Girls Only Trip (old planning thread, see link to new one in 1st post)

Maybe you need to both go in to the doctor just to have a record in case you hurt something?:confused3

You could turn the bills into the insurance company. It couldn't hurt.

I was thinking the same thing. Get yourself to a doc and get everything documented.

I'm glad you and your mom are ok:hug:
We are staying at Stacielees timeshare.
I want to stay at the Golden Nugget just for the pool. It looks way cool!!

I know! I just ordered a miraclesuit online so I have the confidence to brave the pool! It costs money but it is the ONLY WAY i'd wear a swimsuit. Hands down. I hope it fits I tried getting one once and sent it back because I have a really long torso. I'm 5'9" but have to roll my jeans up because my legs are short! I'm weird like that :rolleyes1 My bikini days are over but I don't think that would work too well with a water slide anyway :eek:
:rotfl2: Love the sig!!!

Bad girl bad girl, whatca gonna do?

Whats her name?

What sig?

You know.. i was thinking.. maybe since Steph is so sweet to do the cards for the trip... which i *still* have in my purse and use.

Perhaps we could do a sort of drive for the military and make the donation in her name.

Meaning.. i know there is a group that takes children of fallen soldiers to Disneyland once a year.. i just can't remember their names.

What if we did a stuffed toy drive for the children of fallen soldiers as a special thank you to Steph?

If each of us picked up a a stuffed animal between now and christmas or several small ones.. we could help make a childs christmas a little brighter.

Oh--THAT sig! I would be happy to do whatever. Just let me know.

I will watch tomorrow on Tivo. But I already heard what happened.

Now I am gonna have to look online to see what happened on Survivor. If Deb or Coach are still there I will be peeved.

I can only pray for jello shots

I'll make jello shots for your graduation--just let me know when and where! I'm an expert now!

Hey Everyone,

Last night Our Sweet WendyLouWho's car got hit by a teenage driver {Let's hope her parents have good insurance} so if you can send her good thoughts, cuz she might be sore know how your body tenses up in an accident.:guilty: Even though she was okay last night.. the next day you can really be aware of the reality you were in a car accident and your car is damaged, now you have to start dealing with the insurance companies to get it repaired.

So Please just send a prayer or a thought to her today!:angel:


Oh man!!! If it's not one thing it's another. Wendy--hope you (and your Mom) are ok and I agree it might be a good idea to get checked out by a doc--just in case. Sometimes it takes a while for injuries to show up.

Morning all!

Wendy I am so sorry about your accident. Hope you are feeling ok and that your car is not hurt to bad. Hope that kid had insurance!!!

Linda congrats on the yard. It is beautiful!! And enjoy your gift cert!! :)

Dawn I love your little doggie. I am not a little dog person but she sure is cute!!

I just can't believe it is almost graduation time! I bet all you almost grads are so excited, Stacie and Bridgette (and anyone else I may be forgetting). I can't believe my kiddos will be out of school in 4 weeks. I will be SOO glad to sleep in! ;)

Yesterday we went to swim and Shane had his union meeting. We were supposed to get our team suits in but we didn't. Then I came home and watched survivor. Kind of surprised by the results but as long as one of them left that was fine.

But right I left I got a call from my psych's office and they said when I did my bloodwork last week that my CO2 level was high. I have NO idea what that is supposed to mean but he wanted to send it to my primary care's office. So they did but then she didn't call me back. So I hope it isn't anything to worry about. Hopefully she will call me today if it is is a problem but I asked the psych's office about it and they said they thought it might be something related to my Topomax which is stupid because I have been taking that for 2 years. It didn't show up on any of the bloodwork I did before when I was on the depocoat so I don't know why it would show up now! I have to go in AGAIN today so who knows. It kind of is disturbing though that my reg doc didn't call back but maybe it isn't that big of a deal. I just hate not knowing. Obviously my psych thought it was or they wouldn't have called.

