Dramamine and drinking, is there a way to do both?


<font color=660099>Just the facts, ma'am<font colo
Oct 14, 2003
I have to take medicine for sea sickness when we cruise, (I got very sick our first time) and I know I can't drink alcohol while I take it. Besides the wrist bands (they don't work for me) is there any other medicine take I can take and still drink alcohol. I'm not a big drinker, but I would like a glass of wine with dinner and do the wine tasting on our next cruise. Is there anything I can do? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Mine is not a medical opinion, and it's always best to follow the directions ... BUT, I drank and took dramamine on our cruise with no problems.
Originally posted by wink
Mine is not a medical opinion, and it's always best to follow the directions ... BUT, I drank and took dramamine on our cruise with no problems.

Me too. BUT, I only took Dramamine the first day and the last night.
We took my daughter to Paris for her 30th birthday (hubby business trip + we used her CM benefits to get into Disneyland Paris -- we're no dummies!) Anyway, she arrived on French soil laying down on the plane because I gave her Dramamine and we didn't think about her not being able to drink. I'd say *don't* drink and take the Dramamine!! (It makes for a great family story, now ..) On the cruise, we've taken ginger pills and they seem to work!
My advice is simply to do a trial run. First see how the meds affect you on a Saturday when you don't have anywhere to be. Then try the meds with alcohol. At least you will know how it affects you BEFORE you cruise and you can decide what to do when you are ON the cruise.

....make yourself a KonkKooler, set your heat REALLY high, put on your bathing suit and sit back....see if you get drowsy!!!

It could be a fun experiment!
Another one here who took dramamine II and drank with no problems. I probably never had more than 2 drinks in a day though. I agree, try it ahead of time and see how it works.
Original Dramamine is dimenhydrinate which is an antihistimine. Dramamine Less Drowsy or Bonine is Meclizine which you can buy from a pharmacy at a fraction of the cost of dramamine and you can drink occasionally with Meclizine aka Bonine or Dramamine Less Drowsy.

We drink while taking the Meclizine and havent had any problems with it but like the other poster I would make sure you try it out BEFORE you leave home so you know how it will affect YOU or talk with your doctor about it!

Before I got on a boat to go deep sea fishing I asked my friend who is a pharmicist if I took Dramamine Less Drowsy Formula could I have wine later. She said no problem,....and it wasn't. But, call your own doctor to ask. What is right for one isn't necessarily right for another.

If the D.L.D.F. worked for me deep sea fishing, it must be good stuff! That boat was no Magic!:p
I think I'll try it at home and see if I have any reaction. Like I said I'm not planning on drinking all day just a glass at dinner or something tropical at the deck party. Thank you for all the suggestions. I'm glad to hear that I may be able to do the wine tasting. We skipped it last time and I regret it now.
I wouldn't do it. I would contact my doctor and see what they say.
I have already asked our physicians for prescriptions for seasickness. I am going to take them with us just in case.

This past summer we went deep sea fishing and I did take dramamine (double dose of it! )and got sick as a dog...was on all fours til they docked, It was no picnic. :(

Another thought is~ I'm wondering if you would get the same effect if you 'tried' the dramamine in your home with booze, only because your not moving/swaying.... Your body system may not react the same as it would onboard. But it is worth a try. :)

Oh god, this brings back terrible memories, I am going to have to start praying I dont get sick either.

Good luck, let us know the outcome!

Kathy :cutie:
If it were me I would most definitely try it out before you leave and at home. We used the Transderm scop patch on one cruise and didnt check it out before we left. After the lifeboat drill I started feeling pretty crummy and my pupils dilated large. I was nauseated and dizzy and had a headache out of this world. I found out through a very expensive trip to the ships infirmary that I had an allergy to scopolamine the main ingredient in the patch. I stayed in my room for 2 more days letting the side effects wear off and therefore lost 3 days of my cruise because I didnt know what it would do to me. Taking it on land shouldnt make ANY difference considering that you know what Dramamine does to you that way..you just want to know what it will do with a little wine mixed in. I would still try it at home and also ask your doctor if you are concerned! Better to ruin a day at home where it is "free" than a day at sea where you paid good money!

