Disney Video or Cindy's Coach??

We had both STVS and the coach. You won't regret cutting back to have both. My favorite moments were in the coach :)
I had the carriage and absolutley loved it! :love:
It was such an amazing experience. I was married at the WP and you don't just go around the parking lot. You are taken for a ride around the front of the GF and over to the pavilon. Everyone was staring, taking pictures and yelling well wishes. It seemed like the perfect way to start my day! and honestly you don't really notice the heat with the sides being completely open. I don't remember too much about that day without looking a pics for a reference, it all happened so fast. But I can tell you everything that happened, every comment, every look while I was in the carriage.

On the other hand I have to agree with FIREFLY01.
Unfortunatley Disney has been given a bad wrap due to certain videographers. But I have a seen a video by them and it was GREAT! Everybody loved it! It was put together well and it was definatley professional looking.

Now for my two cents:
I think it all comes down to what YOU would like to experience. There are good things and bad things about these boards and one of the bad things is getting caught up in all the hoopla, sure it's fun and exciting but if you can't do something that is really popular at the time on the boards you tend to feel bad and can't seem to make a decision clearly.
Take in consideration peoples opinions and then sit down and make a pros and cons list. Try to figure out whats more important to you....being able to watch the happiest day of your life over and over, or having an awwwwe experience. With or without the carriage you will feel like a Princess and remember you are getting married at DISNEY in the end what could really be better than that! The whole thing will be an experience of a lifetime!

Here's lots of pixiedust: to help with your decision. Good Luck!
Use the password magic and the username Lynn gave you. It should work then. Ariel is the password for Randy's website. (I think Lynn just confused them - I do it all the time! :rotfl: )

I would also love to know how much STV's videos are too so I can get an idea on a budget becuase I am having a similar dilemma.

HAHAHA I'm so sorry lol....I though I wrote magic lol...sorry

It's not letting me in!!
It said i'm unauthorized!

Do you remember how much you paid for his video?
Disney cheapest is $3500!

Umm I think I paid like 1000,I got the HD package.

You won't go wrong with Starfruit....they do a beautiful job!

I would have loved to have gotten the coach,it is beautiful...get both you only live once...I wish I would have gotten it.
:hug: Thats what I'm hoping for!! Thanks again..

Thats ok lynn.. I got into it! Your wedding was beautiful!!
And thanks for the great advice, STVS was booked on our day so I am going to try starfruit as well when I get back home next weekend!!

Thank you soo much!!

Liek Rumbly said.. I got plenty of other stuff... and it is a Disney wedding.. something I NEVER thought I would get!!!!

I know that the carriage is crazy expensive, but I am still sad we didn't fork out the $$ for it. In my mind the carriage and the MK shoot are the epitomy of a DFTW. While I like video and it would have been nice to watch it a couple times to see what I missed in the whirl of the wedding, we knew it wasn't something we would pull out and watch over and over. I am more of a picture person. We hired Randy and he was fantastic. Now the photos I look at over and over again!

Which is more important to YOU ? Are you a couple that will watch the video over and over ? Can you compromise and use someone less expensive ? Do you really think you will watch 6 hours of video repeatedly?

Personally, I'd go with the carriage. If I had some of Amanda and Eric's pictures I would have my walls plastered with huge enlargements of the carriage photos !

Just me......
I have the carriage booked but not video. If the budget allows, I will also get video. I am getting the Roots for photography. I am a picture freak so I have to have them. Video will just be an extra if I can work it out. The reason why I am going with the carriage over video, is my girls. I have a 4 & 6 yr old that I know will freak over the carriage.


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