Does anyone tow a trailer from Mass?


DIS Veteran
Feb 20, 2001
We have our first FW trip coming up in several weeks :bounce: and I'm getting a bit nervous about towing our trailer to Florida. We've got a 27' TT towed with DHs F350. DH does well towing, but we've only had the trailer for a few months and we've only gone about 3 hours away with it. Can anyone give me any words of advice when towing this far?

We've made the drive in my car a few times. We usually go south via the Tappan Zee bridge, the tpks and then 95 the rest of the way but I'm hearing that there are some areas (like in Baltimore) where we're going to have to take an alternate route because we can't go through the tunnel (because of the propane tanks). Has anyone gone this alternate route before?

We're giving ourselves 2 days to get to Florida and will need to find some place to park/camp/sleep on the way down and back. Any recommendations on camper friendly truck stops or campgrounds close to 95?

Thanks in advance for your help!!
Wow new camper and new baby, sounds like you have a good tow vehicle so you should not have any problems, towing a trailer is not as bad as you may think, it may take longer than if you were driving a car, but the end result is Fort Wilderness so it will definetly be worth it:D :D
We tow our popup every year from Mass. We take that same route. We usually get off 95 in Richmond and take 295 around to avoid some traffic.

We usually make the trip by driving straight thru so I can't help you with places to stay on the way down.

Have a great time at FW!!!
We've done it several times from Western Mass. The above posts are accurate for routes. The route around Baltimore isn't that much our of your way and it's interstate type roads. As for camping, we have found KOA's and State Parks along the way. Personally I prefer the State Parks. We've also cheated and spent a night in a motel, it saves a lot of time if you are planning on driving a long distance in a shorter time, and you can find discount coupons at rest areas. Biggest bit of advice, plan your driving to avoid the rush hours, especially NYC, Philly and D.C.
Look a little further down the board and you will see a thread from "Tiggeyore"(or something like that). You question is answered there too. I might suggest buying Woodalls camping guide too.
We head down 95 from the Philly area. You're right about the tunnels. No can do. You have 2 options here (you will see my post on this very thing if you go back just a bit!:) ). You can either take the Francis Scott Key bridge in Baltimore instead of the tunnels or take I 695 west and it bypasses Baltimore and puts you right back onto 95. We crossed this bridge in 2000 and let me tell you, I about died!!:earseek: It's this little 2 lane suspension shoulder or "sidewalk". Just you, a little fence and a BIG drop!! It was really windy the last time and the wind was pushing us into oncoming traffic!!! It's a really LONG bridge too (can you tell that this thing really freaked me out!!?:jester: ) Anyway, I had posted last week and found out that 695 completely avoids the tunnel and this bridge. This is definitely the way we are taking this year!
As far as places to stay, we chose KOA in Florence SC. The rates were very good (I think it was around $25) and the sites are all pull throughs. No need to back up or even unhook! It's right off of 95 and very easy access. There are other KOA's all down 95 that pretty much specialize in people just travelling through. If you check out their web site, it will give you rates and locations ( If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask!!


Hi my post that is reffered to further down has lots of info also one of our friends gave us the interior route (I have it at home if you what it pm me) He travels back and forth at least twice a yr. takes him 2 days.
My other point that I don't know how many of you know is that many Walmarts let you park over night for free (be nice and in the am run in for something) My parents are full timers and have used this many times. DON'T do this in FL !!!!!! There are other areas that don't allow it if you stop and see others join in (or ask)M&D have had BBQs in the parking lots with other campers. Also some walmarts ask that you park in certian areas and if a "blinkie" (sec guard) comes along be friendly they'll watch out for you that night.
whoops got off track going down we will be doing the coastal route (have 5 days) the boys want to go to Assateague Is. and the outer banks. Coming home we have 4 days so well putt up the interior route. Good luck. If I'm brave (stupid:confused: ) enough to try this with a 18 yr old camper you should be fine. the hardest part will be keeping the map and intertaing your DS.
I knew I could get great advice here :)

Disney Campers - I'm thinking the hardest part about towing this trailer will be getting to the highway. We live kinda far from the interstate and the roads out here are BUMPY and very small. DH gets flustered easily when he's towing and it makes for stressful drive, but hopefully when he gets more miles under his belt he'll calm down a bit :) Usually when we drive we switch on and off between us but I'm not even sure if he'll let me drive this time, LOL!

choppercam - I agree about watching out for rush hour traffic. Boy, on one of our trips down we weren't very careful of when we left and we hit Richmond at about 5 on a Friday afternoon - BAD BAD BAD!

Colleen A. - Thanks for the KOA recommendation; I'll check it out! And THANK YOU for the heads up about the bridge! DH doesn't like bridges when he's just driving, he'd freak I'm afraid if he were towing and had to cross that bridge, LOL!!

tiggereyore - My grandparents have a motorhome and told me about the Walmarts. The atlas I got there lists all the walmarts in the country, but I didn't see too many that were right off of 95 which is why I was looking at campgrounds and truck stops. Your route south sounds great! I've always wanted to see Assateague and the ponies :) And I don't think the hardest part will be intertaining my DS (he's 5 weeks old) it will be intertaining my DD (she's 2) - wish me luck ,LOL!!
I didn't think keep my 2 yr olds occupied was too bad! I've been to disney when my oldest was 3 and 2nd child was 2 and again when my youngest was 2. Here's a couple of tips that might help. If your kids aren't used to long drives, start now by taking occasional LONG drives on weekends. We would just hop in the van and head down to Maryland for a Sunday drive! By the time we took the kids to Disney, they didn't even ask "are we there yet?" til we passed Virginia!! :) Another tip, get one of those lap desks and a wire bound notebook for your daughter. Crayola makes a cute lap desk that has a slide off top to store crayons, paper or notebooks. I suggested a wire bound book because all the paper stays in one place! (after having sheets of paper all over the back of the van the first year!!). My son, when he was 5, made a "sign" for the side window of the van. He had drawn Mickey and copied "Disney or Bust" under it. He got a huge kick out of it when the truck drivers would see his sign and honk and wave at him (DH used to have a cb in the van and he would also hear them talking to him :jester: ).


