Disney Every Day - Update 10/21 – 1, 2, 3! We’re Leaving for Orlando Tomorrow!

Hey Erin:

I am sooooo sorry I didn’t respond to this update. I actually read it when I was in Disney and I just don’t type more than one or two lines on my phone, so I apologize. You must have been bummed when none of us responded. I feel like a frog now! (Get it?? the Princess and the Frog reference?? I crack myself up!!) So, yes, this is fantastic news!! :cool1: How come I never have any extra in my budget??!! We liked the French Quarter when we stayed there. It’s very compact and that’s a bonus to walk anywhere on the resort and you can even walk to Riverside, too. The pool was cute with the alligators! No, not real ones – just the statues! We loved the hot tub!! Even though we stayed there, I never got around to trying the beignets! I know, I know….how lame am I?? :rolleyes1 Would you do me a favor and lay out your plans? I can’t wrap my brain around where you are going to be and when. So, if I’m correct there’s now 3 resorts you are staying at?? That’s pretty cool, but I don’t think I could do it….I like staying put and not pack and unpack! Speaking of packing, I did some restocking of items needed for trips (new lipsticks, foundation, toothbrushes, etc.) for our trip to PlayList. I’m just keeping the suitcase under my bureau (I put risers under my bureau) since it will be February when I will take them out again. Why put the suitcase up in the closet when it’s only 5 short months away??!! OMG!!! It’s only 5 months away!! AND WE ARE GOING TO RIPLEYS!!! YOU PROMISED!!!! :yay: I really have to start squirrelling away the money now. Until we sell that danged house in Starks, I’m the one who is making the payments on DVC. It’s not bad, though. It’s $208 per month which I can afford, but it doesn’t leave much wiggle room for anything else. I may go down to a lower data plan from Verizon so I have more wiggle room. I’ll be paying off Kohl’s and Amazon credit card with this next paycheck (on Wednesday) and that will give me another $75 I can use to save up for Playlist and plane tickets. I’ve been toying with the idea “did we do the right thing” by signing up for DVC, but I know we did. I figure $208 per month (that includes the maintenance fees) x 12 months is $2496 and we spend more than that each year staying at moderates when we can now stay in a villa. Granted, I won’t be able to take advantage of Free Dining and my tickets aren’t included, but I can buy park tickets through Undercover Tourist and there’s a special rate for DVC’ers to pay for the DDP. So, even with those additional costs, I still think I’m breaking about even and have the ability to stay in a villa. And after 10 years the DVC is paid for and we still get 100 points added to our balance every year for 45 years. I know I made the right choice in the long run, but being this tight with the budget is freaking me out a bit.

Wow…..I just took over your PTR……sorry. I guess I just had to share this morning.

WAIT! WHEN did you buy into DVC?!?!?!?!? :eek: I'm lost. Utterly lost! :lmao:

So sorry for not responding about POFQ Erin! I think I responded in my head and thought I had typed something out! Unfortunately, I'm out of time, I have a photo shoot in minutes and I'm running around like crazy. I'll be back!
WAIT! WHEN did you buy into DVC?!?!?!?!? :eek: I'm lost. Utterly lost! :lmao:

Well, since I've already hijacked Erin's PTR today, I might as well continue, right??

Ok, so date of our DVC purchase ---- September 18th, 2014 (our anniversary). It all started out with Victoria and I walking up to TOT. We stopped by the DVC kiosk to see about pin trading with the rep. Well, the conversation kept going on and on and I was very intrigued (like I wasn't before!:upsidedow) Anyways, he said he'd offer 4 anytime/anything fast passes just for going to the presentation. What the heck? We had a choice day on the 18th so we could afford 2 hours of our time that morning. We'd just tell Peter when he met up with us.....(he was in the bathroom). See?? Men should NEVER GO TO THE BATHROOM AND LEAVE THEIR WIVES UNATTENDED!!! :rolleyes:

