Disney Dining Review


Earning My Ears
Sep 29, 2020
I love the podcast! The reviews are really in-depth and they really showcase hidden gems. But I have some constructive criticism. 1. Learn the names and proper pronunciation of the restaurants and dishes! Deni really makes an effort and tries to look up the proper pronunciations and names for each dish she tries but the other hosts butcher the beautiful names of the places like Toledo or Jaleo. I cringed every time someone said Takumi Tai when its Takumi Tei in that review. It is not okay when people say "I'm sorry, I am going to butcher this" over and over again. It makes the show seem unpolished. Just write your notes down and practice reading it before filming. 2. Split the dining team staff into two teams: quick service/buffets and table service/signature dining. Have Ryno, Fiasco, and Sean cover the quick service places. They don't have as sophisticated pallets as Pete and Deni. It's not an insult. Ryno is really energetic but I don't really see him trying new foods or describing the dishes he eats very well. Fiasco has said multiple times he really only likes to eat steaks and occasionally he gets the plant-based options. Oh, and most of the steaks have to be well done. He ordered steak tartar and refused to eat it after taking one bite. Deni actually had to talk him into doing that one bite. Someone who reviews restaurants for a living should never, ever not finish a dish. The only time they should refuse a dish if its the wrong temperature or undercooked or if there is a hair in it or something like that. Sean seems like he only really likes fast food. He likes the Americanized Chinese food they serve at Nine Dragons. Whenever someone brings up a restaurant he says, "I've never eaten there" or "I don't like that type of food". I think the trio would be perfect at reviewing the quick service places because when most tourists go to disney world and eat at quick service places, they really don't like to venture out of their comfort zone. 3. Bring some people of color on the show! This one is the most controversial. Now I'm not saying they should boot someone off and replace them with a poc but they should rotate some of the main reviewers with some local poc. Most of these people are white with roots in Western Europe. They come from backgrounds where they grew up on Italian and French food but they don't love Middle Eastern or Asian food as much and that's ok! But when you review a Japanese place like Takumi-Tei or Cafe Marrakech and you don't want to try the traditional food you are missing out on some great food. Maybe when people feel safe when dining with strangers again you can have a local or visiting fan try out the restaurants. Get some new point of views on there. Bonus: Start reviewing cocktails and other drinks on the show! I know Pete has his reservations but when people go to these restaurants they are going to drink.
I think OP’s review is very constructive and accurate. I agree that it might help if certain members of the team were to specialize in reviewing quick service locations versus table service/Signature dining. This will only make for a much stronger show in the long run.
While I certainly respect your opinion, in my opinion, they are not reviewing these restaurants for a Michelin Star, they are everyday folks reviewing Disney restaurants. They are reviewing, again in my opinion, based upon the needs of probably roughly 75-80% of the people going to Disney. Im just glad they bash a few meals from time to time as most Vlogs Ive seen pump sunshine into every single thing they eat. I do agree however that It would be wonderful to have a guest reviewer from time to time who might be more informed to comment on the authenticity or accuracy of the representation of restaurants specializing in different cultures.
While I certainly respect your opinion, in my opinion, they are not reviewing these restaurants for a Michelin Star, they are everyday folks reviewing Disney restaurants. They are reviewing, again in my opinion, based upon the needs of probably roughly 75-80% of the people going to Disney. Im just glad they bash a few meals from time to time as most Vlogs Ive seen pump sunshine into every single thing they eat. I do agree however that It would be wonderful to have a guest reviewer from time to time who might be more informed to comment on the authenticity or accuracy of the representation of restaurants specializing in different cultures.
Yeah they want us to use dreams unlimited to make reservations because they are “experts” but it’s hard to trust their food recommendations sometimes because of their lack of palette.
I see why they have those with the more basic tastes go to the fancier restaurants. A family is not just one or the other, sometimes they'll overrule the more QS oriented people.

I like to think people like Sean and Steve (I know he's gone but bear with me) going to Toledo or Sanaa give simpler eaters an idea of what to try there.
Yeah they want us to use dreams unlimited to make reservations because they are “experts” but it’s hard to trust their food recommendations sometimes because of their lack of palette.

Dreams does not choose your restaurant...or tell you where to go. We make reservations based on your choices. We may make recommendations on resort choice, length of stay , activities and restaurants....but the choices are yours.
I love the podcast! The reviews are really in-depth and they really showcase hidden gems. But I have some constructive criticism. 1. Learn the names and proper pronunciation of the restaurants and dishes! Deni really makes an effort and tries to look up the proper pronunciations and names for each dish she tries but the other hosts butcher the beautiful names of the places like Toledo or Jaleo. I cringed every time someone said Takumi Tai when its Takumi Tei in that review. It is not okay when people say "I'm sorry, I am going to butcher this" over and over again. It makes the show seem unpolished. Just write your notes down and practice reading it before filming. 2. Split the dining team staff into two teams: quick service/buffets and table service/signature dining. Have Ryno, Fiasco, and Sean cover the quick service places. They don't have as sophisticated pallets as Pete and Deni. It's not an insult. Ryno is really energetic but I don't really see him trying new foods or describing the dishes he eats very well. Fiasco has said multiple times he really only likes to eat steaks and occasionally he gets the plant-based options. Oh, and most of the steaks have to be well done. He ordered steak tartar and refused to eat it after taking one bite. Deni actually had to talk him into doing that one bite. Someone who reviews restaurants for a living should never, ever not finish a dish. The only time they should refuse a dish if its the wrong temperature or undercooked or if there is a hair in it or something like that. Sean seems like he only really likes fast food. He likes the Americanized Chinese food they serve at Nine Dragons. Whenever someone brings up a restaurant he says, "I've never eaten there" or "I don't like that type of food". I think the trio would be perfect at reviewing the quick service places because when most tourists go to disney world and eat at quick service places, they really don't like to venture out of their comfort zone. 3. Bring some people of color on the show! This one is the most controversial. Now I'm not saying they should boot someone off and replace them with a poc but they should rotate some of the main reviewers with some local poc. Most of these people are white with roots in Western Europe. They come from backgrounds where they grew up on Italian and French food but they don't love Middle Eastern or Asian food as much and that's ok! But when you review a Japanese place like Takumi-Tei or Cafe Marrakech and you don't want to try the traditional food you are missing out on some great food. Maybe when people feel safe when dining with strangers again you can have a local or visiting fan try out the restaurants. Get some new point of views on there. Bonus: Start reviewing cocktails and other drinks on the show! I know Pete has his reservations but when people go to these restaurants they are going to drink.

