Disney’s MARVELous Super Hero - New You - New Year Celebration – January 2017!!

Not sure how this connects to the QOTD.... maybe I'm just rambling. But regardless.... I am not a perfect person.... I don't always have a clean house and sometimes I am broke and there are moments when I feel like my life is a HOT MESS. Being at a healthy weight doesn't change all of that. But it definitely impacted my life in ways that I never anticipated.

I agree with this. I feel like a hot mess a lot. My house is a mess and I feel like I am running all the time. Since this time last year my husband and I have put more emphasis on us. Now I lost 10 pounds but he gained 10 in the last year. He needs to work on portions where I think I mostly got that down. It makes me feel better that I am on the right path with my health.

Oh am I am pretty sure my answer had nothing to do with the question either.
Looking at my behavior goals

Counting calories - I will aim for 300/400 calories deficit daily, or 2800 calories deficit weekly allowing some flexibility. I am struggling with this. I will half that to 1400 a week. I am struggling with it right now and I feel I am in no rush to loose the two pounds, one this month would be ok with me.
Steps - I will increase my minimum to 13000 daily for the month. doing great
Exercise - at least 4 lifting sessions a week, as long as I am healthy. I have new workout program that seem to allow me to exercise more days without being as sore but I will adjust this if I feel it's getting too much. doing great
your backstory? How will that help you in your future story? You can think purely in terms of your health journey for this or you can think more holistically about all of you as a person ... it is of course up to you for this question and as always only share what you are comfortable with :-).

I've got several chunks of backstory that I know I'm going to have to deal with to fully succeed in my future story because I know that they are drivers of my emotional eating.

The first is easy - my mother drives me bonkers for many reasons. It took many years but I've finally learned to ignore much of the smothering and just live my own life for me. She can still occasionally lay on guilt trips that send me straight to the cookie jar. She is also extraordinarily fond of talking about "heavy" family members and how she wishes they would take better care of themselves. For the record, my mom was never thin until medications caused her to lose fifty pounds a few years ago and she still essentially lives on Diet Pepsi and nachos. I am excused from these comments because I "would have stayed thin but for your poor thyroid." I do have thyroid problems but I am overweight because I love cheetos. I can usually deflect her but it is tiring. I don't like explaining why I am choosing a salad over French fries. And I know that even a ten pound loss on me will elicit far more comments than I wish to deal with.

The second is that my DH had an affair almost ten years ago. I'm loathe to talk about this because I was always a person that infidelity is a deal breaker. Yet here I am. We separated for a year and went through a lot putting us back together. And we are actually a lot better now than before. But I am insecure in weird sorts of ways and my weight is one of them. I wasn't thin when he cheated and I'm not thin now but I know that I mentally hold on to my weight in some part because it will provide me with an excuse if we fall apart in the end. If I lose the weight and he strays, it's me, not my waistline. The sad part of this is that I really have regained trust in him. I'm not actually at all worried about him cheating. It is all about me and the serious dislike I can get going for myself.

The third is another weight shield. I mostly blame my weight gain on poor eating habits and the transition from student to sedentary working life. I don't think I've ever said this out loud and I'm not sure why I'm doing it now other than that I really am serious about being ready to change my life. I had a very serious college boyfriend that I broke up with my first year of law school, after which he started stalking me. This went on for many years and I became quite reclusive. I think I started eating to fill the holes caused by fear and stress and loneliness. I also had at least some awareness that I got a lot less attention from the world as my size went up. Invisibility suited me. In many ways, it still does. I never really thought about this history in terms of my failures to even start a healthy living program until about a year ago when, after a decade of silence, he messaged me on Facebook and I almost immediately bought and ate an entire tube of cookie dough. It's been dealt with but it did cause me to rebuild a lot of walls that I spent years tearing down. I suppose this is all a very long and far too personal way of saying that I'm really afraid that people will see me if I lose weight.