Anyways the presentation was over at SSR and we were there 4 hours!! The thing that was holding us back was the price of $165 per point at VGF and the downpayment of 10% that day. We just don't have that kind of money at a moment's notice! So, we balked at about 3 of their offers and we finally settled on 100 points at SSR (which we were originally told was not available) at $130 per point with $500 down that day and $375 to be paid by 11/14/2014. Yep, we could afford that. The monthly payments including the monthly maintenance fees is going to be $208. So, there you have it.......we currently have 100 points and by our trip in September 2015 we will have 200 points!!! Oh, and he also offered a $50 Disney gift card. Yes, please!! so, we are now owners in DVC!!! :dance3: :yay: That's my story and I'm sticking to it...

Ok, sorry Erin......I'm done now.
14 days to go and I have so many changes, you guys won’t believe it! :yay: So, remember in my last update that I changed resorts because we had a little bit of extra room in the budget? Well, I thought about it and I realized that the extra money could be put to better use by not upgrading to POFQ, but…wait for it… by getting Annual Passes! Yes, the kids and I are getting Annual Passes to WDW! :cheer2: This way, I know that we will be able to go to the parks in February after Playlist Live! So, I cancelled the vacation package that I booked (gotta love the liberal cancellation policy that Disney has!) and switched to a room only reservation at All Star Movies! I’m knocking the Value resorts off of my list one by one! I know my plans are super confusing right now, so let me give you an updated agenda:

Wednesday, October 22 to Friday, October 24 – Cabana Bay – Universal Orlando. We arrive on Wednesday night and get settled in. We go to UO on Thursday morning and tour all day. Friday, we check out of Cabana Bay.

Friday, October 24 to Sunday, October 26 – Art of Animation. We get settled in and then go to MNSSHP at 4pm. We party all night with the villains and get lots of candy! On Saturday, we have a free day, so the plans are still up in the air. We check out of AoA on Sunday. I know it is crazy to have two separate room only reservations now that we aren’t on a package vacation, but the kids and I are really excited about staying at AoA, so I didn’t want to give this reservation up!

Sunday, October 26 to Sunday, November 2 – All Star Movies. We finally get to settle in and STAY settled in! :laughing: We have our first day of WDW touring on Sunday, so I hope that bell services really works well with transferring luggage from one resort to the other! It’s going to be a little crazy for the first half of our trip, but I like that we are staying at two resorts in WDW that are new to us :goodvibes

Mickey Mail! We got our Magic Bands for both resorts:

I'm not sure if I even have time to order anything, but do you guys have any recommendations on where to buy the covers and decorations for the Magic Bands?

Anyway, I am going to do a spreadsheet so that I can account for everything that I spend on this trip. I need to know if getting APs are worth it! I believe that we will break even at the very least. The room discount is pretty significant, and I will be taking advantage of that discount again during the WDW portion of the Playlist Live trip. We don’t have free dining anymore, but I will be getting the Tables in Wonderland card after I get the APs. That gives a nice discount at all of the restaurants where we have ADRs and it already includes the gratuity for the server. So, we will see if I can break even between this trip and our next trip in February. Oh, and you guys must know that I already have ADRs set up for that trip! :laughing: But I won’t burden you with that info since we are more concerned with the trip that is 14 DAYS AWAY!!!

Do you like my Tinkerbell wallpaper? I have been waiting to use that for about three years now! See the app at the lower-middle left side of my screen? That is the Amazing Pictures app for the prepaid picture thing at UO that is similar to PhotoPass in WDW! It is called Photo Connect and it was $40 for unlimited pictures for one day. They have packages for more days, as well, but that was all we needed. I didn’t even know that UO had a PhotoPass like product, though! That is why I STILL need to do research for the UO portion of this trip! But I think that it is cool that the app allows me to see the pictures as soon as they are taken. Anyway, back to the WDW portion of the trip…

So, you might have noticed that I said we are getting APs and not that I have already gotten APs. Well, there is good news and bad news about that. The bad news is that True and I went to the local Disney Store to buy Annual Passes this weekend. I live in the middle of nowhere, so “local” means that the store was 45 minutes away! :scared: We drove all of the way out there only to find out that they don’t sell APs at the Disney Stores anymore! The last I checked – which was, admittedly, probably a year ago – they sold them at the stores. Now they only sell regular park tickets. Bummer. I was a little disappointed that I couldn’t get them that day. But the good news is that the trip to the Disney Store wasn’t for nothing after all!