THEN last night Shane came home and said that the union is dropping our ins and we have to go with a diff one which SUCKS because with me being bipolar sometimes ins won't take you. So now I am stressed about THAT. I am all established and have apts with my therapists through the whole summer and I don't know how this is going to affect that. Plus my neuro and my urologist. I was NOT happy to hear that and THEN he dropped the bomb that he got a call from a detective and that while Lynn was in juvey last month she told them that Shane had beat her up last year and so now we have THAT crap. It is a total lie and we were ALREADY investigated by CPS about it last May and they determined she lied but she brought it up AGAIN! And this time she said that it wasn't a lie. So she is starting crap again. So he called and said he re-opened an investigation. So now I don't know what is going to happen on THAT but last night needless to say I got NO sleep and I was stressed to the max. I swear what else!!!! The good thing is we were in a parade the VERY next day and she didn't have a mark on her and we had at LEAST a hundred witnesses so if she wants to lie she picked a hell of a day to lie cuz we have PLENTY of witnesses on our side for that one! I am just totally disgusted with her right now. She isn't even here anymore and STILL trying to stir up crap. Shane has been letting her do whatever she wants and she is STILL trying to start crap. UGH!

Anyway I am going in and getting yet MORE blood drawn and then going to work today and then we have time trials tomorrow so no sleeping in tomorrow. And then tomorrow night we are supposed to go to some friends house for dinner. So hopefully I will feel up to it and my headache won't be bothering me.

Anyway I hope everyone has a good friday and take care. :)

Kelly-- hugs to you. I can't believe your step-daughter is keeping up this crap.

Nerd alert! I just bought tickets for the American Idol concert! I'm taking my BFF's 14 year old daughter.

HOW COOL! If wanting to see the AI concert means you're a nerd . . . well then I guess I'm a nerd.

Thank you everyone for your concern! :grouphug:

My mom and I are both experiencing some pain today. Her shoulder hurts and for me, it's my back and lower neck. I spent the morning dealing with the insurance company. Now I'm just waiting for her to give her side of the story. Hopefully everything goes smoothly! :goodvibes

I hope everyone is having a great day!

Wendy--whatever are we going to do with you? (If you need help on anything let me know.)

Ok--my news for today is that I took a tumble last night. For you Divas who have been to my place, I was getting Bella from the living room (where she was about to do her "business") to take her outside and tripped on one of the two stairs leading up to the dining room. I was so worried as I went down that I would crush her :scared1: that I protected her and not myself, and in the process hit my upper lip on the wood floor. Blood everywhere--and now I look like--in the immortal words of my friend/landlord Scott--a collagen injection gone wrong. I am also lisping. Luckily it does not appear that I loosened any teeth--and I did manage to eat. (So much for turning this into a positive by not being able to eat.)

Bella was scared at first because of all the commotion, but now is back to her feisty self. (LIke this morning when she thought the underwear I was trying to put on was her new playtoy.)

Dawn: Little Dog is SOOOO cute. I think she and her cousin Bella would have a great time together!

So for the Divas I'm meeting tomorrow night (Jen--how is your DS?) I may look funny but I'll be there. And I can't WAIT for my Sweet Sunday with my Mom and Linda and her DH and DD. (And can I just say congrats to Linda on the win for her yard? Also, want to come landscape my courtyard?????:idea:)

Ok--running to meet some girlfriends I haven't seen for a while for a belated birthday lunch. Will talk to you all later.
What sig?

Oh--THAT sig! I would be happy to do whatever. Just let me know.

I'll make jello shots for your graduation--just let me know when and where! I'm an expert now!

Oh man!!! If it's not one thing it's another. Wendy--hope you (and your Mom) are ok and I agree it might be a good idea to get checked out by a doc--just in case. Sometimes it takes a while for injuries to show up.

Kelly-- hugs to you. I can't believe your step-daughter is keeping up this crap.

HOW COOL! If wanting to see the AI concert means you're a nerd . . . well then I guess I'm a nerd.

Wendy--whatever are we going to do with you? (If you need help on anything let me know.)

