Disney! No!

Sigh. Oh Disney.

Then again, the one and only Halloween party we went to there had pamphlets touting the meet and greet for the Star Wars Stromtroppers.

If you don’t see it, look at the word again. :)
Oh and the fancy bread at French market listed as “artesian” rather than “artisan”.

Oh man I gotta get back to see if the misspelling (no one tell them!) on the coin press at Splash is still there.

...I don’t seek out typos and misspellings-they simply find me. I don’t judge humans for it; goodness knows autocorrect and predictive text (and, more importantly, me missing the autocorrect/predictive text corrections) have gotten me in the past.

But I DO judge corporations who don’t run everything through spellcheck (and is there a grammar check program?) AND have a proofreader carefully looking things over before they go to any-sort-of print.
If that gets your goat, these will make your head explode!




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