Gifts for someone leaving for basic training?


DIS Veteran
Feb 6, 2002
I need a few Christmas gift ideas for my son who will be leaving for basic training in January. We have a list that the army supplied of things to bring, stuff like socks and underwear etc..., but that isn't much of a gift. I thought a watch, but have no idea what kind, or if he would be allowed to wear it or even keep it during basic.

Any suggestions?
My friends daughter did Army basic last February--she just finished her training school and is on leave for the next few weeks (a "working leave" kind of thing--she will help recruiters or something before reporting to Fort Brag).

Apparently this isn't the Army we grew up with--so it is a little bit nicer, but still strict. She was able to take her Iphone, but it was locked up until they earned time to use it. The best gift she appreciated, was an extensive support system that would write to her regularly (especially since contact with the outside world is cut off). Sending along envelopes and stamps is a biggy! We couldn't really send gifts and stuff that I can remember.

And it seemed, according to the paperwork her mom received, that the Army really encourages families to write write write!
DS was given a VERY limited list of things he could take with him. He was told in no uncertain terms that anything outside that list would be taken and disposed of for good, not held for him so your son should be careful. He did take his phone and they removed and kept the battery. He was allowed to use it two times for about 5 minutes each time, so don't plan on much talk time (especially if he has a girlfriend):laughing:

Once basic is over, the one thing my son has treasured the most is his 17" laptop for watching movies, using Skype to talk with family members, and just generally being "connected" when possible. He is really happy he has the larger model because the netbooks that so many have now can't take the place of a television and don't play DVDs.

I don't recall if a watch was on the "approved list" but I don't think so. The best present you could probably give him would be his choice of "last suppers":rotfl2: cuz there's nothing like Mama's cooking!
You could give him gift cards to restaurants, stores or movie theaters for outside of the base. My relatives and I did this a few years back for one of my cousins when he joined the Marines.
My hubby is the XO for a basic training unit. You'd be surprised at some of the things they have to "dispose" of. The first thing they are told is what NOT to bring... and those that bring that stuff get a tongue lashing for not being able to follow directions from the get-go. Some good items... writing material, phone cards, some money for when they are allowed to use it - depends on what phase they are in - they can bring cell phones and earn them back, but many of them turn up missing, or get stolen. No watches, jewelry, etc. Foot care products are a must, as well as a couple of sharpies. Black. To label EVERYTHING.

Less is better. Once he gets to his AIT, he will be able to have more. It's less strict.

Where is he going to be for basic? (I wonder if my hubby will have him. lol)

Just wanted to add... have him bring a cheap watch, just in case he is allowed to have it. Every place is different. BUT, it needs to be able to withstand water, mud, being tossed around, and beaten up.
You could give him gift cards to restaurants, stores or movie theaters for outside of the base. My relatives and I did this a few years back for one of my cousins when he joined the Marines.

If he's Army, he will NOT be allowed to do this while in basic.
And it seemed, according to the paperwork her mom received, that the Army really encourages families to write write write!

Very true. You should see mail day. They are vultures, I tell you. Vultures circling their prey.;)
I need a few Christmas gift ideas for my son who will be leaving for basic training in January. We have a list that the army supplied of things to bring, stuff like socks and underwear etc..., but that isn't much of a gift. I thought a watch, but have no idea what kind, or if he would be allowed to wear it or even keep it during basic.

Any suggestions?

Oh! I writing journal. A nice leather bound one that he can write his achievements and activities in. He'll appreciate it later. My husband's friend got him one before he went to basic and he still likes to look back on those memories.
He is going into the army, will be doing basic at Fort Jackson. From the sound of it, looks like he'll get more "before he leaves" things.

He got the list of what to take, so I know not to deviate from that. I guess I'll get him a cheap Casio or Timex watch. When he graduates basic my plan is to give him a laptop, so I guess that will make up for a socks and undies Christmas. I like the idea of stamps and writing supplies. Is there a certain type of paper the can or can't bring? The phone cards? I can get those at the post office right (dumb question, but I've never bought a phone card :confused3).

