Getting to Know You

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Sarah question!
Describe your dream guy/girl (besides just looks.)
He's fun and makes me laugh. He wants a family, and has the same religious beliefs as me. He is college educated and makes a decent amount of money (I'll be on a teacher's salary so I won't be making a lot lol), for looks he has dark hair and blue eyes, and he's tall. He's decisive and kind and romantic. He likes Disney, and is just as happy staying in and watching movies as he is going out.
Obviously this is dream guy, not really expecting all of this lol.
My dream guy is over 6 feet tall, has pretty eyes, and is athletic (soccer, baseball, football). He’s sweet and really funny. He doesn’t let me walk all over him. He cares about me, obviously. He has the same religious values as me (which isn’t a lot so). He does things just to make me happy and he likes to take charge. He likes going out and partying but also likes just chilling at home too. He makes me try new things and takes me out of my comfort zone. Tbh my dream guy is the guy I’m with now
He is college educated and makes a decent amount of money (I'll be on a teacher's salary so I won't be making a lot lol)

Teacher's are overpaid here in New York and we all hate it. They are rich and live in the nicest areas.
Taller than me, not super buff, but built (so, not scrawny. This is entirely too complicated to describe.) Pretty green eyes, a bit over protective, encourages me to do things that I normally wouldn't do but doesn't force me, comforting, smells nice, a very nice smile. I'm pretty picky...
Knows how to lead without being forceful, doesn't see my success as a threat to his manhood, commits equally, shares my values (at least the important ones), respects my need for introvert time, good communication (from both of us, really), shares some interests with me but has his own as well

and aesthetically pleasing to me would be a bonus
Favorite Class: I literally just started yesterday, so I really don't know.

Dream Guy: They have to be One Direction.
Gosh my favorite class is probably my art 101. I just love my teacher so much. And art in general.

ooh my dream guy is young Leonardo dicaprio or Luke Hemmings. Obviously the blonde hair and blue eyes is my pick of choice. I love humor, and if they understand my humor, that has to be a must. They have to have a minor toleration for my Disney love, too. I would like them to be slightly musical/artistic and into some sports. I would love for them to be good with kids too. That is so important to me
Does it bother you when people call you pet names?
Not from people I'm close with, especially people from my church, and I'm sure that when I'm in a relationship I'll like it when my boyfriend calls me by them. But at my job strangers are constantly calling me "honey," "sweetie," "sweetheart," and "babe," both in person and over the phone, and depending on who it is it just gets a little weird.
Ew, no. At work men would call me "honey" "sweetheart" or "sweetie" and I would want to throw up. They weren't doing it in a flirtatious sense, but it's still weird and I don't like it.
I don't really like "babe" or "baby" either, my bf will call me "bae" because it started as a joke but now it's just a normal thing lol. Sometimes he'll say "babe" or "my girl" which is ehhhh, I honestly just prefer my name.
If a boy ever called me "princess" I'd break up with him
My friends call me names, and I absolutely love it when my boyfriend does. Other people, nah.
Me and my friends call each other bae because we're all alone forever LOL apart from that obviously my parents have a variety of names for me and my closest friend calls me 'hun' most of the time lol it's cute tho
Orreed question!
What is your favorite class this year?
Umm, I'm honestly not a huge fan of any of my classes this semester, but I really like my women studies professor so that might be my favorite.
Lunch. Jk, um, so far probably GAT Reading. It's always been my favorite.
Does it bother you when people call you pet names?
Not from people I'm close with, especially people from my church, and I'm sure that when I'm in a relationship I'll like it when my boyfriend calls me by them. But at my job strangers are constantly calling me "honey," "sweetie," "sweetheart," and "babe," both in person and over the phone, and depending on who it is it just gets a little weird.

Absolutely, I don't really tolerate it. I have my stupid nicknames given to me by friends and I prefer them. XD

Even after almost a year I'm still being called Chi, just because of a typo xD
north carolina has the lowest teacher salaries in any of the states #REPRESENT

New York had the highest! I think new York and New Jersey rival each other for teacher salaries. Want to make at least 100K a year as a teacher? Move to NY!
When it's my close friends or the boy I like (sounds lame, but the reality is way too complicated to explain), I LOVE it. I like when they call me "bae" or stuff like that. Similarly, it was a joke at first but now it's a regular thing. And I love love love it when the boy calls me "my girl" or anything like that.
Orreed question!
What did you wear on the first day of school?
I wore jeans and this cute silky tank top that I love. And I wore black strappy sandals. I wasn't trying too hard.
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