Frustrated and Need a Hug

Thanks for all the hugs, everyone. Yes, first world problems for sure, but when you get invested in the process it just hits ya hard. I study user experience for a living (basically, how much "delight" does using a website, or an app, or a process, or anything bring to the user), and I am shocked that anyone at Disney finds this to be a UX that brings joy.

I'm in the process of regrouping, and, in the immortal words of Tim Gunn, I'll make it work!
Fcdub, you are so right, and try as we will to explain that, most first-timers will come away mad and frustrated for spending a lot of money on a Disney trip and then spend most of their time standing in lines and not eating at the awesome restaurants.
I guess it's a double edged sword, planning is needed but not necessary.
But no one HAS to do all those things. There's a mentality perpetuated by this board – especially when venting about how their friends "just don't get it" – that makes it overwhelming. Some people want to just show up and go on rides and don't care about to-the-minute planning.

And some people show up at the park without plans and are completely disappointed and overwhelmed. I know several people who went to WDW with no planning and came back unhappy. They are the one and done who don't know any better. They alway look at me shocked that I keep going. I always respond with proper planning it is wonderful. I can go to the parks and just walk around and enjoy myself but not over the holiday's or Spring break when it is wall to wall people. I do not enjoy that at all.

The OP is not complaining because she did not get something she planned for or one of her "must-does" is not available or that her trip is now ruined. She's frustrated because the rules changed mid planning.

I know how much difference a good plan can make and how frustrating WDW can make planning.
I sympathize with you completely, OP. I am in the same situation. I have a split stay that I made in January. At the time I made the reservation (prior to the new rules obviously) I had a lengthy conversation with the CM about having one FP window, and how I would not choose a split stay if this meant two separate windows. I was assured I would be fine and that I would be able to book all my FPs when my first reservation window opened. So, yes, I can see how you feel like the rug was pulled out from underneath you. We also only make it to Disney about every 3 years, and this may be our last trip at all, so I was counting on being able to get FPs for SDD and FOP. Also, if I changed my reservation at this point, I would lose out on the promotion I booked, so changing to a single resort is not really an option for me.
I know several have said not to worry about it and that things will be okay. And they are probably right. But that doesn't help when you have done everything right and now have lost the advantage you originally bargained for. For those that are saying "don't worry," and "no need to overplan," that may be fine for some groups but it is not for everyone. Different people have different situations like young children or health issues that mean they can't stand in line for an hour, or stay at the parks until closing.
I'm hoping this will all work out okay in the end for people that have legitimate split stays. I guess time will tell. Let's keep hoping for the best!
But no one HAS to do all those things. There's a mentality perpetuated by this board – especially when venting about how their friends "just don't get it" – that makes it overwhelming. Some people want to just show up and go on rides and don't care about to-the-minute planning.

Yes, this. There is a definitely more to planning a Disney trip than planning a trip to your local zoo. But there is absolutely no reason why anyone has to have touring plans, multiple ADRs, fast passes, etc. You can go with none of that and still have an amazing time. For many people, all of the planning is what makes it stressful and not worth it.

I, too, have read so many posts here about others who "don't get it" or people stressed about going with others who want to sleep in, or who don't want to do things the way they want to do them. And even though I am a planner, I can tell you that going with a family who thinks that Disney done their way is the only way is absolutely no fun.

We have learned to be less militant with our Disney trips and we might not be able to check as many things off of our list, but we enjoy the overall experience more.
I was able to get FOP and SDD at exactly 60 and 61 days out for my stay over the Christmas holidays. I was so astonished that it was even possible to get them over the holidays that I kept checking my account to make sure it wasn't an error. If that's possible, I see no reason you won't be able to get them on your trip. You may have to be flexible about the timing. There's still lots to do and see without having to do all of the top attractions. No vacation will ever be perfect and not everything will always go right and if you go in expecting that and assuming that the vacation will be a disaster if it doesn't go perfectly, it won't be a good vacation no matter what happens because you'll be on edge the entire time.

We had a few trips over several years after TSMM opened where we didn't get on it because lines were so long and even the lines to get fastpasses were long (this was before online fastpasses). It didn't ruin my vacation; we substituted something else, spent time together, relaxed in the pool, walked around, looked in the shops, watched various street acts and parades, etc. FOP is great but a 2-minute ride shouldn't make or break a vacation. Just walking around Pandora after dark is pretty cool; we really enjoyed that and intend to make some time in our next trip to do it again. Now that we are going more frequently, we're actually starting to realize how much we have missed by focusing on attractions instead of all of the other things going on around you, the details in the parks, and just being in the moment.

