For those who said you feel like crap when you first give up carbs/sugar...


Make a miracle!
Aug 18, 1999
You were sooooo right. I don't know if I can stand feeling this way for up to a week. I feel like I need to just be in bed. Did anyone else have it this bad??? Does anything help?
According to Dr Atkins, taking 500 Mg of L-Glutamine before each meal helps defeat the sugar cravings....but I have not had them yet.

Good Luck!
I didn't have any ill effects at all when I started Atkins. I suppose I was lucky. I understand a lot of people have sugar withdrawal.
Hang in there Liz -- it DOES get better sweetie! I actually felt 'flu like' the first week and could barely get thru work before I was on the couch for the evening. (I guess that means that we had the sugar addiction REAL bad;) ). After the first week I gradually began to feel better. And by the second week I felt better than EVER! It's worth it Liz -- just stick it out.
It may be the caffeinated diet Pepsi that I gave up at the same time that I'm having the most problem with - oh the headache. Now THAT I know I was MAJOR addicted to. I keep thinking "is it so bad?????"
Liz -- I've read on another board where some people find it easier to do induction over 3 or more weeks. The first week they will give up the sugar -- and the next week the caffeine - so it is not so much of a shock all at once on their body. If the headaches are real bad (sounds like they are) how about taking a glass and putting in half regular diet pepsi and half of decafinated for a week and gradually decrease the regular and increase the decaf. After that you can switch from decaf diet pepsi to diet rite if the sweetner in diet pepsi stalls you.

Good Luck!
That's a good idea, spreading it out like that.


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