Ever Been Kind of Insulted By a Christmas Gift?


Elementary, My Dear Mickey
Apr 15, 2004
Years ago, my in-laws gave me a cookbook for Christmas. It said something like "Can't even boil water? Foolproof recipes for the beginning cook." Except by that point we had been married for about 2 years and I had made many, many meals for them (And I prided myself on my cooking skills long before I ever met them). It just made me feel bad, like, how much did you hate my food?? To be clear, cookbooks would be welcome any time....but one that implies I don't know what the heck I am doing? Gee thanks! :yay:

My friend was insulted one year by receiving a popcorn maker, but that was because she was expecting an engagement ring LOL. She had been hinting around for a ring and he kept saying how much she would enjoy her gift (wink, wink), and she put two and two together and got 7. He was thinking romantic movie nights and she was thinking marriage. It wasn't really his fault but she threw both him and his popcorn maker out of her apartment. They broke up for about a week until he showed up on New Year's Eve with a ring. It had kind of a romcom ending so it was okay in the end haha. :love:

Anyone else have tales of questionable gifts?
My grandma wrapped up a plate for my birthday that my mother had left at her house by mistake on Thanksgiving.

I opened it and my mom yelled “hey! That’s mine! I asked you 10 times if I left it at your house on Thanksgiving!” I was a good sport and let my mom have it back, since she did have the entire set:rolleyes1

We still laugh about it today.
During my team's secret santa gift-giving everyone opened gift bags with all sorts of goodies inside, I opened mine to find a small, cheap tea light holder and unscented tea light and that was it. I felt really insulted as we draw names out of a hat so the gifts were personal rather than just random. I have the tag, and I'm still trying to figure out who's writing it is.
Where do I start. My aunt is the queen of insulting gifts.

There was the year that my aunt wrapped up a Disney Store catalog and coupon as a gift to me. The coupon was for $5 off of $25. The problem was that she didn't gift me any money. I wasn't working at the time and had no money of my own. My parents were having financial troubles at that time. They had already spent what they could on my Christmas. I only received $5 as far as cash gifted to me that year. So all I could do is look at the pictures and cry.

Then there was the year my aunt got her gallbladder out after Thanksgiving. My aunt usually has a rule against giving cash or gift cards at Christmas. But because she was having surgery she couldn't go shopping. At Thanksgiving she asked everyone where they wanted gift cards to. My parents asked for Wal-Mart. I asked for the Disney Store. We got gift cards to McDonald's. $90 worth of gift cards to McDonald's!
This isn't about Christmas, but here it is:
My sisterinlaw visited from another state a while ago. She brought my husband really nice gifts of puzzles and clothing. She gave me a pack of Mr. Clean's super erasers!!! I am Not a dirty housekeeper, and don't know why she gave it to me. I'm still hurt over it. I keep thinking that on our next visit to her house, I would bring some super cleaner for her, but I just can't make myself be that rude. what do you think?
Back in the 90s i got a book on how to keep friends it was the only time I cried at Christmas, this Christmas my mom got me bathboombs bot a problem except I dont take bathes because I dont feel clean after words but she told me i can put it in the tub while I shower
Back in the 90s i got a book on how to keep friends it was the only time I cried at Christmas, this Christmas my mom got me bathboombs bot a problem except I dont take bathes because I dont feel clean after words but she told me i can put it in the tub while I shower
Baths don’t make me feel clean either, so if I take a bath it’s just to relax. Then I rinse and take a quick shower afterwards. If you do that, you’ll get to use your bath bombs the way they’re meant to be used.
Generally, I buy my own gifts for DH to give me. I don't mind, as I get what I want and maybe splurge a little on myself. One year, he smiled at me and asked, "so what did I get you?" I was feeling a little miffed, as I had told him what it was, but he wasn't listening and actually I had wrapped it as well. I told him he'd have to wait until Xmas morning to find out.

Then there was the year that I'd been having trouble with my stove and had complained now and then. For Xmas, I got a letter page with a note on it "Good for one new stove - Merry Christmas". I never did get that new stove and while I don't bring it up much, I'll never forget feeling let down about it. I would have rather gotten nothing than essentially and I.O.U. for an essential household appliance.

