Ferris Patrick Martin 6lbs 11ounces 19in 10:50pm

Oooooo-been having password troubles and have been waiting all week to have a chance to fix this so I could say------WAY TO GO and CONGRATS! A new dear sweet healthy baby boy! AHhhhhhh!!! I am sooo happy for all you.
Congratulations, Julie and Corey!!!! As a Mom of twins, here's my advice (unsolicited of course):

1. Accept help from family and friends! Its ok to take breaks and take care of yourself too. If its possible to get help overnight once in awhile so you can sleep-- take it!! This is something I really wish I had done. One of my twins didn't sleep thru the night until 10months!! The other did at 8 weeks. Either way, sleep is at a premium.

2. Try to keep up a date night where you and Corey go out without the kids and just be a couple. This is really important, because sometimes you can get so involved in being a parent that you forget how to be a couple. This is one of those things you may think "won't happen to me" but it's alot of work to be a new mom, and it will take up the majority of your energy.

I realize I was mostly talking to Julie here, but its just who I relate to being a Mom myself. Julie-- don't feel guilty about going out and getting your hair done or your nails done or going shopping for yourself. The "mom guilt" will always be there, but again, taking care of yourself is important too. A happy mom means a happy home!

Congrats again, you are on one of the most beautiful and heartwrenching journeys in life. :goodvibes

--Karen, Mom of 5 yr old twins Kate and Emma
Congrats to Corey and Julie!
i was so happy when i heard that Julie had her baby!
best wishes!
Ferris is so adorable (i saw the pic on facebook)

princesskelz tokio hotel is awesome
I'm so behind but wanted to wish Julie, Corey, and Feris well!! Congratulations!!
Congratulations !!!

Clearly I am late to say it - I am behind on listening to my podcasts, and plus I rarely post on this board (I would like to post more often but I don't have much time during the day while at work to be posting!)

Best wishes to Corey, Julie and little Ferris. I may have to try and find you on Facebook just to see pictures. :sunny:
Congrats! Our 7 month old just completed her 3rd trip. She is more impressed with the constant ruckus than the characters though. haha


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