Susan, DH wants to know if you have a long rope. Kinda of a reverse keel hauling. It won't scrap it clean, but it should help break it up to fall off in sheets -depending upon snow quality. [weighing the end with something non-damaging to the roof - DH would use a football - I think he is showing off]

I'm glad you are okay. :hug:
Good idea - -that was the problem - -the snow would just stick in a pile and not move right at the end of my reach.

We got 9 inches by 1am last night; right now it is raining - -which just really stinks. THey are still expecting blizzard conditions and 18-24 inches coming. Expecting wide power outages too.

I guess I need to get out there and do something before the next storm hits...it will be so heavy :sad2:
Hang in there Susan! I can't even imagine getting that much snow (we may see an inch or 2 every year). Hope your DS is better. :)
I should just change this over to a snow blog.

I shoveled. (and there is so much out there right now I could go back out and do it again!!) I am beat and soaking wet and I need a shower but all of the wet stuff is in the tub and I am too tired to take down to the dryer. THe other shower has my roof shoveling stuff in it from yesterday. The snow is too heavy and I am too short to get leverage to get it off the roof of my car -- all of you tall people out there, you have no idea how much easier life is for you!

DS is still sick which means I'll need to get him back to ENT soon. Now DD is sick too -- none of this is serious and at least they are not whining about being bored!

You know shoveling snow is a bit like mowing the grass -- a concrete task with a definte beginning and end. You can see your progress and are tired from the hard work at the end -- much more rewarding than the never ending junk clean up and dusting.
Everything is ready for the post office tomorrow. I will post again after I get home. Thanks for your understanding and patience.
All of the packages are mailed. I will update the thread later. Kid you not - -I have to go out and shovel more.
Just recieved my package, AMAZING!!
NM~ I didnt realize we were in the same Halloween group and I got vamp Mic! I dont have to break into your house! or try to follow the instructions everyone was kind enough to post!
I just got our Christmas trip photos and I can use EVERYTHING Christmas!
Just recieved my package, AMAZING!!
NM~ I didnt realize we were in the same Halloween group and I got vamp Mic! I dont have to break into your house! or try to follow the instructions everyone was kind enough to post!
I just got our Christmas trip photos and I can use EVERYTHING Christmas!

WOW yours got that FAST. I am not even that far from Susan. Now that you got some Halloween stuff you will have to attend a MNSSHP. I am wanting to go to 2 of them on our trip in Sept. It will be the only time I will probably do it. Plus I have 3 years worth of this particular swap plus completed pages that I need to use.

On another note I got my box today. Have not opened it, but I have viewed the slide show. I have a lot of great pieces to work with when I do get to go to the MNSSHP. Thanks for hostessing Susan.
Helloooo ladies ... Finals are coming up .. my daughter is about to go in labor anytime and planning for Disneyland Spring Break (two weeks) .. so I'm a bit busy this spring! Usually spring is dull and boring! lol

But yes I did receive a wonderful swap pkg this last weekend, thank you so much!



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