Do you get snow?

Yesterday it snowed, but not enough to miss school. We're still very excited, usually here we don't get snow at all!

That happened to me last week! It only snowed during the night and a little in the morning but not enough to cancel school. There were a lot of angry teens that day! :rolleyes1
It NEVER snows in Los Angeles. Unless I drive up to Big Bear, no snow is in my list of things to do for the Winter.
Recently visited my cousins in southern Cali. So very warm. Went back to the midwest. So very cold. And snowy. We had to come back early from the school trip because of the snow -.-

At least it DID snow. Otherwise, we would have come home for nothing... :/
I have a few questions for you snow ppl:
What happens when the snow melts? Do you get floods?
How cold does it get?
Since you guys have cold temperatures, what about summer? Is it still cold or is it hot?
How long does snow last?
Do you ever get avalanches? Do you often get blizzards?
Do you ice skate in the lakes? Do the fish freeze to death?
Does water freeze when you put it on snow?
And last but not least: Is it fun? Or do you wish you were here? All nice and warm. :) Well not SO warm..
IT SNOWED! Last night and this afternoon :) Wewtageness.
FrontierNatasha said:
I have a few questions for you snow ppl:
What happens when the snow melts? Do you get floods?
How cold does it get?
Since you guys have cold temperatures, what about summer? Is it still cold or is it hot?
How long does snow last?
Do you ever get avalanches? Do you often get blizzards?
Do you ice skate in the lakes? Do the fish freeze to death?
Does water freeze when you put it on snow?
And last but not least: Is it fun? Or do you wish you were here? All nice and warm. :) Well not SO warm..

Well, I live in Rochester. I will answer these questions

When the snow melts, it's wet, and gross, and everyone is grumpy.
It's usually about 10-20 degrees, but we've been in negatives before.
Summer can be extremely hot, but it's Rochester.
Snow lasts between 10 minutes to 2 months.
Never heard of avalanches around here, get blizzards every (about) 10-12 years.
Never, and no.
Yeah, have to be really REALLY carefully on anything hard outside.
NOT AT ALL!! I wish it was warm, I HATE snow, it's fun for about a day, and then after that I would rather come in and play VMK (as if I don't want to on the first day!)

Alionette said:
Well, I live in Rochester. I will answer these questions

When the snow melts, it's wet, and gross, and everyone is grumpy.
It's usually about 10-20 degrees, but we've been in negatives before.
Summer can be extremely hot, but it's Rochester.
Snow lasts between 10 minutes to 2 months.
Never heard of avalanches around here, get blizzards every (about) 10-12 years.
Never, and no.
Yeah, have to be really REALLY carefully on anything hard outside.
NOT AT ALL!! I wish it was warm, I HATE snow, it's fun for about a day, and then after that I would rather come in and play VMK (as if I don't want to on the first day!)

New York or Minnesota?

I'm in the Minnesota one.

Yea, -5 wind chill is not fun at all. Especially when you have to sit outside at a bus stop with other people complaining about how cold it is.

I figure I'll give these ?s a shot.

In some places maybe, but I haven't seen in a flood in the winter for a while now.

So far it's gotten down to 7 without wind chill. I don't even want to think about that right now..

It gets pretty hot. I think the hottest I've noticed was around 100, but that was in South Dakota and I don't think it counts.

It depends really. It's about 3-5 seconds for the early stuff, and, like Alionette said, can last to about 2 months.

It's been a while since a major blizzard, and there aren't too many non-ski resort mountains up here. So, no avalanches.

Ice skating is something I haven't really done. Tubing I do every year in Scouts (Tube Bowling is great, and chains.). And the fishies don't freeze, because the ice doesn't get too thick. Whatever would happen to ice fishing then?

Not usually, since snow isn't completely frozen.

Warm is really nice, but I wouldn't give up my soul for it. Snow is groovy. Snowball fights, sledding, and there's nothing like the look of a snowman's twisted face as spring arrives. Heh heh heh...
FrontierNatasha said:
I have a few questions for you snow ppl:
What happens when the snow melts? Do you get floods?
How cold does it get?
Since you guys have cold temperatures, what about summer? Is it still cold or is it hot?
How long does snow last?
Do you ever get avalanches? Do you often get blizzards?
Do you ice skate in the lakes? Do the fish freeze to death?
Does water freeze when you put it on snow?
And last but not least: Is it fun? Or do you wish you were here? All nice and warm. :) Well not SO warm..