PS Glad to help with the bridge! Usually bridges don't bother me, but this one......I get shivers just thinking about it!!!!;)
One truck stop that M&D like are Flying J's I think the 1st one is in Va. they have dump stations fresh water, m&d have acard and get money off gas. they also have a separate night parking area away from the truckers who run the engines al night long. This is a big plus when you got light sleepers.
Assateague is awasome (my then 3yr old word). they have 2 campgrounds one state and one not they state has no hookups but the other does thats where we'll be I don't carry much water with me too much weight. My 3yr old was much happier when he could see out the front window. He loves riding with M&D because rvs don't have air bags and he can sit right up front nover made a fuss in 500 miles. the 250 miles he was in our back seat he never stopped . Finially I figured out if I put him in the back middle he was happy. My worry this trip will be the other DS 22 months at trip time and he's active to say the least. We plan on 3 hrs driving 1 hr. lunch break 3 hrs driving stopping for the night I've fround that the 3 hr trip to Boston (Quincy, Abington, Weymouth) is a much as he can take. Good luck I'll see what info I can get from M&D on the flying J's. Christy
Colleen - We drove to WDW when DD was 20 months old and she wasn't too bad. Since my DS has been born, though, the terrible 2s has reared it's ugly head. She is used to long drives, though, so we've at least got that going for us :) We bought one of those tv/vcr combos and during the ride to NH last week to Jellystone campground she didn't make a peep. Hopefully we've hit on something, LOL! I just have to make sure I tape lots of episodes of Dora the Explorer for her :) I'll check out the lap desk - that sounds really cool and she loves to doodle. And that is TOO funny about the sign your DS made! I wonder how many people he made jealous by making that sign, LOL!!

Christy - Now that you mention it I remember my grandparents talking about Flying J's. I'll have to check around on line and see what I can find out about them. Be sure to let us (OK, me!) know how the campground is at Assateague. Have you been there before? That sounds like a great trip!
The State one was great except no hook ups if you can carry water with you and have batteries it would be fine ($16 a night as I recall) our camper is wired to charge/run off my Sequoia so we might try it for the night Dh is still undesided there. Ponies were everywhere last Sept. the Beach is beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!! Nice soft white sand great for playing in and building castles waves aren't huge but did nock over Eric course he was just learning to walk and has been independant from birth so he refused to hold dh's hand. He thought it was funny and kept heading for the waves to try and catch them. Should have known then he'd be a fish, he swims now by himself with just the ring 19 months boy am I in trouble!!! Oh well back to the campground. They do have a dump station it is located out in east tiddile do you basically see the campground on the way but it also shows you the bay side of the island and the picnic area we left as late as we could and went there for lunch. The other campground seemed more sprawled out from looking at it from the gate. I also didn't see as many signs that the ponies had been there? maybe they clean it up???? We leave after you (9/27) but I'll try to let you know if we stay at the other how it was.
BTW we are looking at 5th wheels for next yr what do you have? Like/don't like any hints you found looking at them? All info is appreciated. Christy
That campground sounds really nice! I'd appreciate it if you'd tell me how it was after you go... we're always looking for new places to go :)

We have a travel trailer, so I can't help you with the 5th wheel question. We have a Keystone Hornet. I'm not sure I'd get a Keystone again. We've talked with other Hornet owners and basically got the same response - nice trailer, good price, but the finish work leaves something to be desired. We haven't had too many problems with ours but the people we've spoken with have had lots of problems - pipe and roof leaks, delaminating cabinets, fraying carpet, etc. Could just be a coincidence... who knows? Good luck on the search! There are so many different kinds out there you'll find something you love :) What types of things are you looking for in a trailer... what do you have now?
Will let you know which we choose and how it is.

Our camper is a '84 (18 yrs young) Jayco J 2450. It is so clean. the outside has maybe 2or 3 scratches. Everything works (we just fixed the oven yesterday) Has the bunks in the back (this is a must) full tub (another must with little kids 4&22 months). It was a great entry level camper and the price was right. The only money We've put into it is new fabric (I hate browns and this was the 80's colors) and we will be putting new tires on it before sept when we head for disney. Con's no bedroom for us, no ac (its wired but the fan works(disney may be hot but how often do i really need ac in the white mountians) and no microwave ( i have finally found a little one to fit (usually I could care less but sometimes its a pain to use the stove for 2 minutes.) We are looking at another jayco (probably) either a quest or eagle. I hate the new ones they make me feel like I'm at the ritz carlton. I love camping and being outside which is why I liked this one so much it still has the campy feel. I'd still be in a tent and happy if it wasn't for the boys who don't get the fact that you don't touch the sides when it rains. I had actually heard that about hornets and keystone in general. I'm willing to pay more for the lastability this will most likely be the only one we buy while we have kids. Well onto more research. Need to find some with triple bunks next to look at.
Christy... I know what you mean about new campers! Ours smelled so new the first time we took it in the woods, LOL! We didn't do alot of research before we bought the one we did. Luckily we haven't had too many problems with it... but we're already talking that when the time comes to sell it or trade it we'll probably go with a Jayco. That's great to hear how long yours has lasted!

I still love tent camping but with a 2yo and a 6 week old... well, it'll be a while before we're doing that again!


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