Disboutiquers Part 9 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew CLOSED/MOVED

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Jham- I had to giggle at your fabric store! I have one too!! LOL :laughing:

This is about half of my fabric. I had to move into another bookshelf. I keep all my polka dots, licensed and collection fabric there. I do love having everything out in the open. It makes sewing so much easier when you can see everything. I also make substantially less trips to the fabric store. :)

I am so jealous!

Thanks Steph! I am def. going to talk with the teacher. Especially after the other developments that happened this afternoon!

Thanks! She was very hurt, she is very sensitive and gets her feelings hurt very easily!

Thank you! I just didn't realize this started so soon!

THanks! I can't believe they are already acting this way at such a young age!

Thank you! I am def. going to talk with the teacher!

Poor Lou! Sydni would LOVE to play with him! Love his new hat! What a little doll! I downloaded the pattern! I want to make my girls these hats, an apron and some felt food!

WELL as I stated there has been new developments to this story! I looked in Sydni's take home folder and she brings home a daily report. It is basically a monthly calendar and each day there is a score 1-7! Well, 7 means that they had a great day, no problems! The other numbers mean there were problems! Sydni has always had a 7 until today, she brings home a 6!:scared1: She also didn't want to go to school this morning which for her is unheard of, but I didn't think anything of it! Then she tells me she got the 6 because a little boy KISSED her!:scared1: AGAIN! She then tells me that the other girls don't want to play with her because, and I quote" Apparently they are popular because no boys want to kiss them, and I am not popular because all the boys want to kiss me!" WHAT?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek: :scared: Okay, why on earth does a 5yo girl know what popular means????? I mean, did her parents tell her this??? I just don't get it! Needless to say, I will be scheduling a conference with her teacher tomorrow!

Sad to say Kyle's Kindergarten class it was the same! The girls where all kissy! I actually caught a little girl cornering Kyle kissing him in the hallway last yr:scared1: I am friends wit the mom and when I told her she was shocked but she did also blame the whole HSM Hannah Montana issue. This yr he has already gotten a cute little pink note slipped to him with hearts all over it and a little girls phone number:eek: Now every time I go to school this little girl hugs me and tells me how cute he is! Well I can't fault her for that now can I?:rotfl: Then yesterday Kyle came home saying another girl was casing him saying she liked him. It is unreal that this is starting already! I asked Kyle why all the girls like him and he just said because he must be one of the handsome boys!:lmao:

Then you have Nikki who loves to chase boys and always has but it is more to run around not to kiss them. Last yr this little boy had a crush on her and I think she had a crush on him but it was just a typical cute crush. Then she had this psycho kid who sent her notes for a week in a row. She was not happy so she told him to stop and he got mad and rubbed his sandwich wrapper all over her lunch box which could make her sick! Thankfully she had some good friends who rated the brat out. This kid wouldn't stop either the teacher caught him sending more note he even threatened to body choke her! The teacher did everything she could to talk to the parents we went to the principal and she talked to the brat. Well turns out he was in summer school and told every one he got to kiss Nikki!:eek: Then this yr he wet up to her and said to her the 1st week of school that he loves her even more then last yr! Thankfully that is where it ended this yr. I swear this kid is going to be arrested for some kind of sexual harassment when he gets older!

Nikki is also the girl who has a lot of friends that are boys. She is really good friends with this one little boy and she talks about him all the time and from what the little boys dad says this little boy talks about her a lot too so they might have a little crush going on too but in this case I think it is really harmless. The dad and I actually joked the little cheer leader and the football player since he is on the football team.

OMG...so did my mom!!! She FRAMED them so they would look neater! (which would kinda explain why there are framed pics of Zac Efron- cut out from Tiger Beat-on Ash's wall!)

You didn't like Luke Perry :confused3

I also had Johnny Depp from 21 Jump Street...times haven't changed too much :rotfl2: (if only Randy would let me hang one up in our room now! :rotfl: )
I would so hang a Johnny Depp poster over my bed right now if Colby would let me. :lmao: I had a poster of him from Edward Scissor Hands on my wall. I did not like Luke Perry, but I did like Jason Priestley. Although I did not have a poster of him.
I loved Jump street!!!!

I do have to say am I the only one here that liked the hard rockers aka hair metal bands back in the day?!?!?!? My walls were certainly plasters with poster BUT they were all of Def Leppard and a few Bryan Adams!
I can actually top the poster on the ceiling thing. George wouldn't let me do the poster thing BUT he does take me to Def Leppard concerts and gets me backstage passes to them because as he puts it in the end he reaps the benefits! Heck they are going to be on CMT tonight doing Crossroads and my Tivo is set! Yeah I know I'm a loser!