Maybe I'm just more relaxed after recently arranging a 3-week 6-city trip to Italy with friends who live far away from us. Disney seems like a breeze after that. At least you can do much of your planning and research in one location. And you won't get temporarily stranded after being unable to get off the train at the right place and you can't speak the language.
Yes, this. There is a definitely more to planning a Disney trip than planning a trip to your local zoo. But there is absolutely no reason why anyone has to have touring plans, multiple ADRs, fast passes, etc. You can go with none of that and still have an amazing time. For many people, all of the planning is what makes it stressful and not worth it.

I, too, have read so many posts here about others who "don't get it" or people stressed about going with others who want to sleep in, or who don't want to do things the way they want to do them. And even though I am a planner, I can tell you that going with a family who thinks that Disney done their way is the only way is absolutely no fun.

We have learned to be less militant with our Disney trips and we might not be able to check as many things off of our list, but we enjoy the overall experience more.

Yes. Agreed.

I admittedly wasn't responding directly to the OP's frustration – which I can empathize with – but my own frustration with the spreadsheet warrior mentality this board descends into a lot. When it gets into pouring over hotel blueprints to request specific room numbers, I'm out!
I'm so confused now. We have a one night room only followed by a package with tickets (same resort, paying cash - we just decided to drive all the way in one day instead of stopping along the way, so I added one night room-only). MDE is still showing I can make FP+ 60 days from my first check-in date. I don't think one day later will make a big difference in availability if I have to wait until the package starts, but someone posted something about 30 days from the second stay? If that's the case, I might as well cancel the room only and have sixty days from the package start. I'm thinking/hoping I misunderstood that.
I'm so confused now. We have a one night room only followed by a package with tickets (same resort, paying cash - we just decided to drive all the way in one day instead of stopping along the way, so I added one night room-only). MDE is still showing I can make FP+ 60 days from my first check-in date. I don't think one day later will make a big difference in availability if I have to wait until the package starts, but someone posted something about 30 days from the second stay? If that's the case, I might as well cancel the room only and have sixty days from the package start. I'm thinking/hoping I misunderstood that.

You misunderstood. The PP may have been commenting on an onsite/offsite split which will now have a 60-day window with the onsite stay and a 30-day window for the offsite stay. If you have an onsite/onsite split booked, you can make FP+ at 60 days prior to your first check-in day to your first check-out day and then 60 days prior from your second check-in day and your second check-out day. So two, 60-day windows.
You misunderstood. The PP may have been commenting on an onsite/offsite split which will now have a 60-day window with the onsite stay and a 30-day window for the offsite stay. If you have an onsite/onsite split booked, you can make FP+ at 60 days prior to your first check-in day to your first check-out day and then 60 days prior from your second check-in day and your second check-out day. So two, 60-day windows.

Thank you! I felt like I must have misunderstood. So since my first stay doesn't have tickets attached, I really just need to wait for the second day right? That's a little unfortunate since we're going fourth of July week, but we'll survive.
I’m planning for a 12 person trip. My odds of getting a FOP or SDD FP for all of us when I need them is very low. Knowing that I have alternate plans-Rope Drop and a couple of evenings in those parks. Is it ideal? No. But it is what it is.
12 person trip, that’s ALOT! Seems near impossible and so not fun to try to coordinate this for everyone! Plan a meet up daily if you feel the need, so burdensome on one person to try to make FP for that large of a group or split in 2 to 3 groups to make it easier and let someone else help with the planning!::yes::
12 person trip, that’s ALOT! Seems near impossible and so not fun to try to coordinate this for everyone! Plan a meet up daily if you feel the need, so burdensome on one person to try to make FP for that large of a group or split in 2 to 3 groups to make it easier and let someone else help with the planning!::yes::

So I remember when I was a kid over thanksgiving when we visited the grandparents my extended family would normally do a park day. We would literally drive down in the morning from Jacksonville, do a full day at the parks, and drive home, and often the decision about which day to go and which park was made days before we left.

And we were not a small group, at the time my one uncle had 4 kids so 6 total, I think we had 5 of us at the time (I’m the oldest of 8, so I’m trying to remember how big the family was at that time), plus my grandparents and sometimes my other uncle and his family would join (3 to 4 kids - I know one trip my mom and my aunt were pregnant at the same time)...

