::rotfl2::rotfl:
I sew a little. I can make a simple dress. Got some great ideas on here for our all girl trip next May. Looking for hair bows. Is there somewhere on here that show you how to make them? Thanks in advance.
I sew a little. I can make a simple dress. Got some great ideas on here for our all girl trip next May. Looking for hair bows. Is there somewhere on here that show you how to make them? Thanks in advance.

Connie, I have LOTS of sources on hair bows. Which is funny because my 3 year old hates them! I can get her to do little ones, but nothing bigger than what's in my siggy. There's always hope with my 4 month old....

Anyway, I use these sources:



Thank you, that just what I was looking for. These are for my granddaughter. We are taking her for her 4th birthday, May 2012. I know, it's early, but it will take me a couple tries. My daughter hated hair bows also. I am sure these will not be in her hair a long time, but I hope I can get her to wear them for the dinners. Thanks so much. :cool1:
Thank you, that just what I was looking for. These are for my granddaughter. We are taking her for her 4th birthday, May 2012. I know, it's early, but it will take me a couple tries. My daughter hated hair bows also. I am sure these will not be in her hair a long time, but I hope I can get her to wear them for the dinners. Thanks so much. :cool1:

You're welcome!
Connie, I have LOTS of sources on hair bows. Which is funny because my 3 year old hates them! I can get her to do little ones, but nothing bigger than what's in my siggy. There's always hope with my 4 month old....

Anyway, I use these sources:




My DD2 is just now "cooperating" w/ the hairbow wearing.....she knows as soon as we pull in the driveway when we come home she can take it out.....and she does....and hands it too me and says "all done":cutie:
I said the other day I was planning on making something. Well I pulled out the Duvet Cover we got from Goodwill and this is what came of it.

My youngest DD almost 7

Look Momma Nemo is looking at me.

We found Dory, Just Keep on Swimming.

My DD8
She was trying so hard not to squint.

Helloooooooooooo Whaaaaaaaaaaallllleee!!!!!! Did you Know Dory Spoke Whale?

Thanks For looking.

Opinions needed:
Would you all think I was strange if I just brought an AG dress with me to the grocery store and tried it on various bottles, in an attempt to find the perfect fit? <----Insert Cinderella music here. :rolleyes1

I love this! I think it's so awesome how people can find things at thrift stores and such and get in the mind set to turn into something completely different! :worship: I try, but it seems like I just can't get my mind to go there!

just be careful not to do it at Walmart or you might end up on the "people of walmart" website! :lmao::rotfl2::rotfl:[/QUOTE] Oh.My.Gosh. This had me literally laughing out loud! :rotfl2:

Thanks for the compliments on our Chicago and AG pics! :goodvibes

I said the other day I was planning on making something. Well I pulled out the Duvet Cover we got from Goodwill and this is what came of it.

My youngest DD almost 7

Look Momma Nemo is looking at me.

We found Dory, Just Keep on Swimming.

My DD8
She was trying so hard not to squint.

Helloooooooooooo Whaaaaaaaaaaallllleee!!!!!! Did you Know Dory Spoke Whale?

Thanks For looking.
Wow!!! I'm really impressed at how you centered the placement of the images. I love the outfits! And no one will have anything like them!

The girls next door have AG dolls. I know because Mom had a package sent to our house at Christmas time so the girls wouldn't see it, and they've been to the NYC AG store. I may eventually ask if they'd be willing to model. I just don't want Ginger to find out and start saying she's too fat, yadda yadda, starve herself, and turn into a 1 liter bottle.

Yeah, who'd want to go to a home where they serve you three meals a day, comb you hair, take care of the laundry, give you prizes if you win BINGO, clean your bathroom once a week, and praise you for taking your pills.

I sew a little. I can make a simple dress. Got some great ideas on here for our all girl trip next May. Looking for hair bows. Is there somewhere on here that show you how to make them? Thanks in advance.

I have this site bookmarked:

There are tons of different bows on it. HTH.
I said the other day I was planning on making something. Well I pulled out the Duvet Cover we got from Goodwill and this is what came of it.

My youngest DD almost 7

My DD8
She was trying so hard not to squint.

Helloooooooooooo Whaaaaaaaaaaallllleee!!!!!! Did you Know Dory Spoke Whale?

Thanks For looking.

I love "upcycling" fabric! I have a stack of my clothes to repurpose into PJs for DS and DD. That Nemo Duvet must have been quite a find the dresses look great! I wish we had a decent thrift store here....but most of the time I only find good stuff in the mens section...never home goods.
Thank you all for the compliments

I love "upcycling" fabric! I have a stack of my clothes to repurpose into PJs for DS and DD. That Nemo Duvet must have been quite a find the dresses look great! I wish we had a decent thrift store here....but most of the time I only find good stuff in the mens section...never home goods.

It's rare that I get a good find. So far I have found some little mermaid sheets and this Duvet. I found some Fall Pooh curtains but not sure If I will do anything with them yet. Last time I went there were quite a few comforters but I can't use those as they are quilted and stuffed with fluff.
Well, I have to make dinner first - then I am moving in to my sewing room. DH :lovestruc has been working like a mad man all day, and he says I can move in whenever I am ready. :worship:

I even went to a few antique stores today and found a few vintage goodies for my sewing room...

And of course - I'll share pics - but it probably won't be until tomorrow - since I need the light. :lovestruc

Sorry - I just had to share my excitement! :wizard:

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