I've now been staring at what I've typed above for a good thirty minutes. Every fiber of my being says I should delete it. But I want to live in the light and that requires owning my truths, warts and all. I suppose that means I should just hit post reply and be done with it.
But yes, I learned to be at peace with the past and heavier me. I learned to look back and admire the fact that at the time, I didn't live a life that made me happy but I tried so hard to find a better way, even when i failed. I learned to be cool with that and to look back with kindness and appreciation

but it wasn't always like this. I went trough being very angry that I gained weight

I must say you do seem to be coming from a positive mindset in most of your posts these days - I am so glad for you that you are finding that wellbeing within yourself and living the way you have been searching for.

I think for the first time I'm starting to understand what my backstory even is and why I've made the choices that I've made. This is holistically, not just health related. I'm not sure if I'm at peace yet but seeing how it led to me making choices that didn't end up being healthy for me I can certainly see myself getting there. The funny thing about weight loss is that it requires a lot more introspection than you would think. It's not just about calories in/calories out. You have to figure out why you make the choices that you do and correct those. Nothing is sustainable without finding yourself along the way.

Yes - I totally agree that this requires so much self exploration - and learning about ourselves by looking at things we haven't even realised before we possible factors. I can't tell you how many moments I have realised things since joining these discussions last year it has helped me look at myself.

I guess I am more at peace with my backstory as I ever will be.

Your mum sounds fantastic and your step-dad too. But you know who else I think sounds really strong.... YOU ... you have been through a lot with your Dad and being able to still have a relationship on your terms with him now is quite remarkable. I had to stop talking/seeing one of my brothers because of his bad choices and behaviour - some similar to your Dad's- my mum also had to distance herself from him - my dad has irregular contact with him - his behaviour was certainly nothing he learned from parents and my 2 other siblings and I are nothing like it either :confused3. The sad thing is he has dragged his son down with him.

Sometimes I think I have a handle on my backstory--other times, it feels like there's more to myself that I didn't even know.

Yes - I get this I have times when I am coasting along quite ok and then something just sneaks up on me and I realise a button has been pushed related to my backstory.

So my goal this time around is, yes, I can think about what will happen when I reach x weight, but if there's something I want to change about myself, or if there's something on my bucket list I want to cross off, I have to already be changing it, you know? I can't wait until I get to my goal weight, because I have things in this life I want to do as soon as possible! There's nothing important that I can't already do, and if there is, I have to work at getting there regardless of what I'm like on the outside.

So, as you can see, my backstory includes a huge shift in perspective, and I can't imagine that it's for anything but the better!

I love this new perspective you are having ... you are right about the not waiting for a number on the scale to embrace life! I have pushed a lot of things off over the years not all because of weight but also other factors and I feel I am coming to join you in embracing new experiences more.

I don't have answers yet, but I am trying my hardest to find the balance.

I am at peace with this. This is my story, and there is a reason to my journey-- whatever it may be. I am hoping to use this backstory to better myself holistically to be happy and healthy at the same time!

It is so great that you have recognised that pattern and trying to find a way to be healthy in that middle ground. You are lucky to have a wonderful relationships with DH and family and be content with the richness that brings. I'm not saying those things may not take work sometimes but you know what I mean :-).

Anyhow, my weight loss has not made me a person who is always confident.... but at least I know that if people don't like me, it isn't because I am PERCEIVING that they are judging me for my weight. If I'm hungry, I'm not afraid to say so (because I used to think that people would JUDGE ME for being hungry). In fact, I once nearly passed out when I was with a male friend.... he was a tall skinny beanpole who never ate much and after spending about 12 hours together without a meal, I was a mess.... and isn't it FOOLISH that I was afraid to say anything!??

Not sure how this connects to the QOTD.... maybe I'm just rambling. But regardless.... I am not a perfect person.... I don't always have a clean house and sometimes I am broke and there are moments when I feel like my life is a HOT MESS. Being at a healthy weight doesn't change all of that. But it definitely impacted my life in ways that I never anticipated.

Don't worry I got the rambling! It definitely spoke to me about your backstory, knowing who you are and moving forward - thanks for sharing. I too feel lot a HOT MESS a lot more often than I would like :rolleyes2

Oh am I am pretty sure my answer had nothing to do with the question either.

