family trip in May (done!)

OT: My DD(6) just asked me "Mom when you were a little girl a long, long, long, long, long time ago did you go to the beach?" :rotfl: How old does she think I am?:confused3 :rotfl:

LOL--when I was a kid I asked my Mom if she came from Missouri in a covered wagon . . .. .
Today was a moving day from Hades, and Eamon is next to me on the couch in our new living room, completely passed out, waiting for Robert to get back (where the heck IS he?) from returning his brother's van.

And we have internet access here now (obviously) so I'm typing and I'm thinking....and all the good memories are now overlaying the negative stuff.

We did FINALLY get a silhouette done of Eamon! It was our last thing that we did, on our way out of the park. The lady who did it caught a fairly good image of him, and was brilliant with him. They have a framed collage of stickers of Disney characters, and as she cut out the silhouette she asked him to look at it and find Nemo, or whoever, and she was so FAST! I was very very happy we finally got that done. :yay:

Soon I'm going to have to spend time getting my 18 million pictures off of my memory cards (aha, there's Roberto!) and online, so I can do a proper report!

Until then y'all can deal with my scattered thoughts. :goodvibes
Looking forward to your report, Molly! I am glad that the yucky moving day is behind you now!
Thanks Daisy. We still have a bunch of stuff to pack and move, but nothing big or heavy, like yesterday...yesterday we had ONE friend show up and at the last minute we hired two movers and a truck. Today it's random dishes, kitchen appliances, crystal, clothes from the bedroom still, one bathroom, stuff from the closets in one room...the TV, blah blah blah. It'll be a long day, but nothing crazy like yesterday.

Of course then there's the cleaning. :headache:

So for now we're running up to our local breakfast place!
I keep checking back here to see if your trip report is up yet. Looking forward to it!

Isn't it weird how you can take a trip, and it seems like the bad parts are foremost at first, then after a couple of days, the best of it comes back and overall you realize it was really a fun time?

Moving is such a grunt. I hope you get settled in and comfortable soon!
Molly--I so enjoyed meeting you, Eamon and Robert! I didn't realize that you still had the move before you when you got back!

I'll be looking forward to reading your trip report too.

Can't wait to read your trip report. You are always so helpful on the boards that I know it will be good (hope I'm not freaking you out with my expectations :goodvibes ).

It's also good to hear from someone from Tacoma. I grew up in Puyallup and went to college in Tacoma (well, Parkland--PLU but close enough!). In fact, in your pre-trip report I even know the farmer's market you are referencing (I worked last summer in a building with the farmer's market was right outside my door). I'll be back in Tacoma everyday now too as I'll be working for the courts in Pierce County (good ole Tacoma Ave. :lmao: )! Too bad the only Sounder FROM Seattle leaves at 5:30am! *Ha, would rather be on the bus.*

I'm waiting with popcorn ready. popcorn::
Well, we're still moving. This is horrible.

My friend semi-bailed on us watching E yesterday, which made things really slow. I say "semi" b/c she's a really vague person, and she was being more vague than usual, and it sounded like she had several obligations, and when E said that he didn't want her to watch him, she decided that was it (funny that she doesn't take his opinion into account any OTHER time). So it was HARD yesterday.

Today Robert was talking with our landlady and she offered up her teenage daughter for babysitting, so that was great, but we're still not done. And since we won't be done by 9am tomorrow, that means we have to pay the pro-rated rent for today and tomorrow. SUCK.

Good news: while moving, I found our film camera. So that means we found our digital camera that I had lost back in late September, and now the film one as well. Making the Canon I bought a bit silly!!! The film camera was in the silliest place, too...not as silly as the digital camera's spot (inside my rocking chair recliner), but still silly! (hanging craft/wrapping paper/gift bag plastic thing)
Here's another "not to do" NOT let your new 4 year old settle in for the long wait for the Jedi Training Academy without first going to the bathroom. It will make for heartbreak when s/he stands up to cheer and the urge hits...
Molly, can't wait to hear more and see pictures!!!!
Don't feel bad about the moving thing...I moved home with mom last June 24 and my things are still in the rented storage spaces and all over the house.
Let's see.....before I started my post-return rambling, we were in San Diego. The trip was uneventful, but the combo of the way there and back made us realize that Jet Blue and our family just isn't a good fit. We longed for Southwest.

The main reason we longed for SW was b/c if we had booked with them, we would have canceled the trip. Until shortly before we left, I thought that the new $100 change fee would apply to us, and that was crazy. Too late I found out that since we had booked before the change, the fee would have only been $40 each (though we would have totally lost the reward ticket I was using)...

On the way back the JB agents and flight attendants were just, well, stupid. And no one made jokes during the safety spiel. No more Jet Blue for us!

But we landed safe and sound, we were picked up, we got to brother's place and went to sleep after quite a bit of chatting.

Next morning dawned gloomy and rainy. No Seaworld for us! Long day of nothing much to do, darn it.

But Saturday was nice, and we went to Seaworld before anyone could change their minds.

