ECV related... Probably going to get flamed, but I need to say this.

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25 + visits and counting....
Feb 2, 2009
IF YOU DRIVE AN ECV, BOTH HANDS ON THE VEHICLE. NO TEXTING OR TALKING ON THE DARN CELL PHONE. . Sorry for caps but it needs to be said. Someone is going to get hurt terribly. Just back from an amazing week in WDW. Just wanted to throw this out there. My 10 year old DD ankle was nearly crushed under an ECV in DHS. And I was rammed into in MK .Here's the shortened version. While we were in One Man's Dream in DHS my DD was stopped to look at a model of DR and woman who was screaming in the phone (one hand holding the phone, one on ecv) rammed into my DD. My DD cries out and fell into me, I watched this woman roll up because you can hear her yelling into the phone in this rather quiet attraction and honestly thought she would not hit us. But as her voice grew, she awkwardly jerked the ecv right into my DD. The woman then had the nerve to tell my DD to "watch out" and then glare at me. I leaned down and quietly told the woman to A. don't talk to my child that way and B. she needs to get off of the phone and operate the ecv properly. A CM came over who witnessed the whole thing and told the woman to please be more careful and wait to use the phone until she exits . My DD came home with a nice ankle bruise. It was pretty sore.
My experience was almost identical. A woman on an ecv with 2 twin boys (about 2ish) ON THE ECV with her rammed into my hip. Guess what??? The cell phone was to her ear as well. One hand steering, the 2 twins (one kinda sitting and the other standing) and she was allowing the one to basically steer with his two hands. It probably looked hilarious. .. I flew into the bushes. But, no apology. A dirty look from this one too and a " you were in my way" . Huh??? I was walking on a sidewalk and your glorified stroller checked me NFL style from behind while YOU WERE ON THE CELL PHONE....
Bottom line. Just like a car, you need both hands on the ecv. There's a lot of people and kids around you and you should have both hands on it. If not, have the one hand then and concentrate and pay attention. Before I get flamed, I'd say 90% of ecv riders are careful and thoughtful. But I witnessed at least a dozen type incidents, most of which involved a cell phone. And then to watch the attitude that followed most of these incidents was that of anger directed at the person or persons walking.... flame away but this needs to be addressed.
IF YOU DRIVE AN ECV, BOTH HANDS ON THE VEHICLE. NO TEXTING OR TALKING ON THE DARN CELL PHONE. . Sorry for caps but it needs to be said. Someone is going to get hurt terribly. Just back from an amazing week in WDW. Just wanted to throw this out there. My 10 year old DD ankle was nearly crushed under an ECV in DHS. And I was rammed into in MK .Here's the shortened version. While we were in One Man's Dream in DHS my DD was stopped to look at a model of DR and woman who was screaming in the phone (one hand holding the phone, one on ecv) rammed into my DD. My DD cries out and fell into me, I watched this woman roll up because you can hear her yelling into the phone in this rather quiet attraction and honestly thought she would not hit us. But as her voice grew, she awkwardly jerked the ecv right into my DD. The woman then had the nerve to tell my DD to "watch out" and then glare at me. I leaned down and quietly told the woman to A. don't talk to my child that way and B. she needs to get off of the phone and operate the ecv properly. A CM came over who witnessed the whole thing and told the woman to please be more careful and wait to use the phone until she exits . My DD came home with a nice ankle bruise. It was pretty sore.
My experience was almost identical. A woman on an ecv with 2 twin boys (about 2ish) ON THE ECV with her rammed into my hip. Guess what??? The cell phone was to her ear as well. One hand steering, the 2 twins (one kinda sitting and the other standing) and she was allowing the one to basically steer with his two hands. It probably looked hilarious. .. I flew into the bushes. But, no apology. A dirty look from this one too and a " you were in my way" . Huh??? I was walking on a sidewalk and your glorified stroller checked me NFL style from behind while YOU WERE ON THE CELL PHONE....
Bottom line. Just like a car, you need both hands on the ecv. There's a lot of people and kids around you and you should have both hands on it. If not, have the one hand then and concentrate and pay attention. Before I get flamed, I'd say 90% of ecv riders are careful and thoughtful. But I witnessed at least a dozen type incidents, most of which involved a cell phone. And then to watch the attitude that followed most of these incidents was that of anger directed at the person or persons walking.... flame away but this needs to be addressed.

