Gas shortages?


Earning My Ears
Jun 21, 2011
I'm not sure if this is the right forum to post this in, so if not I apologize. We are heading down to Disney this week from WI and have to drive through TN and GA. I just heard about the gas shortages and now I'm a little panicked. How bad is this? Are we likely to get stranded somewhere unable to find gas?
No evidence at all of any issues with the gas supply here in Central FL. Gas prices are running in the $2.00 to $2.05 range.
I can speak for Nashvile area around me...

The only reason there is a shortage at all is because the media incited a panic. People were filling up everything they could find including milk jugs with gas over the weekend and many gas stations ran out because of that. However just about every gas station has gotten a shipment and was back open today.

All of this to say I would not panic about getting gas. I wouldn't wait till the tank is on empty to find a gas station though just incase you hit a spot that is low and hasn't gotten a shipment.

I don't anticipate a real problem and I live in the shortage area

I live in Murfreesboro, TN, about 30 miles south of Nashville and have seen the "panic"lines, but no shortage. I filled up Saturday for only $1.87.
Here in metro Atlanta, gas is scarce. Our local media whipped everyone into a frenzy and everyone had to go fill up all their tanks, and containers. This resulted in stations with no gas and long lines for the few that have some.

Fill up when you see a gas station with gas - don't wait til it is an emergency. The broken pipeline that is causing the shortages in the southeast will take another week to fix.

While it does not appear that the actuality is currently as bad as the media makes it out to be (based off of reports from friends down that way), it is wise to have a plan. The biggest tip: gas up before you "need" to get gas. Keep enough gas in the tank that if you do run into a stretch of closed stations, it doesn't become an emergency. There is no way you will run out of gas and become stranded unless you push until you are well under that 1/4 of a tank.
Another one in Atlanta, yes MANY gas stations are out. I pass about 12 on my 7 mile am drive and I think 9 had no gas..... There is hope by the end of the week everyone will be back up to snuff but we don't know.

Sunday I drove 20 miles across to 75 and while about half had gas going over, by time I headed home most were empty. Those with gas had long lines looped around.

The problem here is SO many have long commutes that many needed to fill up if they had hopes of going to work all week. I know DH won't make it all week on one tank so we did fill a 5 gallon container for him in case. The rest of us are literally not driving unless we absolutely have to go somewhere.

Hopefully their promise pans out but most aren't taking chances for this week.

I was at Disney after Katrina when the pipelines went down. While Orlando was fine, Atlanta was completely out. To get home I went to Walmart and filled 2 five gallon containers. As I drove home I stopped often to keep my tank full. Once I was within an hour of Atlanta, no more gas. I made it home okay since my tank was full.

OP: Stay full and make sure you are as you approach big cities where folks commute to work and are more likely to top everything they have off.
My friend in GA reported yesterday that in his small town they had to buy premium as the station was out of anything else.
I live in south Georgia and while we aren't seeing any shortages here, I have friends in Atlanta who have been complaining of shortages and long lines. I second what others have said: don't wait until you're almost out of gas to fill up, and make sure your tank is full before hitting a bigger city like Atlanta.
I'm not sure if this is the right forum to post this in, so if not I apologize. We are heading down to Disney this week from WI and have to drive through TN and GA. I just heard about the gas shortages and now I'm a little panicked. How bad is this? Are we likely to get stranded somewhere unable to find gas?

Being from WI I'm sure you're familiar with the French toast phenom @ local grocery store when a winter storm is predicted...all the milk, bread, eggs go flying off the shelf. May be the same phenom as to gas for some reason in ATL/GA area.

No such reports I've seen up the East Coast. even as far west as where I live in PIT, news informed us we were supposed to see significantly higher rates this week...nope, the same price as before the report and certainly no gas shortages or lines.

Shocking, to not see price gouging here as events such as these are usually an excuse to increase the price of gas already sitting in the tanks. sale of winter blend will soon enough kick into play and up the ante
I'm in no Ga and we have closed stations too

A few are open at the price of $2.45
I bought my tank of gas an hour after the news came out at $1.91

Hours before that, was at $1.81

This gas issue is only related to
Ala-Ga-Tn- and the coast states

Ga now allowing truckers to drive additional hours now which will help the tankers to get to stations that have no gas

Should be improved a week from now
I'm in Knoxville TN. If you take 75 S you will go thru Knoxville. Some stations are out of gas, some have only premium, some have everything. I'd keep my car at no less than 1/4-1/2 tank just to be safe.
Another Georgia gal, I live about 45 min. north of Atlanta in Athens (go Dawgs) and while prices have gone up we have had no shortages. I think it was $2.50 this morning. Just stop about 50 miles outside of Atlanta in either direction and you should be fine.
I live in Alabama, just a couple of hours from Atlanta.

Many stations are out of gas. And have been for a few days. I didn't see any lines in recent days, so it doesn't seem to be due to a panic, but instead to a shortage.

A state of emergency has been declared in a couple of Southern states, including Alabama and Georgia.
We just drove down yesterday, filled up in Paducah, for next fill up around TN-GA border we stopped at 6 stations that were totally out. We finally stopped just outside Dalton,GA and were able to fill up from the station's last 100 gallons. The station owner was getting ready to close as he figured he had less than an hour befor he was out.
After that as soon as we got between a half to a quarter tank, we started looking for gas. We avoided the stations that had prices posted 2.15 or less, since they seemed to the ones out. Unfortunately, they don't turn off their price signs when they are out of gas.
FL seemed to have no problems, gas prices around 2.00
I am about an hour south of Nashville. A little birdie has told me to look for Loves gas stations they have been about the only one that has not ran out of gas at some point since Friday (at least in this area). Tennessee also declared a state of emergency Friday so the truckers could drive extra hours to get the gas delivered.
Just saw on CBS News that the pipeline should be back in service tomorrow, but at may take a few days for things to get back to normal. FL is not affected.


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