Dog with Cancer - Update

I'm sorry to hear about your poor dog!

When our dog had to be put down, our younger dog had a hard time of it. He actually seemed depressed. (He came with us to the vet when we put the older dog down, so the younger dog understood. )

Four months later, we brought a new puppy into our house. It was the breath of fresh air and excitement that we all needed!
I am sorry for all of you who have lost a pet to cancer, it is hard. The vet did a blood test and confirmed lymphoma, but not the specific type since we aren't doing chemo. Even with the steroids, he is losing weight. We have started cooking things like chicken, green beans and rice to encourage him to eat. He seems to be feeling ok and still wants our sons to play with him
We are taking a wait and see approach regarding getting another dog. Nothing will change until he passes, then we will see how our other one does. If we get another it will be another rescue. Both of our current dogs are rescues.

My baby girl has been gone for one week and 3 days and I can't tell you how bad this still hurts. A few weeks before she died she also was not eating much so I found a recipe online to make dog food in an electric pressure cooker. She absolutely loved it and I truly believe it bought her at least another week or two. She was absolutely firm in not eating "dog food." This was really chicken breasts and some veggies and she couldn't get enough of it. I made such a big batch that I have plenty still in the freezer (I was freezing small containers to thaw out each day so that it would always be fresh). My other two dogs adore it and have been eating what was left in the freezer. For them, I mix with their solid food because I want to make sure they have enough nutrition. I think I'm going to continue making it for them because they really love it.
We had to put him down today. He started having a hard time going from laying to standing and would fall if he got off the carpet. Yesterday he lost interest in food and pretty much just wanted to lay there. We were able to bury him in our yard, next to our 1st dog.
We made sure to allow the remaining dog a chance to see him before we buried him. She just kept nudging him. Later DH one son had to run to town and took her with them. When they cam back DH says she went over to where he is buried and cried.
We had to put him down today. He started having a hard time going from laying to standing and would fall if he got off the carpet. Yesterday he lost interest in food and pretty much just wanted to lay there. We were able to bury him in our yard, next to our 1st dog.
We made sure to allow the remaining dog a chance to see him before we buried him. She just kept nudging him. Later DH one son had to run to town and took her with them. When they cam back DH says she went over to where he is buried and cried.
So sorry. :hug:
We had to put him down today. He started having a hard time going from laying to standing and would fall if he got off the carpet. Yesterday he lost interest in food and pretty much just wanted to lay there. We were able to bury him in our yard, next to our 1st dog.
We made sure to allow the remaining dog a chance to see him before we buried him. She just kept nudging him. Later DH one son had to run to town and took her with them. When they cam back DH says she went over to where he is buried and cried.

Oh that is heartbreaking… I'm so sorry.
We had to put him down today. He started having a hard time going from laying to standing and would fall if he got off the carpet. Yesterday he lost interest in food and pretty much just wanted to lay there. We were able to bury him in our yard, next to our 1st dog.
We made sure to allow the remaining dog a chance to see him before we buried him. She just kept nudging him. Later DH one son had to run to town and took her with them. When they cam back DH says she went over to where he is buried and cried.
That so sad. I’m so sorry.
We rescued our sweet Buster 7 years ago when he was a puppy. He was a red-tick coonhound and the best boy anyone could ask for. He was my running partner and best buddy. He was a gentle giant and great companion to my kids. He was diagnosed with lymphoma in March and we decided to try chemo. It was awful. He was never the same and we made the very painful decision to euthanize yesterday. He wasn't able to walk without help or eat or drink. I'll miss him forever my Buster boy. It's heartbreaking to go through.
We rescued our sweet Buster 7 years ago when he was a puppy. He was a red-tick coonhound and the best boy anyone could ask for. He was my running partner and best buddy. He was a gentle giant and great companion to my kids. He was diagnosed with lymphoma in March and we decided to try chemo. It was awful. He was never the same and we made the very painful decision to euthanize yesterday. He wasn't able to walk without help or eat or drink. I'll miss him forever my Buster boy. It's heartbreaking to go through.
Aww, I’m so sorry. He was well loved. ❤
Very sorry to hear about Buster, Tania. He sounds like he was a great companion, just for too few years though. Just remember though, Tania, he'll be there.......

Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.

There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.

There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.

The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers.

Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge, together....
Author unknown...

PS: Welcome to the dis



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