The point is that we didn’t have to plan to go have fun. We would show up, separate out with times to meet up, pregnant women took younger kids on the gentle rides and older kids with other adults for the mountains. Let’s be honest today a group this size just showing up (we are hitting upwards of 20 people for a spontaneous day trip to Disney) over thanksgiving would be disastrous.
((hugs)) I hope it all works out for you. I know telling you not to stress isn't very helpful, because everyone's different and what stresses you is different then what stresses me.
I like that you are a planner! I on the other hand am not, lol. I do make our FP's at 60 days but I don't do any kind of touring plan for our days at the park. I have never had a problem getting a FP to FoP or SDD. Maybe it's the time of year we go or maybe it's because we are so flexible that I will take whatever I can get. I don't care about the day or time I just grab whatever is available.
We don't let things like FP, ADR's, rain, or hurricanes (we were in Disney for Hurricane Irma in 2017) ruin our time at Disney. Like I tell our DD, we are very lucky to get to go to WDW because there are lots of families that never get to go.
Wishing you pixie dust so that everything falls into place for you! :tink:
1. I need someone to tell me that it's gonna be okay.

2. I'm the family planner, and no one else in the family seems to get the insanity that is planning a WDW trip.

3. I have played by Disney's silly rules. I booked the hotels 11 months in advance based on the best info I had at the time. I booked ADRs 180+ days in advance. I've purchased a few upcharges. I was gearing up to book FP+ in a few weeks.

4. And then yesterday I learned that my split stay, which I had painstakingly researched, will no longer have a single FP+ booking window that opens at the start of the initial stay. Instead of being able to book at 60+8, I'm now the proud owner of two separate booking windows, each for 60+4. Bye, bye SDD and FOP.

5. When I made my split stay booking, I verified the single FP+ booking window through disboards, a Disney Moms' Panel blog, and a call to a CM. But apparently, according to the CM I talked to yesterday, they have fixed that "glitch."

6. I am kicking myself for thinking that a split stay was a good idea. I'm kicking myself for getting a 4+4 split stay instead of a 2+6 split stay.

7. But mostly I'm frustrated that Disney has pulled the rug out from under me. I have spent a ridiculous amount of time getting my plan in order for my FP booking window, and, now, I basically have to redo my entire touring plan because the most valuable days of the trip are no longer the last few days, but the last day and the day we change resorts. Had I know that I wouldn't get the single booking window, I never would have booked two resorts, as now the purpose of a long stay (albeit at 2 resorts) has been defeated.

8. Thanks for tolerating the venting. If anyone has advice for dealing with short-ish FP+ booking windows, I'm all ears.

1. It's going to be okay. It really is. Take a deep breath and repeat "I am NOT responsible for everyone else's joy."

2. I am also the family planner, for any vacation, so I do understand the frustration. I don't mean for the rest of what I say to come across like I think it's so easy to put a trip together because sometimes in my family it's all I can do to mobilize the troops to get out for pizza.

3. See #2- things happen that are beyond our control. Last summer I planned 2 trips and rules/ procedures changed along the way.

4. We are in the same boat- I booked a split stay 1/2 cash, 1/2 DVC points (using up the points being the whole point of the trip) and now, 2 booking windows. Unfortunately, it's Disney's right to change/ enforce the rules as they see fit.
To the bolded, not necessarily. I have been able to get FPs for many things without it being 60+7/8/9/10 and so on. For my August trip I was able to get FoP, SDD, and 7DMT for (some of them more than once during the trip) 3 days after my 60+ window opened up. Just because the common advice is that it is the easiest way to get these FP does not mean it is the only way to get these FP. There may be a handful of times left to pick from but if you can be flexible it should not be a problem. I have had great luck even with offsite stays and not being able to book until 30 days out for one day at a time. Please, breathe and realize that until you go in to book these FPs you really don't know how much of your planning will be impacted. Also, there are people who only take a 4 day trip and the advice everyone gives them is the same- to book the harder FPs for the 4th day. Doing that twice may work out for you.

5. I verified the same, a week ago. I have asked 3 more people since then and I have been given 3 different answers. Disney is notoriously inconsistent with information.

6. Is it possible for you to change it to one continuous stay, or is the priority seeing 2 resorts, or is there not availability?

7. I say this very gently, but Disney does not ask/ force any of us to do all of this planning. To the bolded, you may have had to re-do your plan at 60 days anyhow based on when FPs were available (this has happened to me!). You will still have 60 days to re-work plans around the FP's you get.