Like I said, I generally get my own gifts. Now you know why it works out better for both of us that way.
This isn't about Christmas, but here it is:
My sisterinlaw visited from another state a while ago. She brought my husband really nice gifts of puzzles and clothing. She gave me a pack of Mr. Clean's super erasers!!! I am Not a dirty housekeeper, and don't know why she gave it to me. I'm still hurt over it. I keep thinking that on our next visit to her house, I would bring some super cleaner for her, but I just can't make myself be that rude. what do you think?
:flower3: Honestly? I think if she knows you well she found a cleaning product she's impressed with and thought maybe you didn't know about it and wanted to introduce you to something you'd get use out of. One year, shortly after they came on the market, I gave my DSis one of those Intuition razors (the kind with the shaving soap built into the blade). Was I criticizing her hygiene? No - I know she shaves in the shower and this thing was literally a game changer.
This isn't about Christmas, but here it is:
My sisterinlaw visited from another state a while ago. She brought my husband really nice gifts of puzzles and clothing. She gave me a pack of Mr. Clean's super erasers!!! I am Not a dirty housekeeper, and don't know why she gave it to me. I'm still hurt over it. I keep thinking that on our next visit to her house, I would bring some super cleaner for her, but I just can't make myself be that rude. what do you think?
I’d be happy with a pack of Mr. Clean super erasers, but then again I asked for garbage bags and new garbage bins for the washrooms for Xmas. Lol.

I’ve never been offended by a gift.
Gift cards, cash, oversized underwear....bring it on! It’s all good! :P
During my team's secret santa gift-giving everyone opened gift bags with all sorts of goodies inside, I opened mine to find a small, cheap tea light holder and unscented tea light and that was it. I felt really insulted as we draw names out of a hat so the gifts were personal rather than just random. I have the tag, and I'm still trying to figure out who's writing it is.
Something similar happened to me at an office secret santa a few years ago. We were supposed to spend at least 10 to a max of 25. I put together this really cool R&R gift basket packed with wonderful goodies for the person whose name I drew. Spent a lot of time thinking about the items and packaging it in an enticing way. Spent right up to the 25.

What did I get from the person who drew my name? Some cheap $1 tiny tea candle- think it might even have been lit once or twice, as the end was burned. No nice wrapping or anything...Guarantee it was something they had lying around the house. Was so insulted, as I actually did a lot for this person at work throughout the year...took on some of their extra work when they were overloaded...got them info or help when others wouldn't bother. It was a real slap in the face that they cared so little. If you're not even going to put in the minimal effort, please don't participate and ruin it for others.

It wasn't about the cost...they could have made something for free or offered a "gift certificate" for their help/services on something. It was clearly the complete absence of thought or personal caring that stung.
Where do I start. My aunt is the queen of insulting gifts.

There was the year that my aunt wrapped up a Disney Store catalog and coupon as a gift to me. The coupon was for $5 off of $25. The problem was that she didn't gift me any money. I wasn't working at the time and had no money of my own. My parents were having financial troubles at that time. They had already spent what they could on my Christmas. I only received $5 as far as cash gifted to me that year. So all I could do is look at the pictures and cry.

Then there was the year my aunt got her gallbladder out after Thanksgiving. My aunt usually has a rule against giving cash or gift cards at Christmas. But because she was having surgery she couldn't go shopping. At Thanksgiving she asked everyone where they wanted gift cards to. My parents asked for Wal-Mart. I asked for the Disney Store. We got gift cards to McDonald's. $90 worth of gift cards to McDonald's!
I’ll never understand this level of petty. She asked and was like “eh McDonald’s it is!” And she went out of her way because at our McDonald’s gift cards can only be paid for in cash.
Years ago, my mother-in-law gave me a bunch of blank greeting cards for Christmas. They were birthday, thank you, get well soon, thinking of you, etc. cards. When I opened it, she said, "I noticed you don't seem to have time to buy cards, so I made it easy for you." We lived in the same city and we saw her every few weeks. It didn't occur to me to send her random greeting cards. She said her other daughter-in-law sent cards often. They lived in another state so it made more sense. Also, I'm just not a huge card person. It's not my thing. Plus the cards she gave me weren't the kind I would choose to send. They were more her style. After Christmas she frequently asked if I was using the cards, because she hadn't received one yet. Ugh.
When I was about 20, I took a class with one SIL to make baskets. I made a basket and filled it with homemade jam and bread and gave it to a different SIL, not for any particular reason, it wasn’t Christmas or birthday, it was just because I was into that kind of thing at the time. Well, fast forward a few years, and she gifts me, for Christmas, the very basket that I had made and given to her! I think she had put something in it, maybe bath products or something. I didn’t care what was in it because the only thing I could see was that she had regifted what I had made for her and she clearly didn’t even remember that I was the one who had made it!

I didn’t say anything, just thanked her for the gift. But look at how many years later I still remember it.

yes, I was insulted at the time. It really highlights how little she regards me. Nothing in that relationship has improved unfortunately. She and my brother deserve each other.


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