Free Covid Home Test program resuming Monday

My cousin just posted on Facebook, covid round 3, 2 weeks of fever, vomiting, headache and extreme dizziness (walking with a cane). She’s in her late 60’s. Why do people assume it presents as a cold for everyone? Maybe some have very small social circles?

i think for some it was the way it presented for them so they just assumed? i know it did'nt present that way for any of us in our household and it presented in 3 different manners for the 4 of us. with 2 of us (dh and i) i think had it not been for the fact that we have a disabled adult child that although he had much milder symptoms than us we took turns (shifts) and pushed ourselves to make sure he was taking in hydration and food we may have been in a dangerous situation b/c it hit us like a freight train of exhaustion and all we wanted to do was sleep, never stirring unless forced to take in some water/some food. i knew of one person who had passed away from covid prior to our contracting it and her family felt (still feels) tremendous guilt b/c they thought she was just 'sleeping it off' as she (and they and so many others) had done throughout their lives with colds, minor viruses and the like. they had previously had covid w/very minor cold like symptoms so they would check in with her by phone and she would mumble that she was fine, just taking a nap, feeling better-never a clue to them that she had the brain numbing fog that some of us experienced and slipping right back to sleep for what they later realized when she stopped answering the phone had been days on end without food and hydration.

hits different people different ways.
My cousin just posted on Facebook, covid round 3, 2 weeks of fever, vomiting, headache and extreme dizziness (walking with a cane). She’s in her late 60’s. Why do people assume it presents as a cold for everyone? Maybe some have very small social circles?
People are still dying of it, too. Mostly elderly, and I'm not so much worried about myself at this point, but I don't want to bring it to my parents or grandmother.
tests ordered :)

DH has had Covid 3 times...............last was very mild, just cold symptoms, which is good for him since he has no immune system
Not sure why everyone is so worked up about Covid and testing. It’s basically the common cold now. Does everyone run around looking for flu or RSV testing? Both are a lot more dangerous, especially for the elderly, than Covid now.
If I am feeling seriously ill, I get tested to find out what it is so I can get the correct treatment. Why waste time trying a bunch of OTC medications that may do nothing if there is a specific treatment that will help me get well? I wish there were home tests for the flu and RSV as well as Covid. I would prefer to just call the doctor and give her the test results and have her call in a prescription than go sit in a waiting room where I might pick up other germs on top of what is already making me sick.

My sister had Covid for the first time in July and missed two weeks of work as a result. She didn’t develop classic Covid symptoms right away, so she didn’t test right away. It was too late to start Paxlovid by the time she had a positive test. She said she was miserable and will be testing at the first sign of any type of symptoms, especially heading into the flu and RSV season, so she can be treated right away.

Testing is just a tool so you know what you are dealing with, nothing more. I ordered my batch of tests today. The timing is perfect, as I was at WDW last week and could have been exposed to many things. I’m not going to hide away in isolation for the rest of my life, but I will take advantage of any opportunity to improve my health, including home testing when available.
Since 2021 we have not been without access to free home tests. I would be all for testing at every sniffle if we had easy access to anti-virals here in Canada. Alas, they are only prescribed for people with compromised immune systems or some comorbidities. The primary use now is to determine what and who you should be staying away from.
Great...if you don't want it then I guess don't go out. The rest of us need to live life even if we have a cold. That's just completely absurd. I'm not coughing in anyone's face by any means. But you can't expect people to just hide at home with even a sniffle. That's crazy. I suggest grocery pick up so you don't have to interact with people if you feel this strongly.

Don’t worry I take precautions because I know others are selfish and don’t care that what may be a “cold” to them could be deadly to someone else.
Wow. Some of these responses remind me of why I stay away from people which has nothing to do with covid. Glad some seem to think going out and about while sick, regardless of the culprit, is fine.

Luv, thanks for posting.
With all due respect, doesn't it come down to the definition of "sick"? You wake up with some congestion. Are you "sick" and you should stay home or wait and see if it clears up? Should you take allergy medicine and see if it clears up?
You're in the grocery store and you hear someone sneeze. Are they "sick" and they should have stayed home? Or is it possible they just got some kind of irritation in their nose.

You're at the mall and someone starts coughing. Are they sick or did they have a piece of food or some liquid "go down the wrong way"?

I have a feeling there are people here (not referring to anyone in particular) who feel if one has a sniffle, a slight sore throat, or any of the many other symptoms, should just stay in bed, REGARDLESS of what caused it. Allergies? Stay in bed? Yelling at the sporting event the night before? Stay in bed.
With all due respect, doesn't it come down to the definition of "sick"? You wake up with some congestion. Are you "sick" and you should stay home or wait and see if it clears up? Should you take allergy medicine and see if it clears up?
You're in the grocery store and you hear someone sneeze. Are they "sick" and they should have stayed home? Or is it possible they just got some kind of irritation in their nose.