Ok--my news for today is that I took a tumble last night. For you Divas who have been to my place, I was getting Bella from the living room (where she was about to do her "business") to take her outside and tripped on one of the two stairs leading up to the dining room. I was so worried as I went down that I would crush her :scared1: that I protected her and not myself, and in the process hit my upper lip on the wood floor. Blood everywhere--and now I look like--in the immortal words of my friend/landlord Scott--a collagen injection gone wrong. I am also lisping. Luckily it does not appear that I loosened any teeth--and I did manage to eat. (So much for turning this into a positive by not being able to eat.)

Bella was scared at first because of all the commotion, but now is back to her feisty self. (LIke this morning when she thought the underwear I was trying to put on was her new playtoy.)

Dawn: Little Dog is SOOOO cute. I think she and her cousin Bella would have a great time together!

So for the Divas I'm meeting tomorrow night (Jen--how is your DS?) I may look funny but I'll be there. And I can't WAIT for my Sweet Sunday with my Mom and Linda and her DH and DD. (And can I just say congrats to Linda on the win for her yard? Also, want to come landscape my courtyard?????:idea:)

Ok--running to meet some girlfriends I haven't seen for a while for a belated birthday lunch. Will talk to you all later.

Oh my goodness, Cheryl, that is awful that you fell down! I hope you are ok.:hug:

WendyLouWho, you poor baby, too! Injuries like that have a way of getting worse a couple of days later. You and your mom be careful not to dismiss anything that might be a problem.

And Kelly, geesh girl, things have got to get better for you. :)

And I was VERY tempted to buy AI tix this morning myself. I restrained however because we bought Mary Poppins tix for December at the Ahmanson in LA and the $300+ just hit DH's CC and I know if I asked him what the answer would be....
Good Morning Divas!!!
Wow, I only had 6 pages to go thru to catch up!!!........ Congrats to all those that accomplished something.......another cute pup pic.....welcome to the new Oregon gal (Carol?)....from another new Oregon gal (me!!)....hope Wendy is ok & the car gets fixed without all the hassles.....hope everyone else has a wonderful day.......


Laurie, I totally LOVE this pic!
It is wayyyy toooo cute.:cutie:

It's almost the weekend everyone, yippee!:banana::banana::banana:
Hey, my DD8 and I may be there on Friday the 22nd!!!!

Mumble mumble as I scribble, lines/corndog in my prayer book. DONE!!!

We're going to be in DL May 14-16; sorry we're going to miss you!

We are staying at Stacielees timeshare.
I want to stay at the Golden Nugget just for the pool. It looks way cool!!

It's the Summer Bay Resort on the strip.

Wendy, Cheryl, Kelly, hugs to all of you... :grouphug: Hope everything gets better for you ladies!!
Oy, Cheryl, I hope you're okay. I've almost tripped over my dogs many times. It's hard trying to not fall on them.

Kelly, I'm glad you know what it is, I still hope you feel better.

WendyLouWho! You poor girl. Take some pain medicine and a nappy!

Hugs to everyone!
Those are cute shirts, Rochelle! Thanks for taking the pictures of them, that was so thoughtful of you:hug: I LOVE Hello Kitty!!!

Glad you like the shirt :goodvibes: Me too! I am crazy about Hello Kitty! :love:

Hey Everyone,

Last night Our Sweet WendyLouWho's car got hit by a teenage driver {Let's hope her parents have good insurance} so if you can send her good thoughts, cuz she might be sore know how your body tenses up in an accident.:guilty: Even though she was okay last night.. the next day you can really be aware of the reality you were in a car accident and your car is damaged, now you have to start dealing with the insurance companies to get it repaired.

