Getting married REALLY early

We met online in July, in person in August, got engaged in September, married in October. So from the day we met to the day we got married was 7 weeks, 6 days. It just felt right for both of us... Then we got pregnant in November, sold my house, sold his house, picked a house out together and moved into it, and had a baby, all within a year. Almost 15 years ago now, still going strong :)
Wow, that was quite a year, congratulations on 15 years!
The story goes that DW's parents got married 11 days after first meeting. They were both in their early 30's at the time and stayed married for about 40 years until she died.
A girl I used to work with: she and her boss were both engaged to other people. One Friday night they worked late, got to talking (?) and the next day they both ended their engagements. They got married to each other about a week later.
Similar to what I did
First date, then married soon after.

Came back to add I’m talking days not months
It was quick and still married
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A good friend got knocked up after 3 months, happily married with 3 kids now. They had known each other socially for ages though.
My parents were engaged after 3 months, married in under a year, married over 40 years now
My parents got married after knowing each other for 3 months. During that 3 months, they only saw each other 3 times as they were stationed at different bases. They were married almost 42 years when my dad passed away. My mom is still heartbroken and will more than likely never remarry. She is considered pretty young for a widow, but she is content on her own.
We met in June 1980. He already had plans to move to another state for work in 6 weeks. He left, called me and said let's get married. We married in August 1980. We have been happily married ever since. :love2:
My observation is that short engagements ( short relationships) the marriage last longer than all the looong engagements ( like years)
We met at work in June and started dating about 3 weeks later. Got engaged in September, and married the following May. We just celebrated 25 years of marriage. I think it's ok to decide this is the one after a few months, but then take a bit longer to seal the deal, getting to know the person. My experience worked out great -- I figured after we got through planning the wedding and logistics to get all his family from NH to MO for the wedding, we could tackle anything! ;)

Maria :upsidedow
DH's parents married about 3 months after their first date (they "had to" get married) when they were very young. DH was born 6 1/2 months later. They have been married for over 52 years and are a great couple!
My parents met and married in about 6 months. Been married 53 years. My husband and I met and were engaged in 3 months and married 4 months after that. We've been married 12 years and are very happy.
Met my husband on a blind date September 23, 1978. Married December 16, 1978. 8 kids and still together. One thing I will say is that there are times when you love, times when you don’t. Remain committed to the marriage and you’ll find love will recycle around.
My cousin met his now wife in December 2016 and they had planned within a few weeks that they were going to get married, although she didn’t get the ring until May. They were ‘married’ in a Ugandan tribal ceremony in July, then in a church the next month and then had another wedding in Bali in November (literally as the volcano was erupting!). They spent most of their engagement living in separate countries and any time spent together was on holiday mode, so it seemed very risky to me. But at 41 he’d had several girlfriends, some very serious, and never managed to commit, but somehow with his now wife he just knew. They are now living together in another country with her son and expecting their first child together - but he still hasn’t bothered doing her Australian visa application!
Yes - a close relative! She was married 4 times and had SEVERAL live in boyfriends in between husbands. Every single time she'd get married or move these guys in within 3-6 months of meeting them. EVERY time was "different". "He's the one, I knew it instantly." "When you know you know". "This one is going to last, he's my other half" Blah blah blah. @@ It's very hard to take somebody like that seriously, she was the joke of the family. She had two girls, some of these men had kids so she was step mom a few times only to never see the kids again. Not somebody that should have had kids or have been brought into a relationship with step kids :(

Well she's good at picking out future Mr Ex. Gotta giver her that.


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