8. The advice given to anyone who asks here is always "try for the harder to get FP toward the end of your trip." My advice would be to do that, twice. Look for the harder to get FP on day 4, each half of the trip. Again, I have been able to get many FP just fine at 60 or even 30 days, for offsite stays and stays of 3-4 days. Wait until your FP window opens, and you may be pleasantly surprised.
The new FP booking rules do not apply to DVC/DVC split stays.
what and where are these new rules? I have a split stay in May

ETA ok I saw that link and I didn't get from that if staying on property you cant book for the whole week. What am I missing?
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what and where are these new rules? I have a split stay in May

ETA ok I saw that link and I didn't get from that if staying on property you cant book for the whole week. What am I missing?

If you are staying on property at one resort (no changing resorts, no days in between stays) and your ticket is good for as many days as your hotel reservation or less, you are fine. You will be able to book your FP at 60 days for length of stay all in one shot.

Those staying on property at 2 resorts (split stay, no days in between stays) now have those treated as 2 reservations. So if I have 3 nights at Pop and 3 nights at SSR, I can book at 60+ for the Pop part of my stay and then I have to wait for another 60+ booking window to open for the SSR part of my stay.
ETA: for DVC members on points reservations (so resort 1 on points, resort 2 on points, no cash resevation) it will be treated as 1 reservation same as above with booking window for all nights opening at 60 days.

Those who are staying onsite/ offsite and have tickets for longer than thier onsite stay will only be able to book FP for the duration of the onsite stay. To book FP for the portion of the tickets on the offsite stay they will have to wait until 30 days prior to that stay. So if I'm booked at Pop for 2 nights and then at the Motel 6 for 2 nights but purchase 4 days of park tickets, I can only book FP at 60+ for the Pop portion of my stay, and wait until 30 days out for those last 2 days worth.
If you are staying on property at one resort (no changing resorts, no days in between stays) and your ticket is good for as many days as your hotel reservation or less, you are fine. You will be able to book your FP at 60 days for length of stay all in one shot.

Those staying on property at 2 resorts (split stay, no days in between stays) now have those treated as 2 reservations. So if I have 3 nights at Pop and 3 nights at SSR, I can book at 60+ for the Pop part of my stay and then I have to wait for another 60+ booking window to open for the SSR part of my stay.
ETA: for DVC members on points reservations (so resort 1 on points, resort 2 on points, no cash resevation) it will be treated as 1 reservation same as above with booking window for all nights opening at 60 days.

Those who are staying onsite/ offsite and have tickets for longer than thier onsite stay will only be able to book FP for the duration of the onsite stay. To book FP for the portion of the tickets on the offsite stay they will have to wait until 30 days prior to that stay. So if I'm booked at Pop for 2 nights and then at the Motel 6 for 2 nights but purchase 4 days of park tickets, I can only book FP at 60+ for the Pop portion of my stay, and wait until 30 days out for those last 2 days worth.
I understand what you are saying. My question is, where is it announced that is how it now works? Has this happened to anyone?
If WDW weren’t such a complex and often frustrating trip, boards such as these and others wouldn’t exist. I don’t think they are a cause of the commando mentality. The more planning I put into my vacation the better my vacation. In other words, all the work and decisions are made prior to the trip, then when we get there no worries! Everything is all set up for us to just go with the plan. We’ve all see groups huddled around a map planning where to go next. We know where we are going next and then flow from point to point.

I never thought touring plans would be as successful as they are but they work wonderfully. I like to follow along and if something is down or raining you just move onto the next step.

Just because some people go commando and have spread sheets does not mean their expectations are unreasonable or their vacations are ruined if they can’t get the ADR they wanted. I like to have all the planning done by the time I get there, so I can enjoy being in the moment with my family when I get there.
I understand what you are saying. My question is, where is it announced that is how it now works? Has this happened to anyone?

There are some huge threads about it right now. I've been trying to keep up with what is actually happening and to who (some DIS-ers are booking and experimenting but the focus of most of the experimenting seems to be with what happens when you cancel part of a split stay).

and here

A moderator posted this link and confirms the source to be reliable.

I confirmed by phone, chat, and e-mail with 3 different CM's (which honestly I count as the least reliable because I've had plenty of cases where they were incorrect but it does seem that this time around there's a consistent script they're all working from).

Now, like anything else Disney rolls out everyone may be just fine with whatever the original plans were, but I'm not counting on it for my upcoming trip.


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