So Please just send a prayer or a thought to her today!:angel:


Awww...poor Wendy :hug: I'm glad she is okay and I hope she is not sore. :grouphug: I know how scary car accidents can be. My bf hydroplaned on the freeway 3 months ago when it was raining. His car slipped on some oil. Luckily he wasn't hurt, didn't hit any other cars but he did have quite some damage from doing a 360 and hitting the center divider. He gets his car back today (his insurance is shady and he's switching after this). My thoughts and prayers are with Wendy. :grouphug:

Morning ladies!! TGIF!!!! :cool1:

Rochelle, I love that pirate shirt!! Sadly, $36 is out of my budget for one shirt. Darn, they even have my size too. :guilty: Oh well, it's very cute. Thanks for posting it. I hope some of the Divas will get it so I can see it in person! :yay: is cute but I agree, a bit expensive but cute! :)
Oh man!!! If it's not one thing it's another. Wendy--hope you (and your Mom) are ok and I agree it might be a good idea to get checked out by a doc--just in case. Sometimes it takes a while for injuries to show up.

Wendy--whatever are we going to do with you? (If you need help on anything let me know.)

Seriously, right!? It's amazing I'm still allowed behind the wheel of a car. :rotfl2:

Why'd you have to go and fall!!!? I hope your lip gets better very soon! :goodvibes

WendyLouWho! You poor girl. Take some pain medicine and a nappy!

Hugs to everyone!

Believe me, when I get off of work I'm going to take a VERY long nap.

Hugs back! :hug:

Thanks again to everyone for your concern! :grouphug: Here's hoping this is the last of my car troubles for a VERY long time!!!
Nerd alert! I just bought tickets for the American Idol concert! I'm taking my BFF's 14 year old daughter.
How fun!!

Anyway enough of that. I am just so glad I have you guys to talk to. You are great friends and I am so glad that I met you all and that you are here!

My mom and I are both experiencing some pain today. Her shoulder hurts and for me, it's my back and lower neck.
Hope you feel better soon. :hug:
Ohhh geez. We just had an earthquake! Shakey!

AAAAAAH! That's frightening! Fires, earthquakes, it's boring in Indiana. Lots of corn, humidity and mosquitos. Right now I'm just twiddling my thumbs waiting for my partial family cookout. My youngest older brother is bringing his wife and my two nieces to my parents house they're eating crab legs :eek: I could barf. They're BBQing chicking for the girls and me. Last time they did this they had the big bowl of empty legs in front of me and I sat wide eyed staring until they moved it haha.

So to pass the time, in honor of Wendy :hug:, I put on the necklace she sent me in the exchange :cool1:, cracked open a Blue Moon (it might be 1 where most of you are but it's happy hour her)threw some light harvarti cheese and crackers one a plate and now I'm surfing the dis. Good times :wizard:

I hope everyone is having a magical day! :wizard:
Another one? There have been several recently hasn't there?

That is one thing about CA I do not miss.

I looked it up and if I am looking at it correctly it looks like it was near Ojai - not that far from you
Courtney! It was a 4.2 the same strength as the last one that was in Westlake.

Earthquakes and the fires are things I really don't like about CA. Everything else is great!
Another one? There have been several recently hasn't there?

That is one thing about CA I do not miss.

Yeah. The radio said right now this was like the 6 one or something in So Cal in the last couple weeks.

I looked it up and if I am looking at it correctly it looks like it was near Ojai - not that far from you
Courtney! It was a 4.2 the same strength as the last one that was in Westlake.

Earthquakes and the fires are things I really don't like about CA. Everything else is great!

Yep. Ojai! We felt just a little. It just felt like someone was running down the hall or something.

Earthquakes and a fire at the same time! Scary stuff. :scared:
Ohhh geez. We just had an earthquake! Shakey!

If this state is a rockin' don't come a knockin'!

I hope everyone is OK! :hug:

So to pass the time, in honor of Wendy :hug:, I put on the necklace she sent me in the exchange :cool1:, cracked open a Blue Moon (it might be 1 where most of you are but it's happy hour her)threw some light harvarti cheese and crackers one a plate and now I'm surfing the dis. Good times :wizard:

I hope everyone is having a magical day! :wizard:

I don't like crab either. :scared:
Yay, I'm glad you like the necklace! :banana:
I love, love, love havarti cheese. Can we switch places?


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