Gastric Bypass Surgery, anybody with experience?

Hi Jeff! Just found this thread and wanted to chime in with the congrats on your surgery! Glad to know you're home and doing well.

Here are a couple more things that I wish someone had told me before surgery (mine was 5/3/2010) so I'd be prepared:

1. There is going to come a day, very soon most likely, where you are going to feel like crap. You're going to be wondering all day "what did I do to myself? What was I thinking." You're going to experience buyers remorse. When it happens--and it will happen (just about every bypass patient I know mentions this day)--just go with it. It's o.k. to feel sorry for yourself for one or two days. It's o.k. to feel miserable for a couple of days. These feelings will pass. Coincidentally, buyers remorse usually occurs at about the same time as the three week stall.

3. The three week stall is the second thing I wish I'd known about. Nearly every single bypass surgery patient experiences the three week stall. No one told me about this, and knowing would have save me a ton of angst.

The best advice I can give is to follow your surgeon's plan for diet and exercise.

My first trip to WDW after surgery was at five months out. I don't remember anything that I ate (food will have a different meaning to you in a few months), but I do remember that I was able to walk every single park on every single day. Prior to surgery, I had to rent an ECV. Not any more. Last week, 11 months out from surgery and 126 lbs. gone, I learned I can run. So, what does any self-respecting Disney loving potential runner do? I signed up for the Disney Family Fun Run 5k next January, of course.

You have just embarked on an amazing journey. You are about to discover a whole new relationship with food. You are about to discover a whole new you.

I'll be happy to answer any questions about my experience. So far, it's been fantastic. I'd do it all again without question.
I have posted this in both threads but I think the DDP thread was not right from the start so I will continue to update the thread I started under the dissabilities forum. But I will continue to check both. I really have the questions answered that I needed about the DDP.

I think both places are right. I came to this one first but for answers to DDP questions.

I got the lap band 2/09. This will be my second trip with it. But due to medical problems, I will be unfilled this time. I am going with my DD who just got the gastric sleeve so I really need answers for her. We get different answers from different people.

Opps! I guess I should have read farther into the thread. I thought it was going to be a sharing of gastric and Disney experinces. I didn't realize it was now a gastric surgery thread. Just disregard my two post and info.
Hi Jeff! Just found this thread and wanted to chime in with the congrats on your surgery! Glad to know you're home and doing well.

Here are a couple more things that I wish someone had told me before surgery (mine was 5/3/2010) so I'd be prepared:

1. There is going to come a day, very soon most likely, where you are going to feel like crap. You're going to be wondering all day "what did I do to myself? What was I thinking." You're going to experience buyers remorse. When it happens--and it will happen (just about every bypass patient I know mentions this day)--just go with it. It's o.k. to feel sorry for yourself for one or two days. It's o.k. to feel miserable for a couple of days. These feelings will pass. Coincidentally, buyers remorse usually occurs at about the same time as the three week stall.

3. The three week stall is the second thing I wish I'd known about. Nearly every single bypass surgery patient experiences the three week stall. No one told me about this, and knowing would have save me a ton of angst.

The best advice I can give is to follow your surgeon's plan for diet and exercise.

My first trip to WDW after surgery was at five months out. I don't remember anything that I ate (food will have a different meaning to you in a few months), but I do remember that I was able to walk every single park on every single day. Prior to surgery, I had to rent an ECV. Not any more. Last week, 11 months out from surgery and 126 lbs. gone, I learned I can run. So, what does any self-respecting Disney loving potential runner do? I signed up for the Disney Family Fun Run 5k next January, of course.

You have just embarked on an amazing journey. You are about to discover a whole new relationship with food. You are about to discover a whole new you.

I'll be happy to answer any questions about my experience. So far, it's been fantastic. I'd do it all again without question.