Do any of you guys play the Disney game Tsum Tsum? Well, I do, and I am totally addicted to it! I play it almost every night when I get home from work!

They even have Tsum Tsum plushies! I am not sure which came first – the chicken or the egg – but the Tsum Tsum plushies and game were a huge thing in Japan and they are coming to the US. From what I have read online, they have a hard time keeping the plushies stocked at the Disney Stores (at least in Orlando) and only offer some Tsum Tsums online. They come in small, medium and large, and I was planning on ordering a small one online to take on our trip as a mascot. Well, True and I saw that they had the small Tsum Tsums at this store! We brought twelve! :lmao: The cashier was concerned that there was a new policy in place that a person could only buy five at a time, but since her manager couldn’t confirm it, she allowed me to buy all twelve in one transaction :goodvibes I had to get twelve because some of them were a part of a set! We got all Seven Dwarfs! (Shouldn’t it be “Dwarves”? That has always bothered me!) Doc, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, Bashful, Sneezy, and Dopey!:

Of course, we also had to get Snow White:

I decided that I am collecting Daisy merchandise on this trip, so I was super excited to see a Daisy Tsum Tsum:

Pluto was also there, looking totally adorable as a Tsum Tsum:

Of course, no collection would be complete without the dynamic duo of Mickey and Minnie!:

Well, the collection isn’t complete at all, since I know this is going to be our new obsession! At least, it will be for me and True. Coy isn’t all that into plushies, being a 15 year old boy and all :rotfl: I’m sure he will find something to collect. He has already started a keychain collection, actually, and I get him a keychain from everywhere I travel, too, if he and True aren’t with me. I think he likes keychains because he knows he will be driving soon! My baby is growing up so fast! Tangent! Sorry! Anyway, back to the Tsum Tsums at the Disney Store. The only ones we left on the shelf were Marie – because we haven’t seen Aristocats yet – and Dale – because Chip wasn’t there, too. I don’t think we will have a reason to go to the Disney Store before we go on our trip (IN 14 DAYS!!!) but we might pick up some other Tsum Tsums when we are in WDW. By the way, Tsum Tsum means Stack Stack. So when I’m about to play the game I say, “OK, I’m going to play Stack Stack now!” True always says, “Mom, just call it Tsum Tsum. That is the name!” :laughing: She and Coy know I say “Stack Stack” just to be annoying!

In other news, I have to UPS our box of clothes and supplies to AoA in a couple of days, and I haven’t even started on the costumes I wanted to make, so I am not going to do that this year. It still leaves next year! If all goes well, I will be renewing our APs and we’ll get to go to MNSSHP again in 2015! So, I’m a little disappointed that I never found the time to make the costumes, but I think I have found a good alternative to costumes that will still be in the Disney theme! Hopefully, I’ll be able to update about that before we leave. If not, you all will see it in the Trip Report! You guys, I am SO HAPPY that I will FINALLY be able to write a TR! We are actually going to Disney World after all of this time! 14 days!!!
Hey Erin:

I am sooooo sorry I didn’t respond to this update. I actually read it when I was in Disney and I just don’t type more than one or two lines on my phone, so I apologize. You must have been bummed when none of us responded. I feel like a frog now! (Get it?? the Princess and the Frog reference?? I crack myself up!!)