Carla- Poor Louie! I can't understand why any one wouldn't just love up on that little boy!

I forgot to mention I LOVE those Buzz Big Give outfits!
I'm soooo excited!!!!:yay: Look!:dance3: I got a ticker...yep baby...we are going back and I am sooo excited:banana: :banana: :banana: ...Can I start sewing now?:cool1:
Yes you have to start sewing now, because if you don't than you won't be able to get 2 customs per day per child done in time. :thumbsup2
I do have to say am I the only one here that liked the hard rockers aka hair metal bands back in the day?!?!?!? My walls were certainly plasters with poster BUT they were all of Def Leppard and a few Bryan Adams!
I can actually top the poster on the ceiling thing. George wouldn't let me do the poster thing BUT he does take me to Def Leppard concerts and gets me backstage passes to them because as he puts it in the end he reaps the benefits! Heck they are going to be on CMT tonight doing Crossroads and my Tivo is set! Yeah I know I'm a loser!
My brother was the one with the hard rock posters on his wall. The only difference was he had Ozzy, Lida Ford and some other band I can't remember. All I know was his room scared me. :lmao:Just so you guys know he is now a very well adjusted country fan. :rotfl2:
Yes you have to start sewing now, because if you don't than you won't be able to get 2 customs per day per child done in time. :thumbsup2

My brother was the one with the hard rock posters on his wall. The only difference was he had Ozzy, Lida Ford and some other band I can't remember. All I know was his room scared me. :lmao:Just so you guys know he is now a very well adjusted country fan. :rotfl2:
:lmao: :rotfl2: I like my country too! I swear 80's hard rock is so much like today's country!
okay...I have to admit to my teen obsession now after all you fessed up...I LOVE(D) Duran Duran...

There was one of their concerts on TV the other night...I totally cranked it up and drove the whole house insane! Tim wanted to leave. The kids just danced with me!:dance3: Now the last concert I went to was a Van Halen concert in 1998...how do I know...I figured out the next day I was pregnant with Katie after consuming WAY TOO MANY adult beverages at the concert!:scared1: I'll never forget how scared I was! But at the time, my BFF's husband worked for a distributer that served us all we wanted for free...so i had way too many and when I got sick the next day, it was not the ususal I drank too much sick, then I took a test and YEP! I was prego! Thank goodness it was way early in the pregnancy and that was the only time...she seems okay except she is approaching being a teenager now!:lmao:
Cathy, great job on the Big Give outfits! They are so cute! Steph, love Megan's matching shirt!

I finally took all of the books etc. off the bookshelves in my craft room and stuffed some fabric in them. I need a few more shelves! And a lot more of those plastic card thingies. You can tell only 1 shelf has them. :sad2: But it is SO much nicer to be able to see most of my fabric at a glance! Not to mention it just makes me happy to look at. :confused3


What a happy sight for a Friday morning! :lovestruc
OK Lurker.... Here Hi everyone, we just finished my sewing rom andI need to know what do you guys put the fabric on that keeps the looking like they are on a bolt, That is so cool right now I have each piece in a plastic baggie so they slip slide every which way in the cabinet.

OH and we leave for Grand Floridian today and I am like the Parents in the WDW comercial I have been up since 4 because I can't sleep!!! I'm too excited


LOL!! That is my line! I am too excited to sleep. hehehehe I say the night before we leave and normally the night we book our trip. :D

Thanks for all the compliments on the "store." I was worried that my DH would be ticked when I did it because he would see how much fabric I have. It was the opposite. He said I thought you had more from everything tucked away here and there. The other thing is my DD4 helps me sew a lot. She likes to go to the shelf and pick out colors and prints. It is a lot of fun.

To keep all the fabric straight I made mini bolts from cardboard boxes. I measured my shelves and then cut the cardboard to the right size. On Friday nights I would fold fabric while I watched Monk. It was a way to celebrate my small twinge of OCD.

Oh- The best part is the smile I get when I look at the bookshelf. :lovestruc

ETA- I forgot to add. Thank you to whoever first posted about the Mousesavers HUGE deal! We saved a good chunck of change and ended up with two $200 gift cards!!! Thanks a bunch! :)
Did everyone see the freebie chef hat on YCMT? I posted it on Facebook, but not here yet. It is sooooooo easy, and really turns out cute! Here is Lou in one:

Please ignore the fact that he is wearing a raincoat and driving a car in the living room. :sad2:

That is great Carla! Now I wish I still had someone little enough to give a chef hat, apron and felt food.

