Do you ever nap in the parks?

I also don't necessarily agree with taking photos to post on social media and I would never do that to anyone myself but that's the risk you take when you decide to nap in public/on a Disney sidewalk/bench/store floor...I think a lot of us are so shocked by this behavior that it seems a bit logical to take a photo to be like "wow look what I saw can you believe this?!" more so than to actually make fun of the person. I was shocked, really, to see it happening.
Just look how long the threads are here when someone posts a picture of someone with their feet up, with or without shoes.
Has anyone noticed that it's becoming common to see pictures on FB of people napping or lying down in the parks? I guess people like to make fun of them. Beware if you do this. Someone could be taking your picture and posing it to a Disney FB group.

Your avatar rocks ! Just bought matching "Ponyo loves Ham" tees for myself and Dd12 to wear to WDW for our July trip !
Just look how long the threads are here when someone posts a picture of someone with their feet up, with or without shoes.

The feet up kills me too! I see that a lot on the subway I commute on at home as well. I would never do that anywhere because someone has to sit there after you and it's disrespectful. Mayyyybe I can understand people giving their barking dogs in 105 degree heat a break haha but the feet up and public napping is off limits to me. My only other exception would probably be an exhausted child who just couldn't hold out any longer napping in someone's lap.
In the Muppets show. We have seen in numerous times. For quite a while after we refer to naps as having a muppet nap.
I have never napped at WDW but my step dad falls asleep on a bench inside Innoventions every time we go to Epcot :upsidedow
While I don’t agree with the Facebook shaming I do agree that the sprawling out all over the parks/resorts is tacky and takes away from the experience of the other guests. Benches in the parks and resort lobby furniture are made for sitting not sprawling out on to nap. I’m not talking about someone sitting in a show/ride and drifting off. I’m talking about the feet up on the furniture/bench like the own the place taking a siesta-that’s what their hotel room is for not the park/lobby.

I agree with this; The Facebook shaming is plain mean and what we don't need is more mean in this world.

Having said that, we also need manners and shoes off and feet on the furniture is ugh.
I have never noticed people napping. Maybe having too much fun doing my own thing? :hippie:
I used to enjoy my nap in Universe of Energy.

I was so sad to see this close because this was THE spot to rest. We could always each get our own benches to lay down. Never really fell asleep, but a perfect rest ride.
I never intend to nap either. The one that always gets me though is Impressions de France. Sorry, but it just does it.
I suffer from chronic insomnia- therefore no napping for me.

Dh however; anywhere & everywhere!

Aside from attractions previously listed:

Small world
On a bus (standing up around lunch time?!)

The one I'm currently blown away by-
Beauty & the Beast show; front row!!!!
My husband would always plan a nap on Universe of Energy after lunch. I guess his new nap place will be American Adventure.
the only people i've seen napping in open spaces are the brazilian tour groups. not only they are loud, but do nap anywhere that seems like a seating area lmao

honestly, if it was a small child lying across their parent's lap on a bench, i wouldn't have an issue. however, if it is some adult (sober or not lol), taking up the whole bench, then i would think negatively of them.

i feel like this may seem more common because people nowadays who go to disney think they have to wake up at 6 and stay until park closings just to get their money's worth out of the trip... causing more people to be tired (and short-tempered lol)
Actually, this was something I would NEVER have considered in the past (other than inadvertently falling asleep in a quiet ride like COP or HOP) because my Disney time is so precious and valuable..... but the new(ish) hub grass area is great for a quick bit of shut-eye in the middle of the day and since I became an AP holder a year ago, I don't mind spending just a few minutes refueling with a nap so that I can have multiple "rope drop to HEA (and beyond)" days!......P
I've never dozed off in the parks as an adult that I can recall, but I've fallen asleep on the buses quite a bit at night.
Philarmagic and Muppetvision are my preferred napping spots. I actually enjoy seeing HoP and American Adventure, but I wouldn't be opposed to 'resting my eyes' if the moment was right.


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