:laughing: It’s OK! I just didn’t want you guys to see me check in at POFQ on Facebook and wonder why we weren’t at Pop! Now I have a different resort that I’m checking into. It’s hard to keep up with me since I haven’t been updating often!

So, yes, this is fantastic news!! :cool1: How come I never have any extra in my budget??!! We liked the French Quarter when we stayed there. It’s very compact and that’s a bonus to walk anywhere on the resort and you can even walk to Riverside, too. The pool was cute with the alligators! No, not real ones – just the statues! We loved the hot tub!! Even though we stayed there, I never got around to trying the beignets! I know, I know….how lame am I?? :rolleyes1 Would you do me a favor and lay out your plans? I can’t wrap my brain around where you are going to be and when. So, if I’m correct there’s now 3 resorts you are staying at?? That’s pretty cool, but I don’t think I could do it….I like staying put and not pack and unpack!

I agree with you that it would be a lot easier to stay put! Our plans are pretty crazy since I wanted to get free dining. So, working backwards, I originally planned to go to WDW from 10.24.14 to 11.02.14 and stay at Pop, but then free dining was announced and it didn’t start until 10.26.14. So then, I had to add a room only at AoA because I didn’t want to cut my trip short. THEN the awesome deal on flights came out on Frontier, so I just HAD TO add a couple of more days to our trip so that we could arrive on a Wednesday and take advantage of the flight specials! Whew! :faint: I think I made things more confusing! Hopefully, the plans are clear in the update above :)

Speaking of packing, I did some restocking of items needed for trips (new lipsticks, foundation, toothbrushes, etc.) for our trip to PlayList. I’m just keeping the suitcase under my bureau (I put risers under my bureau) since it will be February when I will take them out again. Why put the suitcase up in the closet when it’s only 5 short months away??!! OMG!!! It’s only 5 months away!! AND WE ARE GOING TO RIPLEYS!!! YOU PROMISED!!!! :yay:

We are going! I can’t wait to go back! I think you will really like it there. It’s really cool. Wow, you’re right! It is only 5 months away! That’s a good idea to restock all of your stuff and have it ready to go in your suitcase.

I really have to start squirrelling away the money now. Until we sell that danged house in Starks, I’m the one who is making the payments on DVC. It’s not bad, though. It’s $208 per month which I can afford, but it doesn’t leave much wiggle room for anything else. I may go down to a lower data plan from Verizon so I have more wiggle room. I’ll be paying off Kohl’s and Amazon credit card with this next paycheck (on Wednesday) and that will give me another $75 I can use to save up for Playlist and plane tickets. I’ve been toying with the idea “did we do the right thing” by signing up for DVC, but I know we did. I figure $208 per month (that includes the maintenance fees) x 12 months is $2496 and we spend more than that each year staying at moderates when we can now stay in a villa. Granted, I won’t be able to take advantage of Free Dining and my tickets aren’t included, but I can buy park tickets through Undercover Tourist and there’s a special rate for DVC’ers to pay for the DDP. So, even with those additional costs, I still think I’m breaking about even and have the ability to stay in a villa. And after 10 years the DVC is paid for and we still get 100 points added to our balance every year for 45 years. I know I made the right choice in the long run, but being this tight with the budget is freaking me out a bit.

Wow…..I just took over your PTR……sorry. I guess I just had to share this morning.

No, you didn’t take it over! I am so excited for you about belonging to DVC now! I understand the buyer’s remorse but I am sure you did the right thing. As you said, you will break even at the very least and you will have all of those benefits!

WAIT! WHEN did you buy into DVC?!?!?!?!? :eek: I'm lost. Utterly lost! :lmao:

So sorry for not responding about POFQ Erin! I think I responded in my head and thought I had typed something out! Unfortunately, I'm out of time, I have a photo shoot in minutes and I'm running around like crazy. I'll be back!

That’s OK! I know how busy things can get! Look at me – I am just now responding to this, and you wrote it almost two weeks ago! I promise to be better at this when I write my TR! :thumbsup2

Well, since I've already hijacked Erin's PTR today, I might as well continue, right??