No flames here. I have no problems with people using an ECV in the parks as long as they are using it responsibly. Just like with cars, texting and operating an ECV should not be done. And if you are going to talk on the phone while driving an ECV, use a bluetooth headset so you can keep both hands on the controls AT A MINIMUM and it's better to pull off to the side and stop before making a call.

Additionally, children should never be allowed to ride on an ECV, let alone steer one. :headache:
You were far more restrained than I may have been. Especially if one of my kids had gotten hit. Those cell phones would have been toast.
No flames from me either. What you experienced is inexcusable. It is bad enough when you are bumped by the yahoos who walk the parks with their eyes glued to their personal electronics. But the potential for serious injury when this happens with an ECV is SO much greater. Negotiating the crowds at WDW on an ECV is difficult at the best of times. All ECV users need to either drive responsibly or not at all. Unfortunately there will always be irresponsible ECV users, just as there are irresponsible auto drivers who use their cell phones while driving. I'm sorry you had to experience this.
My friend's daughter got run over last month on her 10th birthday. I'm talking they had to get two guys to LIFT the ECV to get it off her and she ended up in a wheelchair for two days. The woman just took off. There are some horribly selfish people in this world. She didn't even make sure the poor girl was okay. First Aid wanted to send them to the hospital but they didn't want to ruin the day even more. After a few days she was back to her old self.
No flames from me!!! We were there in January and experienced several near run overs of DS 9 and DS 4 as well as getting zipped around and butted in front of by ECVs in lines and at elevators.
No flames from me - I agree entirely!

The same could be said for parents with strollers who seem to think they're racing in the Daytona 500 and are allowed to be aggressive/first/pushy because they have a stroller. I can't count the number of times I've been bashed into by a stroller wielding parent...
I have a problem with anyone, in an ECV, pushing a stroller, or just walking using a cell phone and not paying attention to anything around them except the phone as they are in motion. I realize cell phones are going to be used more and more with FastPass + and all the line apps, etc. BUT, if you use one, please remember there are others all around you. This is addressed to EVERYONE.

Do I use a cell phone at Disney World? Yes. So does my husband. However, if we need to answer a call (rarely since the only people with our cell phone number is our family and they know we are on vacation) or make a text, we will stop walking, move over to the side of wherever we are, do what we need to do while standing still, and then resume our walking.
I am happy I'm not getting flamed and actually relieved that I'm not the only one ticked....I didn't even mention the other dozen times that one of us were nearly hit. But what STILL ticks me off the most (pretty sad to still be angry because I've been home for 48 hours ) was the ecv drivers angry reply and looks. Every time. Their sense of entitlement and the " I have the right of way" attitude and lack of consideration is sickening. And the lady who got me was letting twins around 2 steer and use the darn thing as a glorified stroller? Grrrrrrrr. And on top of it to use a phone. I'm sorry that you have a condition or aliment that put you in the ecv, but learn to use it correctly, respect others space, do not allow your little darlings to drive it, don't expect normal traffic to part like the Red Sea for you and stay off of the darn phone.
Thanks for allowing my rant. :)
jenfromjersey said:
My friend's daughter got run over last month on her 10th birthday. I'm talking they had to get two guys to LIFT the ECV to get it off her and she ended up in a wheelchair for two days. The woman just took off. There are some horribly selfish people in this world. She didn't even make sure the poor girl was okay. First Aid wanted to send them to the hospital but they didn't want to ruin the day even more. After a few days she was back to her old self.

Omg..... awful!!!!!!!
ohhh no flames here...thats terrible :scared1:!!! like you say its a vehicle!! both hands while driving and pay attention. Like another poster said you were more polite than I would have been had my child gotten hurt!!! I hope she is ok
Hopefully someone from disability can answer this, but I thought it was against Florida state law to have children riding EVC"S ? The person who ran over a child should have been detained and police called.
My friend's daughter got run over last month on her 10th birthday. I'm talking they had to get two guys to LIFT the ECV to get it off her and she ended up in a wheelchair for two days. The woman just took off. There are some horribly selfish people in this world. She didn't even make sure the poor girl was okay. First Aid wanted to send them to the hospital but they didn't want to ruin the day even more. After a few days she was back to her old self.

