Don't Post Here!!! New 2013 Beach & Yacht Club FAQ Started

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I was wondering if refurb is on rooms only??? We are planning to visit in December (16th through 23rd). I have already been through one refurb when staying at the Grand and don't want to do another. Will pool and outer area plus Marketplace be okay??? Do you think we'll be okay by Mid December?

Does anyone know exactly what this refurb will consist of?

Aug. 31 – Dec. 8, 2013: Guest room will undergo hard goods refurbishment.

I was wondering if refurb is on rooms only??? We are planning to visit in December (16th through 23rd). I have already been through one refurb when staying at the Grand and don't want to do another. Will pool and outer area plus Marketplace be okay??? Do you think we'll be okay by Mid December?


The dates sound about right. goofy78- is that from the Disney website or elsewhere?

What we have heard is that the club lounge on the 5th floor of the BC is going to be expanded. The lounge will be relocated to the Presidential Suite while work is done there.

Rooms will undergo refurb- not exactly sure what that entails- but we have been told that it will happen a floor at a time, starting on 5. The CMs will do their best to keep any construction disruption from the guests.

Have not heard anything about the Marketplace or SAB. Parts of SAB will be worked on starting in January. This happens annually. A third of the feature pool is refurbed at a time from Jan to Feb. Two-thirds of the pool remain open through the whole process

Hope that helps for now, but as we learn more, we will post the news
I, Ninja Mom, have decided to write the trip report for a trip I have not even taken. That’s right, I’m writing Dee’s trip report for her. Isn’t that nice of me to save her the trouble and fill you all in on her trip before she’s even taken it.

This has got to be a first in Trip Report history! The way I figure it… we all know Dee and we know just exactly what is going to happen on her trip so we might as well put it out there and then we can see how close we came to predicting her actual trip. If you’re not understanding this don’t worry, it’s just “Ninja Mom Math”. That means it’s not supposed to make any sense anyway…..

Of course any good trip report starts with a pre-trip report so here goes…

(NM writing as Dee)
: OH BOY am I excited! My trip is right around the corner!! I’m not much of a packer and I’ve talked everyone into taking just one carry on so we can hit the magical express ASAP! We can do laundry if we need to or, failing that, just go swimming with our clothes on. The chlorine in the pool will take care of any laundry problems and save us time to boot! I have packed all of my cameras and each of the boys is responsible for packing for themselves. I am so ready to go! I have planned out my trip to the minute and I have all my rope drop strategies in place. BRING IT! tour groups ‘cause I’m going to dance right around you!

Departure day:
(NM writing as Dee): Well we are at the Airport. Mark forgot one of the boys but I pointed out that we had way too much room in the car so we turned back right away and pried the missing boy out of bed and into the car. How his brother failed to point out his absence is a mystery that only time will solve. We got through security just fine and I stopped at the airport Dunkin Donuts to tank up before the plane takes off. Younger son and I are bouncing off the wall with excitement while the rest of the family tries to blend in with the seasoned Disney travelers taking the same plane down. I am easy to spot as I am wearing my Beach Club t-shirt, My Disney Croc’s and my long eared Goofy hat. No one is asking me if I am going to Universal that’s for sure!

WE have arrived at the airport! I got the heebie jeebies when I got on the airport monorail and there was no announcement that said “¡Por favor manténgase alejado de las puertas!”. WHAT is wrong with these people! The people at the Magical Express REALLY liked my Goofy ears hat. Gotta love people who appreciate true Disney Style!

OMG!!!! WE are AT THE BEACH CLUB!!! The greeter saw me walking up wearing my Goofy ears hat and excused herself to go on a break. Don’t worry, I’ll catch her later! Our room is fantastic! It has hot and cold running water and indoor plumbing. The carpets are flat and the fridge is cold. I’m in heaven!!! We threw our carry ons into the room and ran immediately to one of the parks. We rode the rides until the parks closed and security escorted us from the premises. On the way out we asked if we could get fast passes for tomorrow but they said no and put us on a bus back to the hotel.

DAY TWO: I have been up since the crack of O-Dark-Thirty patrolling the lobby in search of coffee and that Greeter. I thought I spotted her hiding behind a potted palm but she disappeared when I got close. Tomorrow I am going to take off my Goofy ears hat and see if I can sneak up on her. We rode more rides, ate too much and swam in Storm Along Bay. Who needs pool chairs when you never get out of the pool!

DAY THREE: After we hit rope drop and rode every ride that had not yet broken down we went back to the hotel for a swim. Before I jumped in the pool I ran around and removed every abandoned towel on an empty lounge chair. The life guards gave me a standing ovation!

DAY FOUR: It rained today and we got a little wet. Everyone in the family is “Wash and Wear” so we will be just fine. We really enjoyed that air conditioned bus ride back to the resort while we were sopping wet from the rain. I was so cold I started to turn blue! Oh well… it’s nothing that a trip to the hot tub can’t fix!

DAY FIVE: Today we had the big lunch date with Buzzy the Fly at Hurricane Hannah’s. I cheated and snuck over a real Lobster Roll from the Boardwalk Bakery. All the people eating the “Seafood roll” they serve at Hannah’s were jealous of my pure “bread” lobster roll and were making ‘dog eyes’ at me. I discovered it was filled with those Florida Lobsters who are really just posers and are a pale imitation when it comes to my Boston Beauties. A girl has got to compromise when she is on the move!

DAY SIX: Still can’t find that greeter! It’s like she knows I am coming and she hides from me! More rides, more swimming, too much food and not enough coffee. This is the life I tell you! I plan to leave a trail of pretzel bread and Tastykakes and see if I can trap that greeter once and for all....