Ok, so date of our DVC purchase ---- September 18th, 2014 (our anniversary). It all started out with Victoria and I walking up to TOT. We stopped by the DVC kiosk to see about pin trading with the rep. Well, the conversation kept going on and on and I was very intrigued (like I wasn't before!:upsidedow) Anyways, he said he'd offer 4 anytime/anything fast passes just for going to the presentation. What the heck? We had a choice day on the 18th so we could afford 2 hours of our time that morning. We'd just tell Peter when he met up with us.....(he was in the bathroom). See?? Men should NEVER GO TO THE BATHROOM AND LEAVE THEIR WIVES UNATTENDED!!! :rolleyes:

Anyways the presentation was over at SSR and we were there 4 hours!! The thing that was holding us back was the price of $165 per point at VGF and the downpayment of 10% that day. We just don't have that kind of money at a moment's notice! So, we balked at about 3 of their offers and we finally settled on 100 points at SSR (which we were originally told was not available) at $130 per point with $500 down that day and $375 to be paid by 11/14/2014. Yep, we could afford that. The monthly payments including the monthly maintenance fees is going to be $208. So, there you have it.......we currently have 100 points and by our trip in September 2015 we will have 200 points!!! Oh, and he also offered a $50 Disney gift card. Yes, please!! so, we are now owners in DVC!!! :dance3: :yay: That's my story and I'm sticking to it...

Ok, sorry Erin......I'm done now.

OK, it is super cute that you brought into DVC on your anniversary! :love: I’m glad that you got a good deal and that the monthly payments are reasonable. I don’t know anything about DVC, so I don’t get the whole points thing (and I’m afraid to find out because I am afraid I will want to buy into DVC, too :rolleyes: ) but SSR is such a nice resort! I’m so happy for you!
Whoohooo!!!!!!!!! 14 days AND AP's!!!!!! :cool1: That's awesome! I'm jealous, I have always wanted to get an AP but know I would never make it there twice in a year. Well, I did once, but they were both really short trips and the savings wasn't there. Same with the trips coming up for me, just 1 day at MK before Playlist and then a long weekend at the end of Feb. for my half marathon. I'm so excited for you, I can't wait to hear all about it!!!
I knew Karen would get here to post before me……Darn work!!! Why do people want their child support anyways? I have Disney trips to plan and respond to Disboard posts…..geez!!!! :rotfl2:

Ok, Erin….my freakin head is spinning with all these changes. Thank you for summarizing in the first few paragraphs!! Phew!!!! So, why are you going from AoA to Movies??? Just for fun?? The cost?? Like I’ve said before I just can imagine packing and unpacking just to pack again. Not my idea of fun whatsoever!!! So, annual passes huh? That’s cool. We may be heading to EPCOT on February 5th, but we haven’t decided yet. I chose to fly down on Wednesday as the price difference for the airfare with JetBlue was over $100 more to fly Thursday instead of Wednesday. Yay!!! Another day at AK Kidani Village!!! We don’t have the savannah view, though. It would have left me with not enough points for our annual September vacation. I’ve read there’s tonz of viewing areas and that I really wouldn’t need savannah view for the amount of time we’d be there. I am going to request near the lobby, though, if my view doesn’t matter. So, we’ll probably end up having to buy a 1 day pass for Disney for $100 or so bucks!! It just stinks when I know that for $250 more I could have 6 more days. Crazy, but worth it, I guess!!! I tell you I have an excel spreadsheet for all! It’s getting confusing!!! I have the DVC payment then I also have a payment going towards the Feb trip, but since I just used Peter’s credit card for the Jet Blue airfare I now have to use the Feb trip payment to pay on the SW credit card. Wow!! I’m getting confused!! ANYWAYS……we will be landing Wednesday around 3:30pm (yep, took the later, less expensive flight) and should be at Kidani around 4:30ish. We’ll have Thursday the 5th to do whatever and Victoria chose EPCOT over going to the Mall, which surprised me. Good kid! We have the Business Day pass for PlayList, so that will leave us only 1 day with no plans.

