Funniest comments you've overheard in WDW

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While walking down Main street my son wanted me to hear Pal Mickeys joke, so I put the doll up to my ear to hear better. A guest working by took one look and me and said to his wife. "Look at that ladies cell phone!"
A new one I heard on the monorail a couple of days ago

A lady, pointing to the Contemporary: "Look! There's Space Mountain!"

also, while in line for Pirates, as we came around the corner so that you can see the loading area-

"Oh, it's a ride?"
jgmklmhem said:
Not really funny and sad in many instances....but I have overheard some variation of: Shut up and have a good time!!!! too many times to count.

Kind of like at McDonalds "Shut up, and eat your Happy Meal"
One of my favorites happened when DH and I were in line to see The Turtles during the Flower & Garden Festival. :rockband:
We were in line at the American Pavillion having a nice conversation with the couple in front of us when a young couple gets in line behind us. Now, we are no more than 10 ft. from the entrance to the theater mind you. We continue chatting with the people in front for a good 5 min when the young man says "Is this a ride?" we politely say "no, it's a concert. The Turtles" They just looked at one another and walked away. I just love how people see a line and just have to stand in it! :rolleyes:
CDoobee said:
I then made the STUPID comment, "Hey, look! Isn't that weird? There are people on every balcony and they are ALL skinny and have little heads!" To which my DS replied, "Mom....those are poles...".

Ok, that is the first time I have ever gotten tears in my eyes from one of these posts! :earboy2:
Okay, while we're still on the topic, I have to add one in from our trip in 1998. We were at the MK in December on a Saturday, while they were taping the ABC Christmas parade. Of course the place was packed. We got a spot for the parade early, and since one of my sons was asleep in the stroller, DH volunteered to stay with him and hold our spot while I took the other 2 in the stores behind us on Main Street.

Well, we're in the first store, my oldest son shows me something, and POOF, my 3 1/2 year old is gone. We look on our own for a couple minutes, then tell an employee. They sealed the exits (didn't know they did that) and quickly confirm that he isn't in the store and must have wandered out into the gaggle of zillions of people on Main Street.

They told me to go to Guest Relations and hopefully he would be brought there once he was found. So I went out to find DH and leave my other son with him. When I got there, he was with my youngest (the one who was lost) and a cast member. Apparently DS had found a cast member on his own, gone up to him and told him "I lost my Mom, AND my Dad, and BOTH my brothers!" (in a tone of voice that implied "can you believe that? BOTH brothers, not just one - the odds against that must be astronomical!") DH saw the cast member walking up Main Street with him (probably to Guest Relations) and claimed him and the cast member just had to tell DH what my son had told him! Of course it wasn't my son who'd gotten lost, he'd just misplaced the rest of us!
funhouse8 said:
While walking down Main street my son wanted me to hear Pal Mickeys joke, so I put the doll up to my ear to hear better. A guest working by took one look and me and said to his wife. "Look at that ladies cell phone!"
:teleport: :love: That's Funny!!! I'll never look at Pal Mickey the same again LOL!!
marciemi said:
Of course it wasn't my son who'd gotten lost, he'd just misplaced the rest of us!

happened every time I went to Disney as a kid!! It's a running joke in my family now! Keep in mind I am forty-something and evry time we go they have to make sure Beth is with them!! :earboy2:
A couple of years ago, I was pushing my two young sons down Main Street in a double stroller and they started arguing about which one of them had the biggest Woody. My three year old was adamantly yelling "My Woody is bigger than yours!!" and my two year old would respond "My Woody is the biggest one ever!". This went on and on all the way down Main STreet. We definatley turned a few heads. My husband and I were laughing so hard that I think it was easy for people to figure out that they were talking about their Woody dolls!!

:groom: princess: pirate: pirate: pirate:
These are so hilarious! I'm reading these at work, which of course I should not be doing, and I didn't realize I had a huge grin on my face until someone just walked by and asked me what I was smiling about!!!

Here's another of the same ol' thing...while waiting in line at Pop Century, a man asks the bus driver if the bus takes you to Walt Disney World. The driver just directed him to the MK bus. My sil has been a lifelong florida resident and always calls the MK WDW. I'm working on her though.

I was on the monorail approaching the MK, when I overheard a little girl say to her mom " Mommy I can smell the Magic ,it smells like popcorn" ... LOL she was adorable!
funcinderella said:
We had just returned from WDW, and my 3 1/2 year old DD (who is big time into the princesses) was (sorry, no way to sugar coat it) picking her nose. I said "Sweetie, don't pick your nose. Princesses don't do that." to which she replies, "But don't they have boogies?"