Just what exactly is the 3 week stall? I am still on a liquid diet most likely until next wednesday the 13th when I see the surgeon again. Then the next step is pureed foods. Which I am told will last 3-4 weeks. So what is this 3 week stall. I know I am looking forward to pureed foods where I can eat Scrambled eggs, yogurt, blended meals with skinless chicken breast, oatmeal, etc. You are right, food is gonna have a different meaning. I will certainly appreciate and respect my meals. Right now I would be happy even eating 1/4 cup of scrambled eggs. I know I have to take it easy, but I will start feeling more normal once I can eat again.
If you go to a buffet you will be charged full adult prices even if you now eat like a bird. At the buffets you are also paying for characeter interaction and ambiance.

I showed my QS card at buffets/character dinning and was only charges as a child when paying OOP last October

Opps! I guess I should have read farther into the thread. I thought it was going to be a sharing of gastric and Disney experinces. I didn't realize it was now a gastric surgery thread. Just disregard my two post and info.
Three week stall is when your weight loss temporarily stops for a couple of weeks. Most people start to panic at that point because they're eating very little (if anything, it depends on your program), walking/exercising, but not losing weight. The weight will continue to drop. Your body just needs a little time to adjust to all the changes.
I may be experiencing this 3 week stall. although it has been more like 4 or 5 weeks out. I went to the nutritionist on april 18th and weighed in at 421 then 2 weeks later on may 2nd i weighed in at 417. i should have lost more weight than 4 lbs in 2 weeks. Although I have been given the go ahead to start eating a few more things and I have been eating more food and less protein shakes, I still dont really consume much more than 1000 calories a day. So I hope this is a phase, I need to start exercising a bit more too.
Jeff. Your body is trying to figure out what's going on. Whatever you do...DON'T GET FRUSTRATED!! You will drop the weight. I had that and then realized I needed to up my water intake and sure enough...the pounds started coming off.
Jeff. Your body is trying to figure out what's going on. Whatever you do...DON'T GET FRUSTRATED!! You will drop the weight. I had that and then realized I needed to up my water intake and sure enough...the pounds started coming off.

I think I may not be getting hydrated enough, I need to start drinking more water!!
I found in the beginning it was hard to drink a lot of water. Now, I drink a lot of Crystal Light. I actually do an ice tea/lemonade mix and it's soo yummy. I go through a 4 quart pitcher in about 3 days. Plus, I do drink other stuff in between there to. Good luck!! Like I said before...don't get frustrated!!
I found in the beginning it was hard to drink a lot of water. Now, I drink a lot of Crystal Light. I actually do an ice tea/lemonade mix and it's soo yummy. I go through a 4 quart pitcher in about 3 days. Plus, I do drink other stuff in between there to. Good luck!! Like I said before...don't get frustrated!!

Heather, I can't remember if I asked you previously how do you get enough protein? I absolutely dislike the taste of the protein powder I have, then they suggested the slim fast low carb shake, but it's soo sweet. I found this Isopure beverage which is 8 ounces of liquid with 15grams of protein but it is soo thick it's like drinking a syrup. What have you used as a source of protein that works for you?

Hi Everyone!
I just found this thread this morning and thought I would join in. I had a gastric sleeve done on April 12, 4 weeks post op tomorrow. I have lost 33 pounds from my highest weight in January, 2011.

I am in the "mushie" foods stage. Lots of protein drinks and greek yogurt. The only "regular" foods I can eat are potatoes and very soft cooked vegetables. I have to limit those foods to 1/2 cup max or I feel pain. My doc says no eggs until 6 weeks out.

My goal is 60-75 grams of protein a day. I met that goal most days. I also started walking on my treadmill 30 minutes a day 5 times a week. I started back to work full time last week, but I am very very tired when I get home. I am hoping to have more energy this week. I try to drink 64 oz of water, but that is very hard for me.

I started a "stall" the day I started eating mushie foods. It lasted about 11 days. I have lost 3 pounds in the last two days so I hope it is over!

It is very helpful to read the experiences of others. It puts what I am feeling into perspective. I also think there are a lot of things they don't tell you before surgery, which is probably a good thing. I really appreciated the graphic descriptions of what "stuck" food feels like! I haven't experienced that yet, but have already realized that hicups mean "stop eating now!!"