As I mentioned before, the five of us ended up seeing the Pets Rule show and the dolphin show, and Robert and I saw the Shamu Believe show together while the sib and his wifey watched the wee bairn. We also saw penguins, went through the Arctic exhibit (we never go on the motion side, and we don't even sit through the film, we just walk on through to the beasties). Managed to steer E away from the seaworld swords (why do they have swords?), didn't see the Bud Clydesdales, saw the sharks, and various other things. Nice day.

Good uncle and auntie:


I guess it was the anniversary of the penguins!


Silly boys.


More auntie-cuteness.


LOL, on that day that she was wearing long sleeves, long pants, that coat, a scarf and a hat, I was wearing a cotton skirt and cotton top, and was broiling in them.

Went home, had dinner, chatted, drank some excellent Firestone IPA (beer) with my brother, everyone went to sleep.
On Sunday, we were off to Disneyland. We left later than intended, because, well, I'm not sure exactly sure why. Seemed odd to just rush off.

Got into town after a fairly quick trip, and had dinner at Mimi's after checking in.

The server won points (and tips) for recognizing that we would all be subbing veggie burgers when we asked about doing so for DS (they would have been happy to sub a veggie patty in the kid's meal burger), and when Eamon said he wanted watermelon with his grilled cheese, she brought 3 or 4 HUGE pieces of it. E ate all of the watermelon.


The veggie burgers were delicious, and their 100% trans-fat free fries were very good as well.

When we got back to the hotel I was stuffed (even though I only had half of my meal) and thought about lying down. The boys went out to the pool (living dangerously). After they went, toocherie and I chatted by phone, and even though I continued to think about skipping the DVC thing for the opportunity to pass out, I decided to go.

For some ridiculous reason I decided I needed to look "cute" (toocherie and califgirl can keep to themselves whether or not I succeeded, LOL, but really, nothing says NOT CUTE like hobbling over b/c you wore stupid shoes) and wore what should have been comfy shoes. They were not. I have already mentioned the glory that were my blisters, that are still giving me pain and annoyance. Had to have Robert pick me up from Paradise Pier.

On the way out of the hotel area, I saw my itsy baby doing this!


Possibly need to stop calling him an itsy baby, if he's decided he can swim, eh?

On the walk, I noticed this behind a fence:


Even though I was wearing stupid shoes, the walk from the garden pool at HoJo to taking a picture once outside GCH on my way to PP was just about 25 minutes. (down harbor, through security, across and out the other side, into DTD, through GCH, cross the street) Just about 25 minutes to do all that damage. Wild.

The DVC presentation was fun (free wine and pins! and I got to see in person the happy girl from the DVC DVD) and it was nice to meet the Dis'ers. :goodvibes

After the presentation, I called Robert to come get me, and they picked me up in our borrowed chariot.

Good night!
Yay for the start of the Trippie! I gotta just use that word as much as possible now....for some annoying reason....

Trippie, trippee, trippee, trippee, trippee......

Looking forward to reading more....:cool1:
Great start, Molly!
Eamon really looks grown up!

I am sorry that you hurt your feet. Before Crocs, a trip to Disney meant agonizing foot pain. I am so glad those days are over!:thumbsup2

That is not a bad walk from Hojo's to the DVC thingy. Although, with hurt feet it probably felt a lot longer.

Looking forward to more trip reporting!:cool1:
I'll do a bit more. Hubby's at the old place (across the street) frantically packing up everything he can and Eamon is exhausted but is busy being angry and I don't want to deal with the bedtime drama yet.

Monday morning dawned early, and we got out of the hotel and to the gates at a good clip.

I'm adding in a story here, b/c I forgot it until I went to talk about the 28th. Whoopsie!

We actually got to the parks on the 26th early! The gates were open, but the park wasn't. Wow, in time for rope drop!

Of course, we weren't FIRST there, so we couldn't, you know, SEE rope drop, but we knew it was happening.

While waiting on Main Street, behind many other people, we met the nicest extended family from Idaho. It was their first trip in a long time, and one of their daughters was back at City Hall getting birthday buttons for herself and one of her kids. We talked about pin trading (R was wearing his lanyard) and all sorts of stuff. They were just kind folk, that's the easiest way to describe them; can't imagine them ever being snarky or sarcastic or anything like that. We liked them.

We heard the brouhaha of rope drop, and finally started moving forward. Waves did indeed split off and go towards Nemo, but we did not.

End of edit!

This was the oh so enormous line for Dumbo (everyone was either rushing for Nemo or going for Peter Pan first (always first)).




Is it just me or does he look a bit like Cast Member Maynard here?


Ruh roh, I'm forgetting what was next. Will have to consult my notes (yes, notes, don't mock me, the notebook was in my Baggalini, it's not like I was carrying it around outside of the bag. much.) and get back to this!

Plus E has calmed down and might be convinced that tooth-brushing is good.
Whoopsie, he fell asleep on the couch.

OK so the drama is done for the evening, hubby is still working at the old place (I was having extreme anxiety attacks this morning about continuing the move, did I mention that? So hubby is working way harder than he should, to keep me OK) and I found my handy dandy (omg she's really going there isn't she?) notebook!