Some "food" for thought (haha) to consider:
  • When the DIS posts a food review on their Youtube channel, Disney isn't comping their meals. When Disney comps a meal for them occasionally, they will NOT post the review. So food review video = they've paid for it themselves. Pete has talked about this on the podcast before.
  • I really enjoy the DIS's food review videos because they're honest. There are other vloggers who make every food item at every Disney park sound as if it's the best thing they've ever eaten. Puh-leeze. I mean, how many times have we all seen people describe every single meal as an exciting, amazing, earth-shattering experience and they are 'SUPER EXCITED' to go? :-) It's like, DUDE, it's a corn dog (ok, the corn dogs at the Little Red Wagon on Main Street in Disneyland are phenomenal, but you get my point).
  • I really appreciate the feedback of the DIS team members who have said flat out that they're not adventurous eaters. You know why? Because every time MY family is in a Disney park, there's at least ONE of us who is not an adventurous eater.
  • There are PLENTY of Disney food vloggers out there who post about every new cocktail available at every restaurant or bar on property.
Yeah they want us to use dreams unlimited to make reservations because they are “experts” but it’s hard to trust their food recommendations sometimes because of their lack of palette.
Ive never once heard anyone call themselves a foodie or restaurant expert on their Vlogs. They give their opinions of a restaurant. They are promoting a travel agency. Ive never heard them say something along the lines of If you want great (insert cuisine here) call Dreams Unlimited Travel to book your restaurant at (insert place here) after a review. Any good travel agency (Ive never used Dreams as I am a DVC member and book through DVC), in my opinion should never push any particular restaurant, hotel, experience they should give recommendations based upon what you deem as important to your vacation. To the best of my knowledge from folks I personally know who have booked through them and the lack of complaints Ive seen in various reviews of their company, they do a pretty good job at being travel agents.
Any good travel agency ... in my opinion should never push any particular restaurant

Now granted, they may push you away from certain restaurants, but their rationale is, especially when the Disney Dining Plan was around, why pay all this money for bad food? Granted they can't stop you from going to certain restaurants, but with all the options available, why go to (X) when (Y) and (Z) are about the same price and better quality?
Now granted, they may push you away from certain restaurants, but their rationale is, especially when the Disney Dining Plan was around, why pay all this money for bad food? Granted they can't stop you from going to certain restaurants, but with all the options available, why go to (X) when (Y) and (Z) are about the same price and better quality?
Why would they care either way? Again Ive never used Dreams or any other Travel agency so I cant speak directly to Dreams or any other agencies policies, I can only go by what I have hear first hand from people that have used Dreams and publicly available reviews. The Vast majority of people lose out on the Dining plan, multiple videos on the site have even commented as such. Is it bad for everyone no, Does it save money for some Absolutely. They get paid by commission. Yes they might make some extra commission if someone got the dining plan but I would think if someone felt "pushed" away or even toward certain restaurants and/or dining plans and did the math to find out they are actually not getting their moneys worth they would express that dissatisfaction toward Dreams or any other travel agency. We are talking about dining reviews for the masses. The reviews they put out pertain to the vast majority of Disney diners. Again I do agree and wish they would get "guest" reviewers familiar with different cuisines and cultures to weigh in but regardless if they do that or they dont their reviews will still apply to the vast majority of Disney guests.
It used to frustrate me too until I accepted that it's not a serious dining show, it's good friends sitting around a table describing their experience like any average Disney group. They're not good tasting critics but they're still great vloggers and personalities that nail down reviews of atmosphere, presentation, and service.

Pete is the best reviewer and he doesn't eat seafood. That's fine, we all have stuff we either don't enjoy or can't eat, would help the show to have someone with a more broad palate who can describe food beyond "good flavor" or "well salted." I'd still keep Sean and Fiasco around because their opinions are still important as they probably do represent the majority. I also appreciate Fiasco's reviewing plant- based dishes. All that said, adding someone with a wider palate could better attract viewers in the culinary minority.

There's a large Disney social media group that literally has "food" in the name and it doesn't do restaurant vlogs nor produce significant reviews beyond "here's what we like." DIS at least goes beyond *that,* and that's why I'm grateful that the show exists at all.
I appreciate the shows for what they are - everyday people choosing items they would like and giving insight to how they enjoyed them. Yes, it caters more to those of us who aren't foodies and maybe to build on the OP comments, there could be an episode once a month ( or week - but if I remember before Covid the episodes were only about once a week ) that could be a higher end episode with Deni, Jackie or Pete ( or all of thee above ).

But at the same time I want to hear Ryno, Sean and Fiasco's point of view as well.
I'll add that Deni is too sweet to criticize places. My memory of the most negative thing she's said is that the Le Cellier brunch "may not" be worth the cost. Other than that she loves everything! While I love the positivity it does open question of objectivity. That said, again, the show is meant to be more fun than objective and it hits that spot.


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