Surfergirl602, wouldn't that be funny if my son gets your husband in basic!
make sure the watch is black or may have to leave in wall locker
another big hit that can be sent- cough drops!
I know that when I went thru jackson- males were issued "army underwear"
they are boxer/briefs and tan in color- they were required to wear them.
sharpie is a GREAT idea- that way he can put is "name and last 4" on all his stuff. you would be suprised at what others will try to "lay claim to"

envelopes, pencils, pens, some money, they will need to buy things when they get there- laundry soap, shower soap, shampoo, all white socks NO LOGOS and if he wears shorter socks THEY MUST COVER THE ANKLE BONE or they will be put away. that is one of the biggest rules for fitness uniform

also- he may want to get his hair cut right before leaving- I know that all the males HAD to get their hair cut every week.

less is better- they will have to carry all the stuff they brought with plus everything they are issued- so one small bag is best
My hubby is the XO for a basic training unit. You'd be surprised at some of the things they have to "dispose" of. The first thing they are told is what NOT to bring... and those that bring that stuff get a tongue lashing for not being able to follow directions from the get-go. Some good items... writing material, phone cards, some money for when they are allowed to use it - depends on what phase they are in - they can bring cell phones and earn them back, but many of them turn up missing, or get stolen. No watches, jewelry, etc. Foot care products are a must, as well as a couple of sharpies. Black. To label EVERYTHING.

Less is better. Once he gets to his AIT, he will be able to have more. It's less strict.

Where is he going to be for basic? (I wonder if my hubby will have him. lol)

Just wanted to add... have him bring a cheap watch, just in case he is allowed to have it. Every place is different. BUT, it needs to be able to withstand water, mud, being tossed around, and beaten up.

This...husband says he MAY be able to keep a watch, but make sure it's all black with a velcro band and that it's not too expensive since he may have it taken away/stolen.
Thanks for the advice! I don't know why, but I am shocked that Soldiers would steal from each other.

We tend to place a high value in our soldiers, but just like any other large scale work situation, not everyone is of the highest honor..even in the Army.
I went to my friend's AIT graduation and one of her fellow soldiers was already in serious trouble and was lucky to be staying in the army. The penalties she is receiving, while harsh--seem rather kind given the alternative of getting kicked out. That will happen the next time she commits the same offense. I was shocked as well, but then realized that I should not be. My friend wasn't even shocked. But she had funny stories from basic. She's an older soldier having graduated college a couple of years ago. She's a good 5 years older than most of her training buddies.
when I went in there was a list of things you could bring in.... and when I got there, that list was null and void. we were issued all the same clothing, swimsuits, shoes, and that sort of thing. We even couldn't keep the stationary, those were to be bought at the store along with the bras and hygene products. We all went through our belongings and put what we couldn't have either in a box to send home or in a donate box, this was some time ago but we were not allowed to have anything really except down the road when your family would send you cookies <would have to send you enough for everyone> and pictures.
I need a few Christmas gift ideas for my son who will be leaving for basic training in January. We have a list that the army supplied of things to bring, stuff like socks and underwear etc..., but that isn't much of a gift. I thought a watch, but have no idea what kind, or if he would be allowed to wear it or even keep it during basic.

Any suggestions?

A phone card. My nephew did basic a couple of years ago, and he told us that he was allowed to take almost nothing with him. And while at basic, any yummy goodies they got in the mail were taken by the CO and passed out among everyone, just FYI.
He is going to be pretty restricted to his base/barricks/chow hall for the time being.

You can tell around here (Ft. Benning) that a bunch of BT's have just graduated as there are huge groups out and about the last few weekends.

Benning has a facebook page for the families to keep connected, not really with their soldier specifically, but with what is going on with the units. Some of the units have their own individual pages, where photos and news are posted. You might want to check to see if Ft. Jackson has one as well as his unit.
My brother is at Fort Jackson right now. As others have said, they are very limited in personal items. But write lots of letters!!! He LOVES getting letters. He is even sending us the name of a person in his group who never gets mail, so we'll write him/her as well. Those letters are their connection during basic, so that would be my suggestion.
Not to highjack thread by my son is in ft benning right now graduating on the 10th! I can't wait to see him.. I also am part of the benning web page and his units page. It has been an amazing journey with my son. Thanks to all the Benning families...

He is going to be pretty restricted to his base/barricks/chow hall for the time being.

You can tell around here (Ft. Benning) that a bunch of BT's have just graduated as there are huge groups out and about the last few weekends.

Benning has a facebook page for the families to keep connected, not really with their soldier specifically, but with what is going on with the units. Some of the units have their own individual pages, where photos and news are posted. You might want to check to see if Ft. Jackson has one as well as his unit.
Not to highjack thread by my son is in ft benning right now graduating on the 10th! I can't wait to see him.. I also am part of the benning web page and his units page. It has been an amazing journey with my son. Thanks to all the Benning families...

First of all, Congratulations to your son. Are they graduating at the new museum? If so, make sure to take the time for a tour, it will make your experience more memorable.

We love it, but I was born and raised in the area, my mom worked Civil Service for more than 32 years at Benning, I have spent more than my fair share of time out there over the years and I met my DH, through friends stationed there.

If you need to know anything, let me know, I will be more than happy to help out other military families (sounds strange, DH is going back active to his reserve unit after a 5 year hiatus).



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