Well - I got it - and don't worry we all have those posts where we just start typing and it all comes out and at the end we are left wondering where it came from :-)

Looking at my behavior goals

Counting calories - I will aim for 300/400 calories deficit daily, or 2800 calories deficit weekly allowing some flexibility. I am struggling with this. I will half that to 1400 a week. I am struggling with it right now and I feel I am in no rush to loose the two pounds, one this month would be ok with me.
Steps - I will increase my minimum to 13000 daily for the month. doing great
Exercise - at least 4 lifting sessions a week, as long as I am healthy. I have new workout program that seem to allow me to exercise more days without being as sore but I will adjust this if I feel it's getting too much. doing great

2 out of three doing great is fantastic and glad to hear you are being fluid in your approach and recognising when it is just too hard to continue at a certain level of calories - in that I am hearing that you are learning from previous times where you may have pushed yourself with higher deprivation to drop those 2 pounds quickly but then it either didn't stick or made you miserable! :banana:
I've now been staring at what I've typed above for a good thirty minutes. Every fiber of my being says I should delete it. But I want to live in the light and that requires owning my truths, warts and all. I suppose that means I should just hit post reply and be done with it.

:hug: - Thank you for sharing you have been very brave. Believe me at some stage most of us on here ended up sharing more than we maybe intended to - personally - after doing so I felt a little empowered at my breakthrough and received nothing but very generous support and positivity from Dis friends. One of those moments was actually in response to a QOTD I posted when I was hosting a few months ago ... it was so funny that it wasn't until I went to actually answer the question myself ... I realised my subconscious must have written it for a reason. I understand somewhat about using the weight to be invisible - that has also played a role in my journey. I also understand the pain of being cheated on and deceived - it really can affect your self-worth for a very long time.

I do have thyroid problems but I am overweight because I love cheetos

loving your sense of humour/honest shining through here!
:grouphug: to all of my wonderful Dis friends today for sharing some of their very personal backstories. I think you are all amazing, caring, giving, strong people doing their best to live their best lives from a very authentic place. It is such an honour to get to know all of you. I love our little bubble of positivity on here in a world that is not always kind these days. :grouphug:
I will be back soon with my answer to the QOTD - I just really need to clean my room and take down my Christmas lights - I am starting to run out of vacation and if I don't be tougher on myself about getting things done I will go back to work feeling stressed.

Some what at peace with the past though for other things it is a struggle mainly medical issues and getting proper treatment in this town and some family having the attitude of it wasn't a doctor from our choice of practice who diagnosed it so it's all in your head and your just being lazy. I often say my mind says yes but my body is saying no absolutely not.
I do have thyroid problems but I am overweight because I love cheetos. I can usually deflect her but it is tiring. I don't like explaining why I am choosing a salad over French fries. And I know that even a ten pound loss on me will elicit far more comments than I wish to deal with.

Ok first of, I just literally laughed out loud at the cheetos comment! I hear ya- I could blame my weight on my desk job or I could own it and say I love cookies :rotfl2:

Secondly, know you are not alone on the mother front. I've had mine staying at my house for a month now (Jesus take the wheel) and I'm about done explaining why I'm going to the gym or not drinking wine with her every night or why I don't want dessert. Many times it's easier to drink the wine because I'm just done and tired of having the same conversation!

But I want to live in the light and that requires owning my truths, warts and all.

This sentence spoke to me on a real level. As a super perfectionist, I am STRUGGLING to own my warts. Your story and this perspective right here are so inspiring!

I'm not saying those things may not take work sometimes but you know what I mean :-).

Oh yes! It ain't paradise lol but I get what you mean.
@MommaoffherRocker I just read about the half marathon being cancelled! I am so sorry that you do not get to do the full Dopey as you trained for it! This must be so disappointing! Sending you a big hug!
It is so disappointing. If it wasn't my first one it wouldn't be as upsetting. DH and I have decided to run it on our own anyways so we are headed out the door. I'm earning that Dopey medal one way or another.
Hello all - I hope you are enjoying your start to the weekend :cool1:

We have had a very BIG first week of working on our healthy journeys! So lets go :offtopic: somewhat this weekend - I won't post a question lets just catch up as we get the chance to pop on here - it can be on topic or off topic with your chatter. Maybe let us know how you plan to chill out and relax this weekend as we all know we need balance in our lives.