1. There is slush. Its gross.
2. Well, it was 60 here on Friday, but now it is coldish. It usually goes into the negatives once or twice. For now, we will probaly have 40 and below for a while.
3. Well, it can get pretty hot. Lst summer, there was a heat wave, and we were alerted to stay in doors and stuff. I think everyone went overboard, but better safe than sorry :)
4. Uh.. well, thats hard to tell. The amount of snowand temperature outside seriously effects it.
5. Blizzards? Sometimes. A few years ago we were off school for a week, and last year some trees fell down. Never have had an avalanche around here.
6. Don't know about the fish. Sometimes I go ice-skating on the cranberry bogs( there are alot walking distance around here.)
7. Uh... I really don't know.
8. Going to school with wet hair stinks, but I love snow. It gets you out of school, its pretty, it provides fun,... Its pretty awesome.
Thx for answering my questions. :) I can't wait for the last day before break where there will be fake snow in the middle of the school. Plus . . free candy canes on the christmas trees. AAAH. .
I bet you all hate the extra chore of shoveling snow huh? Remember not to eat the yellow snow. . :rotfl2: Although I like yellow snow. . We have slushies at school and there is banana flavor and it is DELICIOUS. So yellow snow isn't all that bad. . :rotfl: Hey maybe you guys should try a prank of putting lemonade in the snow. :lmao:
FrontierNatasha said:
I bet you all hate the extra chore of shoveling snow huh?
Hey maybe you guys should try a prank of putting lemonade in the snow. :lmao:
1. Two words: Snow Blower.

2. That's too old school. I've made a really good pile of snow that looked like a person, complete with jacket and what-not, so it looks like someone's buried under the snow. It was in our front lawn.
shadow pirate said:
1. Two words: Snow Blower.

2. That's too old school. I've made a really good pile of snow that looked like a person, complete with jacket and what-not, so it looks like someone's buried under the snow. It was in our front lawn.
Snow Person lame bury your little brother in the front lawn much funnier.
WARNING for all you snowboarders out there (You may want to bring a bucket before highlighting.):
I don't know if you all know this but some snow is artificial and made out of human waste from the sewer. Yup it's true. I believe it is whiter than regular snow. So if you see snow that is a completely different color from the regular snow, its human waste.
ahh...there's no snow like REAL snow. i get snow all the time where i am. i have 3 snowmobiles and i go up to my grandparents place to use the trails that they have right in their backyard. it's so awesome, i love it. snowmobiling is what i look forward to EVERY year :)

I have a few questions for you snow ppl:
What happens when the snow melts? Do you get floods? No floods. It just kinda goes away and we have all this slush.
How cold does it get? Tomorrow it's supposed to be 11 degrees not including wind chill. Today it's mid 30's.
Since you guys have cold temperatures, what about summer? Is it still cold or is it hot? It's really hot in the summer here. We have hot nights, too, unlike California, where the nights are pleasant.
How long does snow last? A while depending if it stays below freezing. We get snow from November-ish to March-ish. We actually got snow in October this year, but it all melted o_O
Do you ever get avalanches? Do you often get blizzards? No, and yes.
Do you ice skate in the lakes? Do the fish freeze to death? Sometimes, but only if it's really cold. The fish here are adapted to the cold under the ice. There is cold water under a thick layer of ice.
Does water freeze when you put it on snow? No. The snow melts.
And last but not least: Is it fun? Or do you wish you were here? All nice and warm. :) Well not SO warm.. I, personally, LOVE snow. But I do have fun visiting my cousins where it's all nice and warm :) I couldn't live without white Christmases!
have a few questions for you snow ppl:
What happens when the snow melts? Nothing. It just. Melts. Into the ground. or evaporates. We like to call it the water cycle. But maybe that's just me.
Do you get floods? If we get a lot and lose it too fast it's possible.
How cold does it get? Right now it's about -2 C, which is around 30 F.
Since you guys have cold temperatures, what about summer? Is it still cold or is it hot? This is why I love where I live. We get snow in the winter, and it's pretty hot in the summer.
How long does snow last? Depends on the temperature
Do you ever get avalanches? In the northern parts yes
Do you often get blizzards? Not too often but more than other places
Do you ice skate in the lakes? Yes, if the ice is thick enough. One of my friends made an ice rink on their backyard a couple winters ago.
Do the fish freeze to death? No. They live under the ice. The ice is only a layer on the water.
Does water freeze when you put it on snow? Uh. No.
And last but not least: HECK YEAH.
Here's a webcam: This is the Harbour my boat is docked at. The boat is of course out of the water now for winter! The images are taken from a nearby hotel. You can see the snow on the ground but the lake isn't frozen yet. It's a bit orange today but I'm nt sure why. I showed it to BlueSomebody yesterday and it looked beautiful. There are more Toronto webcams on the site.
I'm in Edmonton Alberta Canada.. and it's been snowing here for the last 3 weeks.. I'm sick of snow! Only 4 more days til the honeymoon! Yippie! : )
Who wants to switch places with me to see if we like each others environments. . . ;)


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