Does Santa wrap in your family?

Does Santa wrap?

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He usually leaves a thing or two unwrapped but most everything else is wrapped.

The number of things unwrapped is usually dependent on how sleepy he gets, if he runs out of wrapping paper or tape and if there are some things (like bikes) that are just too hard to wrap!!
Everything is usually wrapped down to the stocking presents! I have it all done. The only thing not being wrapped is a desk and chair that my son is getting. My hubby has to work Christmas Eve and Christmas Day (night) so I had him put everything together ahead of time because we will only have a small amount of family time and I know my son will want to use these things right away!
Santa didn't wrap at our house. Only presents from us were wrapped. Sandra's surprises were left out for the kiddies
In our house Santa wraps most gifts. The exceptions would be something tough to wrap--Barbie dream house one year (already put together) and nothing in the stocking is ever wrapped.
When I was growing up Santa never wrapped, that's how we knew it was from Santa, at my wife's house Santa always wrapped so now I tell my wife if she wants to wrap it's up to her to wrap but I will not wrap Santa's presents

I guess wrapping was not so important because we don't wrap, I did however compromise on Santa bringing stocking fillers because I guess our Santa continues her tradition of bringing stocking fillers

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Santa always wrapped at our house because he was the only one who gave presents. We never did parent presents, only santa ones.
Both growing up in my family, and then when I had my own kids, Santa only brought each child one gift, usually the most exciting/wished for item and they were front and center, and never wrapped. Of course, he filled the stockings, too. Other wrapped gifts were from Mom and Dad.
Santa leaves only 1 or two gifts..... Always unwrapped. Everything else is wrapped and from a family member.
At our house Santa wraps most of his gifts. Everything from Santa comes wrapped in plain brown craft paper with the kids names printed in black marker. There are always a few things left scattered around unwrapped. That way when they first peek in the morning there is a squeal of excitement. :) All of the gift to each other are wrapped with regular wrap. That's how we know if it came from Santa or not!
DH and I both grew up with the same tradition and carried it on with our kids.

Gifts from family and friends are wrapped and kept under the tree from as soon as they are bought and wrapped or as soon as the tree goes up (whichever is later). Those are all opened on Christmas Eve, sometime after dark as we sit around the tree with the lights twinkling.

The next morning, everyone comes out to find ONE gift from Santa. It is the big deal, very much wanted Mom and Dad would never get it (because of cost, or it is a drum set and parents hate loud things, etc) That gofts is unwrapped and all set up and looks as much like a shop window display as possible (which, BTW, takes up much more of Santa's time than wrapping it would), There will also be a stocking full of unwrapped gifts to go through later on, once the major excitement of the big gift wears off.
No, Santa doesn't wrap in our house. When my son was little our house had a fireplace and that is where Santa's gifts would appear on Christmas morning.

At 13 yrs old, he didn't have a big Christmas wish list this year -- since he knew mom and dad were giving him his Star Wars books -- so he simply asked for glow sticks from Santa. We play games at night and in the country its dark (no outdoor lights) so glow sticks make nightly games interesting. Santa will place his numerous packs of glow sticks all over the Christmas tree.
All Santa gifts except those in the stockings are wrapped unless they are large or hard to wrap items. Stocking fillers are unwrapped. I figure the stocking is the wrapping.
Every single gift is wrapped under the tree AND in the stocking. Growing up I guess about half the stocking stuff was wrapped but everything under the tree was. I ust think it would be such a giant let down on Christmas morning to walk into the living room and see a bunch of unwrapped stuff sitting out under the tree. Half the fun is opening up the things and being surprised!
Both growing up in my family, and then when I had my own kids, Santa only brought each child one gift, usually the most exciting/wished for item and they were front and center, and never wrapped. Of course, he filled the stockings, too. Other wrapped gifts were from Mom and Dad.

So wish I had made this the tradition for our family. Takes so much pressure off of parents (IMO). Guess I'll suggest it to my kids (when they have rush! ;) ).

To answer the poll question....yes, Santa wraps....everything (except stocking stuffers). It's all good. Happy holidays! :santa:
Santa doesn't time! He is a busy jolly, old elf
Santa didn't wrap when I was a child
Santa didn't wrap when my parents were children
Santa didn't wrap any of my friends presents or my children's friends presents
Every single gift is wrapped under the tree AND in the stocking. Growing up I guess about half the stocking stuff was wrapped but everything under the tree was. I just think it would be such a giant let down on Christmas morning to walk into the living room and see a bunch of unwrapped stuff sitting out under the tree. Half the fun is opening up the things and being surprised!


Growing up everything was wrapped. We never had "Santa gifts" and then "mom/dad gifts". I personally don't understand that but hey, whatever works for other people is just dandy by me. Everyone has their traditions and I don't see anything wrong with the way people do things, whether I understand it or not.

But I completely agree with the person that I quoted. I couldn't imagine walking into the living room and seeing your toys all at once. The best part of Christmas morning was when we got to all sit around the tree and unwrap gift after gift. We didn't have much when we were kids, but there were 3 of us, so my dad always tried to stretch out the "unwrapping fun" for as long as possible. And after we were done, THEN we opened our stockings. Dad said it was just that "little extra" for when all the unwrapping was done.

The other thing that we did as kids was always go to my great-grandmother's house for a big celebration. She had 5 kids so along with them it was all of their families. It was quite the night. When we got home, we were aloud to open one gift. Sometimes it was pajamas other times it was a small toy.

My boys are now 16 & 18. Even today, everything is wrapped and my youngest won't even let me put gifts under the tree until they are in bed Christmas Eve. He said the best part of Christmas morning is turning the corner from the hallway into the living room and seeing everything under the tree for the first time. :lovestruc :santa: He even told me one year he refused to drink anything before bed Christmas Eve because he couldn't risk having to get up to use the bathroom and getting the urge to peek at the tree. LOL Even now, I have everything wrapped and sitting in a couple big boxes in my bedroom. If he has to go in there for anything, he shields his eyes so he can't look at the boxes even though he can't see the gifts. Strange boy, he is.

There have only been 2 times that I can remember that a gift was NOT wrapped. Just like someone mentioned earlier, it was for a couple of gifts that were huge and had to be assembled. I wanted the kids to be able to play with them that morning instead of having my husband try to assemble it in the middle of the Christmas morning chaos. One year it was a tool bench and the other was a kitchen.


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