Here is a quote I found from Carol Danvers AKA Captain Marvel - ignore the Monday on it ... I just liked it :-)


and this one is for all of us single ladies on here ... just couldn't resist it even though they are DC women ....

my computer is still being weird - I was able to get on this afternoon but then tonight it is not cooperating again! It only seems to be with the DIS logon - everything else seems to be working ok :sad2:

OTD: Are you at or coming to a place of peace with your backstory? How will that help you in your future story? You can think purely in terms of your health journey for this or you can think more holistically about all of you as a person

I feel I am moving towards it still but am getting close - as I said before I made a lot of progress in 2016. Food I love it always have - and junky food the best - I was thin when younger and could eat it all but that set me up for bad habits later. I had a happy childhood mostly. I was also always pretty shy and found social situations difficult at times (still do). I don't want this to sound stuck up but when I was younger I kind of knew I was attractive (to a degree), I was thin and I knew how to rock an outfit that showed it off - I got a fair bit of attention from men walking down the street or in clubs. But on the inside I have always lacked confidence - I never felt like I really fit in somewhere - I kind of felt on the outside. I married early at 19 to a friend of my brothers (the one I don't talk to anymore) - it did not last for many reasons - some of which I am learning about now as I look deeper inside myself. Then I thought my next relationship was THE one that would last forever ... for the first time I felt like I fitted and was where I belonged ... when it ended in a very prolonged manner it really did me in mentally and I mean in quite a bad way .... my trip to DL in 2014 with my kids really saved me. Even though this relationship made me the happiest it also made me the most miserable at times due to my partners own mental health issues which really in the end were the cause of the breakdown. It has taken me 10 long years to realise that it probably wasn't always the healthiest relationship and that it wasn't a rejection of me so much as a rejection of what they could not cope with or be the person I needed them to be. I have really turned a corner where I can start to appreciate the happy times and look with more clarity at those that weren't - This relationship and its ultimate breakdown turned my life in a trajectory I just never imagined for myself - there have been good things to come of it - like me going to University with 3 young kids so that I could better take care of us all and learning that I am stronger most days than I ever imagined I could be. Food started to kick in for me as comfort during this time and I decided somewhere along the way the weight would help me hide from attention as i did not want to be hurt again therefore did not want romantic involvement - I lost faith in my judgement of others as clearly I messed up 2 times already - I focused on raising my kids. I am reaching a point where I am gaining better perspective as I heal and feel that I am ready to start to move forward and look forward to all possibilities in the future. I know I have been shaped by all of these experiences and just need to make sure I learn from my mistakes and make choices that protect me and my kids. The random text on New Years from them was an apology - the first that wasn't coupled with defending themselves by pushing it onto me ... I don't know why I got it nor really what it actually meant ... I'm just not certain of the motivation for it ... but I still have not responded to it at all and think I will keep it that way.

So it seems I ramble as well and think I may have addressed some backstory and hope for my future story.
It is so disappointing. If it wasn't my first one it wouldn't be as upsetting. DH and I have decided to run it on our own anyways so we are headed out the door. I'm earning that Dopey medal one way or another.

How awful - I am so sorry - But good for you I am so proud of you and that DH of yours for supporting you like that :cheer2: - definitely Superhero material right there!
It is so disappointing. If it wasn't my first one it wouldn't be as upsetting. DH and I have decided to run it on our own anyways so we are headed out the door. I'm earning that Dopey medal one way or another.

I'm so sorry! But I love that you are so motivated and determined--good on you! And hey, maybe this way you get more time to train for the next one?
We had an amazing run this morning. So many runners decided to do it too and so many people came out to cheer us on. People were even handing out water and doughnuts!! And there was even a character stopView attachment 213793

This makes me so happy - I love how the runners came together to do their own thing and get their miles in. This will definitely be a great story to tell years from now... about how you ran Dopey and had to squeeze in those 13 miles with others. Yay for you guys for not letting the rain dampen your spirits!


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