ohh jeeze!! how terrible!!!
I am on the other end of this. I must use a scooter at the parks. Both of my knees are bad. Without a scooter I would not be able to enjoy the parks. I have speed at lowest setting and I am very watchful. Kids and adults jump off the curb in front of me. people simply stop with no notice and in a busy park that can be an accident waiting to happen. Please do your part by not thinking you are the only ones there. I know many scooter riders and guests leave their brains at home, but most of us are very considerate. just sayin
I am happy I'm not getting flamed and actually relieved that I'm not the only one ticked....I didn't even mention the other dozen times that one of us were nearly hit. But what STILL ticks me off the most (pretty sad to still be angry because I've been home for 48 hours ) was the ecv drivers angry reply and looks. Every time. Their sense of entitlement and the " I have the right of way" attitude and lack of consideration is sickening. And the lady who got me was letting twins around 2 steer and use the darn thing as a glorified stroller? Grrrrrrrr. And on top of it to use a phone. I'm sorry that you have a condition or aliment that put you in the ecv, but learn to use it correctly, respect others space, do not allow your little darlings to drive it, don't expect normal traffic to part like the Red Sea for you and stay off of the darn phone.
Thanks for allowing my rant. :)

I hate hearing about these experiences.

No one is supposed to have passengers on an ECV and CMs are supposed to stop and correct anyone who does.

Unfortunately, lots of people rent these things that have never used one before because Disney requires so much walking that they otherwise never have to do (in the US at least). I try to assure myself that most people who use them outside WDW know how to safely & responsibly operate them and that these careless people aren't a public menace everywhere they go.
I am on the other end of this. I must use a scooter at the parks. Both of my knees are bad. Without a scooter I would not be able to enjoy the parks. I have speed at lowest setting and I am very watchful. Kids and adults jump off the curb in front of me. people simply stop with no notice and in a busy park that can be an accident waiting to happen. Please do your part by not thinking you are the only ones there. I know many scooter riders and guests leave their brains at home, but most of us are very considerate. just sayin

I am sorry for what happened to the OP and OP's daughter. No excuse for riding an ECV irresponsibly. They are heavy and can be harmful.

But I have been on the other side, too, with my mom trying to use an ECV in the parks and she could hardly go 2 feet without someone jumping in front of her or stopping short. Of course, she wants to keep enough space in front of her, so if she needs to stop she can, but with Disney being so crowded, the people fill any gap. She is so terrified she is going to hit a child that we actually go slower with her in the ECV than we did when she walked!

My point is that I agree with the above poster AND with the OP: in a crowded situation like Disney everyone needs to be mindful of their space and the others around them.
Roxy13 said:
I am on the other end of this. I must use a scooter at the parks. Both of my knees are bad. Without a scooter I would not be able to enjoy the parks. I have speed at lowest setting and I am very watchful. Kids and adults jump off the curb in front of me. people simply stop with no notice and in a busy park that can be an accident waiting to happen. Please do your part by not thinking you are the only ones there. I know many scooter riders and guests leave their brains at home, but most of us are very considerate. just sayin

Like I said, MOST ecv drivers are respectful, aware of others , and don't demand that everyone move out of their way. I am not referring to those like you. I'm talking about getting off of the darn phone and concentrate and be aware of others around you while operating this vehicle. Not allowing your children to ride along on the vehicle and steer and then tell me I'm in HER way. Did you see where I mentioned I was hit from behind?? Not holding the handles and screaming into a phone and not concentrating on the pedestrian in front of you looking at an exhibit in an attraction. THAT is who I am speaking of.
Bottom line. Just like a car, you need both hands on the ecv. There's a lot of people and kids around you and you should have both hands on it. If not, have the one hand then and concentrate and pay attention. Before I get flamed, I'd say 90% of ecv riders are careful and thoughtful. But I witnessed at least a dozen type incidents, most of which involved a cell phone. And then to watch the attitude that followed most of these incidents was that of anger directed at the person or persons walking.... flame away but this needs to be addressed.

Of course the folks you saw driving their ECVs while on the phone acted like self entitled jerks when they caused an accident. If they weren't self entitled jerks they wouldn't have been trying to operate the vehicle and talk on the phone at the same time.
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