Jham- I had to giggle at your fabric store! I have one too!! LOL :laughing:

This is about half of my fabric. I had to move into another bookshelf. I keep all my polka dots, licensed and collection fabric there. I do love having everything out in the open. It makes sewing so much easier when you can see everything. I also make substantially less trips to the fabric store. :)


Even more happiness for my Friday!

I would love to do this, but first I need a spot to put a bookcase. :laughing:


I posted a list of disnames vs real names on the disboutique thread in the group page. I formatted it, but it wouldn't take any of the formatting on facebook. Take a look at it and let me know if you have any suggestions.

Thanks for the list!

For anyone who's still lost, hopefully this link will bring you to the Disboutiquers group.


I'm soooo excited!!!!:yay: Look!:dance3: I got a ticker...yep baby...we are going back and I am sooo excited:banana: :banana: :banana: ...Can I start sewing now?:cool1:

WOO HOO!! :banana: :banana: :banana:
okay...I have to admit to my teen obsession now after all you fessed up...I LOVE(D) Duran Duran...

There was one of their concerts on TV the other night...I totally cranked it up and drove the whole house insane! Tim wanted to leave. The kids just danced with me!:dance3: Now the last concert I went to was a Van Halen concert in 1998...how do I know...I figured out the next day I was pregnant with Katie after consuming WAY TOO MANY adult beverages at the concert!:scared1: I'll never forget how scared I was! But at the time, my BFF's husband worked for a distributer that served us all we wanted for free...so i had way too many and when I got sick the next day, it was not the ususal I drank too much sick, then I took a test and YEP! I was prego! Thank goodness it was way early in the pregnancy and that was the only time...she seems okay except she is approaching being a teenager now!:lmao:
:rotfl2::rotfl:Kim, Thanks for my morning laugh and I too was a Duran Duran fan. I still am. Last night Jenna and her dad were singing Hungry Like a Wolf on Rock Band 2. Jenna was singing and was doing a pretty good job. Maybe she will be a Duran Duran fan too :rolleyes:.
I got a little taste of this with Lou on Halloween night. We went to a party and trick-or-treating with some of the neighbors. The two little boys have been friends since birth, and Lou was such the odd-man-out. They were borderline mean to him. He hasn't been around many kids, so he didn't know what to think of it all. The so moms tried SO hard to make Lou a part of things, but it just wasn't happening.

Interestingly, my mom went through the same thing with me for the first half of elementary school. She'd drive by the playground, and I'd be alone, sifting through the sand and crying. She'd talk to teachers and parents, and it really didn't change anything. Eventually, I found my "group" and learned to have a great time and totally ignore the meanies.

Did everyone see the freebie chef hat on YCMT? I posted it on Facebook, but not here yet. It is sooooooo easy, and really turns out cute! Here is Lou in one:

Please ignore the fact that he is wearing a raincoat and driving a car in the living room.
Poor little Louie! Poor mommy, too. It's no fun to see your kid get excluded! It makes me so sad to think of you crying all by yourself on the playground!

LOVE the chef hat!! I'm off to download the pattern!!

I think that last sentence is definitely tag fairy bait!

OK I'm clueless. But is anyone else confused by the $200 gift card part of the offer?
I'm pretty sure you have to book the 7 night package to get the gift card. I changed my ressies to a package with park hoppers. Somehow I am now spending $500 more than before! :confused3 But, at least we're all getting 7 day park hoppers.

PMG Heather- you just make me laugh out loud some times!!

HEATHER- did you ever post pics of your finished craft room??? I wanna see it!
Why, thank you! I don't know what PMG means, though!!

Yes, I posted pictures, but I doubt everyone wants to see them again! I could PM them to you, if you'd like.

That does it! I have to buy more fabric to make mine stand up really nice on the shelves like yours!