You're at the mall and someone starts coughing. Are they sick or did they have a piece of food or some liquid "go down the wrong way"?

I have a feeling there are people here (not referring to anyone in particular) who feel if one has a sniffle, a slight sore throat, or any of the many other symptoms, should just stay in bed, REGARDLESS of what caused it. Allergies? Stay in bed? Yelling at the sporting event the night before? Stay in bed.

I do agree. It's a decision I have to make when going to work; hence, why I think it's important to test for COVID. Like it or not, many of us have no choice but to go to work if we've got the sniffles and symptoms of a cold. People have been going to work for EONS with cold symptoms. The common cold is contagious, but it's actually not that contagious and hand hygiene and control symptoms goes a long way to not spreading it. It doesn't spread like COVID. So, if I've got a cold, and I truly know it's just a cold, I will go into the office because I have to walk that line of job performance. If I know I've got COVID, I won't go into the office period because I know how transmissable it is.

But anyway, I was agreeing with you that it's not the reality for most people that they can hunker down indoors for any and every illness. In a perfect world? Sure.
With all due respect, doesn't it come down to the definition of "sick"? You wake up with some congestion. Are you "sick" and you should stay home or wait and see if it clears up? Should you take allergy medicine and see if it clears up?
You're in the grocery store and you hear someone sneeze. Are they "sick" and they should have stayed home? Or is it possible they just got some kind of irritation in their nose.

You're at the mall and someone starts coughing. Are they sick or did they have a piece of food or some liquid "go down the wrong way"?

I have a feeling there are people here (not referring to anyone in particular) who feel if one has a sniffle, a slight sore throat, or any of the many other symptoms, should just stay in bed, REGARDLESS of what caused it. Allergies? Stay in bed? Yelling at the sporting event the night before? Stay in bed.

I think everyone knows what it means to be sick. There are those who choose to ignore it and go about life. I had a coworker who was out sick one day and came to work obviously still sick but said it was “just a head cold” because they tested negative.* Thankfully she was sent home. Like I said I don’t care what mild cold you think you have. Stay home.

*She tested positive that afternoon.
With all due respect, doesn't it come down to the definition of "sick"? You wake up with some congestion. Are you "sick" and you should stay home or wait and see if it clears up? Should you take allergy medicine and see if it clears up?
You're in the grocery store and you hear someone sneeze. Are they "sick" and they should have stayed home? Or is it possible they just got some kind of irritation in their nose.

You're at the mall and someone starts coughing. Are they sick or did they have a piece of food or some liquid "go down the wrong way"?

I have a feeling there are people here (not referring to anyone in particular) who feel if one has a sniffle, a slight sore throat, or any of the many other symptoms, should just stay in bed, REGARDLESS of what caused it. Allergies? Stay in bed? Yelling at the sporting event the night before? Stay in bed.
Oh good grief.
I am in my mid 60s, so I’m old & have chronic health issues. I’ve had plenty of colds & flu in my life, had RSV last October. I had Covid for the first time in July. It was NOT a cold. Lucky you that yours was cold like. It’s not the same for everyone. Many people get much sicker, myself included.
My husband and our grown children all caught Covid in August 2021. For us, Covid was not as bad as a summer cold. A few of us took hydroxychloroquine, a few took Ivermectin. We were well w/in 3-5 days. None of the grandchildren got sick.
Wow. Some of these responses remind me of why I stay away from people which has nothing to do with covid. Glad some seem to think going out and about while sick, regardless of the culprit, is fine.

Luv, thanks for posting.
I had hoped that after surviving the worst of the pandemic, people would least mask in public while they are sick. Like the Japanese people do. Nopers.

More OT, I ordered my tests!
I placed my order in about 60 seconds, easy-peasy.

As to the debate over how severe or not severe Covid is rumbling back to life on here, just stop already. We know Covid affects different people in different ways. I've had it *extremely badly,* and I've had a mild case. That's why this virus is so insidious. It's like a dice roll as to how sick you can get. Debating it will only get the thread closed because it will inevitable devolve like it always does. :badpc:
I look at this like flu tests - I'd love to have one of those for at home tests, too. It would be great to know immediately if something needs strong antivirals or if it's a ride-it-out low level virus.

So, I've got Covid tests ordered, and I'd love for someone to create at home flu tests (and if they have, let me know where I can get them)...


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