I am planning a trip to Disneyland in mid-June. Not sure yet what I am going to be able to eat. I suspect that trying "new" foods might backfire, so I will probably stick with things I know will work. I don't want to get sick and have to spend time in the hotel!

Thanks again for the info and I will check in periodically to see how you are all doing!

Hi - thanks so much for sharing your experience. If all patients share their experiences, we can learn so much. Wishing you continued good luck in your recovery.
Its been a while since I have posted. I am glad to see a new poster added to this thread. It is now the end of may, 28th. I had the surgery on March 28th, so I am 2 full months post op. I recently broke the 400lb mark. It has been a while since I have been in the 300's. I am now eating regular food, but very small portions, and only had trouble with 1 thing. I eat alot of egg beaters, but recently got sick of them so I decided to make an over easy egg. I made one egg and one piece of toast(to dip in the yok). I dont know if its because the over easy egg is a bit slimy or what ever, but shortly after eating it I got the sweats and my mouth started watering. You guys can guess the rest. I wont be eating any eggs other than scrambled anymore. I have eaten a burger or a partial burger, last night I had lasagna. Chili, steak, and chicken. I even tried a little bit of bbq ribs, but stopped at one rib bone of meat or maybe and oz or less. Was kinda scared from the sweet sauce and the fat content of the rib meat. I have been staying away from sweets including ice cream, shakes, cookies, but I did have a piece of pound cake which worked out fine. Of course there was no frosting, just plain pound cake. Another thing I have stayed away from is milk. Other than milk that I might add to a scrambled egg, thats all I have tried. I had a few issues with milk before I even had the operation. Occasionally I would get a reaction, so I have just decided to stay away for now. All in all I feel that I am very lucky. My portions are still very small, but I feel I can eat what I want for the most part. Please it would be great if all of you posters would give us some updates as well. I greatly appreciate them.
Heather, I can't remember if I asked you previously how do you get enough protein? I absolutely dislike the taste of the protein powder I have, then they suggested the slim fast low carb shake, but it's soo sweet. I found this Isopure beverage which is 8 ounces of liquid with 15grams of protein but it is soo thick it's like drinking a syrup. What have you used as a source of protein that works for you?


Hi Linda,

I'm sorry I'm just responding now. I completely forgot that I got the notification saying there was a post and you know what happens from there.
Anyway....I honestly don't know if I'm getting enough protein. I do try to eat a Greek Yogurt a day. Well..not much so anymore, but I made sure I would in the beginning. I would just consider it a liquid.
I also found a protein shake mix at GNC. I can't think of the name of it right now, but it's in a black bag and it has a cookies and cream flavor. It's really good!! I use 1 scoop per 8 oz of milk. I usually only use 1 scoop for 8 oz.
I have been really bad with my shakes lately. ugh...
Hi Linda,

Anyway....I honestly don't know if I'm getting enough protein. I do try to eat a Greek Yogurt a day. Well..not much so anymore, but I made sure I would in the beginning. I would just consider it a liquid.
I also found a protein shake mix at GNC. I can't think of the name of it right now, but it's in a black bag and it has a cookies and cream flavor. It's really good!! I use 1 scoop per 8 oz of milk. I usually only use 1 scoop for 8 oz.
I have been really bad with my shakes lately. ugh...

I've been very bad with protein levels, and my system doesn't tolerate the ursodiol that was prescribed for me. I'll be going back to the dr's next month for a check up and I will be interested to see the results of the tests. Thanks again for the reply.
To everyone who has posted here,
A big Thank You for sharing your experiences. I posted here early on and then forgot all about the thread! Just found it again today and wow, what a lot of great stories and information.
I mentioned in my previous post that I was looking at a mid June date for gastric sleeve surgery. It now looks like it will be mid July. I have just a couple of nutrition appointments to complete and then we need the official okay from the insurance company and I can start the dreaded pre-surgery liquid diet.