We do! I recognize everyone's kids...trying to learn everyone's real name is hard :rotfl2:

OK...i started a new Topic on the Disboutiquer group entitled "My real name is...but you know me on DIS by..." If everyone can post their names, I'll come up with a master list.
Thanks! I always look at their pictures for pictures of their kids so I know who they are!:lmao:

I blame Disney!!! (OK, I blame myself for letting her watch Disney :rolleyes1 ). Those darn HSM movies. Ash JUST turned 5 and she has posters up in her room of Zac Efron. (yes, I blame myself again, I let her hang them up!) I was definately in Junior High before I got to put up Kirk Cameron, New Kids, and Luke Perry posters!!!
Don't forget Wil Wheaton! Wait, am I the only one who had a cruson on Wil Wheaton? :confused3

Uhhh...Heather...you have me laughing here. Have you forgotton the very 1st thing you sewed for your nephew????? Even if he was only a baby...your custom was for an adult. Hahahahahahaha. I really think you need to repost that picture of Corey for all our new friends here on the DisBoutique....:goodvibes popcorn:: :banana: (you do know I love ALL your stuff you make)

KIRK CAMERON...I had a major crush on him too. Cool thing was that I actually got to meet him up close and personal. When I was in high school (in CA) I babysat for one of the writers of "Growing Pains" and he got me into see a couple of the tapings and I got to meet the whole cast. It was really a blast!!! I also got to go to tapings of that short lived show, "My Two Dads".
You're right, I forgot about that. I also forgot about the outfit for Tom, and the Mickey jumpsuits for all of the guys in my family!!

You got to meet Kirk Cameron!?! How AWESOME!!!!

I loved My Two Dads!! I wanted hair like the girl on that show!! I also wanted a car couch like they had!

i am confused dont you still have NKOTB up? ;) After seeing them in concert last month i am very tempted to put a poster up but i think dh might be upset

I'm soooo excited!!!! I got a ticker...yep baby...we are going back and I am sooo excited ...Can I start sewing now?
:banana: :banana: :banana:

My brother was the one with the hard rock posters on his wall. The only difference was he had Ozzy, Lida Ford and some other band I can't remember. All I know was his room scared me. :lmao:Just so you guys know he is now a very well adjusted country fan. :rotfl2:
My brother had posters of scantily clad green women on the walls. :confused3
okay...I have to admit to my teen obsession now after all you fessed up...I LOVE(D) Duran Duran...

Hungry Like the Wolf is the first video I ever remember watching- on Friday Night Videos, of course (we didn't get MTV).
okay...I have to admit to my teen obsession now after all you fessed up...I LOVE(D) Duran Duran...

There was one of their concerts on TV the other night...I totally cranked it up and drove the whole house insane! Tim wanted to leave. The kids just danced with me!:dance3: Now the last concert I went to was a Van Halen concert in 1998...how do I know...I figured out the next day I was pregnant with Katie after consuming WAY TOO MANY adult beverages at the concert!:scared1: I'll never forget how scared I was! But at the time, my BFF's husband worked for a distributer that served us all we wanted for free...so i had way too many and when I got sick the next day, it was not the ususal I drank too much sick, then I took a test and YEP! I was prego! Thank goodness it was way early in the pregnancy and that was the only time...she seems okay except she is approaching being a teenager now!:lmao:

I also LOVED Duran Duran :lovestruc In the 80's I loved Duran Duran and Cindi Lauper. I wanted to be a punk rocker so bad, but my mom wouldn't let me :lmao:

Then I loved Tiffany, Debi Gibson and then onto NKOTB for several years:) I remember wearing an NKOTB tee with tight rolled jeans and two colors of socks to the first day of middle school. No outfit was complete with out the large bangs and jelly bracelets. :rotfl: What was I thinking???

As for posters I was not allowed to have them on my walls. I left home and for years my mom had Joey Lawrence posters on the back of my closet door. I think I was married before she took them down.:)

I do let Leanne have posters, but I am in the frame them club. They do look nicer on the wall.

It is so fun walking down memory lane. Especially since I have a birthday coming up and was feeling a little old.
okay...I have to admit to my teen obsession now after all you fessed up...I LOVE(D) Duran Duran...

There was one of their concerts on TV the other night...I totally cranked it up and drove the whole house insane! Tim wanted to leave. The kids just danced with me!:dance3: Now the last concert I went to was a Van Halen concert in 1998...how do I know...I figured out the next day I was pregnant with Katie after consuming WAY TOO MANY adult beverages at the concert!:scared1: I'll never forget how scared I was! But at the time, my BFF's husband worked for a distributer that served us all we wanted for free...so i had way too many and when I got sick the next day, it was not the ususal I drank too much sick, then I took a test and YEP! I was prego! Thank goodness it was way early in the pregnancy and that was the only time...she seems okay except she is approaching being a teenager now!:lmao:
I saw that on! LOL I actually liked them too. Not like my Def Leppard Phil collen (their guitarist obsession but I had their records!