I took some of the 24 hr dramime and a couple of hours later had some rum punch. I think that it was the combo of the two that made me feel pretty crummy::yes:::tilt::crazy2:. But if you take it (the pills) with breakfast and hold off the booze until mid afternoon I would imagine that you would not suffer any ill effects. As alway, check with your doctor and/or pharmisist.

Testing any sea sickness meds / herb supplements should be done at home well before leaving on your trip so you can consult your Dr. if you have bad side effects.

You could try Ginger Tablets like others have done/suggested and probably not suffer any side effects, but you also won't know if it will work for you until you are on your trip.
I took Dramamine less drowsy at 1230, had a glass of wine with the early seating, and fell asleep during Hercules. Took more Dramamine the next am because I was nauseated while sleeping, and felt "drugged" and had a splitting headache. Won't take that stuff again-less drowsy or not! I looked at the sea bands at Walgreens but they are so big and ugly! Can't imagine being in my formal dress with this ugly grey cloth thing on my wrist!
What is the onset of Bonine? Does it work quickly or not so quickly...is it more preventative medicine or is it something you can take when you realize-oh no...this motion thing might not work...a little insight here...
Originally posted by hydster
Original Dramamine is dimenhydrinate which is an antihistimine. Dramamine Less Drowsy or Bonine is Meclizine which you can buy from a pharmacy at a fraction of the cost of dramamine and you can drink occasionally with Meclizine aka Bonine or Dramamine Less Drowsy.
As hydster noted, there are two different medications, both of which are called Dramamine. There's Dramamine Original Formula, which is Dimenhydrinate and which can be given to children. And there's Dramamine Less Drowsy Formula, which is Meclizine Hydrochloride, and which should not be given to anyone under 12 unless directed by a doctor. Both are antihistamines, and both can make you drowsy.

As hydster noted, Bonine is also Meclizine Hydrochloride. And you can get generic Meclizine Hydrochloride from pharmacies (but my local pharmacy would only sell it in quanities of 100 tablets).

By the way, when we went on our last cruise in 2002, Pfizer made Bonine. Now Pfizer makes the Dramamine products and another company makes Bonine.

According to Pfizer's web page about Dramamine® Less Drowsy Formula:

When using this product
  • drowsiness may occur
  • alcohol, sedatives, and tranquilizers may increase drowsiness
  • avoid alcoholic drinks
  • be careful when driving a motor vehicle or operating machinery
In other words, they're not warning you about any dangerous interaction between the medication and alcohol, just that alcohol may increase drowsiness.

If you don't mind some drowsiness and you don't overdo it, having wine with dinner when you're taking Bonine or Dramamine Less Drowsy every 24 hours does not appear to be a problem.

I'm not a doctor, so this is not medical advice.

Oh, and don't operate any machinery while on the ship!
Oh, and don't operate any machinery while on the ship!

Too funny!!! And someone once said to me in one of my posts that they measure the intelligence of a poster by how much they agree with them..so just so you know I feel you are pretty intelligent!:p

I'll second that in "being too funny" too Heidi!! :) I was laffing while I was reading it, 'dont operate machinery'...
My DH took one Bonine a couple times. We ordered the wine package, so had wine with dinner every evening and all he felt was a little more fatigued than normal.

However, what my DH swears by is the ReliefBand. This is not the inexpensive accupressure bands that are about $8. These are the more expensive, battery operated bands that provide an electrical impulse on the inside of your wrist. (We found ours online for $69 plus free shipping.)

I've seen my DH get sick on a friend's boat on a lake where there is barely a wave. He can't go on many types of rides and, he can't even ride in the backseat of a car. On the trip to Playa Del Carmen when people were getting sick in little pink bags all around us - he cranked that band up to 5 and didn't even feel a twinge in his stomach. We are totally and completely convinced that this works.


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