DAY SEVEN: Sadly it’s check out day. We are out of clean laundry anyway so we might as well leave. We have left no ride unridden, no snack unconsumed and no pool chair with an abandoned towel on it. I’d say this trip has been a success! I never did catch up with that greeter. She seems to have an abundance of hiding places and a fear of Goofy Ears hats. I’ll just have to pop in during my school trip in the spring and see if I can catch her then. We are packing up and heading towards the dark side, meaning the “Park that shall not be named”. While there we shall ride all the rides, eat too many snacks and swim in far inferior pools. If it were up to me I’d just stay at the Beach Club, but the kids insist on spending their inheritance at this other place. Oh well …. Maybe one day I will run away from home and run back to the Beach Club, this time all by myself, with my sunken treasure, my kitchen sink and especially my Goofy Ears Hat. Heck! A girl can only dream!

Oops! It seems I've finished my trip report in one sitting. No thirty billion chapters and endless teases for this vacation. Looks like I will have to go back to the Beach Club again and gather new material for another, less brief trip report. Tune in next time for another one of my epic reports..... this time it won't be written by that list huzzy Ninja Mom, I PROMISE!

Signed Dee (But really it's Ninja Mom ;) )
I, Ninja Mom, have decided to write the trip report for a trip I have not even taken. That’s right, I’m writing Dee’s trip report for her. Isn’t that nice of me to save her the trouble and fill you all in on her trip before she’s even taken it.

I take it all back Dee.. you should be scared!!!

Oh no! In typical Wonderland fashion, I'm late! It's already page 5, and I've used my few moments of disboard time today reading runDisney blogs/trip reports. It was an especially good run for me today, so I was inspired to at least read about runDisney opportunities as I watch the Princess 1/2 marathon sell out . . .

Once again, great work Dee and thanks so much for keeping us organized!!!
Ninja Mom, I think you might have nailed it! With the exception of the part about the amassing of fast passes by "collecting" magic bands abandoned on deck chairs...


Our contractor now wants us out of the house for the entire month of August. Can I change my reservation???? LOL. Packing was going to be a challenge as it was, but I have no idea how I'm going to pack for a trip to Disney out of suitcases that I've packed for two weeks in a rental unit of some sort or my mother's house (God help me!). This reno (going on since last October) is going to make me looney!!!
Does anyone know exactly what this refurb will consist of?

Aug. 31 – Dec. 8, 2013: Guest room will undergo hard goods refurbishment.

So starting on the 5th floor this year, including club lounge? Yikes - we are staying there at this time. Not sure how I feel about this. Will this make it harder to get a room request? What about noise, workers, etc?
I, Ninja Mom, have decided to write the trip report for a trip I have not even taken. That’s right, I’m writing Dee’s trip report for her. Isn’t that nice of me to save her the trouble and fill you all in on her trip before she’s even taken it.


Signed Dee (But really it's Ninja Mom ;) )

This is great!!!

But where's the food porn??? :confused3
Just in time before our trip to Disney! I'm getting goosebumps listening to Illuminations as I'm typing this. Anyone else going to be there from 7/21-7/27? I'll be at BCV from 7/24-7/27. CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where are the entrances to get bracelets for the pool area??? We are going in September and I like to plan ahead. I wished the entrances were clearly marked on the map but I don't see them. Thanks! :)


I believe there are 3-

one that you access from the path between the Jib Slide and SAB (I think near the pool where the exit to the slide is)

one near Beaches and Cream

one near the kiddie/sand area

Can others give a better description of the location of the SAB entrances?
Oh no! In typical Wonderland fashion, I'm late! It's already page 5, and I've used my few moments of disboard time today reading runDisney blogs/trip reports. It was an especially good run for me today, so I was inspired to at least read about runDisney opportunities as I watch the Princess 1/2 marathon sell out . . .

Once again, great work Dee and thanks so much for keeping us organized!!!

The Princess Half is going fast, isn't it? It jumped up to 50% sold within the first few hours. I "ran" it in 2012 and it was lots of fun! I'm going again for 2014 but the training is going to be brutal this time as I need to pick up my speed. I'd love to know what it's like to run at DL after your race!
Is there a favorite room at YC CL? And why? Thanks!! :)

What view have you booked (Standard, Garden, Water)?

What is important to your family?
Location- Near Lobby/SAB/Transportation? Away from Elevators?
Dee - everything looks great! This truly is one of the most informative resort threads! Great work :)

Damn I tried!!!

anyway I was busy posting on a closed board!!!! So here is what I posted over there...

Well... here it is t-minus 14 hours until departure time and what happens.....

my travel buddy CANNOT come..... Her dad has been very sick and well... the end is near **insert very sad face here**.... so it seems I am solo on this whole trip. I quickly called Disney to cancel her portion of the tours that were booked... and the dessert party is now a table for one... Dining reservations I will play with tonight...This is soo sad Anyway I am all packed and ready to go. I arrive at MCO at 8:36 and will now head directly to ME since I won't have to wait for my friends plane to land and then it's directly to the pool for a sunken treasure! I'll be posting live reports while there, so until then... tata for now!!


So sorry to hear about your friend's Dad.

Sent from my iPad using DISBoards
Phew! Missed a few days due to travel, finally got caught up on the old thread and here we are on the new one!

Thanks again Dee for maintaining the best thread on the DIS - people are so nice here it's the closest I can get to that Disney feeling without hopping on a plane! :goodvibes
Hey Dee- know you are busy. But we have officially changed our September trip and arrive a day earlier. Very excited. So we are are still YC but now September 17 - 22. Thanks! Hope you have a great week and wonderful trip.

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