Turns out we went on Carrousel next, and after that we wanted to meet Toocherie for the new Indy show, so we made our way over (the long way, in hopes of being Dreamed near Woody's Round-up (as an FYI we were absolutely UNsuccessful in being Dreamed for the whole trip)). We were a little early so we got in line for Jungle Cruise, but just as we were in front (back) of the store, where the rope netting separates you from a stolen rubber snake or plush monkey, there must have been a ride stop b/c we were just standing and standing and standing there. Time was ticking away, and we got out of line for Indy's sake.

Met up with the ladies and waited for the show! Eamon tried to be brave by sitting up front (no parents allowed, by the way, not like Crush) but ultimately got spooked and found me. Poor kid; he doesn't really even go to storytime at the library, so he's NOT used to dramatic stuff being acted out in front of him. None of the other kids seemed afraid, but I'm glad he wasn't ashamed that he was afraid, and was comfortable just leaving the area (I would never have left, even if I had been brave enough to sit alone in the first place, I would have just sat there being quietly terrified).

Now for more pictures!

After waiting in the courtyard area, we got to wait under the canopy for awhile. I never saw the Aladdin/Jasmine storytime, but I hear it's just the same. Since it was all new to me, I'll post my pix.

View of a JC boat. I never realized they had names!


I switched back and forth between natural light and the flash, but didn't really capture what my eyes saw. If you combine the two you can get an idea. It was really pretty, in my opinion. Then again, I wanted to be super-wealthy so I could have a Moroccan sort of group of tents for my wedding reception, but had to deal with just one big white tent, so I'm a little biased towards the pretty multi-colored tents!








Eamon being brave. I'll admit I was a little helicoptery (left our primo seats to sit closer to the front), but hey, it was a big crowd and he had never done anything like that before!

Ok, slightly :offtopic: . In your report you mentioned your Baggalini bag. How do you like it? Which one did you get? I've narrowed down my bag options between a Baggalini and a Sherpani bag. For some reason this is a harder decision for me then picking out my hotel! [over-thinker much?] So..when you have time [insert Molly's laugh here] I'd love to read a report from the field!

Shawna ::MinnieMo
The show was OK. The kid participation is really only for the older kids or the very very brave; those able to follow instructions perfectly. Eamon didn't even put his hand up, it was all too real for him! Though I think if it had been the Alladin show he would have been fine...the familiar Cave of Wonders is OK, but a scary tiger god cave is not! :rotfl:

From there we went to River Belle Terrace for a brunch. E had the Mickey pancake, and Robert and I shared something that was good and filling.

Wandered to and fro, and needed a bathroom break right around Rancho del Zocalo, so I snapped these shots while waiting for the boys (they had taken their own shots, rifle shots that is, at the target-shooting place while waiting for me).




From there we wandered to Star Tours (coolest ride on the earth!!!), and as we left the tour vehicle I took both their hands in happy anticipation of making them happy with the light sabers. And aha, the BYO light saber area is directly ahead of the ST exit! Took hubby a moment to see it, and DS didn't really get it, but soon they became very happy.

Eamon wanted a Luke saber, but the new handle, and with BLUE. I guess that's opposite of the story; his first (Anakin's, that Obi Won passes to Luke?) is blue, but his second is green? I dunno, but they had much discussion about it. It was decided that Robert did not get a saber, as he "is" Han Solo, and of course Han isn't a Jedi. Therefore, Han, er, Robert, got a bright red blaster.

Backing up...Eamon hasn't seen Indiana Jones (though he's seen the current advertising, and he says Indiana with a long, soft A that is SO cute) and doesn't realize that Indy is Han. :)

So they left happy.

Went on Buzz, where I only got 1000 points more than my 4 year old (it was his birthday that day, by the way), but Robert blew us out of the water.

Then over to Pirates, where E was very very brave, and on to Blue Bayou!

He couldn't wait and scooped up some of his b'day ice cream.


It was good ice cream! The rest of the meal was, well, a BB meal. Rolls and salad were good, the place was dark, our shared entree was yucky for me (but hubby loved his) and it was all way too expensive. Oh well!

And after THAT, we headed towards the hotel! On our way, however, we saw:


ooohhh, I'm so glad that the trip report is starting! And what a great start. Your "little" boy looks like he is expanding his horizons pretty well, swimming, sitting in the front without mom. You go Eamon (not to fast though, us moms always need some time to adjust to the growing up :) )!! Your pics of the tent are wonderful. I really like the one where you can see all the different billows. How pretty. Keep the story coming, I can't wait to hear the rest.
Daisybelle, you snuck in there!

I have the messenger bag, in pink b/c it was on super-clearance from REI. I like it. But I realized that it's most comfy when REALLY cinched up and worn above my waist instead of down more, where it's easier to get things out of it.

And I'm a bit annoyed at it because one morning or evening while taking a warm shower, I thought "hmm is the inside of my arm sunburned?" but it was actually a whole bunch of scrapes, that it turned out were made by my arm hitting against the velcro of the side pocket! I didn't even feel it happening, but it was ugly! Looked like I'd been "cutting" or something.

But other than that I'm pleased with it. I use it as a camera bag as well, so I don't toss it around, and it works well for me.


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