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Too funny! I love kids, they just say the cutest things :)

I've got one too. We were in MK a a couple of trips ago and standing in line for Buzz Lightyear. This big Hells Angels looking guy walks by with his family and I mean, this guy was huge. Long scruffy beard, tattoos, and bandana...the whole nine. So he's standing there and he turns and positively squeals "Buzz Lightyear, my favorite!" He RUNS to get in line and leaves his poor family standing there looking really confused. Guess they didn't realize he liked Buzz so much. We were cracking up though. I thought it was pretty funny and really cute too :)
lol these are all so great! i have two which are funny to me..i just don't know how funny they would be to others.
1. my younger brother (17), my boyfriend and i had been chosen to volunteer for the backlot tour in MGM. they went over these instructions for about 5 minutes. the #1 rule:don't push. my boyfriend and i are very easily embarassed in front of people, so when they told us to start to go crazy i panicked, pushed my boyfriend on the floor and he screamed CR*P loud enough for everyone to hear. :blush: i was so embarassed
2. about 3 years ago i was taking my younger sister (4 at the time) on the haunted mansion ride. shes a brave little girl but she was a little unsure. she went on, seemed fine and when we got off and walked outside we met my mother. my mom asked her how it was and she looked up said she was fine but she burst into tears and said "kimberly i never want to see this house ever again!" a lady nearby giggled a little. she gets a kick out of that story now that shes a little older and braver :earboy2:
While at the MK I heard a man say to his kid "Daddy peed in the shower this morning!" He said it so loud so the whole world could hear. My mom and I laughed so hard when we heard him.
Last year during Jersey week, a boy (about 6 years old) walked away to the end of the row where his mom was sitting. When she turned around and didn't see him she started to panic. When she finally found him, she grabbed his arm and said in a very firm voice, "If you wander away from us, you will never see New Jersey, again!" Now, I know that people from NJ, love NJ, but that just cracked me up.
marciemi said:
Okay, while we're still on the topic, I have to add one in from our trip in 1998. We were at the MK in December on a Saturday, while they were taping the ABC Christmas parade. Of course the place was packed. We got a spot for the parade early, and since one of my sons was asleep in the stroller, DH volunteered to stay with him and hold our spot while I took the other 2 in the stores behind us on Main Street.

Well, we're in the first store, my oldest son shows me something, and POOF, my 3 1/2 year old is gone. We look on our own for a couple minutes, then tell an employee. They sealed the exits (didn't know they did that) and quickly confirm that he isn't in the store and must have wandered out into the gaggle of zillions of people on Main Street.

They told me to go to Guest Relations and hopefully he would be brought there once he was found. So I went out to find DH and leave my other son with him. When I got there, he was with my youngest (the one who was lost) and a cast member. Apparently DS had found a cast member on his own, gone up to him and told him "I lost my Mom, AND my Dad, and BOTH my brothers!" (in a tone of voice that implied "can you believe that? BOTH brothers, not just one - the odds against that must be astronomical!") DH saw the cast member walking up Main Street with him (probably to Guest Relations) and claimed him and the cast member just had to tell DH what my son had told him! Of course it wasn't my son who'd gotten lost, he'd just misplaced the rest of us!

TOO cute!! How often do you get to say that about your child being lost? LOL!

When I was on the college program I was working one day at Tattooine and this girl, probably about 6 or 7 walks up to the counter and in the most polite, calm, and mature voice says, "Excuse me miss, I'm lost. Can you help me?" Her tone of voice threw me off - she was SO calm about it. It took a second to process, LOL! But I had one of the CMs working with me call in to see if her parents had contacted security yet and to let them know who had her and where we were at the moment. She and I walked out to where she had last seen them and found her parents after a few minutes. But it was just so funny - most kids get freaked out, but she just acted like it was nothing out of the ordinary! Her mom was in hysterics, and another guest had stopped to help her find the girl and was the first to see us walking that way. The little girl just looked at her mom like, "what's wrong with you?"

Yesterday someone asked me if the Christmas Parade at the MK was the Macy's Parade. I politely explained that parade is at Universal Studios. This parade is Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Parade.
Heard a good one in Epcot last week. I was walking through Norway when two women came out of one of the shops there. One of the women turned to the other one and said, "I really like the way they hire people to work in each of the countries who look like they really came from that country." Hmmm...maybe that's because they did come from that country! :rolleyes: I'll bet she's one of those people who marvel at how real the animals look in Animal Kingdom. ;)
my favorite story about how people check thier brains in at the gate is i was working greeter at BTM and this family of like 10-15 people came up to me and asked me if this was the train to get to MGM they were looking for the jaws ride and they had sworn that it was in the magic kingdom... i am trying so hard to not laugh at them because they way they were talking it was like they had no clue but of all that the worst part was one of the member had the barnbaums book so i had to inform them that jaws is not in any wdw park but that it was at universal studios i guess they didnt understand me clearly because they wanted to know where they get the bus to go to that park and if thier park hoppers would work there.... after having spent like 20 minutes with this family i was kinda getting a little annoyed because its hard to juggle this family and make sure i check kids heights at the same time.... so i just told them that they would have to get a taxi and tell them where they wanted to go and he would make sure they got there.... looking back i know that was kinda mean but i had a job to do that was rather important so no youngins got past me onto the ride
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