I love going to my support group meetings. One tip I got last week concerned water intake. One gal had four regular-size 16.9 fl oz bottles of water that she refilled daily (yay for fewer bottles in landfills). She marked them 1 through 4 and she knew she'd had her minimum water intake when she finished bottle number 4.

I'll admit water is going to be hard for me. I was a soda junkie for years (like 6 or seven 12 oz cans daily). Now I am down to less than 5 oz a day. I've replaced it with Crystal Lite. The lemonade is a bit too acidic for me, and the fruit punch reminds me of the taste of Corecidin medicine so I mix them together and it tastes great.
I'd love to see this thread continue. It's like another support group!
Yay us for taking the steps necessary to reclaiming our lives!
Linda...keep me posted after your doctor's appointment!! I'm also curious to see what your doc suggests/say.

anonymousegirl....You should also try the Crystal Light Lemonade mixed with the Crystal Light Lemon Iced Tea. HOLY GOOD!!!
Anymouse keep up the good work. and yes the water intake is hard. I dont think I get 4 16oz bottles in a day, but I usually get at least 3. One thing that I do is with my vitamins. I use the vitamin crystals that you mix with water and drink like a crystal light. The taste is just ok and a bit gritty, but I am used to it and actually do not mind it. I do 2 a day which gives me vitamin and water intake so it kinda kills 2 birds with one stone. But the vitamin crystals are expensive. Then at night I also take a vitamin D3 capsule and a multivitimin pill. I was just at the doc on Friday and he drew blood for my vitimin levels, so I am curious to see how I am doing in that respect. I weighed in at 392 which marks my 100lb loss mark since I started at about 495. The liquid pre-op diet is tough but neccessary. Just one suggestion for you. My doc told me I needed at least 2 full weeks pre-op so I started 3 weeks prior. This way I knew I can get a pattern down and I allowed myself a couple of slips, but very minor ones so I can get them out of my system. So when the 2 week mark came I was all ready and had a head start. My operation was a major success and I have many people to thank, but post op I did exactly what the doc asked of me, cause you will still have more weeks of liquid, post op too. Then I slowly progressed as the doc allowed and my weight loss goals and my diet have all been remarkable. Then after the liquid thing is over you will be gratefull for pureed foods and you will just need to find things that you like. I think I found a low sodium soup and bought a bullet blender and pureed alot of soups. Then my mom who is an awesome cook, made me a couple of batches of her soups and they fed me for a while. So when it came time to eat some solids I was happy with a spoon full of scrambled eggs. So yes it seems tough but you end up with an appreciation for food and personally I found that I am ok with my new diet restrictions. When I eat something now that I know is not really good for me (for instance I tried some bbq ribs) I just eat a very little like a bite or 2 max. chew very well and that makes me happy. Oh and for the liquid thing, find a protein shake that you like. There are many out there, I liked muscle milk and one called myoplex lite. They both had the required amount of protein that I needed. But they are expensive. Now I still do at least 1 a day and I like the myoplex the most. Its myoplex Lite fudge i think and has 20 grams of protein.

Sorry about the long post, but I want to encourage new people to do the right thing as doctor and nutritionists tell you.
Good Luck and do not give up!
Thanks Jeff for the encouring words. I found out yesterday that my dr requires a 3 week liquid diet pre-op and that they sent my documents in for approval. Approval could take up to three weeks and then I start the liquid diet and a round of dr's appointments (primary care, pulmonary, and gastric surgeon)
I just ordered my liquid meal replacements and pre-op vitamins. And my best friend promised me my birthday cake early this year (she makes my cake every year). I know it will be a very long time (if ever) before I can eat a double chocolate and banana cake with chocolate whipped cream frosting again.:rotfl2:
Got my surgery date--August 2! And I have a week long solo trip planned for OCtober 1-8. Hopefully I'll be fully recovered and have my new lifestyle/eating patterns well in place by then.


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