No, I haven’t even heard of Stack/Stack!! Is it an app? I’m not a big gamer – never have been. I’d rather read a book or scrapbook. But the plushies look adorable!! My eyes go buggy after a while looking at my phone.

Any chance of making your Fall 2015 trip in September?? September 4 through the 13th to be more specific??
1, 2, 3! One day until the kids and I leave for Orlando! Two days until we are at Universal! Three days until we go to Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party! :yay: The kids and I are so excited! True was up at 5am (when I usually wake up) packing her bookbag! I had to make sure that she knew we were leaving tomorrow and not today! :laughing: She did, it was just that she was super excited to show me that she was ready to go! Coy hasn’t packed – I think he expects Mommy to do that – but he is really excited as well! I have to think of another word to use besides EXCITED! But that is how we feel! :cheer2:

I think I am looking forward to this trip so much now because of all of the failed plans I have had over the past few years. I just kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. Thank goodness it didn’t! I felt better once I brought the AP and once I finished paying off the room-only reservations. It finally hit me this weekend that we were really taking our vacation!!! We’re going to Universal! We’re going to Disney World! We’re going to MNSSHP!

The crowd calendar is predicting pretty low crowds for when we will be there:

10.23.14 Universal 2
10.24.14 WDW 5
10.25.14 WDW 6 (but this is our free day)
10.26.14 WDW 3
10.27.14 WDW 4
10.28.14 WDW 3
10.29.14 WDW 4
10.30.14 WDW 4
10.31.14 WDW 3
11.01.14 WDW 4

I think these crowds look pretty good! Especially at Universal! The weather looks good, too! Lower to mid 80’s for the next week and only partly cloudy! But I know to expect the occasional rain shower in Orlando, so I will pack some rain ponchos! I think that I picked a great time to visit! I am super busy at work right now, so I will try to reply to the earlier posts in a bit, but I just had to share my teeny tiny countdown with you guys! :yay:
Yay!!! a mini update with a mini countdown!!!! Yahoooooooooooooo!!!!!!! :cool1: I'm excited for you guys! I can't wait to hear all about it and see pictures, lots and lots of pictures. Have a fabu time and enjoy!!!! :cool1:
I'm so excited for you Erin!!!! I know exactly what you mean about waiting for the other shoe to drop as we have had cancellations in past years too. I also know how VERY awesome it is to get past that and actually get the trip you have been planning for!!! Have a BLAST!!!! :woohoo:
Whoohooo!!!!!!!!! 14 days AND AP's!!!!!! :cool1: That's awesome! I'm jealous, I have always wanted to get an AP but know I would never make it there twice in a year. Well, I did once, but they were both really short trips and the savings wasn't there. Same with the trips coming up for me, just 1 day at MK before Playlist and then a long weekend at the end of Feb. for my half marathon. I'm so excited for you, I can't wait to hear all about it!!!
Thanks, Karen! I hope that getting the APs was the right decision. I think I wanted to obligate us to go to Disney World again within the year because it has been so long since we have been able to go! :laughing: Plus, I wanted to make sure that the kids and I were going to be able to make it to Playlist so that I could finally meet you and see Ann! After this trip, I am going to start counting down the days until our drinks by the pool! :drinking1 :beach:

I knew Karen would get here to post before me……Darn work!!! Why do people want their child support anyways? I have Disney trips to plan and respond to Disboard posts…..geez!!!! :rotfl2:

