Fairy Godmother question


I want to go on a cruise! I want to move to sunny
Apr 28, 2001
Do you need to arrange for them to come in advance of leaving home or can you call when you get down there and arrange for a sitter?
Do they have a web site?
Anyone have their phone number?
I booked ours about 6-8 weeks before we went. I just wanted to make sure we got what we wanted! I did call them upon our arrival to confirm our date!:jester:
My 9 year old daughter was not behaving at all the first couple days of our trip. I kept threatening to get a sitter. She didn't believe me, just kept giving me that "Yeah, right!" look. Well, one morning I had had enough. I called down to the front desk (we were staying at the Dolphon), they transferred me to someone who had the number to Fairy Godmothers. I called them & a Fairy Godmother was in our hotel room to watch my daughter within an hour. We left my daughter with her for 4 hours while we went to Disney/MGM Studios.

I left the rest of our party & went back to the hotel to retrieve my daughter after the 4 hours were up. While she really liked the Fairy Godmother (they had gone to lunch at Tubby's, FG's are CPR certified so I OK'd here watching my daughter swim, etc.), my daughter behaved better than she ever had the rest of the trip.

They are great!!
Thanks for the info. Since I don't know when we will be dining out, I don't really see the point in calling ahead.
DH and I are really looking forward to a nice dinner (or 2) alone. DD will turn 8 months old on our trip and we have only been out 1 time by ourselves!
She is not a particularly easy baby, so I haven't wanted to burden family to babysit. Haven't gotten around to finding an actual babysitter yet.
She won't even let us go out to eat and take her with us. She starts fussing the moment we get there.
Can you tell we are really looking forward to this vacation?

Just someting to think about.If your DD has never had a sitter, even someone that she knows, being alone in a strange place with someone she does not know might be a bit too much for her. Eight months is the age that babies hit that stranger anxiety and really start to object to people they are not used to. It might be a good idea to leave her with someone at home a few times before you try out the sitter situation in a new place with someone she does not know. If she stays with a family member or a friend a few times in her own home and sees that mommy comes back and she will be fine, it might help her at WDW. Just wanted to perhaps help make the night out go better for you. Have a great trip.

jordan's mom
Denine -

Another option - wait until close to bedtime to go out. We are having our fairy godmother come over at 8:00 pm. We are lucky that our DS will normally go to sleep around 7:30 pm if we put him down (he will stay up if we let him but one the one night I am putting him in bed at 7:30). I know that it may not be the easiest for him to have the fairy godmother but you need to have something that you look forward to as well. We are planning on hitting the parks hard and then going to Pleasure Island for a short bit. Sometimes with difficult children we need to just let go a bit. Our DS is difficult to deal with and we try hard to not put him out or put others out who would have to watch him. However, the one night we take for ourselves, I refuse to feel guilty and we all survive when it does happen. Enjoy yourself and have a super trip!


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