:rotfl2::rotfl:Kim, Thanks for my morning laugh and I too was a Duran Duran fan. I still am. Last night Jenna and her dad were singing Hungry Like a Wolf on Rock Band 2. Jenna was singing and was doing a pretty good job. Maybe she will be a Duran Duran fan too :rolleyes:.
LOL Right Now Nikki LOVE Heartbreaker on Guitar Hero World tour! Though yesterday she got Disney's Sing it in the mail so I am sure I will be hearing that all day today!

I also LOVED Duran Duran :lovestruc In the 80's I loved Duran Duran and Cindi Lauper. I wanted to be a punk rocker so bad, but my mom wouldn't let me :lmao:

Then I loved Tiffany, Debi Gibson and then onto NKOTB for several years:) I remember wearing an NKOTB tee with tight rolled jeans and two colors of socks to the first day of middle school. No outfit was complete with out the large bangs and jelly bracelets. :rotfl: What was I thinking???

As for posters I was not allowed to have them on my walls. I left home and for years my mom had Joey Lawrence posters on the back of my closet door. I think I was married before she took them down.:)

I do let Leanne have posters, but I am in the frame them club. They do look nicer on the wall.

It is so fun walking down memory lane. Especially since I have a birthday coming up and was feeling a little old.
Ok am I the only one singing Tiffany's ' I think We're alone now' to myself!:rotfl: Or Debbi' Gibbsons Electric youth! :lmao:
After all the questions about how to organize your fabric, I thought it'd be good to post this great website again. It gives wonderful step-by-step tips on how to organize your sewing area:


They recommend using comic book boards to fold your fabric around. This is what I did in my sewing room. They work pretty well and they're only 10 cents/each. I've got up to 6 yards on one board in the picture below. Here's the tutorial for that:


Here's a picture of part of my fabric collection (I have 2 more totes that I still need to wrap and put on shelves).


If I get more on the shelves, they'll look neater and stop falling over. Some of the shelves have t-shirts and things that need to be mended on them.

Having your fabric standing on end is so much more convenient than stacked! This way, you can just pull out the one you want and not upset the whole pile!
ETA- I forgot to add. Thank you to whoever first posted about the Mousesavers HUGE deal! We saved a good chunck of change and ended up with two $200 gift cards!!! Thanks a bunch! :)

Yea for saving some money. DH actually said last night that he would think about going to WDW again next year. The dates and prices I ran for him are for us going the first week of Feb so I might just make that meet after all.:banana:
Oh that's how I got next year booked too. We are saving $991!!!! I love it! Of course now I am putting that towards a dining plan...just can't decide which one yet! We aren't going early enough for the $200 GC...i wish!!! But Tim's work won't let him away that time of year and he is VERY opposed to taking the kids out of school for WDW or anything...he's funny like that!

I'm just so excited to be going I can't stand it! I too had a hard time sleeping last night! I already have my notebook out making my list of things to do and pack and outfits I need to sew!:sad2:
Yea for saving some money. DH actually said last night that he would think about going to WDW again next year. The dates and prices I ran for him are for us going the first week of Feb so I might just make that meet after all.:banana:
That would be GREAT!!!

I remember wearing an NKOTB tee with tight rolled jeans and two colors of socks to the first day of middle school. No outfit was complete with out the large bangs and jelly bracelets. :rotfl: What was I thinking???

You were thinking you were too cool for words!! :thumbsup2

I had to be a closet NKOTB fan. I was in high school and it just wasn't cool to like them. I did tight roll my jeans and wear 2 pair of color coordinated socks, though! ;)
Thanks for the help with how to print out a Carla C pattern. More questions. AT the school they have huge rolls of paper. Would it be better if I put all the printed pieces together and then transfer them to the big paper and make them 1 piece?

I am so jealous of you very organized folks with neat bookshelves of fabric. It is wonderful and so pretty to see the fabric neat and in order. Someday I will get my stuff out of the laundry baskets??
That would be GREAT!!!

You were thinking you were too cool for words!! :thumbsup2

I had to be a closet NKOTB fan. I was in high school and it just wasn't cool to like them. I did tight roll my jeans and wear 2 pair of color coordinated socks, though! ;)

Oh No! I totally forgot about those dang bulky socks! UGH! Maybe that is why I like to be bare footed all the time now! Oh! And the cuffed pants...WHAT WERE WE THINKING! I swear my first husband was still wearing his pants that way when I saw him last...sometime around 1998!:lmao:
This is the design for the Greenwalt family Big Give. She wanted the "things"

I was thinking of making a "Wish" design for the sleeves that would show up on a red shirt or maybe something on the back? I don't know. Anyone have any ideas?