Ok, Erin….my freakin head is spinning with all these changes. Thank you for summarizing in the first few paragraphs!! Phew!!!! So, why are you going from AoA to Movies??? Just for fun?? The cost?? Like I’ve said before I just can imagine packing and unpacking just to pack again. Not my idea of fun whatsoever!!! So, annual passes huh? That’s cool. We may be heading to EPCOT on February 5th, but we haven’t decided yet. I chose to fly down on Wednesday as the price difference for the airfare with JetBlue was over $100 more to fly Thursday instead of Wednesday. Yay!!! Another day at AK Kidani Village!!! We don’t have the savannah view, though. It would have left me with not enough points for our annual September vacation. I’ve read there’s tonz of viewing areas and that I really wouldn’t need savannah view for the amount of time we’d be there. I am going to request near the lobby, though, if my view doesn’t matter. So, we’ll probably end up having to buy a 1 day pass for Disney for $100 or so bucks!! It just stinks when I know that for $250 more I could have 6 more days. Crazy, but worth it, I guess!!! I tell you I have an excel spreadsheet for all! It’s getting confusing!!! I have the DVC payment then I also have a payment going towards the Feb trip, but since I just used Peter’s credit card for the Jet Blue airfare I now have to use the Feb trip payment to pay on the SW credit card. Wow!! I’m getting confused!! ANYWAYS……we will be landing Wednesday around 3:30pm (yep, took the later, less expensive flight) and should be at Kidani around 4:30ish. We’ll have Thursday the 5th to do whatever and Victoria chose EPCOT over going to the Mall, which surprised me. Good kid! We have the Business Day pass for PlayList, so that will leave us only 1 day with no plans.

No, I haven’t even heard of Stack/Stack!! Is it an app? I’m not a big gamer – never have been. I’d rather read a book or scrapbook. But the plushies look adorable!! My eyes go buggy after a while looking at my phone.

Any chance of making your Fall 2015 trip in September?? September 4 through the 13th to be more specific??
You think your head is spinning from the changes? :lmao: I made a few changes to the ADRs, as well, the day before yesterday! I wanted to make sure we were going to really be able to take advantage of F&W. So the first few days of our trip, we are mostly doing counter service meals and F&W. But I’ll update you all on that when I get back! I still kept the important ADRs and rescheduled the others. But the reason I didn’t change our stay to AoA for our whole trip was because they didn’t have any AP discounts on the room. So I kept that reservation and just modified my other reservation to an AP discounted preferred room at ASMo.

I am a BIG believer in the power of the spreadsheet! I was only able to keep track of all of these changes and all of the associated costs by putting everything on a spreadsheet! The added benefit was that I could work on it while I was at work and actually look like I was working! :rotfl: It sounds like the spreadsheet worked well for you, too! Your plans for Playlist sound good. It is totally crazy that a one day ticket is not that much less than a six day ticket! Are you guys thinking about getting APs now that you are DVC members? You get a discount, right? September is a possibility for us next year! Our APs will still be valid! But, if there is any way that I can get away from work during the Christmas season next year, we’ll probably go then. I miss going to MVMCP. I’m spoiled :princess But, again, the holidays are the busiest time of year at my job. So, we’ll see!

Tsum Tsum (or Stack Stack, as I call it ;) ) is an app. I have it on my tablet because I already have too many apps on my phone! I am trying to figure out what apps I can remove temporarily so that I can make sure I have enough memory on my phone in case I have to take pictures with it!

Yay!!! a mini update with a mini countdown!!!! Yahoooooooooooooo!!!!!!! :cool1: I'm excited for you guys! I can't wait to hear all about it and see pictures, lots and lots of pictures. Have a fabu time and enjoy!!!! :cool1:
Thanks, Ann! We’ll be sure to take a whole lot of pictures! I can’t wait!

I'm so excited for you Erin!!!! I know exactly what you mean about waiting for the other shoe to drop as we have had cancellations in past years too. I also know how VERY awesome it is to get past that and actually get the trip you have been planning for!!! Have a BLAST!!!! :woohoo:

Thanks again, Karen! It is so heartbreaking to have to cancel plans. So now I feel practically overjoyed that I am finally able to follow through with all of the plans that I made over all of these years!


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