"Fine print" on the magic bands

I have started packing up for our vacation; we'll be in FL on Saturday! As I was packing our magic bands, I discovered a flyer in the bottom of the magic band box, underneath the cardboard inserts that hold the bands. It talks about radio frequency technology and issues warnings about the magic bands to people who have an implantable pacemaker or ICD (cardioverter-defibrillator). Apparently radio frequency transmitters (which is what the magic band is) can interfere with the functioning of these medical devices. They warn you to keep your magic band at leas 9" away from your device, not to put your mb in your chest pocket, and to contact both your doctor and your device manufacturer for more information. The insert also recommends that people using other medical devices such as insulin pumps, neurostimulators, hearing aids, etc., to contact the manufacturer and their doctor for information about their devices in the presence of RFID.

Maybe it's just Disney playing CYA, but really, why are we going along with this? Are the magic bands really safe? In a world where schools ban peanuts to keep one kid safe, it surprises me that Disney would be so widely distributing and employing devices that potentially interfere with pacemakers, etc. I'd surely be thinking twice about going to Disney if I, or a loved one, had a pacemaker.

You don't understand the technology - of either - RFID bands or pacemakers. It is not new technology and it is very safe
I didn't take it as insensitive - it sounded to me like they're saying other institutions take steps to protect even one person from risk and they found it odd that a large venue like disney didn't seem as careful.

Isn't Disney doing exactly that by including the warning in every box they ship?
I wear a RFID card every day for work to get into and out of the building. They don't know where I am inside it, but they know if I've entered or left and what time I did that.

you can track assets by location with RFID.
I didn't take it as insensitive - it sounded to me like they're saying other institutions take steps to protect even one person from risk and they found it odd that a large venue like disney didn't seem as careful.

This is not directed at you, or the OP, but Disney cannot possibly be mindful of every condition that exists. With the millions of people that visit Disney every year, they will encounter every allergy, medical condition, phobia, etc. If they eliminated all of those risks from the parks, there would be nothing left! It is the responsibility of the people with these issues to research and understand what they might encounter.
Your sensitivity is astounding! Glad that one kid dying isn't worth trying to protect!

But no worries- just try and figure out if RFID is safe. A technology that's been around for 20 some years.

I didn't take it as insensitive - it sounded to me like they're saying other institutions take steps to protect even one person from risk and they found it odd that a large venue like disney didn't seem as careful.

Thanks for putting words in my mouth, Mum23. I never said that one kid isn't worth trying to protect; YOU read that into my statement. Mikie has it right; I was pointing out that we ARE willing to take the steps necessary to insure the safety of even just one child, so why is Disney willing to take chances with the RFID?

Thanks, Mikie, for not jumping to unsubstantiated conclusions!
I think there is no issue with the Magic Bands and the notice is CYA.

RFID has been around for many years but remember that the standard department store RFID is passive meaning it does nothing until it reaches a scanner like the bars near the exit door.

Magic Bands also have Active RFID which has a battery to transmit all the time. That type is not as common.

So if you have a pacemaker and you walk through the doors at a department store with the theft detection bars wouldn't the pacemaker also get messed up?
perhaps they should mail them out wrapped in foil so if people have an issue with them they can at least use the foil to make a new hat :)
RFID is definitely not new. It dates back to 1973, yep 41 years. It's used in everything including bank cards, security systems, tracking of goods and even highway electronic toll systems. There are 2 major standards bodies and 20 standards governing RFID tags and they must be adhered to for a product to be allowed for use. Yes, those standards include active RFID output and use around medical devices.

And remember RF means radio frequency. You cell phone puts out more radiation than a RFID tag as does your wifi router. Every electronic device in your house puts out rf radiation. And yet they are all considered safe and put out more radiation than RFID tags.

Really, stop saying they are a new technology, they are not. Stop saying they are a danger because they aren't. RFID is a very well known, standardized and regulated technology. Disney lawyers are simply using CYA because of how litigious people that's all. By the way, read the fine print in most electronics manuals then head to the cave.
It tells us to contact the manufacturer. So you can find out the specifics of the exact device you have. That's excellent advice. They don't say "this will harm you", they say "find out for your situation".
Actually I also wear an RFID device every day for work. I have for years and work never gave a disclaimer. I assume a company this size plus all the other companies I know that do this (my fathers does as well as a few co-op jobs I had in college) that none of these companies have had employees with a pace maker. And since at all those companies most people wear the badge on a lanyard that leaves the badge close to their chest, I can't imagine that RFID signals are that much of an issue.
If you're worried about the rfid don't think about the fact that as you stand in the crowd for rope drop there are thousands of people around you and most of them have a radio device turned on in their pocket or purse. All of which are transmitting at orders of magnitude stronger power than the rfid. Also don't think about how you are getting blasted by all the tv and radio stations transmitting 24x7x365. Or the wi-fi radios all over the park. Or the GPS satellites. Or all the cast member radios. Or the rfid in your passport. Or the transmitter in the key fob for your car. Or the rest of the long list I could place here.

Don't worry about it. You'll put yourself in an institution from the worrying.


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