Hi All.....just posting my Big Give outfits for the Amberwalts. I really had a wonderful time planning, shopping and sewing the outfits. I used Carla's patterns, Buzz fabric that T-Beri sent me, and fabric from Joann's plus a Buzz Lightyear book. I can't wait to send it off! I hope they have a wonderful Wish Trip!!!! :goodvibes


The back:


:hug: :hug: :hug: The mom really wanted matchy and the little boy really likes Buzz so hopefully it fits both bills! :goodvibes

So cute!!! I signed up to make bucket hats for the kids, and I have that exact Toy Story fabric! Yeah, they'll match!!! :thumbsup2

Sounds like there are some jealous 5 year olds (although I don't think 5 year olds should WANT to be kissed by boys...weren't boys gross when we were 5????)

:rolleyes1 My daughter often tries to kiss the boys in her class. I tell her No means No. ;) I think she gets it from all the Princess storylines, you know the handsome prince kisses the princess. She thinks she's a princess, so she wants her kisses!!

I blame Disney!!! ;) (OK, I blame myself for letting her watch Disney :rolleyes1 ). Those darn HSM movies. Ash JUST turned 5 and she has posters up in her room of Zac Efron. (yes, I blame myself again, I let her hang them up! :rolleyes1 ) I was definately in Junior High before I got to put up Kirk Cameron, New Kids, and Luke Perry posters!!!

OMG!!!! We are twins!!! Sammy LOVES HSM and Hannah Montana, even though she's just 5, I feel like she's 15! And I LOVED Kirk Cameron. :thumbsup2

Yup...those are my lines: "are you going to live?" & "are you broken?" I just can't stand the whining!!! Ash pierced her ears on Sunday without any tears. But she'll get a tangle in her hair and cry for 10 minutes!!!

Okay, so we're twins and our daughters are twins!!! Oh the drama in my household these days...:sad2:

Sad to say Kyle's Kindergarten class it was the same! The girls where all kissy! I actually caught a little girl cornering Kyle kissing him in the hallway last yr:scared1: I am friends wit the mom and when I told her she was shocked but she did also blame the whole HSM Hannah Montana issue. This yr he has already gotten a cute little pink note slipped to him with hearts all over it and a little girls phone number:eek: Now every time I go to school this little girl hugs me and tells me how cute he is! Well I can't fault her for that now can I?:rotfl: Then yesterday Kyle came home saying another girl was casing him saying she liked him. It is unreal that this is starting already! I asked Kyle why all the girls like him and he just said because he must be one of the handsome boys!:lmao:

See my above response about my DD. :rolleyes1 At least my daughter isn't handing out her phone number! Of course, she doesn't know it...

okay...I have to admit to my teen obsession now after all you fessed up...I LOVE(D) Duran Duran...

I totally loved D2, too! :) I thought they looked pretty good on that concert on TV considering how long ago they were big!

LOL!! That is my line! I am too excited to sleep. hehehehe I say the night before we leave and normally the night we book our trip. :D

My husband and I say that all the time! Too funny. The night before we left for our last WDW trip, I couldn't sleep and rolled over and looked at my husband and said in that kids voice, "I'm too excited to sleep." We were cracking up forever!

It is so fun walking down memory lane. Especially since I have a birthday coming up and was feeling a little old.

When's your birthday? Mine is the 13th! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

If I get more on the shelves, they'll look neater and stop falling over. Some of the shelves have t-shirts and things that need to be mended on them.

Ooh, I'll have to use that excuse to buy more fabric. "But honey, I need it to hold up my other fabric". :thumbsup2 :lmao:
That would be GREAT!!!

You were thinking you were too cool for words!! :thumbsup2

I had to be a closet NKOTB fan. I was in high school and it just wasn't cool to like them. I did tight roll my jeans and wear 2 pair of color coordinated socks, though! ;)

So everyone raise your hands that PEGGED your jeans? You know, you folded them over at the bottom so they tapered as tight to your ankle as humanly possible and then folded them up so they'd stay that way.

Actually, if you want a good laugh, and you're on Facebook. Click on the photos of me that other people posted and you'll see some rockin' 80s pics of me. :) :scared1:
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