exit in the middle of a show?


DIS Veteran
Jan 13, 2003
I don't know how my 2 1/2 year old will react to some of the shows and attractions. I was wondering how quickly and easily we can get out if he gets scared. I know that if we are on a ride that we will just have to wait it out (and I'm guessing that shows with a ride - like the Ellen's Energy Adventure would be the same). I figure we can make a quick escape from outdoor shows, but I've never seen people leave during the Tough to be a Bug or Muppet 3-D show. Any thoughts????
I know that if we are on a ride that we will just have to wait it out (and I'm guessing that shows with a ride - like the Ellen's Energy Adventure would be the same).
You are right about that.
For the theater type shows, there are exit doors (marked above the door with lit EXIT signs). When you come into the theater, in general, the exit doors are going to be straight across from where you enter. If you think your child will want to leave early, just go all the way across the theater so that you are sitting on the aisle (or close to it) near the exit. In a lot of the shows, the experience is not so intense if you are sitting toward the back (but keep in mind that the back row or back 2 rows are often reserved for people traveling in wheelchairs and their parties.
I know for a fact that there was several CM in It's Tough to be a Bug at AK.

They will help you out if your child gets scared. When entering we ask were we should set just incase we need to leave. Where told to set in the 2nd to last row.
Several years ago my now almost 6 year old (then probably 2) did something that was not the norm for him. He started crying and fussing uncontrolably while we were on Ellen's Energy Adventure. There didn't seem to be any way to get out of there with him. I was sooooo stressed out trying to calm him down so he wouldn't bother others. Another ride that seems to leave you trapped would be the great movie ride. Most other rides you can either make a quick exit or if the child starts being loud you and your family (maybe a few others) are the only ones in your moving vehicle that are listening to most of the noise.
We amde the quick escape in It's Tough To Be A Bug. I made sure we sat near an exit (another family with older kids was nice enough to switch seats with us). As soon as DD5 started screaming we made a quick dash for the exit, which was opened by a CM waiting for such an event.
we had this concern a lot on our first trip - we did have to leave a ride in Universal (it was the Hanna Barbara simulator but we were sitting in the seats at the front) and after that, we checked with a CM on the way in , and they usually pointed out the seats closest to the exits. I don't remember having to leave anything else, but it was nice to know we could if necessary.
I wouldn't go Ellens because it's a very long ride/show and if you are stuck you are well and truly stuck - most other rides are only a few minutes, but that lasts for ages.

You can definitely leave Muppets 3-d, we didn't have too, but we were sat right by the exit door just in case. We didn't try Tough to be a Bug, I just knew my dd wouldn't like it.

I always try to sit as near to the aisle as possible in these situations. That way, I'm not stepping on 20 people on my way out. Also, I bring distractions for the baby/toddler. One of those keychain flashlights works wonders. I light up her hand, my leg, the floor and the baby stops fussing and plays with that. I also bring the binki along. I have had to leave a couple of shows (Hall of Presidents, Tiki Room, the old Lion King show in MK). Sometimes, if I know it is a loud show, I just wait outside with the baby while my husband takes my older daughter in. We go every year, so I can handle skipping a show here and there - I know I'll see it again.
If you're concerned your child may get scared on a certain ride/attraction ask the CM as you get in line.They'll be more than happy to let you know where the escape route is!


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