Does your teen boy carry a wallet?


DIS Veteran<br><font color=green>The other day I f
Nov 5, 2000
What kind does he have? DS just got his license and DH insists that he carry a wallet now. DS has one from when he was younger. It's made by Quiksilver and has velcro. DH says only little kid wallets have velcro and he needs a leather one. I said leather wallets are for old men. LOL What do you think?
My boys (27 and 29 now) carried fabric wallets with velcro until they were out of college and working. They then started carrying leather. I don't see why a teenager "needs" to carry a leather wallet.
DS15 has a leather one we bought at American Eagle. He says the velcro ones are childish LOL
Thanks for starting this...soon DS16 will need to have his permit on him and I wanted him to have some sort of wallet
I would say no velcro for a teen boy~
There are plenty of leather (or even "faux" leather) wallets out there that don't look like old men's wallets. :cool2:
My DS18 also has a wallet from American Eagle.
In fact, AE is having a good online sale right now!
No velcro...ugh. Not for wallets or shoes...Check AE or Kohls, let him pick w/in reasonable budget.
DS has a Halo wallet. I think. Or Call of Duty. Not really sure. DH said DS would love and he does.

Let your DS go to the store and pick out a wallet that he wants. If you aren't still picking out the clothes he wears then you probably shouldn't be picking out the accessories he carries either. Though I do agree he needs a wallet to carry his ID in.
DS14 carries a black leather wallet. He picked it out--I agree with the PP that says a teen is old enough to chose their own wallet.
Let him use what he wants.

Exactly. Let him use what he wants. If he wants velcro, let him use a velcro wallet. Not sure why youre husband is trying to make him use a leather wallet if he likes the one he has. Your DS is the one who will carry it around, not your DH. I kinda agree with you, the plain black leather wallets are for old men. LOL!

Maybe you guys could go shopping for a new wallet together tonight? :goodvibes

For the record, my DS13 has a wallet but never uses it. :confused3
One of my SILs bought my eldest a leather one for his bday when he turned 13. She wanted to give him a little cash and a gift card so she put them in there to surprise him. He was totally impressed by his new "MAN WALLET" as he called it. It was really funny to see that reaction about a simple wallet. He threw out his old velcro wallet and switched over. (He still has a duct-tape wallet that he'll switch over to just for fun)
Some mall stores like Hot Topic and FYE sell lots of teen-appropriate wallets in various materials and styles. I don't think Velcro wallets are too popular with teens anymore. I've carried a leather-like wallet since I was a teenager myself.
My DS14 uses a money clip he bought at ESPN store in Disney. He keeps some money in there as well as his School ID and Debit Card. Fits in his pocket easier than a wallet.
DS15 carries a Herschel denim/leather wallet. Herschel seems to be the preferred name among his groupies.
My DS15 has a velcro wallet. I got it for him for class trip to DC in 7th grade. He still likes it and uses it regularly. It is very thin, stays closed and weighs practically nothing. I will get him a new wallet when he asks for one at some point, but for now he is happy with it.

I agree with PPs...just ask your DS, "Now that you have your license, do you want to get a new wallet or are you fine with the one you have?"
When my DS (now 17) turned 16 and got his license, he picked out a black leather wallet with the college he's heading into embossed onto it. His grandfather gave him a velcro one the year before that, and he absolutely hated it... I remember him saying that velcro was for "little kids and old people." Lol. He never used it. So when he got his license and a wallet became necessary, the black leather one was the one he chose for himself.
My 16 year old son carries a black leather wallet.

I had a black leather mens wallet in a gift basket I had won at a shoe store. When DS got his license at 16, I asked if he wanted it. He's been carrying it for 4 1/2 years. Never occured to either of us that it was an old man wallet. I dont' know how they can stand to carry those bulky things in their pockets though, that would drive me nuts!


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